Q: Mark Russell Bell
G: George Noory, host of “Coast to Coast AM” radio show
U: unidentified caller
M: Mike, caller from Cleveland
E: Ezfa, caller from California
S: second unidentified caller
R: Rob, caller from Illinois
T: third unidentified caller
L: Ellen Russell
C: unidentified caller
A: another unidentified caller
L: caller from Louisiana
G: — archaeologists who were in that area had all kinds of problems after they went into that. Let’s go to the phones now. First time caller in Florida, you are on “Coast to Coast.” Welcome to the show. Hi, there.
U: Hi, George.
G: Welcome.
U: A pleasure talking to you.
G: My pleasure. Did you see the show? What’d you think?
U: Yes but — yes I did and probably like a lot of people I wasn’t real impressed. I mean that when the opening of the tomb it was almost like it was staged to me.
G: I thought —
U: Like (or “LIKE”) —
G: — I thought for a moment could they have laid that — those bones in there and covered it up that way?
U: Well you know everything I have read or every special that I have seen on National Geographic, you know, about the Egyptians, they usually take personal belongings with ’em (“YOU KNOW”) for the life after or the passing on. And there was nothing in there . . .
G: And it (the corpse) wasn’t wrapped up either.
U: Right. And it was almost like (“NO”) they had taken the stuff out. Maybe they didn’t want us to see the artifacts. You know, I don’t know but it was almost like, you know, I could see on the doctor’s face he wasn’t overly excited about that find. You know, so it was almost like it was staged. I don’t —
G: What did you think of the little rover device as it went down the shaft?
U: Well I think the technology of the robot impressed me more than them actually drilling through the — to find an empty wall behind that, you know, but I don’t know. I’ve seen somewhat of maybe a cut-out of a door. It maybe looked like a doorway or something in that wall (“BUT”), you know, it just could have been age cracks too but all in all I — I don’t know. I’d give it a one. (small laugh)
G: (small laugh) What would you have given Geraldo when we went into Al Capone’s vault?
U: Probably about the same level just because Geraldo was doing it (small laugh) himself.
G: Yeah. But at least he found some bottles of booze, didn’t he?
U: . . . You know, at least he found something, I just think, you know. But like I don’t know — I was more impressed when they outside of this — the lay of the city. You know how they made the bread and so forth and so on then I was what was going on inside at least.
G: In terms of a television show, it was a well-produced program.
U: Yeah, it was well directed or well-produced, whatever, but as far as the — I don’t know — as — to me I just . . .
G: Cool. It was. It was not only well-produced, it was extremely well timed out. And the people who put it on for Fox and National Geographic ought to be commended on that. Can you imagine? You’re doing a live program from Egypt and they got that thing timed down to the second. I mean they hit that thing right on the button. They came in at the right time. They kept your attention to the end. And I think one of the things—and we’re going to find out with some of the calls—that really was so disappointing is that it kept building up, (“IT”) building up and building up. And then when it finally got in there nothing. Nothing. And I don’t know, maybe we expected much more. Wild card caller in Ohio, you are on “Coast to Coast.” Hi, there.
U: Hey, George.
G: Yeah, hi.
M: It’s Mike from Cleveland.
G: Hello, Michael.
M: I thought Zahi was cheesy.
G: (small laugh) “Cheesy.”
M: For starters, when he went to pry the lid off, his first attempt — he actually hacked the lid with the crowbar and knocked a couple of inches off of it.
G: Yeah, I saw him chip it away.
M: Right. And that’s not professional. Another thing that they could have done. The two main points that they tried to put past us — now they tried to say we can’t carbon date the pyramid. For one example, they didn’t use mortar when they build it. Now they tried to say that this overseer fellow was 4,500 years old.
G: Right.
M: I thought the main pyramid was made 3,500 B.C., which I’m (or “I’M”) — I’m open on that one but what I want to say is, is that remember how he said, ‘Well we’re going to chip out this mortar, then we’re going to lift the lid off.’ Well that mortar was your proof as a way to date the authenticity of that. Well did they just place the bones and just seal it up for the camera?
G: Exactly. Exactly.
M: Another thing. Now this to me is the key point and I hope everybody is listening here because I think I’m actually have something. I’ve never liked the fact that they tried to hang so much of their hat on the fact that they can prove the main pyramid was the Khufu pyramid because of that passageway that got opened up in the ceiling where those granite beams are above the King’s Chamber and there was all that graffiti up there. And there’s that cartouche up there that says, ‘We were the workers for Khufu.’ And he says this proves it was Khufu’s pyramid. If you looked closely, that hieroglyphic — the way it looked —
G: That was the one that had like the little — (“THE”) a couple birds —
M: Well the key (“IF”) — no, the — George, the key is, is hieroglyphs as we think of them are etched in stone and so —
G: Right.
M: — you’re actually looking at a relief. It actually had a — and now this is what my TV showed and I watched it again and I taped it. It was more of a red drawing of a hieroglyph than it actually was a chiseled etching of a hieroglyph. And my point is, is if it’s red dye, that red dye is organic.
G: Um-huh.
M: And you can carbon date it.
G: Or if it was blood —
M: You can still carbon date it. And so the point being is, is that (“IF”) — they presented some things but they didn’t present the scientific verification to go with it. Now yes, maybe this was live and it was all the first time we were seeing all it but it certainly wasn’t the first time we were seeing that graffiti up there on the ceiling claiming it was Khufu’s pyramid because that’s what Zahi’s been using all these years to hang his hat on that he wants to take credit that it was Egyptians and not — see, I think with that Steppe Pyramid, if you — like the cargo cult, the people that got broad release from the military after World War II. All those simple people could do was parrot and copy so they made a copy of the little plane, put it on a runway and waited for ’em. And I think that illustrates how simple man is. So here we are 6,000 years B.C., hunter/gatherers coming out of the weeds. And in coming out of the weeds, all of a sudden we grow up literally around these pyramids so, of course, one day we get the idea that we want to copy these things. And that’s why you see the Steppe Pyramid and the —
G: Um-huh.
M: — pyramid where they change the angle. That’s because they were trying to relearn how to do — then what they were doing was copying what they saw. We don’t do things original.
G: Well and he —
M: If everything we’re doing is a copy —
G: And he seemed —
M: — even having copied alien technology. I’m sorry, go.
G: He — and he seemed obsessed with trying to convince us that the Egyptians did all this work.
M: Well that was his ax to grind. And that’s why it was obvious there was an agenda. And he wouldn’t have let all those cameras into his sacred space unless he was able to make a point that he wanted to make. It wasn’t just a completely open ‘Let’s see what’s happening.’ It was obvious that he wanted to make his own point.
G: Well said, Michael.
M: Thank you.
G: Well said because that’s the one thing I said. There was another interesting thing that he said. When he was ready to open up the sarcophagus and the reporter was kneeling next to him who looked petrified by the way. He absolutely looked petrified. And Zahi is sticking this crowbar under there and he’s trying to pry up this lid. And they were talking about germs and bacteria and Hawass said, ‘Well it’s not going to get me. It will get you.’ (small laugh) This reporter’s face just like fell down to the edge of the sand. Let’s go west of the Rockies. Ezfa in California, you are on “Coast to Coast.” Hi there.
