Q: Mark Russell Bell
S: “Coast to Coast AM” radio show operator
B: Barbara Simpson, host of “Coast to Coast AM” radio show
S: “Dreamland” radio show operator
W: Whitley Strieber, host of “Dreamland” radio show
N: Nick Begich, “Dreamland” guest
(TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: I CALLED DURING THE MARCH 10, 2001 BROADCAST OF "COAST TO COAST AM.") S: Thank you for calling "Coast to Coast AM." Can I get your first name please?
Q: Yes, it's Mark.
S: Mark?
Q: That's right.
S: Where are you calling from, Mark?
Q: I'm calling from the San Fernando Valley.
S: Alright. Hold on. We'll get you up. ("THANK YOU")
B: . . . And here I am again on "Coast to Coast AM," Barbara Simpson. We have a lot of people on the line so let's get to you. San Fernando Valley, which is Los Angeles — Mark. (BEEP) Hi, Mark. How are you?
Q: Hi. Very good, Barbara. I wanted to make an observation or share one, rather, about spirituality as a category of discussion on the show ("IS") — ties in with that last call because it involves expanding the awareness of others throughout the world and how to do that. Also, regarding that first caller's ancestry, it's interesting to note that one of my ancestors is the Reverend Phillip Allen who was born in Vermont in 1803. But, anyway, what's confusing, I think, having listened to the show recently, because various callers have commented — ("TO") Ian and what have you — but I think it's — what's confusing is how someone can address the topic of personal growth and not make clear that this goal must encompass helping the less fortunate improve their own lives in concrete ways beyond discussing a certain belief system. What I mean is giving back to the world rather than focusing on taking ("FO[R]") one's self. ("SO") In being one of those attempting to make choices from the perspective of walking with Spirit, for me this involves sharing my experiences to heighten the awareness of others. And I think that's really how we can change — make changes in how people regard nuclear weapons and some of the other problems. I'm a vegan myself so I'm well aware — I'm not at risk for Mad Cow Disease and some of these other things.
B: Do you take vitamins?
Q: Yes, I do.
B: Do you know that those vitamins often have animal products in them?
Q: Well I've tried to check that out.
B: It's hard though, you know? I mean I understand that but it really is very difficult because there are so many times that there are animal products in things that you never even think about.
Q: You never really know and that's —
B: Yes.
Q: — also why it's so important to expand people's awareness. I mean I get my vitamins at Trader Joe's. ("SO") There are a lot of people who probably get them there.
B: Yeah but —
Q: They try to be a little bit more — safer.
B: — Trader Joe's, you know, that's one chain for those of you who may not be familiar with it — ("THAT'S A") very large chain, at least in California. I don't know where else they are ("RIGHT") but certainly they have all kinds of products there and, you know, it's very difficult to know for certain. And even the products may be in vaccines. It may be in medicine. There's a lot of concern. In — I think it's Newsweek, isn't it this week?, that has the front — the cover story about Mad Cow Disease.
Q: Well and —
B: It's a terrible situation. And then you've got the Foot and Mouth Disease in England which is continuing to spread. ("YOU") We have some serious problems out there.Q: But what I wanted to comment on, basically — in trying to do what I'm doing, the media has failed to report about the free website. But what I want to say, basically, was when Spirit expanded my understanding of life it was through events and not through superficial words so the evidence acknowledging this appointed task includes symbols and metaphors in my daily life, synchronicity, and genealogy. One of my other fa(mily) — ancestral lines is the Hitchcock line which basically can be traced back to Edward (I meant Richard) Hiscockes who was born in 1556 in All Cannings, England. And I don't know — I haven't heard anyone speak about that particular lineage. It's quite interesting — you have the 'his cock.' I don't know if that's Freudian or what.
B: Let me ask you — are you related at all to Alfred Hitchcock?
Q: Well I've researched that and, of course, ("I") there's a book called The Dark Side of Genius which has a lot of bell synchronicity chronicled in his own life. He lived in Bel-Air and what-have-you. But there's not a lot known about his genealogy because he came from a very typical poor family and it's usually the wealthy families that you can trace the lineage. Of course, my paternal family line is the Russell family, which has a lot of different spiritual people involved with that.
B: You know what I was thinking? That might be an interesting subject to do some night is just talk about genealogy. On how people can look back and what you can find. ("AND") It really is an enormous movement. I know a lot of my friends are involved in using the Internet to look up family things and —
Q: Was I right about your maiden name? I heard that once on your show, I think.
B: I don't think so. I don't think we've ever mentioned it.
Q: On the astrology (I should have said numerology) show. Was it Allen?
B: Uh-uh.
Q: What was it?
B: I don't give it out.
Q: Oh. Okay.
