Q: Mark Russell Bell
L: Lou Gentile, “The Lou Gentile Show”
N: Narrator of ‘Enfield Poltergeist’ tape
V: Voices heard on ‘Enfield Poltergeist’ tape
E: Enfield spirit voices
K: Kevin, caller from Pennsylvania
M: Mark, caller from Pennsylvania
R: Rose, caller from Pennsylvania
J: Jacob, caller
L: And we’re back to “The Lou Gentile Show” broadcasting live and we’re speaking tonight with Mark Russell Bell, author, researcher, Hollywood publicity manager — or former Hollywood publicity manager. And we’re talking tonight about talking poltergeists, paranormal activity and the spirit world. Different things like that. And you might want to write this toll-free number down. It’s — it’s a new one so here it is: (gives number). That’s (gives number). Unfortunately, it works only in the United States so our Canada and U.K. listeners, at least for right now, can’t give a call in. Hopefully, that’ll be taken care of within the next week — actually next week. So, anyway, what I’m going to be doing when we come back because as you know in the — in the very beginning of the — at least at the top of the hour I have a couple minutes to say my spiel, basically we’re going to be playing something that I — I — I very rarely play. I’m not going to play it in its entirety; however, Mark was a little inquisitive about the Enfield Poltergeist case. As a lot of the listeners of the show know, the Enfield Poltergeist case was probably one of the most documented poltergeist cases in human history basically because there were photographs, there was audio, there was video, there was all kinds of different things — levitation of objects. But for the most part, the one thing that stood out in the Enfield Poltergeist case was the voice. And the voice developed over many months until it finally developed into singing and things like that. And then it developed into a full-fledged voice that would manifest out of thin air. Now there were a lot of skeptics out there that thought that the little girl was throwing her voice and things like that but when people are trying to explain things scientifically that’s all they have to pull out of their hat. However, when Ed Warren investigated it as well as a — a lot of other researchers that were there, they had heard the voice when the girl was not in the room or anywhere around. So where does that lead us to believe? Basically, it leads us to believe that these voices were coming out of thin air from somewhere. Dr. John Beloff—I believe was his name—who did this — I don’t know. I forget. But you’ll hear it in the — in the little clip that we have here. Mr. Beloff, when he investigated it, had also claimed that the voice was not around the little girl although it did for the most part happen a lot around the girl but even when the little girl was out of the room this voice still manifested. And Mr. (“GG”)— Mr. Beloff has a lot of audio and things like that. And he also has — there were photographs taken of these kids actually levitating in midair, cris-crossing in the middle of the night as they slept, which was very interesting. And that had aired on I believe it was “In Search Of” at one point. So when we come back to “The Lou Gentile Show,” we’re going to explore a little bit about Enfield, take your calls after we play this five minute piece or whatever. And I’ll be taking ’em at (gives number). We’re speaking tonight with Mark Russell Bell when we return to “The Lou Gentile Show.” (commercials for International Broadcasting Corporation, Miracle Slim Down, and Matthew Lesko) And we’re back to “The Lou Gentile Show” broadcasting live. Now what we’re about to do is we’re going to play an — the excerpt that we have made. You can hear the full thing at — at my lectures. But you’re going to hear excerpts from this — it’s about twenty minutes long but we’re not going to play that much of it. We’re only going to play a couple minutes of it. Going to go into exactly what happened in the beginning and you’re actually going to hear some of these voices. And I — I do — I really would like to relate to people that if you have a haunting in your home or you think your house is haunted then turn off the radio or — or your speakers because this is not a joke. And I do not — do not take kindly to playing these all the time. That’s why this is only the second time that I’ve actually played these particular voices. Because there have been reports where other voices from these different tapes that were collected from Mr. Beloff and Ed Warren where a lot of people have reported that things were happening in their homes. So right now we’re going to go into the Enfield Poltergeist. Here we go. (music)
N: When investigating the paranormal world it’s easy to become overwhelmed by the hundreds of strange stories describing strange encounters with the unknown. It’s often difficult to separate the accounts of true hauntings and incidents from the various myths and legends that might be fictional things. Once in a while, however, an incident comes along that is not only bizarre but backed up by reliable investigation and solid photographic and audio evidence. This is precisely what occurred when paranormal investigators were called in to examine and document the frightening and real life haunting that occurred in 1977 in the town of Enfield in Northern London. A haunting which would come to be known as the Enfield Poltergeist. Before we begin our examination, however, a word of warning. Some of the evidence we will present are actual audio excerpts from the case which contained disturbing and frightening sounds. Your discretion is advised. Our case begins on the night of August 30th, 1977 in the home of Mrs. Peggy Harper, a divorcee in her middle 40s along with her four children, Janet and Peter, Jimmy and Rose. It was a quiet night like any other until Janet sleepily appeared at her mother’s bedroom door. Janet stated to her mother that something strange was happening in her bedroom. She said that quite suddenly and for no reason at all, her and Peter’s beds had began bouncing up and down, jolting about and in her words “going all funny.” Peggy immediately went to the room but the movements had stopped, leaving her to believe that the children were perhaps having a bit of fun. Everyone returned to bed and all remained quiet for the rest of the night. Around 9:30 the following evening, the mother was perplexed to hear the children laughing excitedly from their bedroom. This time, Janet and Peter told her that there were strange noises coming up from the floor. They heard a strange shuffling, scraping sound bumping along the floor of the bedroom. Janet described the sound as that of a chair scraping along so Peggy took the only chair in the room and moved it quietly downstairs. Within a few moments however, Peggy was horrified to hear the strange sound herself. The same shuffling noise that Janet had described coming from the children’s bedroom above her head. Hurrying up the stairs and into the room, the sound immediately stopped when she turned on the lights. The children were under their covers and no furniture was out of place. (last two sentences repeated) That same night, four loud knocks were heard emanating from the walls of the house. Investigating the sound, the mother watched with total shock as suddenly a heavy chest of drawers began sliding across the floor, traveling a distance of about 18 inches. Somewhat frightened, Peggy managed to push the chest back against the wall, only to have it move once again across the floor . . . (fast forward) . . . of water began to appear on the floors. The banging and knocking sounds . . . on the floors.
L: I’m going to try and get this right. (small laugh)
N: The banging and knocking sounds were a nightly phenomenon and pillows and blankets were photographed being ripped off their beds, sometimes levitating in midair. Furniture slid across the floor, drawers being pulled out and contents smashing on the floor of the bedroom. It seemed as if all hell had broke loose in Enfield but the reporters, investigators and photographers were all in the right place at the right time to capture the events as they unfolded. They documented the incidents on video, photographic and audio equipment as they occurred . . . (fast forward) . . . and the microphones that had been placed in the house. And Janet asleep in her bed was suddenly ripped from her covers and hurled not only from her bed but completely out of the room and onto the stairs down the hallway. Startled investigators and family can be heard looking for the missing girl.
V: (shout)
V: (gasps)
V: Janet! (“GO”)
V: Why? Why?
V: Where is she?
V: Don’t know.
V: (shout)
V: (something concerning a room)
V: (groans)
V: This time Janet was thrown right out of the room onto the stairs.
V: That’s incredible. How the hell did she get through there?
V: Did the door open? That door was closed when I got here.
V: The door opened.
V: The door opened as she went through.
V: She went right near the door and it opened like this. And I tried to get out. I couldn’t.
V: The door opened to let her out the door.
V: Just what happened? Just tell me what happened?
V: . . . I felt something pull me by the arms like this. And I tripped over there and I went there. Then he picked me up. Then I saw — the door opened and I . . . (fast forward) . . .
V: When it pulled the picture off the wall.
V: Oh Janet you . . . (fast forward)
N: . . . grunting noise that began to manifest.
L: Here we go. Now we’re coming to the voices.
N: As the haunting continued, the sounds grew louder and gradually began to develop into a voice. Surely of all the occurrences at Enfield, the most fascinating incident had to be the voice. What made this case unique in Ed’s opinion was even though skeptics had claimed that the little girl could’ve been throwing the voices, Ed Warren heard the voices often while he was alone in various rooms where there were no family members present. The voices spoke to Ed and gave him information relating to the existence of hell. This confirmed his suspicions these entities were actually devils. During Ed’s visit to the Enfield case, these entities screamed, moved objects, levitated people, and tried to hurt individuals through unseen forces. This is also one of the few cases known to man that an entity has actually manifested a larynx in order to speak.
E: (growls and groans and howls)
N: In the early stages of the haunting, many people investigating the case theorized that these entities were from a cemetery located nearby the home. But after repeated contacts with the voices, the demonic entities grew enraged by the questioning and began to reveal their true origins. At one point, Ed asked one of the demonic entities where it was from. The reply given in a Cockney accent was “are-my.” This in English translates to ‘army.’ Ed asked again if the spirit meant army, to which he received the answer, “Yes.” It seemed at first that the entity had great difficulty speaking. In this next audio segment taken from the house, investigators are trying to coax the voice into saying the name of one of the investigators present, Dr. James Beloff.
V: Say Dr. Beloff. Go on. Let me hear you say that.
V: Right. Go on.
V: Let’s hear you say Dr. Beloff. (pause; other voices hard to hear) Say — say Dr. Beloff . . . Can’t you speak a bit? I can’t hear you talking. Now say Dr. Beloff. Come on. Come on, say it for me. Dr. Beloff.
E: Dr. Beloff.
N: Time continued and the voice grew stronger. The entity began to talk more frequently and for longer periods of time. It often told outrageous lies and described itself as being several different spirits. This segment shows the spirit identifying itself as a man who was 52 years old and used to live in the house. And then he had a hemorrhage, went blind and fell asleep and died in a chair in the corner.