E: Hi, George.
G: Welcome to the show.
E: I bow before greatness.
G: Well you don’t have to do that.
E: Well I hope you do the . . .
G: Just kiss my ring. That’s all I want.
E: (four kissing sounds, small laugh)
G: (small laugh)
E: I watched it twice and then I watched it twice again.
G: What’d you think?
E: And I tell you what. How stupid do they think the American people are?
G: (laughs)
E: I mean if that wasn’t staged, I don’t know what was. For one thing, there were a lot of signs. When you first — (“WHEN HE”) when he first went up to that room where the gentleman was talking about the red —
G: Yes.
E: — birds and stuff? They had claimed that nobody had been up there before. This is the first time anybody had been up there. But yet you see all the graffiti.
G: But they knew all about it. (“YEAH”)
E: But you see all this other graffiti from — obviously somebody else had been up there.
G: And that was recent graffiti. It looked like, you know —
E: . . . Definitely. It looked like something out of San Jose.
G: Exac(tly) — (laughs)
E: And another thing too is when they went into the shaft and they drilled the hole. Now before when Gri — Gree — what was his name? The German gentleman?
G: That was Gantenbrink.
E: Gantenbrink. When he first went up there — now if I’m not mistaken those two brass or copper things — (“COME ON”) didn’t they have one brass ring and one brass ring was broken?
G: I can’t remember if one was broken. I also — I do think though when Gantenbrink went in there with his robot, there was like a little piece of wood there or something —
E: Right.
G: — like that.
E: And there was a little — like a brass ring hanging off of one of them off to the left. On the left one and the right one didn’t have one on it.
G: Well if they — if it (or “IF IT”) — if they did have it then, it wasn’t there today.
E: It wasn’t on there now.
G: No.
E: And they drilled — if you notice what on the bottom of the right-hand corner there was a crack where most people thought that’s where they drilled through. You know, the little space on the corner?
G: Christopher Dunn was my guest last night.
E: I listened to him.
G: Said — yeah, he said that that might have been part of (“AA”) a — where water would go through for some energy and electromagnetic hydrogen that it was converted into.
E: I think he’s got a point there. And he — they — notice, they drilled right underneath those little brass rings or brass — or copper things coming out of it?
G: Right.
E: And they drilled in the center of it. And you can already tell they’d looked in there before. Before they even did this. And he had a total agenda, proving that it was definitely the Egyptians and it wasn’t anybody else — that the Egyptians (“YOU KNOW”) had this technology and (“I[T]”) that was a total agenda. And when they put that thing in there, if you first saw it and it first lit up, if you really look at it and you take it frame by frame, you’ll see when the light hit, you can see an outline drawing of Isis. And then it gets bright. And then he says, ‘Oh, that’s cracks in it.’
G: Yeah, I heard him say the crack part. Exactly.
E: And — (“BUT”) and the room is so much larger than — it’s a room — that he was going through, that little space he was going through. And yet you — what you wanted to do was see the back of that stone and see if there — that copper coming out the other side.
G: Well I’ll tell you another thing that surprised me and thanks for your call, Ezfa. What surprised me is Hawass didn’t look like a guy who’d just seen something for the first time. You know what I mean? You know how sometimes when you see something for the first time — you know an expression like “Wow. Gosh.” In this particular case, it was almost like he already knew what was there. East of the Rockies, you are on “Coast to Coast.” Hi there. Hello?
S: Hello?
G: Is that you? It is.
S: How are you tonight?
G: I’m doing well. Go ahead.
S: Good. Well I love listening to you and Art. I listen almost every night at work. I’m one of the third shift workers.
G: What station are you listening to us on?
S: 1510 WLAC.
G: Okay, great.
S: Well two things. One, I agree with what your previous callers are saying that the show tonight — it seemed rather staged and they didn’t do it very scientifically. But the other reason I was calling this — as related to your guest tonight. Your ghost hunter?
G: Um-huh?
S: I was going to tell you I used to work at Andrew Jackson’s home, The Hermitage, which is in Nashville.
G: Right.
S: And one night about two o’clock in the morning it was very windy and the wind was blowing away from the mansion. But as I was go(ing) — as I was making my rounds, there was this ball of light that was moving directly into the wind toward the house (“EDGE”) that I feel like was a ghost of somebody that was, you know, lived there. And . . .
G: You could feel it, couldn’t you?
S: Yes. And just it was, yeah, a presence that was — I mean I could feel the energy and it was kind of freaky.
G: Was it a cold breeze?
S: It was like a cooler area. I mean the breeze itself — it was a windy night but the — that area was cooler then. When it got near me, it was cooler than the surrounding area . . .
G: Well I tell you what I’m looking forward to the guest who’s just minutes away because I love ghost stories. First time caller in Illinois, you are on “Coast to Coast.” Hi there.
R: Hi, George. This is —
G: Yes.
R: — Rob in Illinois.
G: Hello, Rob.
R: Also known as Alien Intelligence calling from The Real Art Bell Chatroom on DALnet. And —
G: Yeah. Okay.
R: And —
G: Let’s see. You have a Danielle who Emails me once in a while.
R: Oh actually this one is a newer Art Bell channel. It’s called The Real Art Bell.
G: Oh, okay.
R: Anyways, I thought the show was staged but I mean, you know, how can you expect them not to at least plan some things ahead? But I think that what they found was pretty much worthless. I was more interested in seeing that skeleton that came out of the sarcophagus.
G: Yeah, the skeleton — if there was a highlight of that whole show it was that. And I liked the animation. I got a kick out of that. I mean I liked the re-creation. I liked the fact that when they showed you around the various areas of the city that they were digging out — and then they went to a re-creation. That worked out real well. I mean look, it was a good television show. It did what it was supposed to do. It kept you on the edge of your seat waiting and waiting and waiting. It was just a letdown. And it’s too bad that there wasn’t something in that other chamber. Something you could see. (“YOU KNOW”) It would have been nice to have seen statues in there or — I wanted to see a little spaceship, to tell you the truth. That’s what I was looking forward to. That’s what I wanted. Wild card caller, you are on the air. Welcome to the show.
T: Hi. How are you doing?
G: I’m doing great. Thanks.
T: I do agree with a few of the other — with that second so-called wall, when they went through there and we saw that. I saw — what I saw—and if anybody else noticed—on the bottom right-hand of your screen there looked to be a black line running from — (“[OU]R”) camera view to the wall so they already’d — looked like they’d stuck something in there. And it also looked like it was just another regular block there on the wall.
G: I can’t see how someone would drill a hole and not want to stick the camera in there and take a look at it.
T: Something else went up to there. And I also do think that it was definitely political because even the point where the Egyptian doctor was — he was emphatic (“YEAH”) saying that they didn’t use slaves but yet they showed where they had all those guys laying out there in the conditions they were laying in. If they were just laying there in rows like that?
G: Well and he wasn’t even open up to the possibilities of something different. (“AN TEN”) To me (“THAT”) that bothered me a little bit.