B: No, we were talking about first names but not last names. So ("WOULD YOU") anyway, thank you. I appreciate hearing from you, Mark. And we'll certainly (line disconnected) talk more about that. I think that spirituality is something that we always talk about on this program in one way, shape, form or another because it affects all of us in different ways.
Q: (speaking into the tape recorder) Well the third caller during the first half hour was from Phoenix and talked about researching his family tree. I, of course, was the fifth caller. And now I'm listening to the show on the archive and we'll see if the web address was edited or not. Usually it is and last time it wasn't. We'll see if it was this time.
Q: Well that was just awful. When I call, I'm a nervous wreck usually. I mean you can imagine — trying to do justice to Mighael and God. I mean I was a nervous wreck. I made a mistake right off the bat. That wasn't the first caller. That was the third caller. Of course, I really couldn't listen carefully when I was dialing. But if I was just a guest on the show, I could be relaxed and calm. I wouldn't have to worry about them cutting me off at any given second before I shared my idea. And plus you really can't think very well sometimes under these circumstances. For example, the vitamins. The vitamins I get are not coated in any way so it's very dubious that there'd be any animal products involved. I just didn't even think about that. I was just waiting to talk about what I wanted to talk about. And, anyway, I'm just not happy. I can't stand listening to myself. I don't have a radio voice. I don't think any radio show hosts have to worry about me taking over their jobs. I guess the best thing I could hope for is having my tapes played on a show at this point. Or have them on the website for people to click on and listen to there. Now — and I said astrology show. It wasn't. It was numerology. I just couldn't get it out — process it fast enough. I am going to send Email to that guest and see if she remembers the correct name that Barbara had said. I ("SEEM") — pretty sure that it was Allen but you heard her response. . . .
(TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: I CALLED DURING THE MARCH 11, 2001 BROADCAST OF "DREAMLAND.") Q: Sunday, March 11. Almost four o'clock and I was listening to Tape #675 and I heard a spirit message that said "WHITLEY." So I guess Mighael wants me to call Whitley tonight, which means foregoing my plan to listen to a radio show I heard about on my newsgroup, and instead listening to Whitley and calling in, for some reason. I know he's interviewing the authors of one of the books that he "presents." He's presenting this series of books — secret agendas is the theme even though whose agenda is open to interpretation. And it's pretty unethical to have a radio show and present your own books but I don't think I'll get into that. I want to ask him about that earlier Angel Mighael book Testament and see if he's ready to talk about it yet. So we'll see what happens. Calling in is not what I had in mind, needless to say.
( . . . )
Q: Well I took a shower and it's now past five. I was thinking about maybe playing the spirit message for Whitley to show how the Angel Mighael wanted me or requested me to call. Then I played it again and listen:
Q: (clip) . . . ("WHITLEY") the biggest impression . . .
Q: Did you hear "WHITLEY" before I said "the biggest impression"? So, anyway, I played it back and, listening carefully and rewinding the tape recorder several times, the two unattributed sounds really didn't sound anything like "WHITLEY." It does a little bit. It reminded me of the telepathic component possibly at work with the EVP/spirit message phenomenon. There have been times when I have heard what sounded like a crystal clear message, only to play it back later and to have it sound totally different. And other various similar incidents have been chronicled on various tape sides, I remember. One message was different on different tape recorders as it was being played back. So there does definitely seem to be a telepathic component to the phenomena.
( . . . )
Q: Well I must say listening to it on the Dictaphone Voice Processor transcribing machine, it does sound definitely like "WHITLEY" but on my Pearlcorder microcassette recorder S713 it just sounds like two electronic sounds close together. Of course, this is magnetic recording tape so everything is reduced magnetically. Anyway, I'm going to try to listen to Whitley at six on my Windows server and we'll see what happens. I don't know what to say. I've said everything I really wanted to say last night. I guess I would say, if I had (to) — I guess I would say, "Well, Whitley, are you ready to share your views on that other Angel Mighael book Testament by Mark Russell Bell?"
( . . . )
S: Thank you for calling "Dreamland." Can I get your first name please?
Q: Yes, my name is Mark.
S: Where are you calling from, Mark?
Q: From the San Fernando Valley.
S: You have a question for Whitley and his guest?
Q: Yes. For Nick.
S: Alright. Alright, hold on. We'll get you up.