L: Alright, I got to take a short break. I went a little over my five minute thing but it’s very interesting. You’ll hear the rest of these voices when we return to “The Lou Gentile Show” right after this. (commercial begins)
L: You there?
Q: Yes, I am.
L: (small laugh) We’re off the air.
Q: Right.
L: Now, playing that segment, did you hear it?
Q: Yes, I did.
L: Okay, yeah, I got to — we’re going more into the voices. I just wanted you to hear this because it’s very interesting.
Q: Yeah.
L: I don’t usually play this.
Q: Yeah, it — it’s interesting. (“UM-HUH”)
L: Alright, I’ll — we’ll — we’ll be back probably at 33 after.
Q: Okay.
L: So. Alright?
Q: Okay.
L: And then we’ll take some calls and stuff like that.
Q: Okay. And I’ll just — let me conclude (“THE MAIN” “V”) my experience.
L: Yeah.
Q: Okay.
L: Yeah, we’re going to go — we’re going to go into that. I’m holding people’s attention.
Q: Yeah.
L: (small laugh) Alright, hang on.
Q: Okay. (commercial for IBC’s Penny Stock Premium Service)
L: And we are back to “The Lou Gentile Show.” We’re speaking tonight with Mark Russell Bell, author, researcher and former Hollywood publicity manager. We’re talking about talking poltergeists, paranormal activity, the spirit world, and a lot of the different experiences that Mark has had involving the spirit and paranormal world around him. We will be back with him at about 33 after. I’m going to finish up these Enfield voices so the people who’ve never heard this before can hear this. And the warning — if you have a haunted house I suggest you don’t listen to these voices because it could promote something going on. Anyway, we’re going to continue where we left off. And here we go.
V: I want you to tell me what do you remember — what happened to you when you died? Just before you died and just after you died.
E: Days before I died, I’d — I went blind. Then I had a hemorrhage and I fell asleep. And then I died in a chair in the corner downstairs.
V: Do you have any friends there with you?
E: Yes. . . . 69 dogs.
V: And what do you got 69 dogs for?
E: Now then they can protect me from you killing me. . .
V: How can we kill you, Bill?
E: You . . .
V: And how do we — how do we kill you, if we can’t see you, Bill?
E: By praying to God.
V: Sorry, I didn’t mean that, Bill.
E: By praying to God.
V: By praying to God? So what you’re saying is we could get rid of you by praying to God?
E: Yes.
N: Several prominent researchers in the field have reviewed the tapes captured at Enfield. Recently investigator Lou Gentile discovered several other voices layered within the recording. He feels that based on the audio evidence, these may be the voices of several entities contained within the tapes. While Ed Warren was investigating the Enfield voices he had asked the spirits for some sort of confirmation that they were indeed spirits and asked for information that Ed could verify. With that, one of the demonic entities asked Ed what Annabelle was doing at his house. Annabelle was a Raggedy Ann doll that had been involved in a separate haunting case that he had investigated previously in the United States. The doll had been known to move about during the haunting and had been removed from the afflicted home and placed inside a glass case in the Warrens’ office. The voices direct reference to the doll prompted him to call his wife Lorraine back in the U.S. Over the phone, he asked Lorraine if she could check on Annabelle. Lorraine discovered that Annabelle was indeed outside her glass case once again and was discovered peering out the window. Ed’s suspicions were confirmed and the more Ed spoke to these entities, the more information they gave Ed as to their origins. During the Enfield haunting, Jimmy became aware of being tired and not feeling up to his usual self. Many people noticed that Jimmy began to look tired and haggard in appearance. By the end of the Enfield case, Jimmy took on an appearance of an old man in his 90s, which could’ve been attributed to a disease but accelerated over the course of a couple of months. Jimmy died from these complications and all activity at Enfield ceased. Or at least they thought. On the day of Jimmy’s funeral, Jimmy’s body was physically thrown outside of the casket by unseen forces in front of everyone in the church in a last attempt to show that devils really can kill people. This may all sound like some world class horror novel but this is one of the most documented paranormal cases in the history of ghost. Consider this. People say that a ghost can’t kill you but if things can be levitated and objects can be moved about by unseen spirits then how easy it would be for them to trip someone, launch objects at a person with deadly consequences.
L: And there we go. That’s Enfield. That’s some scary stuff there. Extremely scary. Imagine having that in your house. Voices coming out of nowhere. Things being moved or levitated. We’re taking your calls toll-free for tonight’s guest Mark Russell Bell. (gives number) That’s (gives number). When we return to “The Lou Gentile Show” right after this. (commercials for IBC’s Penny Stock Premium Service, Inventech, and International Broadcasting Corporation) And we’re back to “The Lou Gentile Show” broadcasting live. We’re speaking tonight with Mark Russell Bell, author, researcher and former Hollywood publicity manager. We’re talking about talking poltergeists, paranormal activity, the spirit world and a lot of the different activity that has been around Mark. Mark, welcome back to the show.
Q: Hi, Lou.
L: What’d you think of the Enfield?
Q: Well — well I was thinking first of all that Mighael of course is the Entity that channels the other entities, almost the One who brings forth other spirits at a given time. I was interested in the synchronicity. (“OF”) When I was a — a talent agent — I was a talent agent before I was a publicist — one of my clients was named Banks Harper. She was very talented, very beautiful but yet she never really got anywhere much in her career. I remember booking her in a few shows like “The Twilight Zone.” (“BUT”) She — (“PSEUDO”) I remember there was one film in particular that was only casting scale-plus-ten actors and I thought this is it for her. But they ended up casting a name who was wrong for the role. It almost ruined the movie. And she went on in her anonymous ways, struggling. In fact, I wanted to be a screenwriter. Neither one of us was successful in what we wanted yet can you imagine what kind of people we would have turned out to be if we had been successful?
L: Um-huh.
Q: So some people would say that our lack of failure could be attributed to a demonic force while others would attribute the same fortune as an Angelic Force. So I was impressed by the ‘bel’/’bell’ synchronicity and the ‘Harper’ synchronicity.
Q: And in my own family tree one of my ancestors is Abraham Warren who was born in 1575 England. And regarding Annabelle, as I’ve said before, if you don’t think God has a sense of humor just read the “Annabelle” story in that book The Demonologist by Gerald Brittle.
L: Um-huh.
Q: I’ve sent Emails to my cousins. (“BUT” “I”) And I once called them when they were on “Coast to Coast AM” but I really haven’t had much of a conversation with them over the years.
L: Alright. Let’s — let’s go right to the phone lines. You’re on “The Lou Gentile Show.” Who am I speaking with?
K: This is Kevin from Pennsylvania.
L: Yes, Kevin from Pennsylvania, what’s going on?
K: Yeah, my question is from these voices that — that can be heard. How come they’re usually not sentences, they’re just (“LIKE”) phrases or one or two words? (“WHY”) Why do you think that they just say, you know, a little bit and not, you know, explain what they’re doing?
Q: Are you referring to on tape or w(hat) —
K: On tape. (“O”)
Q: On tape. Well I believe it’s — (“WHEN” “WHEN”) — when I’ve heard EVP on radio shows, different people hear different words altogether. So I think something telepathic may be going on. I know in my own case when I tried to interpret EVP, there was one occasion recently when I couldn’t understand what was being said. And then my mom went into the hospital. And then I thought it was saying, “VISIT.” And if I hadn’t visited I don’t think my mother would’ve made it because she needed attention and the nurses were ignoring her. So if you listen to some of the EVP people on some of the shows and people call in and say what they think they’re hearing, it seems fairly obvious that they’re not hearing the same things. So that’s why I think They don’t speak in complete sentences.
L: Okay.
Q: Sometimes they do, by the way. I might mention that in my own experience (“WITH”) with all the Bell synchronicity, it culminated when I came back from Oklahoma and I was trying to decide if I was the reincarnation of Jesus Christ. And I found the book The Wars of Gods and Men by Zecharia Sitchin and on page 224 it talked about Heinrich Zimmern transcribing and translating an Ashur text from clay tablets in the Berlin Museum. He found a “pre-Christian Mysterium dealing with the death and resurrection of a god and thus an earlier Christ tale.” And this turn out — turned out to be someone by the name of Bel-Marduk. So I think that Jesus of Nazareth was one of many christed ones throughout history and, obviously, Bel-Marduk had an earlier resurrection story. And I found out about it in this book by Zecharia Sitchin. So that was the culmination. And I also found a pendant — an Egyptian — an Egyptian pendant with my likeness on it. And you can see it on the Testament index at the website but I found this at — a few blocks away from my home in Echo Park. And it is of, apparently, this Bel-Marduk character who Edgar Cayce also had talked about as Ra-Ta.
L: What do you think about Zecharia Sitchin?
Q: Well I think that — (“AA”) I like the factual material he presents. Of course, he has his own interpretations. For example, where Bel-Marduk is concerned, he believes that this ancient script that he found (“O[N]” “A[T]”) talks about ‘Bel who was confined in The Mountain.’ Now he interprets ‘The Mountain’ as being the Great Pyramid in Egypt. And I, myself, don’t really know. I do know that I worked at Paramount Pictures, which was trapping me in the corporate world of (“AA”) the Paramount mountain for many years. So I do have that correlation also with Bel-Marduk. One thing also when I was hearing your Enfield tape when it was talking about hell, it did remind me of something that the original Bell Witch had said. There was a book by Charles Bailey Bell, a descendant who talked about John Bell Jr. being visited by the ‘Bell Witch’ later on and there’s a large portion of information said to be attributable to the Bell Spirit which they called a witch and it did mention that very thing. If we have time, maybe I’ll — I’ll read that portion. Should I go ahead?