T: That — yeah, that really turned me off. And the last thing I wanted to point out was I recall a special I saw years ago and believe it was on The Learning Channel or Discovery Channel. And it was the one about how they think that it — they’re at least 7,500 years old like you stated earlier and that’s based on the alignment of the stars because the pyramids — the three line up to match Orion’s belt in exact alignment. And that the Sphinx was actually a lion and it was in Leo. And they could date it back exactly —
G: Um-huh.
T: — to the time that it was, you know, exactly like that up in the sky.
G: Which was about 10,500 B.C. I think. But you know what? Let me tell you what’s so exciting about all this. You can watch a show like that, like we all did tonight — and we probably were responsible for record ratings for that TV show. And then you can come back and talk about it on “Coast to Coast.” And that’s exciting. Now let’s go ghost hunting next hour. So don’t touch your dial. I’m George Noory in for Art Bell and this is “Coast to Coast AM.”
. . . Age of Aquarius Age of Aquarius Aquarius Aquarius Harmony and understanding Sympathy and trust abounding No more falsehoods or derision Golden living dreams of vision Mystic crystal revelation And the mind’s true liberation . . .
(“Aquarius” performed by The Fifth Dimension)
Q: (speaking into tape recorder) I guess it’s meant to be ironic.
( . . . )
Q: Hello?
L: Hi, it’s me.
Q: Hi.
L: I still haven’t had my dialysis and I’ve asked two times what time and they haven’t come back yet and told me. Doctor said I could probably go home—because everything looked really good—after dialysis.
Q: Oh really? Okay.
L: . . . you know.
Q: Are you glad to be getting back?
L: Honey, I’m so sick of . . .
Q: I can’t hear you. What?
L: I’m so sick of this place. I mean you wait — I’ve asked them twice because sometimes — you know the other day they came at, like, a quarter to seven to do it. It’s after 9. And the doctor ordered it last night because he — oh, he came late last night. Dr. Singh. Like 9 something.
Q: Well you mentioned that all the nurses are temps so maybe all the dialysis technicians are temps too.
L: No, they’re not. No. I know that routine. That’s not true. No, I know that routine.
Q: Wasn’t — didn’t you say that about your nurse?
L: What?
Q: Wasn’t that true of your nurse though?
L: Was that what?
Q: Your nurse?
L: What about her?
Q: They’re not staff, are they? (“I”) What were you saying about them?
L: Well a lot of them are temps. You know, they come from an agency.
Q: Right. I know.
L: That hasn’t anything to do — no, I think this has to do with . . . well I really don’t know what . . .
Q: Well I know that that nurse —
L: I mean when they come in, I’m going to say, “You know, I was supposed to go home. I mean you’re holding me in a room when there’s people waiting in the emergency room. They’re waiting for eight hours down there to get a bed. And I’m just laying up here doing nothing.”
Q: Yesterday, (“YOU KNOW”) the nu(rse) — when the nurse said that your blood pressure was down. That was apparently a good sign.
L: Oh yeah. My blood pressure is really good. And my temp(erature)’s good. And I feel real good. And my lung capacity is good . . . I’m just waiting for those damn fools to either come or come and tell me when.
Q: Your blood pressure is going to go up again.
L: Oh that’s alright. It goes down. Oh honey so I just thought I’d tell you. Don’t — you know. (If) you have things to do, just go ahead and do them . . .
Q: I don’t want you to have a relapse. (“I”)
L: I’m not going to be around here much longer. I’m going to have a relapse?!
Q: Well I want — I am going to get a haircut today and let’s see —
L: Oh yeah honey, you just do what you have to do and —
Q: Okay.
L: — you know, because I . . .
Q: So if I’m not here, just leave a message.
L: Okay. Will do.
Q: Okay, bye.
L: Okay, bye.
( . . . )
Q: I wish my mother understood the concept of meditation. I guess for her ‘prayer’ would be a better word or ‘communion’: perhaps, ‘reflection.’ I guess none of those words (“THOUGH”) really are motivating ones for my mother. Anyway, last night I listened to “Coast to Coast AM” and before George read some Email reaction to the Egypt special, he talked about a news story regarding unidentified flying objects over Chernobyl and that story made me reflect that for such an important possibility, it’s treated like a joke by the media or by scientists. At least in public; in private, who knows? I guess I’ll play it for you.
G: And good morning, good evening, wherever you may be across the country, around the world and deep into outer space, I’m George Noory in for Art Bell. This is, of course, “Coast to Coast AM.” Now I normally don’t lead the show with a 16-year-old story. Sixteen years old. But it was in the Russian newspaper Pravda and it’s a strange one well worth mentioning. It has to do with Chernobyl. Apparently, eyewitnesses at the time now say that they saw a UFO hovering above the exploded reactor. Now this is a story that had been kicked around in some UFO journals for a number of years but now it’s starting to creep out into the mainstream media. Sixteen years have passed since that disaster at Chernobyl. It happened April 1986. The explosion happened at 1:23 a.m. Tons of radioactive products were emitted into the atmosphere and you know that disaster. The machine shop of the plant was gripped with fire. The fire was about to move on to the third power generating unit of the plant. Firemen managed to extinguish the blaze several hours later. Many of them later died of radiation exposure. Something we really didn’t hear a lot about then. Much has been written about the Chernobyl disaster both in Russia and around the rest of the world now. It seems that the physical nature of the tragedy has determined—as well as the people who are responsible for it—the fourth power generating unit was supposed to be repaired. I want you to listen to this story very closely. Yet before shutting it down, the administration of the plant decided to perform some experiments on it. Steam delivery was cut to one of the turbo generators in order to discover the period of time that the electric power would still be generated due to the rotation of the rotor. They were doing some technical things there. The equipment was not well organized and there was another test conducted simultaneously. The study of turbine vibration. They started apparently decreasing the capacity of the generator unit at about 1 a.m. on April 25th. Now this is before things got out of hand. The emergency cooling system of the reactor was shut down at 2 p.m. This was supposed to stop the reactor. However, the energy company did not know anything about these tests. An energy control officer did not allow the fourth generating unit of the plant to be stopped. These were the prerequisites of the tragedy. Many people to this day are still suffering, still dying. The explosion was very large. Luckily, it was a thermal blast. The fourth power generating unit was destroyed by overheated steam. There was no nuclear explosion. Roughly 180 tons of enriched uranium were in the reactor. 