W: (spot) This is Whitley Strieber. Join me Sunday nights as we explore the unknown on "Dreamland." Out there is a vast realm of knowledge just waiting to be discovered and forces fighting tooth and nail with only one objective: keeping said information secret. Journey with us as we attempt to uncover the truth that we know is out there by exploring all possibilities every Sunday night on "Dreamland." (end of tape side)
( . . . )
W: We're back. We've been talking to Dr. Nick Begich about HAARP. We're going to get into HAARP and the weather and your phone calls in just a couple of minutes. Next week we're going to have Janet Thomas, the author of The Battle In Seattle, the story behind and beyond the WTO demonstrations. Those demonstrations were among the most intense in modern times in the United States. The police response to them was among the most astonishingly brutal in the history of this country. Now behind this, a book has been written about it. Let's get into it. Let's understand it. I'm going to ask Janet about the effect of some of these non-lethal weapons on future demonstrations because I will tell you this. This is just a personal opinion. I believe it is quite possible that the day will come in the lifetimes of most of us when our choices will be down to this: take it to the streets or put the Bill of Rights behind us forever. Forever. Will we be able to take it to the streets? Are they not preparing carefully and long in advance to create a situation where we can't. Okay, also next week a fun look — Dr. William Alschuler has written The Science of UFOs. It's a really neat book. What if UFOs are real? How would they work? Dr. Alschuler is an astronomer. He's pretty much of a UFO skeptic. We'll ask him about that and if he is a skeptic, we'll find out exactly why he would be, given all of the evidence that he's examined. In any case, it's a fascinating story. How might they work? Also, insights into potential alien motives and alien biochemistry. It's going to be a lot of fun next week. A serious program and a really fascinating program. Okay, in just a couple of minutes, we'll be back with Dr. Nick Begich. He's the author of Earth Rising and Angels Don't Play This HAARP. Angels Don't Play This HAARP is available from Whitley's — from (Whitley's website) or call (gives number). He's also the distributor of CellGuard. If you don't have CellGuard, you ought to, if you use a cell phone. It's simple to use. It's not expensive. Earth Rising, Angels Don't Play This HAARP. His website is Get in to what Dr. Nick's got to offer. Valuable stuff. This is Whitley Strieber. It's "Dreamland." We'll be right back. . . . (commercials) . . . Okay, let's go to the phone. Let's go to Mark in the San Fernando Valley, (BEEP) California. Hi, Mark.
Q: Hi, Whitley and hi, Nick.
N: Hi. How are you?
Q: Hi (or "HI"). Very good. I had an observation and then a question. But I think a lot of these clandestine technologies now being linked with weather and even now with mind control might be obscuring some more obvious facts that the government or special interests might not (want) people to be aware of ("AND") — and this has been going on for a long time — such as the major mind control device being in just about every American home. And that's the television set. But what I would be interested in hearing from you Nick tonight, having heard you in the past on "Coast to Coast" and speaking to Whitley, is some — a (or "A") spirit(ual) — I think a spiritual interchange. I don't know if you've read Whitley's book The Key but I'd be interested in hearing any viewpoint you have — might have on that. And, in fact, Whitley, I'd be interested in hearing where that's concerned if you have any response to the other Angel Mighael book Testament by Mark Russell Bell which is available free on the Internet at
W: Okay, the answer to that is I just heard about it for the first time right now. So no I have no comment on it. Nick, what is your response?
N: Yeah, I don't really — I'm not familiar with the material. Maybe — maybe you could just ask what you're — what you're — what you're looking for. And maybe I could answer it without having been familiar with that specifically.
Q: (off air) Well, I think whenever you come on (BEEP) —
N: Is there something specific that you're looking for an answer on?
Q: Hello?
W: Yeah, can you hear us?
Q: Yes, uh-huh.
W: Okay. What he's asking is this. Is there something specific in, say — in The Key that you — that sparked the question that he could answer directly because he hasn't read it.
Q: Well ("OKAY") when I heard Nick come on, it's a pretty militaristic collection of data. I'm really looking for where does this military mindset come into play with the spiritual and psychological conditions that people have — I mean to prolong —
W: Okay.
Q: — this kind of disin — ("TT") you know, this campaign?
N: . . . Alright. I think that's a really good question. It comes through more in our writing than in our radio — I guess because the questions don't usually get asked that way but on a spiritual level what has bred much of the military technology really is fear and paranoia on the part of the military. Some of it is widely placed on fear but nonetheless fear as a motivator tends to bring out not the best in people and not the best result all of the time. So the technologies tend to get developed along lines of that fear and paranoia breed, which is to protect, limit, to control. And those — all of those aspects, which really are sort of the outgrowth of someone's spiritual makeup. On the other side of the issue, and we see this played out politically — we see it played out scientifically. There's a sort of other view that says, "Hey, wait a minute. There are certain things that (or "THAT") when it comes to human beings, it comes to our natural environment that we don't do." And it's the idea of stewardship and responsibility towards one another that comes out loud and clear. And I think that what we're facing in this generation, this decade, is choice. Really a choice not about what's good and bad use of the technology but the root choices, good and evil at its core. What we do with our technologies today give us the power to either totally wreck this environment and wreck what remains of human dignity on the planet or to enhance it to a much different level. That is the threshold, that this generation has the responsibility to either move in one direction or another. And whether you look at any of the prophetic traditions, in any prophetic tradition of religion, whether it's American Indian, Mayan, Christian or what-have-you, they all speak about this sort of fork in the road. And we're at that fork . . . Many are very well aware of it. Politically — I've said this before. There's no politician I've met—and I grew up in a household full of them—that ever existed, that I've ever met, that didn't have a deep spiritual conviction. Once you isolate what that conviction is, you can deduce a great deal about their motives in life and how their public policies . . .