L: Yeah, sure.
Q: Okay:
If Rome had been a follower of Jesus Christ nineteen hundred years ago, on to the date of the decline of their government, they would not have fallen. Selfishness, licentious habits, oppression of the poor, the rich profiting on the suffering of the poor ultimately leads to the downfall of any country. I have seen it for some millions of years. Your country will be tried out. You may be sure there will be a great social change, and the government itself will undergo trials unexpected; it should be equal to this great trial. I shall be there at that time; there will be thousands of spirits unrecognized. As to whether your world continues and recovers, or ends, will depend upon whether the minds of men receive favorably the thoughts given to them spiritually, and unselfishly strive from the highest to the lowest, not merely to recover financially, but each strive to uplift his fellow man and bring the country back to Jesus Christ. Your preachers have at all times, as a class, been your best men, but they can do more harm than any others. Some will at that time outspokenly deny the divinity of Jesus Christ, even deny that there is a Heaven or Hell. There can be no doubt of the serious damage of such a belief; the world should never become converted to the doctrine that sin will not be punished, both here and hereafter.
Q: So that’s a portion attributed to the original Bell — what they called — Witch.
L: Now is — is there a lot of documentation on the Bell Witch you’ve come across?
Q: Yes, it’s — it’s the most documented case. I went to the original Authenticated History of the (Famous) Bell Witch, which had a lot of the relatives — and there were affidavits. It was copyrighted in 1894 by M. V. Ingram. And it’s probably the — the closest source and there have been many different accounts since then. I’ve also found interesting accounts even in such sources as Newsweek magazine, the November 20th 1938 issue had an article about Alice Belle Kirby, which is right in keeping with what we’ve been discussing tonight.
L: Alright, let’s go to the phone lines. You’re on “The Lou Gentile Show.” Who am I speaking with?
M: This is Mark from PA.
L: Okay, Mark, and what’s your question?
M: You mentioned Jesus and reincarnation of him?
Q: That’s right.
M: (archive tape only) This was you?
Q: I — I said that my belief after reading the various paranormal cases and seeing (“THAT”) the miracles of old are just as ever-present throughout the ages—sometimes relegated to these ‘paranormal’-type accounts—led me to the realization that there had been many Christed ones throughout the years and I have read some of — some of those cases.
M: Okay, I — what I’m — my question is you said, if I understood this right, you’re a reincarnation of?
Q: Bel-Marduk. He was an — he was an earlier Christed one. There are a lot of parallels between Egypt and Christianity. (“SER”) For example, the ankh and the cross. There are a lot of books on the fact that many aspects of the Christian story can be traced to an — to earlier gods.
M: Okay. Earlier gods —
Q: God-kings.
M: — plural thereof.
Q: Right.
M: Ahh. Okay. Alright.
Q: We — I believe that we’re each a manifestation of God. But, however, this Michael Force, if you look at all the famous paranormal accounts you’ll see that this is chronicled. The Son of God revealing Themselves to the world through the various paranormal cases. (“FOR”) For example, that account of Dr. George Ritchie in his book.
M: Okay. Well I thank you.
L: Alright. Thanks for the call. (gives number) That’s (gives number). We’re speaking tonight with Mark Russell Bell and we’ll go back to the phone lines. You’re on “The Lou Gentile Show.” Who am I speaking with?
R: This is Rose in Pennsylvania.
L: And what’s your question for Mark?
R: Mark, I saw your website a little earlier today. How are you doing?
Q: Very good. (“I”)
R: Good. I have a question about your New Testament —
Q: Okay.
R: — book. Could you explain to me a little bit more about what that is. Is it meant to be a New Age version of the Bible? I noticed it was in question and — and — question and answer format.
Q: Well my original experience in Oklahoma — I decided the only way to do justice to it was to present it in a question and answer format. And that, of course, was published in paperback as the book Testament.
R: Um-huh.
Q: I put the entire book on the Internet free of charge because I wanted it to be available for everybody. I spent my life savings doing this. I couldn’t afford to publish — self-publish another book so I’m just now adding (“II”) interviews and journal material to this new book entitled New Testament which is also available free of charge at the website.
R: Is it meant to be — just so we understand — is it meant to be a version of the Bible?
Q: Well there’ve been many versions of ‘The Bible’ throughout history. For example, I don’t know if you’re familiar with The Nag Hammadi Library —
R: Yeah.
Q: — but there are many comparable books. (“THROUGH”) You know, through many different cultures. (“THEY”) All — every culture has their own Bible. I would say that mine’s a contemporary ‘New Consciousness Bible.’ (“IT’S A”) It’s a contemporary Bible.
R: I see. Did — is that connected — your need to write that or your mission, as it were, to write that. Is that connected to your belief that you’re (“AA”) reincarnated Jesus?
Q: Well I was reincarnate(d) — well Jesus Christ, again, is two different beings. I’m apparently the reincarnation of Bel-Marduk as I have physical proof. So I am another Christed one and I — at first, I didn’t set out to write the book but I received Guidance every step of the way in terms of meeting the right people to make the book happen.
R: I see.
Q: And I must say too that this Force manifesting around me — (“CAUSE”) the Angelic Force does choose individuals to manifest around, either with healing abilities or as Tiger Woods on the golf course, or you name it — (“AS”) being someone being able to bend keys and spoons. There are individuals selected by this Force to help expand the awareness of others as to the nature of this Force and that’s why I think we’re alive in the first place is to understand this Loving, kind Force that manifests in every person that we meet. And every animal, I might add.
R: I see. Alright. Well thank you very much.
Q: Thank you, Rose.
L: Thanks.
R: Bye-bye. (“GOOD”)
L: (gives number) That’s (gives number). We’re speaking tonight about talking poltergeists, paranormal activities, the spirit world and many other things with Mark Russell Bell. What did you come up with as far as paranormal activity that surrounds you? What — what’s your opinion on it? I mean if somebody was to come up to you — hear what you’re story is, what would you say that — that you think the problem is or do you think that the . . .
Q: Well, again, Spirit communicates us — with us on the level that we’re — that — that — where we find significance. For example, I myself interpret pennies as a good sign and quarters and dimes as different — (“AS A”) different sizes of warning. And this — I can’t tell you how many times this has proved to be true. Now Michael is the Angel associated with the commandments and there was one time when I was bitten underneath one eye by an ant. I then focused on “An eye for an eye” and foll(owing) — and the same night another ant bit me (“BO[TH]” “BB”) beneath the other eye. Needless to say, that these are the only two times that’s ever happened to me. (“SO LIKE”) Again, the Angel Michael/Mighael, the Son of God, is still manifesting what I like to call ‘spiritual advice’ and doing it through myself. One of the other spiritual advices given to me was “Love is the only true religion,” which I mentioned before, which originated as a TV set commercial going on and off.
L: Out of curiosity, why — why did you — why did you finally leave the media? Why did you leave Hollywood? (“WW”)
Q: At — when I came back from Oklahoma, I called the vice president of publicity and I said, ‘I have major paranormal phenomena going on around me. I can’t do any more work. I have” — (“I — I”) I — it’s just — I mean this was all very insignificant in comparison to sharing my experience. I remember saying to her at the time. I said, ‘My friend Marie’s bank account was just cleared out. (“TH”) The Angel could destroy our world in a second.’ In fact, when I called her later to check in like about a year later, her voicemail system came on in the middle (“O[F OU]R”) of our conversation so I’m sure that was enough evidence for her — to know that something was (“GG”) — was happening.
L: Have you ever been a part of an exorcism or anything?
Q: No. (“I”) Well when — when I first was manifesting when I came back to L.A., my friends — I think that they thought that I was possessed and that’s why I ended up in Alhambra. And one night there, for example, in the next bed over from me, a young man was making demonic howling noises, which upset me because I — ’cause nobody outside in the building would — would know that it was coming from him and not from me. So I woke him up and I said, “You were snoring.” I mean it’s hard to — when you — when these things happen, (“E” “IT”) they’re different — you don’t know really how to respond.
L: Alright. We’ve got —
Q: And that was one case of that.
L: Alright, we’ve got to take a short break and we’re going to take the remainder of the calls—(gives number) That’s (gives number)—when we return to “The Lou Gentile Show” right after this. (commercials for IBC’s, International Broadcasting Corporation and Miracle Slim Down) And we’re back to “The Lou Gentile Show” broadcasting live and we’re speaking tonight with Mark Russell Bell, author, researcher, former Hollywood publicity manager, talking about talking poltergeists, paranormal activity, the spirit world and other things of the unknown. Welcome back, Mark.
Q: Hi.
L: And let’s go to the phone lines. Last call of the night. You’re on “The Lou Gentile Show.” Who am I speaking with?
J: Hello? My name is Jacob.
L: Yes. And what’s your question?
J: . . . question about the — the Midichlorian.
L: What is it?
J: Midichlorian.
L: Can you hear that?
Q: State the question again.
J: Midichlorian. They’re — how do you say? I try to — I — the Midi — chlo — clorian.
Q: What — what are — what kind of — is this a — an entity of some kind?
J: Hello?
L: Yeah. Go ahead. You’re on the air.
Q: Yeah. State the whole question.
J: Okay — let me try to think.
L: Any day.