180 tons. If a blast had happened, half of Europe would not currently be depicted on any maps that you might see or have. Half of Europe gone. Now there are many theories to explain the luck of what occurred. One of the theories—and this is according to Pravda now—is that there was help from an unidentified flying object. And I find this to be absolutely astounding. When troublesome events started to occur, some people saw a spaceship hovering above the fourth generating unit of the Chernobyl plant. Eyewitnesses say that a UFO was there for six hours and that hundreds of people saw it. People started writing about it only two years after the catastrophe. And again in UFO-type magazines never picked up by the mainstream media. It is generally believed that serious people just didn’t care about that kind of a story. Here is what an eyewitness had to say. “I and other people from my team went to the site of the blast at night. We saw a ball of fire. It was slowly flying in the sky. I think the ball was six or eight meters in diameter. Then we saw two rays of light stretching towards the fourth unit. The object was some 300 meters from the reactor. The event lasted that I saw for three minutes. The lights of the object went out and it flew away in a certain direction. So maybe there is some help out there. Maybe there is. Hundreds of reactions coming in to me from last night’s television show, a TV special about the Pyramid. I want to read you just a few of those Emails. “George, I watched the show on Fox last night. As a geologist, I thought I’d weigh in with some of my thoughts. I have no doubts, George, that they had already peeked behind that door.” And, see, I believe that too. “Why? Because they didn’t leave enough time at the end of the show for there to be anything to see. In my opinion, they never would have risked looking through that drilled hole and seeing something impressive like treasure or something. And then give us a glimpse of it for just 30 seconds and then say, ‘Sorry folks, that’s all the time we have. Good night.’ Also, Zahi Hawass was awfully quick on his statement about there being cracks and, more importantly, stating that it was another door. It sounds like he already had time to think this out. What did I see when I looked? The chipped area around the drillhole consistent with the door being made out of the same limestone most of the pyramid is built of, I guess. And, yes, there was a fracture through the new stone blocking the passage. The stone was roughly dressed (“NO”) so probably limestone. I’m not convinced that the stone is just a plug like the one they looked at last night.” And that’s just from one of our listeners in Hawaii. Here’s another one. Of New York. “That live television show on Fox did more harm than good, I think. People watched to see something special and we were all let down. If the camera was live the first time in getting behind the stone door then why was it left to the very end when only five minutes were left in the show? They knew that there was nothing to see. They had already seen something and then they knew there was no need to give it more time. If there had been something great behind that stone, we only would have had about three minutes left of watching it. Nope, we are faithful people and we’re very disappointed of what we saw.” Well if you saw it, we’ll get your reactions too. I was disappointed as well. The television show in general was well-produced. Make no mistake about that. But when I realized that it was coming down to the final minutes, I knew, “I have a feeling they know that there’s not much back there.” If you’d like to Email me, why don’t you go to Art Bell’s website, click on “Interact,” “Email Hosts,” and there I am, George Noory. In a moment, stories of the day and open lines so don’t touch your dial. This is “Coast to Coast AM.”
Q: Well George’s news stories included in my opinion what is propaganda about Iraq and about anti-environmentalism. At least he didn’t say, “Let’s kill them in Iraq before they kill us.” There was a call about Egypt, however.
G: When I return, we’ll go to your phone calls. I’m George Noory and this is “Coast to Coast AM.”
. . . no one could save me but you Strange what desire will make foolish people do I never dreamed that I’d meet somebody like you And I never dreamed that I’d knew somebody like you No, I don’t want to fall in love (This world is only gonna break your heart) No, I don’t want to fall in love (This world is only gonna break your heart) With you . . .
(“Wicked Games” performed by Chris Isaak)
Q: Well I was willing to help. Too bad about Art and George and Barbara and Ian and Whitley and — how soon they fade from your mind. Hilly.
( . . . )
Q: So after the commercials, the bumper music was “Waterloo” by Abba again.
( . . . )
Q: So maybe God knows something that I don’t, that I can’t comprehend.
( . . . )
Q: So during the first call that synchronistically came in that night, at one point George commented that, “I don’t want this to turn into a religious program.” So talk about agendas. Anyway, perhaps, I’ll play that for you as well.
( . . . )
Q: They can’t think that I would be a religious guest, do you? I mean I make it very clear that “Love is the only true religion” but if you’re looking for an excuse I guess you can always find one.
G: . . . Let’s go the phones now. First time caller, welcome to “Coast to Coast.” You are on the air. Hi there.
C: Hello. How are you doing?
G: I’m doing well. Thanks.
C: I’d like to say that there are some inconsistencies in the — the whole thing about the — the Earth and the creation. And the — the whole thing is that I think that the — I’m sorry the — I’m a little bit nervous.
G: Oh that’s okay just speak up loudly for me though. That’s — alright?
C: Okay.
G: Alright?
C: I think that the — the — if they’re going to think that we’re the only life on — in this universe — and I think that it’s also arrogant to think that we are not created by God and I think that they go together. I think that the thing is that there is life out there but we haven’t seen it and I don’t think we will for a while because if they want us to see ’em they will let us know. And the air force isn’t hiding them . . .
G: Well let me — let me ask you something. Let me ask you something because I think you’re probably right on both counts. I think this universe might be packed with all kinds of life like ours. Why have you come to this belief?
C: Because I think that as a Catholic I was told that God is forgiving and that we have to forgive everyone and yet we don’t forgive everybody and when the — in the — (“THIS”) this Earth I think that that’s the crazy thing is we don’t forgive everybody and . . .
G: Well but what does forgiveness got to do with you believing that there’s life someplace else out there?
C: Because the fact that if we believe in God and (“WE”) believe that we are all equal then the religions would all have to be equal. And the thing is that God would have not—what am I trying to say?—condemned people for not being of the same religion. And I think that that’s what He meant when He said that we are all equal is that we’re all — religions are equal . . .
G: Well, you see, you and I got to the same belief in different ways. I believe —
C: Okay.
H: — that this universe is so vast that it’s almost impossible not to assume that there are other civilizations like ours, maybe more advanced.
C: Yes.
G: And everything else. Now let me ask you something about your take on God for a moment. And I don’t want this —
C: Okay.
G: — to turn into a religious program.
C: No, I don’t either.
G: But, you know, you were raised a Catholic and —
C: Yes.
G: — so you — you know, you had your own different views. So was I as a matter of fact. (“IT’S”) Somewhere along the line you got pretty knowledgeable about science I’m guessing —
C: Yes.
G: — and things that happen that are really not explainable and a lot of people simply say, “Well God did that.” I think that there’s so much order to the universe — I mean they’re finding things now — they’re finding out black holes (“THAT ARE”) that are put together in ways that they never thought could happen.
C: I know.
G: There is — there’s no question in my mind. Regardless of what you call it, there is —
C: The one thing —
G: — something higher out there that has made all this happen.
C: Okay, the one thing that I think is the most compelling is that this tribe in Africa recently was found that had — (“THEY”) they knew the star that was unseeable until the Hubble was launched and then they found it and they verified it.
G: Yes.
C: And yet this tribe in Africa knew it was there and they had drawings of it. And that’s what I think is — and one other thing is I’m a surveyor and all of the pyramids and the — the Stonehenge are possibly made by man but I don’t think they were. But the one thing that I’m convinced of is up in the Andes they have a straight line for over five miles. And I know as a surveyor that we can’t do that with our technology because the more times you move the instrument the more errors you make and you can’t get a perfectly straight line. And they do have a perfectly straight line up there.