Q: (off air) And I think it should be also said too that when someone — W: I think that's a pretty darn good answer. I don't know if whether the Master of The Key who is the person I had the conversation with in The Key would've answered the same way but one thing he did say was that secrecy was a disaster and (or "AND") a political disaster or words to that effect. And it is certainly true and it's a very sad time in our history I think because the Cold War is over but the secret part, the secret government is just getting bigger and bigger and bigger until now they're finally like abandoning the peace efforts the peace initiative with North Korea so that we will have an enemy that — in or(der) — because we don't really have any too serious enemies any more. We've got to make (them).
N: You've got to remember too Rumsfeld was one of the people on the committee that recommended missile defense for rogue nations. Korea — North Korea targeted as the rogue nation of concern right now. And, you know, it's really the furtherance of economic policy more than anything else. I mean you don't make money (if you) can't sell bombs. If you can't sell bombs, you've got to come up with something new and what's happened in this advanced technology is — I mean in a lot of sense, it's pretty exciting. I mean because a lot of this technology could be quite useful in terms of human development. And the problem is the operators and the secrecy syndrome is the root of all of it. I mean that is so right on in terms of the root of the problem. The fact that you can hide and that — I'll give you a good example. This is a personal example but I think it's one . . . back in the early '70s, ("NO") my father was on a plane with Congressman Hale Boggs of the United States Housing Authority. Plane disappeared off the radar screen . . . At the time, it was when Watergate had lots of controversy surrounding it. But one of the things that came out years later was apparently a defense intelligence group had made an observation using some new technology available to them at the time where they had located the plane and two people that were supposed to be alive at the site. Interestingly enough, when those telexes were finally revealed to . . . in Washington, all of the names of all of the people involved were blacked out and that they had national security issues.
W: That must've been incredibly painful for you.
N: It is — no (or "NO"), I'll tell you when we got this information, it really — my mother left politics entirely. She left Alaska at that time. I mean it was really a disheartening event. The fact is those people that came forward, whether they were military intelligence . . . We're the victims of secrecy. Here, you have the fourth most powerful man in the United States, congressman Hale Boggs, traveling with my father, who was the only congressman from Alaska. ("I") They disappear and they're never found. Twenty years later, we find out maybe they could have been. And that they were so paranoid and afraid the adversary would know about our technology . . . that it disappeared off . . .
W: They let them die?
N: Yeah, exactly. In fact, the History Channel is doing something on it that will show sometime I think in April dealing with that whole issue. And what people don't know is Boggs was on the Warren Commission and wanted it reopened. He was also a strong, outspoken opponent of J. Edgar Hoover. And it was J. Edgar Hoover's office, the FBI, that had control of those telexes that contained that information regarding my father's plane. So we know about secrecy. We know what it breeds. And within this democratic republic it breeds bad news. Secrecy is not what American democracy was ever founded under. It was founded on open government (and) participation in that government. In an honest government even if it meant there were some risk to the maintenance facility within that government. And the fact is this government deserves to be rocked and rolled. It's time for some changes and the kind of changes that people are pointing to are exactly the kind of changes that are necessary. And they should happen within a context of peaceful assembly. And now what's being done — we're being contained like cattle. I mean even look at the recent sporting events — a football game that everybody walking into the stadium was getting their face screened. They can compare it against mug shots, drivers license records . . . Why is that necessary? Why is it necessary to invade the . . .
W: Yeah, that was at the Super Bowl.
N: Yeah, exactly. And here we have — again, we spoke about that technology being deployed in that way a year before it happened . . . Jim and I looked at the record, looked at what was coming on, and said, "Hey, it's going to be seen in any major assembly of people." And here it is. And we haven't even seen the beginning of those . . . It's gotten to the point where secrecy and paranoia are driving too much of our public policy. Americans are becoming more transparent and the government is becoming less. We need to be able to look at our government . . . and drive it the way it should be driven according to our values.
W: And — yeah. Okay, let's stay with the phones. . . .
Q: (speaking into tape recorder) Well I would've liked to have made a further comment, which would have been: "And when people do things for the government or for special clandestine organizations supporting ("OF") the government — these are all evil principalities that don't exist. Just like the corporate system. People are doing things without realizing that they, in fact, are doing something of their own free will. They think, "Well I'm doing it for 'the government' or 'the corporation.' I would not be doing this on my own." When, in fact, you are doing it on your own. That's been a very painful lesson that I, myself, had to learn. And what I'm trying to help others with. I can't believe Whitley said he was hearing about my website and book for the first time after all the Email, the previous calls and not to mention sending the book to him with the especially prepared page of excerpts.