Q: Well while you think, let me just make one statement about Thanksgiving tomorrow. Of course, Thanksgiving can be traced back to 1623 when there was a day of thanksgiving and prayer appointed, held on July 30th that year because there had been a drought for six weeks that had almost destroyed the crops. So the governor appointed the day (a day in mid-July) as a day for prayer and soon a gentle rain came that lasted for several days. And this was followed by more good news about different supplies being delivered so we can trace tomorrow’s holiday to successful prayer. And I think a lot of people forget that. It’s almost become more of a time of thankstaking than thanksgiving. And the Pilgrims’ early survival depended upon prayer and a greater sense of — a very great sense of Spirit.
L: Okay. Vlad, are you there?
J: Hello?
L: Yes. What’s your — what’s your question?
J: My question was about the — the Midichlorian.
L: About Midichlorians?
J: Yes.
L: Okay.
Q: Is that an alien?
J: I don’t think so.
Q: Oh.
L: What’s a Midichlorian?
J: (no answer)
Q: Is there — is there — is there an equivalent English word for that?
L: This — hello?
J: Hello?
L: Yeah. What — what’s with Midichlorians?
J: I — they — yes, they’re a type of alien.
L: Okay. And your question for Mark?
J: Have — have you ever heard of them?
Q: No, I haven’t.
L: Okay. What — what — what are they?
J: They are an alien from — they — they talk to me psychically.
Q: What do they say? Do they say good things or bad things?
J: . . . Not — not bad things. They are good things.
Q: To help your fellow man and help clean up the planet?
J: Sometimes stuff like that. But mainly more personal things like for me to do in the day.
L: Alright. I got to — I got to end the show, guys.
Q: Okay.
L: Thank — thanks for the call. Alright, and I want to thank you very much, Mark, for being on the show tonight. It was definitely a pleasure and I hope to have you back.
Q: Thank you, Lou.
L: And you have a good night.
Q: You too, Lou.
L: Alright.
Q: Bye-bye.
L: Alright. Thanks for listening to “The Lou Gentile Show.” I’ll see everybody Friday night. Will be no show tomorrow so, everybody, we’ll be running ‘best of.’ So I will see everybody Friday night when we speak with Mark Macy on “The Lou Gentile Show.” Good night, ladies and gentlemen. And God bless.
( . . . )
Q: (speaking into tape recorder) I went into the livingroom to let my mother know the interview’s over and she’s watching A&E about Sheila Bellush’s murder. Ann Rule apparently did a book on her or something. I said to my mom, “Isn’t that sweet? The Bell synchronicity again.” She looked thoughtful.
( . . . )
Q: So after thinking about that interview which was difficult because of all the commercials constantly interrupting, I guess I need to mention my perception of hell and heaven based on some of the things heard during the show. I do believe that there is a hell and a heaven, not as a physical place but as a mental state. I know that when I first realized that Spirit was participating in my life and making things happen for me, bringing me my wealth and bringing me everything that I had — and I realized that I should have been doing more for others, I was in a state of hell. Luckily, in my case it happened while I was still alive and I could change my perception of my relationship with Spirit: God and Mighael. So, yes, there really is a hell. It’s something that we, ourselves, create. Do you believe in guilt? Is there such thing as guilt? Have you ever felt guilty about something? Yes. Maybe for some people the answer would be no. That’s what’s interesting about some of these channeled books — (“IS”) reading other observations. After all, it’s usually just one spirit speaking, one of many egos linked with God. We’re all just one ego linked with God. I don’t believe everything I read from these beings. (“I”) Some of it sounds like it could be correct but the main thing is that my overall perception of God and life is an experience — well “It’s all good” was the T-shirt I saw last week at work. Bad things do happen. They’re beyond understanding. But if you look at life, many more good things happen than bad things. Unless we feel guilty, then you’d have to say the opposite would be true. Attempting to walk with Spirit is a good feeling. And I like my new job. That’s an answered prayer. No apparent travesties or cover-ups. People just trying to do the best they can.
N: When investigating the paranormal world it’s easy to become overwhelmed by the hundreds of strange stories describing strange encounters with the unknown. It’s often difficult to separate the accounts of true hauntings and incidents from the various myths and legends that might be fictional things. Once in a while, however, an incident comes along that is not only bizarre but backed up by reliable investigation and solid photographic and audio evidence. This is precisely what occurred when paranormal investigators were called in to examine and document the frightening and real life haunting that occurred in 1977 in the town of Enfield in Northern London. A haunting which would come to be known as the Enfield Poltergeist. Before we begin our examination, however, a word of warning. Some of the evidence we will present are actual audio excerpts from the case which contained disturbing and frightening sounds. Your discretion is advised. Our case begins on the night of August 30th, 1977 in the home of Mrs. Peggy Harper, a divorcee in her middle 40s along with her four children, Janet and Peter, Jimmy and Rose. It was a quiet night like any other until Janet sleepily appeared at her mother’s bedroom door. Janet stated to her mother that something strange was happening in her bedroom. She said that quite suddenly and for no reason at all, her and Peter’s beds had began bouncing up and down, jolting about and in her words “going all funny.” Peggy immediately went to the room but the movements had stopped, leaving her to believe that the children were perhaps having a bit of fun. Everyone returned to bed and all remained quiet for the rest of the night. Around 9:30 the following evening, the mother was perplexed to hear the children laughing excitedly from their bedroom. This time, Janet and Peter told her that there were strange noises coming up from the floor. They heard a strange shuffling, scraping sound bumping along the floor of the bedroom. Janet described the sound as that of a chair scraping along so Peggy took the only chair in the room and moved it quietly downstairs. Within a few moments however, Peggy was horrified to hear the strange sound herself. The same shuffling noise that Janet had described coming from the children’s bedroom above her head. Hurrying up the stairs and into the room, the sound immediately stopped when she turned on the lights. The children were under their covers and no furniture was out of place. (last two sentences repeated) That same night, four loud knocks were heard emanating from the walls of the house. Investigating the sound, the mother watched with total shock as suddenly a heavy chest of drawers began sliding across the floor, traveling a distance of about 18 inches. Somewhat frightened, Peggy managed to push the chest back against the wall, only to have it move once again across the floor . . . (fast forward) . . . of water began to appear on the floors. The banging and knocking sounds . . . on the floors.
L: I’m going to try and get this right. (small laugh)
N: The banging and knocking sounds were a nightly phenomenon and pillows and blankets were photographed being ripped off their beds, sometimes levitating in midair. Furniture slid across the floor, drawers being pulled out and contents smashing on the floor of the bedroom. It seemed as if all hell had broke loose in Enfield but the reporters, investigators and photographers were all in the right place at the right time to capture the events as they unfolded. They documented the incidents on video, photographic and audio equipment as they occurred . . . (fast forward) . . . and the microphones that had been placed in the house. And Janet asleep in her bed was suddenly ripped from her covers and hurled not only from her bed but completely out of the room and onto the stairs down the hallway. Startled investigators and family can be heard looking for the missing girl.
V: (shout)
V: (gasps)
V: Janet! (“GO”)
V: Why? Why?
V: Where is she?
V: Don’t know.
V: (shout)
V: (something concerning a room)
V: (groans)
V: This time Janet was thrown right out of the room onto the stairs.
V: That’s incredible. How the hell did she get through there?
V: Did the door open? That door was closed when I got here.
V: The door opened.
V: The door opened as she went through.
V: She went right near the door and it opened like this. And I tried to get out. I couldn’t.
V: The door opened to let her out the door.
V: Just what happened? Just tell me what happened?
V: . . . I felt something pull me by the arms like this. And I tripped over there and I went there. Then he picked me up. Then I saw — the door opened and I . . . (fast forward) . . .
V: When it pulled the picture off the wall.
V: Oh Janet you . . . (fast forward)
N: . . . grunting noise that began to manifest.
L: Here we go. Now we’re coming to the voices.
N: As the haunting continued, the sounds grew louder and gradually began to develop into a voice. Surely of all the occurrences at Enfield, the most fascinating incident had to be the voice. What made this case unique in Ed’s opinion was even though skeptics had claimed that the little girl could’ve been throwing the voices, Ed Warren heard the voices often while he was alone in various rooms where there were no family members present. The voices spoke to Ed and gave him information relating to the existence of hell. This confirmed his suspicions these entities were actually devils. During Ed’s visit to the Enfield case, these entities screamed, moved objects, levitated people, and tried to hurt individuals through unseen forces. This is also one of the few cases known to man that an entity has actually manifested a larynx in order to speak.
E: (growls and groans and howls)
N: In the early stages of the haunting, many people investigating the case theorized that these entities were from a cemetery located nearby the home. But after repeated contacts with the voices, the demonic entities grew enraged by the questioning and began to reveal their true origins. At one point, Ed asked one of the demonic entities where it was from. The reply given in a Cockney accent was “are-my.” This in English translates to ‘army.’ Ed asked again if the spirit meant army, to which he received the answer, “Yes.” It seemed at first that the entity had great difficulty speaking. In this next audio segment taken from the house, investigators are trying to coax the voice into saying the name of one of the investigators present, Dr. James Beloff.
V: Say Dr. Beloff. Go on. Let me hear you say that.
V: Right. Go on.
V: Let’s hear you say Dr. Beloff. (pause; other voices hard to hear) Say — say Dr. Beloff . . . Can’t you speak a bit? I can’t hear you talking. Now say Dr. Beloff. Come on. Come on, say it for me. Dr. Beloff.
E: Dr. Beloff.
N: Time continued and the voice grew stronger. The entity began to talk more frequently and for longer periods of time. It often told outrageous lies and described itself as being several different spirits. This segment shows the spirit identifying itself as a man who was 52 years old and used to live in the house. And then he had a hemorrhage, went blind and fell asleep and died in a chair in the corner.
L: Alright, I got to take a short break. I went a little over my five minute thing but it’s very interesting. You’ll hear the rest of these voices when we return to “The Lou Gentile Show” right after this. (commercial begins)
L: You there?