G: Well thanks for your call. You know, when I was watching the television special last night of the pyramids and I kept looking at that. And they showed in their re-enactment, okay? When they had the actors — the Egyptian actors pulling a limestone block that must have been maybe three feet by three feet, okay? And they had like nine guys there and they could barely move it. We’re talking about blocks that are thousands of tons. Thousands of tons — where you would look like a little, tiny turtled standing next to one. How could those move? And then how could they get ’em way up on the top? Now they — they knew—I’m going to say—one of two things. And, by the way, the ‘pored theory’ — that Margaret Morris had on our show about a month ago is pretty darn good. I mean if (“IF”) I had to believe that Earthlings built the pyramids, I would believe in the pored theory because I do not believe in the theory that they dragged these blocks there. All that aside, I tend to believe one of two other things. And that has to be they had some kind of mechanism for moving the blocks. Maybe it was ultrasound. Maybe it was something that we cannot even imagine. (“BUT”) But it wasn’t dragging, okay? It wasn’t that at all. Or they had extraterrestrial help. And I mean bigtime extraterrestrial help to move those blocks, to cut those blocks out, to seal them up where, as people have said on this program before and you’ve heard Art talk about it; and you’ve heard Barbara and I talk about it and Whitley. Less than the thickness of a hair (between blocks) — I mean — I don’t understand. West of the Rockies, you are on “Coast to Coast.” Welcome to the show. Hi there.
A: Hey George, how’s it going?
G: I’m doing well. Thanks.
A: Yeah, you — I love your show.
G: Thank you.
A: A couple things I was going to talk about was mostly the pyramid show that was on. First off, I wanted to say I was rather offended and disturbed by Zahi Hawass and his arrogance. (“HE”) He claims to have certain theories about the pyramids but I know from my readings he discredited before in the past and all of a sudden they’re his theories.
G: Yeah, he is not bendable at all.
A: Oh yeah. And I — ’cause I thought it was (“AA” or “E[D]”) ridiculous and absurd. You know, he was grasping at straws — that whole scene where they had — exposed the body of the overseer of the pyramid . . .
G: Um-huh. Um-huh.
A: He said, ‘Well once and for all this will silence those fools who . . .’
G: ‘ — people who believe in lost civilizations.’
A: Exactly. Like — like that couldn’t possibly happen. But one thing that I noticed — I — I’d heard some people talking about the tape and watching the tape over and over again so I, while I was listening to you guys last night, I put it in and I was watching it. And I found about 18 seconds after the camera first starts to go through the entrance —
G: Okay.
A: — the hole. There is a shape that appears — (“IS”) it seems — I barely noticed it the first couple times I watched it. But it seems to kind of flash. It’s like an image that flashes on the right side of the camera. It’s — it’s — the camera is thoroughly past the wall at that point. And it’s probably like about five seconds after it’s gone all the way through the hole and this shape kind of flashes on the right hand side. And I paused it with my VCR and I just got a new one and it has a pretty clear image when you pause it.
G: Right.
A: And it seems to be — it’s hard to — it’s had to see exactly what it is because it only flashes on there for a second. But it seems to be an object and perhaps if somebody’s got some kind of better equipment, you know, that I have — (“BU[T]”) a better picture, it could try — Fox doesn’t come in very well on my television. I don’t have cable. (“BUT”) There seemed to be some kind of object there about 18 seconds after the camera first starts to go through the hole.
G: Well why did it — why did it flash on and flash off? Was it because the camera kept moving?
A: Well it seemed — I — it’s hard to tell ’cause I think it was moving. (“BU[T]” “I[T]”) It — it seems — (“SO”) be moving from the top of the screen down in an arc almost like maybe it had knocked something. You know, how the handles are on there. Like almost maybe something was on the axis on the other side and maybe (“WAS”), you know (or “YOU KNOW”) had gotten knocked loose.
G: Well that could be. So maybe like a cable or something? (“YEAH”)
A: Well it seemed to be more like a sculpted shape — you know, it almost looked like — it almost looked like a hand maybe, you know (or “YOU KNOW”) — like a small little carved hand looks like or fingers or something but it’s really hard to tell. Like I said, it — (“IT”) only on there for a second. And I wanted to let you know and let your other listeners know. And maybe somebody out there with better quality recording equipment or better quality equipment in general can — could get a better image of it and maybe see what it is.
G: Okay. Okay. Maybe they will. They’ll do that and they can look at it very closely. I did not see that. All I saw was the burst of light bouncing off the other side of the wall. And then I saw the cracks. And I didn’t even think there was another door there. To me, that room looks like it was sealed (“AN”) and you really have no dimension either. I don’t know if it’s ten feet deep or one foot — I don’t know. I don’t know. East of the Rockies, welcome to “Coast to Coast” —
Q: (speaking into tape recorder) Well I’m surprised no one’s commented upon the example that Mr. Hawass provided about sweating like a pig for the sake of one’s celebrity.
Q: — Forgot that the next call also referred to the special.
G: — in Louisiana.
L: Hey George.
G: Hi there.
L: I just got a couple of comments, if I might.
G: Yes sir.
L: About Zahi Hawass’s production last night, it was kind of a letdown. Do you know what Zahi Hawass — the name Zahi Hawass means in English?
G: In English? No, I do not.
L: Yeah. It means Geraldo Rivera.
G: (laughs)
L: I’ve just got another comment on the Egypt — the pyramids. I think these archaeologists that think they’re 10,000 years or so ol(d) — I think they’re on the correct side. I really believe the — I don’t know how they were built but I think the Egyptians looked at ’em just like we look at ’em and, you know — and say, “What in the heck are these?”
G: Yeah, how did those things get here?
L: Yeah. At the dawn of civilization they were there. And I don’t believe this contradicts the Bible. (“IN”) My view is that God uses the Earth as a boot camp and — so that He actually takes the human race through stages of moral evolution.
G: I think the stories in the Bible are absolutely correct. It’s all interpretation of exactly what it was. You know, you might have a different thought when you read it. I might have it. Some scientist might have it. I’ll tell you the whole key — and we’re going to do a show on the search of Noah’s Ark. And, as you know, there is a satellite now going around the planet that is taking pictures of Mt. Ararat because a researcher has found an anomaly, something sticking out of Mt. Ararat that he is convinced is Noah’s Ark. It’s the same size. It’s everything. They’ve been taking pictures. The last four times, it’s been very cloudy up there. They haven’t been able to exactly find out but I’m going to tell you something. (“FOR”) For a number of years — now some of you have Emailed me and said, ‘No, they’ve already found the ark.’ No. No, I don’t believe they have. (“I”) I think they now may know where something is. The whole point here is if they do find Noah’s Ark — and, gosh, would I love to be one of the first to go inside of it. That would be something. But if they do find it — then to me it tells you that the stories in the Bible are all correct. All of ’em. Because if one’s correct and another’s correct, they’ve all got to be correct. Right? Isn’t that logic? And so what bothers me the most of all that is if they’re all correct, that means the last story is correct. The end times. The Revelation, which we might be in right now. Wild Card —
Q: Well yes but it’s all subject to interpretation, isn’t it, George? I mean what a hypocrite. What about the reincarnation of Bel-Marduk?
( . . . )
Q: So again this is how the hour ended. I always note the bumper music.
G: . . . You’re going to go on a “Coast to Coast” ride tonight and you are going to thoroughly enjoy it because we’re going to talk about some of the mysteries of humankind’s past. And there are all kinds of mysteries. So if you’re into mysteries don’t touch your dial. I’m George Noory and we’ll just be back in moments on “Coast to Coast AM.”