Q: Yes, it's Mark.
S: Mark?
Q: That's right.
S: Where are you calling from, Mark?
Q: I'm calling from the San Fernando Valley.
S: Alright. Hold on. We'll get you up. ("THANK YOU")
B: . . . And here I am again on "Coast to Coast AM," Barbara Simpson. We have a lot of people on the line so let's get to you. San Fernando Valley, which is Los Angeles — Mark. (BEEP) Hi, Mark. How are you?
Q: Hi. Very good, Barbara. I wanted to make an observation or share one, rather, about spirituality as a category of discussion on the show ("IS") — ties in with that last call because it involves expanding the awareness of others throughout the world and how to do that. Also, regarding that first caller's ancestry, it's interesting to note that one of my ancestors is the Reverend Phillip Allen who was born in Vermont in 1803. But, anyway, what's confusing, I think, having listened to the show recently, because various callers have commented — ("TO") Ian and what have you — but I think it's — what's confusing is how someone can address the topic of personal growth and not make clear that this goal must encompass helping the less fortunate improve their own lives in concrete ways beyond discussing a certain belief system. What I mean is giving back to the world rather than focusing on taking ("FO[R]") one's self. ("SO") In being one of those attempting to make choices from the perspective of walking with Spirit, for me this involves sharing my experiences to heighten the awareness of others. And I think that's really how we can change — make changes in how people regard nuclear weapons and some of the other problems. I'm a vegan myself so I'm well aware — I'm not at risk for Mad Cow Disease and some of these other things.
B: Do you take vitamins?
Q: Yes, I do.
B: Do you know that those vitamins often have animal products in them?
Q: Well I've tried to check that out.
B: It's hard though, you know? I mean I understand that but it really is very difficult because there are so many times that there are animal products in things that you never even think about.
Q: You never really know and that's —
B: Yes.
Q: — also why it's so important to expand people's awareness. I mean I get my vitamins at Trader Joe's. ("SO") There are a lot of people who probably get them there.
B: Yeah but —
Q: They try to be a little bit more — safer.
B: — Trader Joe's, you know, that's one chain for those of you who may not be familiar with it — ("THAT'S A") very large chain, at least in California. I don't know where else they are ("RIGHT") but certainly they have all kinds of products there and, you know, it's very difficult to know for certain. And even the products may be in vaccines. It may be in medicine. There's a lot of concern. In — I think it's Newsweek, isn't it this week?, that has the front — the cover story about Mad Cow Disease.
Q: Well and —
B: It's a terrible situation. And then you've got the Foot and Mouth Disease in England which is continuing to spread. ("YOU") We have some serious problems out there.Q: But what I wanted to comment on, basically — in trying to do what I'm doing, the media has failed to report about the free website. But what I want to say, basically, was when Spirit expanded my understanding of life it was through events and not through superficial words so the evidence acknowledging this appointed task includes symbols and metaphors in my daily life, synchronicity, and genealogy. One of my other fa(mily) — ancestral lines is the Hitchcock line which basically can be traced back to Edward (I meant Richard) Hiscockes who was born in 1556 in All Cannings, England. And I don't know — I haven't heard anyone speak about that particular lineage. It's quite interesting — you have the 'his cock.' I don't know if that's Freudian or what.
B: Let me ask you — are you related at all to Alfred Hitchcock?
Q: Well I've researched that and, of course, ("I") there's a book called The Dark Side of Genius which has a lot of bell synchronicity chronicled in his own life. He lived in Bel-Air and what-have-you. But there's not a lot known about his genealogy because he came from a very typical poor family and it's usually the wealthy families that you can trace the lineage. Of course, my paternal family line is the Russell family, which has a lot of different spiritual people involved with that.
B: You know what I was thinking? That might be an interesting subject to do some night is just talk about genealogy. On how people can look back and what you can find. ("AND") It really is an enormous movement. I know a lot of my friends are involved in using the Internet to look up family things and —
Q: Was I right about your maiden name? I heard that once on your show, I think.
B: I don't think so. I don't think we've ever mentioned it.
Q: On the astrology (I should have said numerology) show. Was it Allen?
B: Uh-uh.
Q: What was it?
B: I don't give it out.
Q: Oh. Okay.
B: No, we were talking about first names but not last names. So ("WOULD YOU") anyway, thank you. I appreciate hearing from you, Mark. And we'll certainly (line disconnected) talk more about that. I think that spirituality is something that we always talk about on this program in one way, shape, form or another because it affects all of us in different ways.