Q: Yes, I am.
L: (small laugh) We’re off the air.
Q: Right.
L: Now, playing that segment, did you hear it?
Q: Yes, I did.
L: Okay, yeah, I got to — we’re going more into the voices. I just wanted you to hear this because it’s very interesting.
Q: Yeah.
L: I don’t usually play this.
Q: Yeah, it — it’s interesting. (“UM-HUH”)
L: Alright, I’ll — we’ll — we’ll be back probably at 33 after.
Q: Okay.
L: So. Alright?
Q: Okay.
L: And then we’ll take some calls and stuff like that.
Q: Okay. And I’ll just — let me conclude (“THE MAIN” “V”) my experience.
L: Yeah.
Q: Okay.
L: Yeah, we’re going to go — we’re going to go into that. I’m holding people’s attention.
Q: Yeah.
L: (small laugh) Alright, hang on.
Q: Okay. (commercial for IBC’s Penny Stock Premium Service)
L: And we are back to “The Lou Gentile Show.” We’re speaking tonight with Mark Russell Bell, author, researcher and former Hollywood publicity manager. We’re talking about talking poltergeists, paranormal activity, the spirit world, and a lot of the different experiences that Mark has had involving the spirit and paranormal world around him. We will be back with him at about 33 after. I’m going to finish up these Enfield voices so the people who’ve never heard this before can hear this. And the warning — if you have a haunted house I suggest you don’t listen to these voices because it could promote something going on. Anyway, we’re going to continue where we left off. And here we go.
V: I want you to tell me what do you remember — what happened to you when you died? Just before you died and just after you died.
E: Days before I died, I’d — I went blind. Then I had a hemorrhage and I fell asleep. And then I died in a chair in the corner downstairs.
V: Do you have any friends there with you?
E: Yes. . . . 69 dogs.
V: And what do you got 69 dogs for?
E: Now then they can protect me from you killing me. . .
V: How can we kill you, Bill?
E: You . . .
V: And how do we — how do we kill you, if we can’t see you, Bill?
E: By praying to God.
V: Sorry, I didn’t mean that, Bill.
E: By praying to God.
V: By praying to God? So what you’re saying is we could get rid of you by praying to God?
E: Yes.
N: Several prominent researchers in the field have reviewed the tapes captured at Enfield. Recently investigator Lou Gentile discovered several other voices layered within the recording. He feels that based on the audio evidence, these may be the voices of several entities contained within the tapes. While Ed Warren was investigating the Enfield voices he had asked the spirits for some sort of confirmation that they were indeed spirits and asked for information that Ed could verify. With that, one of the demonic entities asked Ed what Annabelle was doing at his house. Annabelle was a Raggedy Ann doll that had been involved in a separate haunting case that he had investigated previously in the United States. The doll had been known to move about during the haunting and had been removed from the afflicted home and placed inside a glass case in the Warrens’ office. The voices direct reference to the doll prompted him to call his wife Lorraine back in the U.S. Over the phone, he asked Lorraine if she could check on Annabelle. Lorraine discovered that Annabelle was indeed outside her glass case once again and was discovered peering out the window. Ed’s suspicions were confirmed and the more Ed spoke to these entities, the more information they gave Ed as to their origins. During the Enfield haunting, Jimmy became aware of being tired and not feeling up to his usual self. Many people noticed that Jimmy began to look tired and haggard in appearance. By the end of the Enfield case, Jimmy took on an appearance of an old man in his 90s, which could’ve been attributed to a disease but accelerated over the course of a couple of months. Jimmy died from these complications and all activity at Enfield ceased. Or at least they thought. On the day of Jimmy’s funeral, Jimmy’s body was physically thrown outside of the casket by unseen forces in front of everyone in the church in a last attempt to show that devils really can kill people. This may all sound like some world class horror novel but this is one of the most documented paranormal cases in the history of ghost. Consider this. People say that a ghost can’t kill you but if things can be levitated and objects can be moved about by unseen spirits then how easy it would be for them to trip someone, launch objects at a person with deadly consequences.
L: And there we go. That’s Enfield. That’s some scary stuff there. Extremely scary. Imagine having that in your house. Voices coming out of nowhere. Things being moved or levitated. We’re taking your calls toll-free for tonight’s guest Mark Russell Bell. (gives number) That’s (gives number). When we return to “The Lou Gentile Show” right after this. (commercials for IBC’s Penny Stock Premium Service, Inventech, and International Broadcasting Corporation) And we’re back to “The Lou Gentile Show” broadcasting live. We’re speaking tonight with Mark Russell Bell, author, researcher and former Hollywood publicity manager. We’re talking about talking poltergeists, paranormal activity, the spirit world and a lot of the different activity that has been around Mark. Mark, welcome back to the show.
Q: Hi, Lou.
L: What’d you think of the Enfield?
Q: Well — well I was thinking first of all that Mighael of course is the Entity that channels the other entities, almost the One who brings forth other spirits at a given time. I was interested in the synchronicity. (“OF”) When I was a — a talent agent — I was a talent agent before I was a publicist — one of my clients was named Banks Harper. She was very talented, very beautiful but yet she never really got anywhere much in her career. I remember booking her in a few shows like “The Twilight Zone.” (“BUT”) She — (“PSEUDO”) I remember there was one film in particular that was only casting scale-plus-ten actors and I thought this is it for her. But they ended up casting a name who was wrong for the role. It almost ruined the movie. And she went on in her anonymous ways, struggling. In fact, I wanted to be a screenwriter. Neither one of us was successful in what we wanted yet can you imagine what kind of people we would have turned out to be if we had been successful?
L: Um-huh.
Q: So some people would say that our lack of failure could be attributed to a demonic force while others would attribute the same fortune as an Angelic Force. So I was impressed by the ‘bel’/’bell’ synchronicity and the ‘Harper’ synchronicity.
Q: And in my own family tree one of my ancestors is Abraham Warren who was born in 1575 England. And regarding Annabelle, as I’ve said before, if you don’t think God has a sense of humor just read the “Annabelle” story in that book The Demonologist by Gerald Brittle.
L: Um-huh.
Q: I’ve sent Emails to my cousins. (“BUT” “I”) And I once called them when they were on “Coast to Coast AM” but I really haven’t had much of a conversation with them over the years.
L: Alright. Let’s — let’s go right to the phone lines. You’re on “The Lou Gentile Show.” Who am I speaking with?
K: This is Kevin from Pennsylvania.
L: Yes, Kevin from Pennsylvania, what’s going on?
K: Yeah, my question is from these voices that — that can be heard. How come they’re usually not sentences, they’re just (“LIKE”) phrases or one or two words? (“WHY”) Why do you think that they just say, you know, a little bit and not, you know, explain what they’re doing?
Q: Are you referring to on tape or w(hat) —
K: On tape. (“O”)
Q: On tape. Well I believe it’s — (“WHEN” “WHEN”) — when I’ve heard EVP on radio shows, different people hear different words altogether. So I think something telepathic may be going on. I know in my own case when I tried to interpret EVP, there was one occasion recently when I couldn’t understand what was being said. And then my mom went into the hospital. And then I thought it was saying, “VISIT.” And if I hadn’t visited I don’t think my mother would’ve made it because she needed attention and the nurses were ignoring her. So if you listen to some of the EVP people on some of the shows and people call in and say what they think they’re hearing, it seems fairly obvious that they’re not hearing the same things. So that’s why I think They don’t speak in complete sentences.
L: Okay.
Q: Sometimes they do, by the way. I might mention that in my own experience (“WITH”) with all the Bell synchronicity, it culminated when I came back from Oklahoma and I was trying to decide if I was the reincarnation of Jesus Christ. And I found the book The Wars of Gods and Men by Zecharia Sitchin and on page 224 it talked about Heinrich Zimmern transcribing and translating an Ashur text from clay tablets in the Berlin Museum. He found a “pre-Christian Mysterium dealing with the death and resurrection of a god and thus an earlier Christ tale.” And this turn out — turned out to be someone by the name of Bel-Marduk. So I think that Jesus of Nazareth was one of many christed ones throughout history and, obviously, Bel-Marduk had an earlier resurrection story. And I found out about it in this book by Zecharia Sitchin. So that was the culmination. And I also found a pendant — an Egyptian — an Egyptian pendant with my likeness on it. And you can see it on the Testament index at the website but I found this at — a few blocks away from my home in Echo Park. And it is of, apparently, this Bel-Marduk character who Edgar Cayce also had talked about as Ra-Ta.
L: What do you think about Zecharia Sitchin?
Q: Well I think that — (“AA”) I like the factual material he presents. Of course, he has his own interpretations. For example, where Bel-Marduk is concerned, he believes that this ancient script that he found (“O[N]” “A[T]”) talks about ‘Bel who was confined in The Mountain.’ Now he interprets ‘The Mountain’ as being the Great Pyramid in Egypt. And I, myself, don’t really know. I do know that I worked at Paramount Pictures, which was trapping me in the corporate world of (“AA”) the Paramount mountain for many years. So I do have that correlation also with Bel-Marduk. One thing also when I was hearing your Enfield tape when it was talking about hell, it did remind me of something that the original Bell Witch had said. There was a book by Charles Bailey Bell, a descendant who talked about John Bell Jr. being visited by the ‘Bell Witch’ later on and there’s a large portion of information said to be attributable to the Bell Spirit which they called a witch and it did mention that very thing. If we have time, maybe I’ll — I’ll read that portion. Should I go ahead?
L: Yeah, sure.