Q: (comment) There are so many mysteries because there’ve been so many goddamn lies. There really is a need to hear “Honesty is the basis of all wisdom.”
Winding your way down on Baker Street Light in your head and dead on your feet Well another crazy day you’ll drink the night away And forget about everything This city desert makes you feel so cold It’s got so many people but it’s got no soul And it’s taken you so long to find out you were wrong When you thought it held everything . . .
(“Baker Street” performed by Gerry Rafferty)
Q: Well, anyway, the demeanor that Zahi manifested on the show doesn’t leave one much to wonder that if he found something that didn’t go with his theory he’d probably bulldoze it over as there have been so many different accounts on radio shows and on the Internet, unregulated sources of the media. I guess that’s what’s happening to me. I don’t fit into people’s current paradigm so they bulldoze me over. They ignore me despite all the evidence. I guess they don’t even read it to begin with, much less dismiss it. If anything even seems like it might not conform with their understanding of the world, they (‘LL) avoid it. But the world needs to awaken and an understanding of God can make that possible.
( . . . )
Q: Well after finishing these last tape sides, I was straightening up the apartment and I saw a quarter near my gym bag. So you figure it out.
( . . . )
Q: So when I went to pick up Ellen at the hospital, as I was in her room waiting for the wheelchair to arrive to take her downstairs, someone came in and offered my mother a treatment — a respiratory treatment. But she said no because she was leaving and I was thinking, “Well if she’s well then why do they even have to ask?” Anyway, for her medication instructions it has a steroid, “Prednisone 20 mg by mouth 2x daily for 3 days” then 10 mg twice daily for three days and then 10 mg once a day for five days. Then there’s—I hope I can read the writing correctly—”Peevacio 30 mg by mouth daily stomacid.” Then for the breathing there’s “Proventil two puffs by mouth 4x daily breathing tonight.” Then there’s “Levaquin 250 mg by mouth daily for five days (antibiotic)” beginning tomorrow. “Flovent 2 puffs by mouth 2x daily.” Now you can only have five prescriptions a month for Medicare so Ellen refused the “Atrovent 2 puffs by mouth 2x daily breathing tonight.” It was over $60 and she just didn’t want to pay for it. Anyway, she’s still in sort of a cranky mood.
( . . . )
Q: So it’s Sunday September 22nd. On Friday there was a catastrophe. My computer had been acting oddly. It said that there wasn’t enough memory left when I was working in WordPerfect so I deleted some files and then soon it said again. So I did a search to bring up all the files that I had worked on in the last two weeks and literally hundreds of strange files came up. I don’t think it was a virus because I never open attachments but I went ahead and I highlighted most of those files and deleted them. But then when I went to turn on my system again, it said that I had deleted — part of Windows was missing. So basically I had to restore Windows, which means I had to lose all the information in my computer. Well I had backed up most of my current work. I think I’m only going to lose transcripts for about three tapes including one of those tapes being all of — most of the show of my last call. So hours and hours of work (lost). I’m also losing all my old Email archives. I do — I had been keeping thousands of them. And other articles that I’ve uploaded to my computer over the years from the Internet about conspiracies and what-have-you. Well I guess there’s always ‘The Way Back Machine’ at that one website. It can take you back to a certain time; however, I don’t think my browser is strong enough to do that. I still have a dinosaur computer that has only 8 MB RAM. So I did all the usual difficulty — calling up IBM and having to pay $35 dollars to get help. And I — after many trips to Kinko’s based on what they told me I discovered that you don’t really listen to what they tell you, you just read the directions (“AT”) on the pages that they tell you to — even though they didn’t really make it clear that I should read them. They said, “Well you do this” and what they told me wasn’t really on the instructions (“OF”) that I finally printed at the library. But once I followed those, it worked out fine, getting a new recovery disk in drive A to work with my CD-ROM recovery disk. (“IN”) Anyway, so then I had to restore my Earthlink and the old CD-ROM wasn’t working and they said — (“I WAS”) I didn’t even bother keeping track of all the names this time. I was just too frantic. But finally I got that worked out too by signing up for AOL for a 45-day trial. It’s just horrendous anyway with my 8 MB RAM — it just isn’t going to work. (“BUT IT”) I was able to download Netscape Navigator, an early version. I wanted to make sure it didn’t require too much RAM so at least I can function again. What else should I say? Well my mother’s — seems to be feeling better but it’s a very hot day today. She’s got the fan blowing on her so I told her — and her voice sounds funny. I told her she should drink water because she’s going to dehydrate herself but she doesn’t listen to me. What else is new? Her birthday is Wednesday. I have to redo — (“ONE”) I have to — I did save tapes 748 and 749 so I want to go over them one more time, listening to the source tapes. I guess I will include the unattributed sounds. And then I’ll do 750 again. (“I” “DON’T KNOW”) I think I — I ended up transcribing a lot of the night’s callers but then I edited out the boring ones and then I wondered if that was right or not and I still don’t really know what to do. I guess after I finish that I’ll add it all to the website. Even though on Friday when this happened I did sort of freak out and start looking for a job again. There was one call involving data entry for a healthcare company but when I called the number it turned out to be another temp agency so I went ahead and made an appointment. I asked if it was a shareholder company and she said that she didn’t think so. Anyway, it seemed the best of the few that were there.
( . . . )
Q: So now it’s Wednesday, my mother’s birthday, September 25th. And, of all things, I got a call from my agency. And it was about an aerospace company with military contracts but at least she was nice and it was a — it wasn’t a definite offer. She called to see how I would feel about it and I checked the website and called her back. But it’s — it just struck me as odd. I mean of all the companies — these are what I get calls on — is aerospace companies wanting data entry. (“I MEAN”) It’s enough to make someone paranoid. Tomorrow’s my appointment. (“WITH”) A new agency so I’ll give them my usual speech, not that it usually makes a difference. Usually they slowly learn from calling you what your parameters are. I told Veronica — I said, “Aren’t there any jobs at smaller companies blah blah blah? Heating companies or whatever?” I said, “Is it still slow now?” And she said that it was. I guess — but a lot of those jobs they can just get anybody for but if they really need somebody good for data entry there aren’t that many candidates obviously. It’s enough to make you paranoid.
( . . . )
Q: So I made use of my America OnLine Email. First I sent a message to Randall Eaton and he was nice enough to reply right away — I think the next day. And I must say too that I have done many searches on the Internet to find information about a postmortem for those pilot whales that died and there’s never been anything anywhere, which makes you wonder about whether or not there is a cover-up here. So maybe I’ll try to Email the National Resources Defense Council to see if they know anything about that. They’re the ones with the lawsuit. And I sent Email with my nickname ‘Pandelrey’ to Art Bell, saying: “Having heard you refer to messages in bumper music, listen again to QUESTION by Moody Blues that you haven’t played in a while but maybe now you’ll think another part of the song is better. Listen to the entire song from the start as the song does contain the ANSWER to the question all along.” So I used some asterisks to form a heart with “Other Bumper Song Suggestions” so there’s a line of asterisks with the gap in the middle then “Other Bumper Song Suggestions,” more asterisks, “SUPERMAN — Five For Fighting, SHAPE OF MY HEART — Backstreet Boys, BLESSED — Elton John,” and then more asterisks on the following lines with less and less on each line to make it in the shape of a heart. I considered suggesting “Silver Springs” by Fleetwood Mac as well but decided against it.