Q: (speaking into the tape recorder) Well the third caller during the first half hour was from Phoenix and talked about researching his family tree. I, of course, was the fifth caller. And now I'm listening to the show on the archive and we'll see if the web address was edited or not. Usually it is and last time it wasn't. We'll see if it was this time.
Q: Well that was just awful. When I call, I'm a nervous wreck usually. I mean you can imagine — trying to do justice to Mighael and God. I mean I was a nervous wreck. I made a mistake right off the bat. That wasn't the first caller. That was the third caller. Of course, I really couldn't listen carefully when I was dialing. But if I was just a guest on the show, I could be relaxed and calm. I wouldn't have to worry about them cutting me off at any given second before I shared my idea. And plus you really can't think very well sometimes under these circumstances. For example, the vitamins. The vitamins I get are not coated in any way so it's very dubious that there'd be any animal products involved. I just didn't even think about that. I was just waiting to talk about what I wanted to talk about. And, anyway, I'm just not happy. I can't stand listening to myself. I don't have a radio voice. I don't think any radio show hosts have to worry about me taking over their jobs. I guess the best thing I could hope for is having my tapes played on a show at this point. Or have them on the website for people to click on and listen to there. Now — and I said astrology show. It wasn't. It was numerology. I just couldn't get it out — process it fast enough. I am going to send Email to that guest and see if she remembers the correct name that Barbara had said. I ("SEEM") — pretty sure that it was Allen but you heard her response. . . .
(TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: I CALLED DURING THE MARCH 11, 2001 BROADCAST OF "DREAMLAND.") Q: Sunday, March 11. Almost four o'clock and I was listening to Tape #675 and I heard a spirit message that said "WHITLEY." So I guess Mighael wants me to call Whitley tonight, which means foregoing my plan to listen to a radio show I heard about on my newsgroup, and instead listening to Whitley and calling in, for some reason. I know he's interviewing the authors of one of the books that he "presents." He's presenting this series of books — secret agendas is the theme even though whose agenda is open to interpretation. And it's pretty unethical to have a radio show and present your own books but I don't think I'll get into that. I want to ask him about that earlier Angel Mighael book Testament and see if he's ready to talk about it yet. So we'll see what happens. Calling in is not what I had in mind, needless to say.
( . . . )
Q: Well I took a shower and it's now past five. I was thinking about maybe playing the spirit message for Whitley to show how the Angel Mighael wanted me or requested me to call. Then I played it again and listen:
Q: (clip) . . . ("WHITLEY") the biggest impression . . .
Q: Did you hear "WHITLEY" before I said "the biggest impression"? So, anyway, I played it back and, listening carefully and rewinding the tape recorder several times, the two unattributed sounds really didn't sound anything like "WHITLEY." It does a little bit. It reminded me of the telepathic component possibly at work with the EVP/spirit message phenomenon. There have been times when I have heard what sounded like a crystal clear message, only to play it back later and to have it sound totally different. And other various similar incidents have been chronicled on various tape sides, I remember. One message was different on different tape recorders as it was being played back. So there does definitely seem to be a telepathic component to the phenomena.
( . . . )
Q: Well I must say listening to it on the Dictaphone Voice Processor transcribing machine, it does sound definitely like "WHITLEY" but on my Pearlcorder microcassette recorder S713 it just sounds like two electronic sounds close together. Of course, this is magnetic recording tape so everything is reduced magnetically. Anyway, I'm going to try to listen to Whitley at six on my Windows server and we'll see what happens. I don't know what to say. I've said everything I really wanted to say last night. I guess I would say, if I had (to) — I guess I would say, "Well, Whitley, are you ready to share your views on that other Angel Mighael book Testament by Mark Russell Bell?"
( . . . )
S: Thank you for calling "Dreamland." Can I get your first name please?
Q: Yes, my name is Mark.
S: Where are you calling from, Mark?
Q: From the San Fernando Valley.
S: You have a question for Whitley and his guest?
Q: Yes. For Nick.
S: Alright. Alright, hold on. We'll get you up.