Q: Okay:
If Rome had been a follower of Jesus Christ nineteen hundred years ago, on to the date of the decline of their government, they would not have fallen. Selfishness, licentious habits, oppression of the poor, the rich profiting on the suffering of the poor ultimately leads to the downfall of any country. I have seen it for some millions of years. Your country will be tried out. You may be sure there will be a great social change, and the government itself will undergo trials unexpected; it should be equal to this great trial. I shall be there at that time; there will be thousands of spirits unrecognized. As to whether your world continues and recovers, or ends, will depend upon whether the minds of men receive favorably the thoughts given to them spiritually, and unselfishly strive from the highest to the lowest, not merely to recover financially, but each strive to uplift his fellow man and bring the country back to Jesus Christ. Your preachers have at all times, as a class, been your best men, but they can do more harm than any others. Some will at that time outspokenly deny the divinity of Jesus Christ, even deny that there is a Heaven or Hell. There can be no doubt of the serious damage of such a belief; the world should never become converted to the doctrine that sin will not be punished, both here and hereafter.
Q: So that’s a portion attributed to the original Bell — what they called — Witch.
L: Now is — is there a lot of documentation on the Bell Witch you’ve come across?
Q: Yes, it’s — it’s the most documented case. I went to the original Authenticated History of the (Famous) Bell Witch, which had a lot of the relatives — and there were affidavits. It was copyrighted in 1894 by M. V. Ingram. And it’s probably the — the closest source and there have been many different accounts since then. I’ve also found interesting accounts even in such sources as Newsweek magazine, the November 20th 1938 issue had an article about Alice Belle Kirby, which is right in keeping with what we’ve been discussing tonight.
L: Alright, let’s go to the phone lines. You’re on “The Lou Gentile Show.” Who am I speaking with?
M: This is Mark from PA.
L: Okay, Mark, and what’s your question?
M: You mentioned Jesus and reincarnation of him?
Q: That’s right.
M: (archive tape only) This was you?
Q: I — I said that my belief after reading the various paranormal cases and seeing (“THAT”) the miracles of old are just as ever-present throughout the ages—sometimes relegated to these ‘paranormal’-type accounts—led me to the realization that there had been many Christed ones throughout the years and I have read some of — some of those cases.
M: Okay, I — what I’m — my question is you said, if I understood this right, you’re a reincarnation of?
Q: Bel-Marduk. He was an — he was an earlier Christed one. There are a lot of parallels between Egypt and Christianity. (“SER”) For example, the ankh and the cross. There are a lot of books on the fact that many aspects of the Christian story can be traced to an — to earlier gods.
M: Okay. Earlier gods —
Q: God-kings.
M: — plural thereof.
Q: Right.
M: Ahh. Okay. Alright.
Q: We — I believe that we’re each a manifestation of God. But, however, this Michael Force, if you look at all the famous paranormal accounts you’ll see that this is chronicled. The Son of God revealing Themselves to the world through the various paranormal cases. (“FOR”) For example, that account of Dr. George Ritchie in his book.
M: Okay. Well I thank you.
L: Alright. Thanks for the call. (gives number) That’s (gives number). We’re speaking tonight with Mark Russell Bell and we’ll go back to the phone lines. You’re on “The Lou Gentile Show.” Who am I speaking with?
R: This is Rose in Pennsylvania.
L: And what’s your question for Mark?
R: Mark, I saw your website a little earlier today. How are you doing?
Q: Very good. (“I”)
R: Good. I have a question about your New Testament —
Q: Okay.
R: — book. Could you explain to me a little bit more about what that is. Is it meant to be a New Age version of the Bible? I noticed it was in question and — and — question and answer format.
Q: Well my original experience in Oklahoma — I decided the only way to do justice to it was to present it in a question and answer format. And that, of course, was published in paperback as the book Testament.
R: Um-huh.
Q: I put the entire book on the Internet free of charge because I wanted it to be available for everybody. I spent my life savings doing this. I couldn’t afford to publish — self-publish another book so I’m just now adding (“II”) interviews and journal material to this new book entitled New Testament which is also available free of charge at the website.
R: Is it meant to be — just so we understand — is it meant to be a version of the Bible?
Q: Well there’ve been many versions of ‘The Bible’ throughout history. For example, I don’t know if you’re familiar with The Nag Hammadi Library —
R: Yeah.
Q: — but there are many comparable books. (“THROUGH”) You know, through many different cultures. (“THEY”) All — every culture has their own Bible. I would say that mine’s a contemporary ‘New Consciousness Bible.’ (“IT’S A”) It’s a contemporary Bible.
R: I see. Did — is that connected — your need to write that or your mission, as it were, to write that. Is that connected to your belief that you’re (“AA”) reincarnated Jesus?
Q: Well I was reincarnate(d) — well Jesus Christ, again, is two different beings. I’m apparently the reincarnation of Bel-Marduk as I have physical proof. So I am another Christed one and I — at first, I didn’t set out to write the book but I received Guidance every step of the way in terms of meeting the right people to make the book happen.
R: I see.
Q: And I must say too that this Force manifesting around me — (“CAUSE”) the Angelic Force does choose individuals to manifest around, either with healing abilities or as Tiger Woods on the golf course, or you name it — (“AS”) being someone being able to bend keys and spoons. There are individuals selected by this Force to help expand the awareness of others as to the nature of this Force and that’s why I think we’re alive in the first place is to understand this Loving, kind Force that manifests in every person that we meet. And every animal, I might add.
R: I see. Alright. Well thank you very much.
Q: Thank you, Rose.
L: Thanks.
R: Bye-bye. (“GOOD”)
L: (gives number) That’s (gives number). We’re speaking tonight about talking poltergeists, paranormal activities, the spirit world and many other things with Mark Russell Bell. What did you come up with as far as paranormal activity that surrounds you? What — what’s your opinion on it? I mean if somebody was to come up to you — hear what you’re story is, what would you say that — that you think the problem is or do you think that the . . .
Q: Well, again, Spirit communicates us — with us on the level that we’re — that — that — where we find significance. For example, I myself interpret pennies as a good sign and quarters and dimes as different — (“AS A”) different sizes of warning. And this — I can’t tell you how many times this has proved to be true. Now Michael is the Angel associated with the commandments and there was one time when I was bitten underneath one eye by an ant. I then focused on “An eye for an eye” and foll(owing) — and the same night another ant bit me (“BO[TH]” “BB”) beneath the other eye. Needless to say, that these are the only two times that’s ever happened to me. (“SO LIKE”) Again, the Angel Michael/Mighael, the Son of God, is still manifesting what I like to call ‘spiritual advice’ and doing it through myself. One of the other spiritual advices given to me was “Love is the only true religion,” which I mentioned before, which originated as a TV set commercial going on and off.
L: Out of curiosity, why — why did you — why did you finally leave the media? Why did you leave Hollywood? (“WW”)
Q: At — when I came back from Oklahoma, I called the vice president of publicity and I said, ‘I have major paranormal phenomena going on around me. I can’t do any more work. I have” — (“I — I”) I — it’s just — I mean this was all very insignificant in comparison to sharing my experience. I remember saying to her at the time. I said, ‘My friend Marie’s bank account was just cleared out. (“TH”) The Angel could destroy our world in a second.’ In fact, when I called her later to check in like about a year later, her voicemail system came on in the middle (“O[F OU]R”) of our conversation so I’m sure that was enough evidence for her — to know that something was (“GG”) — was happening.
L: Have you ever been a part of an exorcism or anything?
Q: No. (“I”) Well when — when I first was manifesting when I came back to L.A., my friends — I think that they thought that I was possessed and that’s why I ended up in Alhambra. And one night there, for example, in the next bed over from me, a young man was making demonic howling noises, which upset me because I — ’cause nobody outside in the building would — would know that it was coming from him and not from me. So I woke him up and I said, “You were snoring.” I mean it’s hard to — when you — when these things happen, (“E” “IT”) they’re different — you don’t know really how to respond.
L: Alright. We’ve got —
Q: And that was one case of that.
L: Alright, we’ve got to take a short break and we’re going to take the remainder of the calls—(gives number) That’s (gives number)—when we return to “The Lou Gentile Show” right after this. (commercials for IBC’s, International Broadcasting Corporation and Miracle Slim Down) And we’re back to “The Lou Gentile Show” broadcasting live and we’re speaking tonight with Mark Russell Bell, author, researcher, former Hollywood publicity manager, talking about talking poltergeists, paranormal activity, the spirit world and other things of the unknown. Welcome back, Mark.
Q: Hi.
L: And let’s go to the phone lines. Last call of the night. You’re on “The Lou Gentile Show.” Who am I speaking with?
J: Hello? My name is Jacob.
L: Yes. And what’s your question?
J: . . . question about the — the Midichlorian.
L: What is it?
J: Midichlorian.
L: Can you hear that?
Q: State the question again.
J: Midichlorian. They’re — how do you say? I try to — I — the Midi — chlo — clorian.
Q: What — what are — what kind of — is this a — an entity of some kind?
J: Hello?
L: Yeah. Go ahead. You’re on the air.
Q: Yeah. State the whole question.
J: Okay — let me try to think.
L: Any day.
Q: Well while you think, let me just make one statement about Thanksgiving tomorrow. Of course, Thanksgiving can be traced back to 1623 when there was a day of thanksgiving and prayer appointed, held on July 30th that year because there had been a drought for six weeks that had almost destroyed the crops. So the governor appointed the day (a day in mid-July) as a day for prayer and soon a gentle rain came that lasted for several days. And this was followed by more good news about different supplies being delivered so we can trace tomorrow’s holiday to successful prayer. And I think a lot of people forget that. It’s almost become more of a time of thankstaking than thanksgiving. And the Pilgrims’ early survival depended upon prayer and a greater sense of — a very great sense of Spirit.