( . . . )
Q: So it’s Thursday the 26th of September. I was supposed to go to my appointment with a new temp agency today yet when I was leaving the gym a quarter fell at my feet in the parking lot as I was leaving. So they probably didn’t have an opening at the job I had seen originally anyway. They always bait and switch, after all. I heard a song on the radio. I guess it was Chicago (“You’re The Inspiration”) — something about I needing you more than anyone else or something like that. I still don’t know how I’m going to get by. I have to get a job eventually soon. So my plan now is to finish my tape transcripts of my summer radio broadcasts. I’ve got to redo Tape #750 which makes me feel sick to my stomach, having to listen to myself again. (“I”) Don’t know what to do. I originally had edited some of the calls but I realize I shouldn’t do that because they were on the actual tape and I never really not included something on an actual tape but it was so boring. Anyway, I’ll try to figure it out. Oh — and last night Art Bell had Linda Moulton Howe on for the first hour. I ended up sleeping through it but I had taped it. I remembered to lift up the pause button this time. And I was surprised — well I wasn’t really surprised because the interviews were pretty unimpressive but I heard a surprising number of “NO” EVPs so maybe I should tape those. I mean that symbolic business about the shafts is ridiculous to me. I can’t imagine anyone thinking that that would be a possibility. I just think there are so many cover-ups and agendas that nobody can deal genuinely anymore. Speaking of which, I’m reading Rule By Secrecy by Jim Marrs and I am finding some good information there.
U: Hi, George.
G: Welcome.
U: A pleasure talking to you.
G: My pleasure. Did you see the show? What’d you think?
U: Yes but — yes I did and probably like a lot of people I wasn’t real impressed. I mean that when the opening of the tomb it was almost like it was staged to me.
G: I thought —
U: Like (or “LIKE”) —
G: — I thought for a moment could they have laid that — those bones in there and covered it up that way?
U: Well you know everything I have read or every special that I have seen on National Geographic, you know, about the Egyptians, they usually take personal belongings with ’em (“YOU KNOW”) for the life after or the passing on. And there was nothing in there . . .
G: And it (the corpse) wasn’t wrapped up either.
U: Right. And it was almost like (“NO”) they had taken the stuff out. Maybe they didn’t want us to see the artifacts. You know, I don’t know but it was almost like, you know, I could see on the doctor’s face he wasn’t overly excited about that find. You know, so it was almost like it was staged. I don’t —
G: What did you think of the little rover device as it went down the shaft?
U: Well I think the technology of the robot impressed me more than them actually drilling through the — to find an empty wall behind that, you know, but I don’t know. I’ve seen somewhat of maybe a cut-out of a door. It maybe looked like a doorway or something in that wall (“BUT”), you know, it just could have been age cracks too but all in all I — I don’t know. I’d give it a one. (small laugh)
G: (small laugh) What would you have given Geraldo when we went into Al Capone’s vault?
U: Probably about the same level just because Geraldo was doing it (small laugh) himself.
G: Yeah. But at least he found some bottles of booze, didn’t he?
U: . . . You know, at least he found something, I just think, you know. But like I don’t know — I was more impressed when they outside of this — the lay of the city. You know how they made the bread and so forth and so on then I was what was going on inside at least.
G: In terms of a television show, it was a well-produced program.
U: Yeah, it was well directed or well-produced, whatever, but as far as the — I don’t know — as — to me I just . . .
G: Cool. It was. It was not only well-produced, it was extremely well timed out. And the people who put it on for Fox and National Geographic ought to be commended on that. Can you imagine? You’re doing a live program from Egypt and they got that thing timed down to the second. I mean they hit that thing right on the button. They came in at the right time. They kept your attention to the end. And I think one of the things—and we’re going to find out with some of the calls—that really was so disappointing is that it kept building up, (“IT”) building up and building up. And then when it finally got in there nothing. Nothing. And I don’t know, maybe we expected much more. Wild card caller in Ohio, you are on “Coast to Coast.” Hi, there.
U: Hey, George.
G: Yeah, hi.
M: It’s Mike from Cleveland.
G: Hello, Michael.
M: I thought Zahi was cheesy.
G: (small laugh) “Cheesy.”
M: For starters, when he went to pry the lid off, his first attempt — he actually hacked the lid with the crowbar and knocked a couple of inches off of it.
G: Yeah, I saw him chip it away.
M: Right. And that’s not professional. Another thing that they could have done. The two main points that they tried to put past us — now they tried to say we can’t carbon date the pyramid. For one example, they didn’t use mortar when they build it. Now they tried to say that this overseer fellow was 4,500 years old.
G: Right.
M: I thought the main pyramid was made 3,500 B.C., which I’m (or “I’M”) — I’m open on that one but what I want to say is, is that remember how he said, ‘Well we’re going to chip out this mortar, then we’re going to lift the lid off.’ Well that mortar was your proof as a way to date the authenticity of that. Well did they just place the bones and just seal it up for the camera?
G: Exactly. Exactly.
M: Another thing. Now this to me is the key point and I hope everybody is listening here because I think I’m actually have something. I’ve never liked the fact that they tried to hang so much of their hat on the fact that they can prove the main pyramid was the Khufu pyramid because of that passageway that got opened up in the ceiling where those granite beams are above the King’s Chamber and there was all that graffiti up there. And there’s that cartouche up there that says, ‘We were the workers for Khufu.’ And he says this proves it was Khufu’s pyramid. If you looked closely, that hieroglyphic — the way it looked —
G: That was the one that had like the little — (“THE”) a couple birds —
M: Well the key (“IF”) — no, the — George, the key is, is hieroglyphs as we think of them are etched in stone and so —
G: Right.
M: — you’re actually looking at a relief. It actually had a — and now this is what my TV showed and I watched it again and I taped it. It was more of a red drawing of a hieroglyph than it actually was a chiseled etching of a hieroglyph. And my point is, is if it’s red dye, that red dye is organic.
G: Um-huh.
M: And you can carbon date it.
G: Or if it was blood —
M: You can still carbon date it. And so the point being is, is that (“IF”) — they presented some things but they didn’t present the scientific verification to go with it. Now yes, maybe this was live and it was all the first time we were seeing all it but it certainly wasn’t the first time we were seeing that graffiti up there on the ceiling claiming it was Khufu’s pyramid because that’s what Zahi’s been using all these years to hang his hat on that he wants to take credit that it was Egyptians and not — see, I think with that Steppe Pyramid, if you — like the cargo cult, the people that got broad release from the military after World War II. All those simple people could do was parrot and copy so they made a copy of the little plane, put it on a runway and waited for ’em. And I think that illustrates how simple man is. So here we are 6,000 years B.C., hunter/gatherers coming out of the weeds. And in coming out of the weeds, all of a sudden we grow up literally around these pyramids so, of course, one day we get the idea that we want to copy these things. And that’s why you see the Steppe Pyramid and the —
G: Um-huh.