W: (spot) This is Whitley Strieber. Join me Sunday nights as we explore the unknown on "Dreamland." Out there is a vast realm of knowledge just waiting to be discovered and forces fighting tooth and nail with only one objective: keeping said information secret. Journey with us as we attempt to uncover the truth that we know is out there by exploring all possibilities every Sunday night on "Dreamland." (end of tape side)
( . . . )
W: We're back. We've been talking to Dr. Nick Begich about HAARP. We're going to get into HAARP and the weather and your phone calls in just a couple of minutes. Next week we're going to have Janet Thomas, the author of The Battle In Seattle, the story behind and beyond the WTO demonstrations. Those demonstrations were among the most intense in modern times in the United States. The police response to them was among the most astonishingly brutal in the history of this country. Now behind this, a book has been written about it. Let's get into it. Let's understand it. I'm going to ask Janet about the effect of some of these non-lethal weapons on future demonstrations because I will tell you this. This is just a personal opinion. I believe it is quite possible that the day will come in the lifetimes of most of us when our choices will be down to this: take it to the streets or put the Bill of Rights behind us forever. Forever. Will we be able to take it to the streets? Are they not preparing carefully and long in advance to create a situation where we can't. Okay, also next week a fun look — Dr. William Alschuler has written The Science of UFOs. It's a really neat book. What if UFOs are real? How would they work? Dr. Alschuler is an astronomer. He's pretty much of a UFO skeptic. We'll ask him about that and if he is a skeptic, we'll find out exactly why he would be, given all of the evidence that he's examined. In any case, it's a fascinating story. How might they work? Also, insights into potential alien motives and alien biochemistry. It's going to be a lot of fun next week. A serious program and a really fascinating program. Okay, in just a couple of minutes, we'll be back with Dr. Nick Begich. He's the author of Earth Rising and Angels Don't Play This HAARP. Angels Don't Play This HAARP is available from Whitley's — from (Whitley's website) or call (gives number). He's also the distributor of CellGuard. If you don't have CellGuard, you ought to, if you use a cell phone. It's simple to use. It's not expensive. Earth Rising, Angels Don't Play This HAARP. His website is Get in to what Dr. Nick's got to offer. Valuable stuff. This is Whitley Strieber. It's "Dreamland." We'll be right back. . . . (commercials) . . . Okay, let's go to the phone. Let's go to Mark in the San Fernando Valley, (BEEP) California. Hi, Mark.
Q: Hi, Whitley and hi, Nick.
N: Hi. How are you?
Q: Hi (or "HI"). Very good. I had an observation and then a question. But I think a lot of these clandestine technologies now being linked with weather and even now with mind control might be obscuring some more obvious facts that the government or special interests might not (want) people to be aware of ("AND") — and this has been going on for a long time — such as the major mind control device being in just about every American home. And that's the television set. But what I would be interested in hearing from you Nick tonight, having heard you in the past on "Coast to Coast" and speaking to Whitley, is some — a (or "A") spirit(ual) — I think a spiritual interchange. I don't know if you've read Whitley's book The Key but I'd be interested in hearing any viewpoint you have — might have on that. And, in fact, Whitley, I'd be interested in hearing where that's concerned if you have any response to the other Angel Mighael book Testament by Mark Russell Bell which is available free on the Internet at
W: Okay, the answer to that is I just heard about it for the first time right now. So no I have no comment on it. Nick, what is your response?
N: Yeah, I don't really — I'm not familiar with the material. Maybe — maybe you could just ask what you're — what you're — what you're looking for. And maybe I could answer it without having been familiar with that specifically.
Q: (off air) Well, I think whenever you come on (BEEP) —
N: Is there something specific that you're looking for an answer on?
Q: Hello?
W: Yeah, can you hear us?
Q: Yes, uh-huh.
W: Okay. What he's asking is this. Is there something specific in, say — in The Key that you — that sparked the question that he could answer directly because he hasn't read it.
Q: Well ("OKAY") when I heard Nick come on, it's a pretty militaristic collection of data. I'm really looking for where does this military mindset come into play with the spiritual and psychological conditions that people have — I mean to prolong —
W: Okay.
Q: — this kind of disin — ("TT") you know, this campaign?
N: . . . Alright. I think that's a really good question. It comes through more in our writing than in our radio — I guess because the questions don't usually get asked that way but on a spiritual level what has bred much of the military technology really is fear and paranoia on the part of the military. Some of it is widely placed on fear but nonetheless fear as a motivator tends to bring out not the best in people and not the best result all of the time. So the technologies tend to get developed along lines of that fear and paranoia breed, which is to protect, limit, to control. And those — all of those aspects, which really are sort of the outgrowth of someone's spiritual makeup. On the other side of the issue, and we see this played out politically — we see it played out scientifically. There's a sort of other view that says, "Hey, wait a minute. There are certain things that (or "THAT") when it comes to human beings, it comes to our natural environment that we don't do." And it's the idea of stewardship and responsibility towards one another that comes out loud and clear. And I think that what we're facing in this generation, this decade, is choice. Really a choice not about what's good and bad use of the technology but the root choices, good and evil at its core. What we do with our technologies today give us the power to either totally wreck this environment and wreck what remains of human dignity on the planet or to enhance it to a much different level. That is the threshold, that this generation has the responsibility to either move in one direction or another. And whether you look at any of the prophetic traditions, in any prophetic tradition of religion, whether it's American Indian, Mayan, Christian or what-have-you, they all speak about this sort of fork in the road. And we're at that fork . . . Many are very well aware of it. Politically — I've said this before. There's no politician I've met—and I grew up in a household full of them—that ever existed, that I've ever met, that didn't have a deep spiritual conviction. Once you isolate what that conviction is, you can deduce a great deal about their motives in life and how their public policies . . .