L: Okay. Vlad, are you there?
J: Hello?
L: Yes. What’s your — what’s your question?
J: My question was about the — the Midichlorian.
L: About Midichlorians?
J: Yes.
L: Okay.
Q: Is that an alien?
J: I don’t think so.
Q: Oh.
L: What’s a Midichlorian?
J: (no answer)
Q: Is there — is there — is there an equivalent English word for that?
L: This — hello?
J: Hello?
L: Yeah. What — what’s with Midichlorians?
J: I — they — yes, they’re a type of alien.
L: Okay. And your question for Mark?
J: Have — have you ever heard of them?
Q: No, I haven’t.
L: Okay. What — what — what are they?
J: They are an alien from — they — they talk to me psychically.
Q: What do they say? Do they say good things or bad things?
J: . . . Not — not bad things. They are good things.
Q: To help your fellow man and help clean up the planet?
J: Sometimes stuff like that. But mainly more personal things like for me to do in the day.
L: Alright. I got to — I got to end the show, guys.
Q: Okay.
L: Thank — thanks for the call. Alright, and I want to thank you very much, Mark, for being on the show tonight. It was definitely a pleasure and I hope to have you back.
Q: Thank you, Lou.
L: And you have a good night.
Q: You too, Lou.
L: Alright.
Q: Bye-bye.
L: Alright. Thanks for listening to “The Lou Gentile Show.” I’ll see everybody Friday night. Will be no show tomorrow so, everybody, we’ll be running ‘best of.’ So I will see everybody Friday night when we speak with Mark Macy on “The Lou Gentile Show.” Good night, ladies and gentlemen. And God bless.
( . . . )
Q: (speaking into tape recorder) I went into the livingroom to let my mother know the interview’s over and she’s watching A&E about Sheila Bellush’s murder. Ann Rule apparently did a book on her or something. I said to my mom, “Isn’t that sweet? The Bell synchronicity again.” She looked thoughtful.
( . . . )
Q: So after thinking about that interview which was difficult because of all the commercials constantly interrupting, I guess I need to mention my perception of hell and heaven based on some of the things heard during the show. I do believe that there is a hell and a heaven, not as a physical place but as a mental state. I know that when I first realized that Spirit was participating in my life and making things happen for me, bringing me my wealth and bringing me everything that I had — and I realized that I should have been doing more for others, I was in a state of hell. Luckily, in my case it happened while I was still alive and I could change my perception of my relationship with Spirit: God and Mighael. So, yes, there really is a hell. It’s something that we, ourselves, create. Do you believe in guilt? Is there such thing as guilt? Have you ever felt guilty about something? Yes. Maybe for some people the answer would be no. That’s what’s interesting about some of these channeled books — (“IS”) reading other observations. After all, it’s usually just one spirit speaking, one of many egos linked with God. We’re all just one ego linked with God. I don’t believe everything I read from these beings. (“I”) Some of it sounds like it could be correct but the main thing is that my overall perception of God and life is an experience — well “It’s all good” was the T-shirt I saw last week at work. Bad things do happen. They’re beyond understanding. But if you look at life, many more good things happen than bad things. Unless we feel guilty, then you’d have to say the opposite would be true. Attempting to walk with Spirit is a good feeling. And I like my new job. That’s an answered prayer. No apparent travesties or cover-ups. People just trying to do the best they can.
Ed Warren: Hello?
Voice: Hello.
EW: Do you know who I am?
V: Yeah.
EW: Who am I?
V: Ed.
EW: That’s right, Ed. Who are you?
V: Fred-die.
EW: You’re Freddie, huh? What’s your real name?
V: Yeccccch . . . (noise)
EW: When are you going to leave here, Fred?
V: Five hundred years.
EW: That’s a long time. Can you move something to show us you’re here?
V: No.
EW: Why not?
V: Tommy pulled my arm out.
EW: Oh, there’s two of you? Put Tommy on.
V: (A new voice, though still gruff and gutteral) Yeah. I’m Tom-my.
EW: Tommy, how do you think we could get rid of all the problems that are happening in this house?
V: Kill the ghosties!
EW: Kill the ghosties? Aren’t you a ghostie?
V: No!
EW: Tell me, how did you get into this house?
V: Came up from under the floorboards.
EW: How many of you are there all together?
V: (Counting slowly and deliberately) Ah . . . uh . . . one . . . two . . . three . . . four . . . five . . . six. Six are here — no, five.
EW: What are their names?
V: Fred-die, Tom-my, Billy, uh . . . Charlie, and Dick. John’s not here.
EW: Where’s John?
V: Don’t know.
EW: Who’s the leader? Are you the leader?
V: Nobody. Nobody’s the leader. I’m a liar.
EW: Who else is there? Is there anyone else there?
V: Yeah.
EW: Who?
V: Gutter-Man’s here.
EW: Put Gutter-Man on. Let him speak. Are you there, Gutter-Man?
V: Yeah (a different voice, this one a bit clearer).
EW: Gutter-Man, what do you have to say?
V: (Yelping noises) This house is haunted. Kill the ghosties!
EW: Gutter-Man, were you ever alive?
V: Yeah.
EW: Where?
V: In soldiers. I’m a soldier.
EW: In whose army are you a soldier?
V: All armies. I’m a soldier.
EW: Who else is here, Gutter-Man?
V: Ah . . . uh . . . Zachary’s here.
EW: Put him on, Gutter-Man. Let Zachary speak.
V: (Suddenly there is incredible moaning and groaning. The voice is utterly bizarre. The wailing ends up in a long cry of “Help” that takes ten seconds to come out.)
EW: Holy cow. What was that? Put Zachary back on.
V: (Woeful moaning recurs.)
EW: Who else is here, Fred?
V: I ain’t Fred, I’m Tommy!
EW: Put Fred on. . . . Fred, are you there?
V: Yeah, Fred’s here. (Voice change indicates “Fred” is speaking.)
EW: Fred, put Zachary back on.
V: Won’t come. (Pause) I’ll tell you someone else who’s here. Teddy’s here. Teddy-Man’s here.
EW: Put Teddy-Man on, Fred.
V: Yeccccch . . . (Noise. Then silence, broken every few seconds by a parrot-like voice saying, “Hello.” A second voice then picks up and says “hello,” to which the parrot-voice responds with two hello’s. A third voice joins in the hello’s, then a fourth voice chimes in with its “hello”; then a fifth and a sixth voice join in, forming a chorus of parrot-like voices all saying “hello,” which build finally into loud, wild shrieks. The additional voices then fall away, leaving the original parrot-voice repeating its singular “hello.”
(Ed addresses the spirits again after the outburst, but there is no feedback.)
“All the while I was talking to these spirits,” Ed notes during the lull in the tape, “things were flying around the room. That’s what those crashing and bumping sounds are in the background. Chairs and tables were lifting and dropping. Small, little objects would whiz across the room and bounce off the wall. In the dining room, the wallpaper was peeling away from the walls as we watched. A butcher knife materialized in the lap of my assistant, Paul. A nail was also produced out of thin air. And, as has come to be expected in the house, the spirits left a pile of excrement on the mother’s bedroom carpet upstairs at three in the afternoon.”
When the spirits on the recording weren’t going through a fit of random insanity, they seemed to amuse themselves by filling the room with grunts, quacks, barks, shrieks, and a variety of other animal sounds—the most annoying being that of a shrill, screeching cat. One particular spirit put out a tortuous, unworldly howl which brought on another interchange.
EW: You guys sound like something right out of hell. Do you know where hell is, Fred?
V: Yeah.
EW: Where is hell, Fred?
V: Yeccch . . . (noise)
EW: How old are you, Fred?
V: Sixteen.
EW: Are you a ghost, Fred?
V: No . . . uh . . . yes. I’m a ghost.
EW: Who?
V: Batman. I’m Batman.
EW: Batman isn’t a ghost.
V: (Spirits lapse into an array of animal sounds, the most predominant being that of a barking dog.)
EW: You want to be animals? Imitate some animals. Imitate a pig.
V: (The snorting of a pig.)
EW: How about a dog?
V: (Barking.)
EW: How about a cat?
V: (Loud, screeching me-ow.)
EW: How about a turkey?
V: (Gobbling.)
EW: How old are you, Fred?
V: Seventy-eight. I’m a liar. Tommy’s a liar.
EW: I know.
V: Can I sing a song?
EW: Sure, Fred, go ahead and sing.
V: La-de-da-de-da . . . (gruffly) Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of holy water . . . ha . . . ha . . . ha . . .
EW: Are you a Christian, Fred?
V: Yick. A soldier. I’m a soldier!
EW: When did you die, Fred, as a soldier?
V: I’m always dead.
EW: Were you ever married, Fred? Did you ever have a wife?
V: Yeah.
EW: What was her name?
V: I don’t know.
EW: How old are you now?
V: Thirty. I’m thirty.
EW: Do you know what day it is?
V: Yeah. The uh . . . seventh.
EW: Right. Do you know what month it is?
V: Au-goos. Awwguss. August. August seventh!
EW: Where did you get those names: Fred and Tommy and Billy and so on?
V: The graves.
EW: Do you go over to the old graveyard near here?
V: Yeah.
EW: Why?
V: To read the graves.
EW: Do you like the graveyard, Fred? Why do you like the graveyard?
V: Death! (grunts).
EW: What do you think of us Americans?
V: I hate you, I hate you, I hate you. . . .
EW: Do you know where America is, Fred?
V: I don’t know. Can I come?
EW: No, Fred. I’ve got enough to do without you.
V: Ed. Ed . . . Ed . . .
EW: What do you want, Fred?
V: Smash the recorder.
EW: You’d like that, wouldn’t you?
V: Yeah. (Spirits pull original tape out of recorder during session.)
EW: (Resuming) Do you know what I’m going to do with these tapes, Fred? I’m going to play them to some scientists I know in America. They’re going to be very interested in you, Fred!
V: I’m gonna smash it in the night! (A quarrel then develops between two spiritsas to who is going to “smash” the tape recorder. As the voices rise from the level of argument into one-against-one “yikes” and “howls,” Ed sends Paul out to the car to get a bottle of holy water drawn from Walsingham Shrine, north of London. Paul returns to report the bottle of holy water is missing.)
EW: Where’s the holy water, Fred?
V: I slung it!
EW: You slung it? If you don’t bring that holy water back, we’re going to perform exorcism on you!
V: Ha, ha, ha.
EW: Do you want me to bring a priest in here?
V: Yeah, all right. Bring ‘im in. I’ll kick ‘im in the backside.
EW: What would you say if the Blessed Mother told you to leave, Fred?
V: Yecccch. Ugh.
EW: Do you know what this is Fred? What do you see?
V: Uh . . . a cross.
EW: That’s right, a cross. That cross means your days are numbered here.
V: I’m gonna chop somebody’s head off.
EW: The next time I come back here, Fred, you’d better be gone. Because the next time I come I’m bringing a very powerful exorcist with me, someone you won’t want to mess with.
V: (There is a long lull.) Ed. Ed. Ed . . . Ed . . . Ed-ward.
EW: What is it, Fred?
V: Let’s play exorcist. Go get the holy water. . . .
Voice: Hello.
EW: Do you know who I am?
V: Yeah.
EW: Who am I?
V: Ed.
EW: That’s right, Ed. Who are you?
V: Fred-die.
EW: You’re Freddie, huh? What’s your real name?
V: Yeccccch . . . (noise)
EW: When are you going to leave here, Fred?
V: Five hundred years.
EW: That’s a long time. Can you move something to show us you’re here?
V: No.
EW: Why not?
V: Tommy pulled my arm out.
EW: Oh, there’s two of you? Put Tommy on.
V: (A new voice, though still gruff and gutteral) Yeah. I’m Tom-my.
EW: Tommy, how do you think we could get rid of all the problems that are happening in this house?
V: Kill the ghosties!
EW: Kill the ghosties? Aren’t you a ghostie?
V: No!
EW: Tell me, how did you get into this house?
V: Came up from under the floorboards.
EW: How many of you are there all together?
V: (Counting slowly and deliberately) Ah . . . uh . . . one . . . two . . . three . . . four . . . five . . . six. Six are here — no, five.
EW: What are their names?
V: Fred-die, Tom-my, Billy, uh . . . Charlie, and Dick. John’s not here.
EW: Where’s John?
V: Don’t know.
EW: Who’s the leader? Are you the leader?
V: Nobody. Nobody’s the leader. I’m a liar.
EW: Who else is there? Is there anyone else there?
V: Yeah.
EW: Who?
V: Gutter-Man’s here.
EW: Put Gutter-Man on. Let him speak. Are you there, Gutter-Man?
V: Yeah (a different voice, this one a bit clearer).
EW: Gutter-Man, what do you have to say?
V: (Yelping noises) This house is haunted. Kill the ghosties!
EW: Gutter-Man, were you ever alive?
V: Yeah.
EW: Where?
V: In soldiers. I’m a soldier.
EW: In whose army are you a soldier?
V: All armies. I’m a soldier.
EW: Who else is here, Gutter-Man?
V: Ah . . . uh . . . Zachary’s here.
EW: Put him on, Gutter-Man. Let Zachary speak.
V: (Suddenly there is incredible moaning and groaning. The voice is utterly bizarre. The wailing ends up in a long cry of “Help” that takes ten seconds to come out.)
EW: Holy cow. What was that? Put Zachary back on.
V: (Woeful moaning recurs.)
EW: Who else is here, Fred?
V: I ain’t Fred, I’m Tommy!
EW: Put Fred on. . . . Fred, are you there?
V: Yeah, Fred’s here. (Voice change indicates “Fred” is speaking.)
EW: Fred, put Zachary back on.
V: Won’t come. (Pause) I’ll tell you someone else who’s here. Teddy’s here. Teddy-Man’s here.
EW: Put Teddy-Man on, Fred.
V: Yeccccch . . . (Noise. Then silence, broken every few seconds by a parrot-like voice saying, “Hello.” A second voice then picks up and says “hello,” to which the parrot-voice responds with two hello’s. A third voice joins in the hello’s, then a fourth voice chimes in with its “hello”; then a fifth and a sixth voice join in, forming a chorus of parrot-like voices all saying “hello,” which build finally into loud, wild shrieks. The additional voices then fall away, leaving the original parrot-voice repeating its singular “hello.”
(Ed addresses the spirits again after the outburst, but there is no feedback.)
“All the while I was talking to these spirits,” Ed notes during the lull in the tape, “things were flying around the room. That’s what those crashing and bumping sounds are in the background. Chairs and tables were lifting and dropping. Small, little objects would whiz across the room and bounce off the wall. In the dining room, the wallpaper was peeling away from the walls as we watched. A butcher knife materialized in the lap of my assistant, Paul. A nail was also produced out of thin air. And, as has come to be expected in the house, the spirits left a pile of excrement on the mother’s bedroom carpet upstairs at three in the afternoon.”
When the spirits on the recording weren’t going through a fit of random insanity, they seemed to amuse themselves by filling the room with grunts, quacks, barks, shrieks, and a variety of other animal sounds—the most annoying being that of a shrill, screeching cat. One particular spirit put out a tortuous, unworldly howl which brought on another interchange.
EW: You guys sound like something right out of hell. Do you know where hell is, Fred?
V: Yeah.
EW: Where is hell, Fred?
V: Yeccch . . . (noise)
EW: How old are you, Fred?
V: Sixteen.
EW: Are you a ghost, Fred?
V: No . . . uh . . . yes. I’m a ghost.
EW: Who?
V: Batman. I’m Batman.
EW: Batman isn’t a ghost.
V: (Spirits lapse into an array of animal sounds, the most predominant being that of a barking dog.)
EW: You want to be animals? Imitate some animals. Imitate a pig.
V: (The snorting of a pig.)
EW: How about a dog?
V: (Barking.)
EW: How about a cat?
V: (Loud, screeching me-ow.)
EW: How about a turkey?
V: (Gobbling.)
EW: How old are you, Fred?
V: Seventy-eight. I’m a liar. Tommy’s a liar.
EW: I know.
V: Can I sing a song?
EW: Sure, Fred, go ahead and sing.
V: La-de-da-de-da . . . (gruffly) Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of holy water . . . ha . . . ha . . . ha . . .
EW: Are you a Christian, Fred?
V: Yick. A soldier. I’m a soldier!
EW: When did you die, Fred, as a soldier?
V: I’m always dead.
EW: Were you ever married, Fred? Did you ever have a wife?
V: Yeah.
EW: What was her name?
V: I don’t know.
EW: How old are you now?
V: Thirty. I’m thirty.
EW: Do you know what day it is?
V: Yeah. The uh . . . seventh.
EW: Right. Do you know what month it is?
V: Au-goos. Awwguss. August. August seventh!
EW: Where did you get those names: Fred and Tommy and Billy and so on?
V: The graves.
EW: Do you go over to the old graveyard near here?
V: Yeah.
EW: Why?
V: To read the graves.
EW: Do you like the graveyard, Fred? Why do you like the graveyard?
V: Death! (grunts).
EW: What do you think of us Americans?
V: I hate you, I hate you, I hate you. . . .
EW: Do you know where America is, Fred?
V: I don’t know. Can I come?
EW: No, Fred. I’ve got enough to do without you.
V: Ed. Ed . . . Ed . . .
EW: What do you want, Fred?
V: Smash the recorder.
EW: You’d like that, wouldn’t you?
V: Yeah. (Spirits pull original tape out of recorder during session.)
EW: (Resuming) Do you know what I’m going to do with these tapes, Fred? I’m going to play them to some scientists I know in America. They’re going to be very interested in you, Fred!
V: I’m gonna smash it in the night! (A quarrel then develops between two spiritsas to who is going to “smash” the tape recorder. As the voices rise from the level of argument into one-against-one “yikes” and “howls,” Ed sends Paul out to the car to get a bottle of holy water drawn from Walsingham Shrine, north of London. Paul returns to report the bottle of holy water is missing.)
EW: Where’s the holy water, Fred?
V: I slung it!
EW: You slung it? If you don’t bring that holy water back, we’re going to perform exorcism on you!
V: Ha, ha, ha.
EW: Do you want me to bring a priest in here?
V: Yeah, all right. Bring ‘im in. I’ll kick ‘im in the backside.
EW: What would you say if the Blessed Mother told you to leave, Fred?
V: Yecccch. Ugh.
EW: Do you know what this is Fred? What do you see?
V: Uh . . . a cross.
EW: That’s right, a cross. That cross means your days are numbered here.
V: I’m gonna chop somebody’s head off.
EW: The next time I come back here, Fred, you’d better be gone. Because the next time I come I’m bringing a very powerful exorcist with me, someone you won’t want to mess with.
V: (There is a long lull.) Ed. Ed. Ed . . . Ed . . . Ed-ward.
EW: What is it, Fred?
V: Let’s play exorcist. Go get the holy water. . . .