Q: (off air) And I think it should be also said too that when someone — W: I think that's a pretty darn good answer. I don't know if whether the Master of The Key who is the person I had the conversation with in The Key would've answered the same way but one thing he did say was that secrecy was a disaster and (or "AND") a political disaster or words to that effect. And it is certainly true and it's a very sad time in our history I think because the Cold War is over but the secret part, the secret government is just getting bigger and bigger and bigger until now they're finally like abandoning the peace efforts the peace initiative with North Korea so that we will have an enemy that — in or(der) — because we don't really have any too serious enemies any more. We've got to make (them).
N: You've got to remember too Rumsfeld was one of the people on the committee that recommended missile defense for rogue nations. Korea — North Korea targeted as the rogue nation of concern right now. And, you know, it's really the furtherance of economic policy more than anything else. I mean you don't make money (if you) can't sell bombs. If you can't sell bombs, you've got to come up with something new and what's happened in this advanced technology is — I mean in a lot of sense, it's pretty exciting. I mean because a lot of this technology could be quite useful in terms of human development. And the problem is the operators and the secrecy syndrome is the root of all of it. I mean that is so right on in terms of the root of the problem. The fact that you can hide and that — I'll give you a good example. This is a personal example but I think it's one . . . back in the early '70s, ("NO") my father was on a plane with Congressman Hale Boggs of the United States Housing Authority. Plane disappeared off the radar screen . . . At the time, it was when Watergate had lots of controversy surrounding it. But one of the things that came out years later was apparently a defense intelligence group had made an observation using some new technology available to them at the time where they had located the plane and two people that were supposed to be alive at the site. Interestingly enough, when those telexes were finally revealed to . . . in Washington, all of the names of all of the people involved were blacked out and that they had national security issues.
W: That must've been incredibly painful for you.
N: It is — no (or "NO"), I'll tell you when we got this information, it really — my mother left politics entirely. She left Alaska at that time. I mean it was really a disheartening event. The fact is those people that came forward, whether they were military intelligence . . . We're the victims of secrecy. Here, you have the fourth most powerful man in the United States, congressman Hale Boggs, traveling with my father, who was the only congressman from Alaska. ("I") They disappear and they're never found. Twenty years later, we find out maybe they could have been. And that they were so paranoid and afraid the adversary would know about our technology . . . that it disappeared off . . .
W: They let them die?
N: Yeah, exactly. In fact, the History Channel is doing something on it that will show sometime I think in April dealing with that whole issue. And what people don't know is Boggs was on the Warren Commission and wanted it reopened. He was also a strong, outspoken opponent of J. Edgar Hoover. And it was J. Edgar Hoover's office, the FBI, that had control of those telexes that contained that information regarding my father's plane. So we know about secrecy. We know what it breeds. And within this democratic republic it breeds bad news. Secrecy is not what American democracy was ever founded under. It was founded on open government (and) participation in that government. In an honest government even if it meant there were some risk to the maintenance facility within that government. And the fact is this government deserves to be rocked and rolled. It's time for some changes and the kind of changes that people are pointing to are exactly the kind of changes that are necessary. And they should happen within a context of peaceful assembly. And now what's being done — we're being contained like cattle. I mean even look at the recent sporting events — a football game that everybody walking into the stadium was getting their face screened. They can compare it against mug shots, drivers license records . . . Why is that necessary? Why is it necessary to invade the . . .
W: Yeah, that was at the Super Bowl.
N: Yeah, exactly. And here we have — again, we spoke about that technology being deployed in that way a year before it happened . . . Jim and I looked at the record, looked at what was coming on, and said, "Hey, it's going to be seen in any major assembly of people." And here it is. And we haven't even seen the beginning of those . . . It's gotten to the point where secrecy and paranoia are driving too much of our public policy. Americans are becoming more transparent and the government is becoming less. We need to be able to look at our government . . . and drive it the way it should be driven according to our values.
W: And — yeah. Okay, let's stay with the phones. . . .
Q: (speaking into tape recorder) Well I would've liked to have made a further comment, which would have been: "And when people do things for the government or for special clandestine organizations supporting ("OF") the government — these are all evil principalities that don't exist. Just like the corporate system. People are doing things without realizing that they, in fact, are doing something of their own free will. They think, "Well I'm doing it for 'the government' or 'the corporation.' I would not be doing this on my own." When, in fact, you are doing it on your own. That's been a very painful lesson that I, myself, had to learn. And what I'm trying to help others with. I can't believe Whitley said he was hearing about my website and book for the first time after all the Email, the previous calls and not to mention sending the book to him with the especially prepared page of excerpts.