M: — pyramid where they change the angle. That’s because they were trying to relearn how to do — then what they were doing was copying what they saw. We don’t do things original.
G: Well and he —
M: If everything we’re doing is a copy —
G: And he seemed —
M: — even having copied alien technology. I’m sorry, go.
G: He — and he seemed obsessed with trying to convince us that the Egyptians did all this work.
M: Well that was his ax to grind. And that’s why it was obvious there was an agenda. And he wouldn’t have let all those cameras into his sacred space unless he was able to make a point that he wanted to make. It wasn’t just a completely open ‘Let’s see what’s happening.’ It was obvious that he wanted to make his own point.
G: Well said, Michael.
M: Thank you.
G: Well said because that’s the one thing I said. There was another interesting thing that he said. When he was ready to open up the sarcophagus and the reporter was kneeling next to him who looked petrified by the way. He absolutely looked petrified. And Zahi is sticking this crowbar under there and he’s trying to pry up this lid. And they were talking about germs and bacteria and Hawass said, ‘Well it’s not going to get me. It will get you.’ (small laugh) This reporter’s face just like fell down to the edge of the sand. Let’s go west of the Rockies. Ezfa in California, you are on “Coast to Coast.” Hi there.
E: Hi, George.
G: Welcome to the show.
E: I bow before greatness.
G: Well you don’t have to do that.
E: Well I hope you do the . . .
G: Just kiss my ring. That’s all I want.
E: (four kissing sounds, small laugh)
G: (small laugh)
E: I watched it twice and then I watched it twice again.
G: What’d you think?
E: And I tell you what. How stupid do they think the American people are?
G: (laughs)
E: I mean if that wasn’t staged, I don’t know what was. For one thing, there were a lot of signs. When you first — (“WHEN HE”) when he first went up to that room where the gentleman was talking about the red —
G: Yes.
E: — birds and stuff? They had claimed that nobody had been up there before. This is the first time anybody had been up there. But yet you see all the graffiti.
G: But they knew all about it. (“YEAH”)
E: But you see all this other graffiti from — obviously somebody else had been up there.
G: And that was recent graffiti. It looked like, you know —
E: . . . Definitely. It looked like something out of San Jose.
G: Exac(tly) — (laughs)
E: And another thing too is when they went into the shaft and they drilled the hole. Now before when Gri — Gree — what was his name? The German gentleman?
G: That was Gantenbrink.
E: Gantenbrink. When he first went up there — now if I’m not mistaken those two brass or copper things — (“COME ON”) didn’t they have one brass ring and one brass ring was broken?
G: I can’t remember if one was broken. I also — I do think though when Gantenbrink went in there with his robot, there was like a little piece of wood there or something —
E: Right.
G: — like that.
E: And there was a little — like a brass ring hanging off of one of them off to the left. On the left one and the right one didn’t have one on it.
G: Well if they — if it (or “IF IT”) — if they did have it then, it wasn’t there today.
E: It wasn’t on there now.
G: No.
E: And they drilled — if you notice what on the bottom of the right-hand corner there was a crack where most people thought that’s where they drilled through. You know, the little space on the corner?
G: Christopher Dunn was my guest last night.
E: I listened to him.
G: Said — yeah, he said that that might have been part of (“AA”) a — where water would go through for some energy and electromagnetic hydrogen that it was converted into.
E: I think he’s got a point there. And he — they — notice, they drilled right underneath those little brass rings or brass — or copper things coming out of it?
G: Right.
E: And they drilled in the center of it. And you can already tell they’d looked in there before. Before they even did this. And he had a total agenda, proving that it was definitely the Egyptians and it wasn’t anybody else — that the Egyptians (“YOU KNOW”) had this technology and (“I[T]”) that was a total agenda. And when they put that thing in there, if you first saw it and it first lit up, if you really look at it and you take it frame by frame, you’ll see when the light hit, you can see an outline drawing of Isis. And then it gets bright. And then he says, ‘Oh, that’s cracks in it.’
G: Yeah, I heard him say the crack part. Exactly.
E: And — (“BUT”) and the room is so much larger than — it’s a room — that he was going through, that little space he was going through. And yet you — what you wanted to do was see the back of that stone and see if there — that copper coming out the other side.
G: Well I’ll tell you another thing that surprised me and thanks for your call, Ezfa. What surprised me is Hawass didn’t look like a guy who’d just seen something for the first time. You know what I mean? You know how sometimes when you see something for the first time — you know an expression like “Wow. Gosh.” In this particular case, it was almost like he already knew what was there. East of the Rockies, you are on “Coast to Coast.” Hi there. Hello?
S: Hello?
G: Is that you? It is.
S: How are you tonight?
G: I’m doing well. Go ahead.
S: Good. Well I love listening to you and Art. I listen almost every night at work. I’m one of the third shift workers.
G: What station are you listening to us on?
S: 1510 WLAC.
G: Okay, great.
S: Well two things. One, I agree with what your previous callers are saying that the show tonight — it seemed rather staged and they didn’t do it very scientifically. But the other reason I was calling this — as related to your guest tonight. Your ghost hunter?
G: Um-huh?
S: I was going to tell you I used to work at Andrew Jackson’s home, The Hermitage, which is in Nashville.
G: Right.
S: And one night about two o’clock in the morning it was very windy and the wind was blowing away from the mansion. But as I was go(ing) — as I was making my rounds, there was this ball of light that was moving directly into the wind toward the house (“EDGE”) that I feel like was a ghost of somebody that was, you know, lived there. And . . .
G: You could feel it, couldn’t you?
S: Yes. And just it was, yeah, a presence that was — I mean I could feel the energy and it was kind of freaky.
G: Was it a cold breeze?
S: It was like a cooler area. I mean the breeze itself — it was a windy night but the — that area was cooler then. When it got near me, it was cooler than the surrounding area . . .
G: Well I tell you what I’m looking forward to the guest who’s just minutes away because I love ghost stories. First time caller in Illinois, you are on “Coast to Coast.” Hi there.
R: Hi, George. This is —
G: Yes.
R: — Rob in Illinois.
G: Hello, Rob.
R: Also known as Alien Intelligence calling from The Real Art Bell Chatroom on DALnet. And —
G: Yeah. Okay.
R: And —
G: Let’s see. You have a Danielle who Emails me once in a while.
R: Oh actually this one is a newer Art Bell channel. It’s called The Real Art Bell.
G: Oh, okay.
R: Anyways, I thought the show was staged but I mean, you know, how can you expect them not to at least plan some things ahead? But I think that what they found was pretty much worthless. I was more interested in seeing that skeleton that came out of the sarcophagus.
G: Yeah, the skeleton — if there was a highlight of that whole show it was that. And I liked the animation. I got a kick out of that. I mean I liked the re-creation. I liked the fact that when they showed you around the various areas of the city that they were digging out — and then they went to a re-creation. That worked out real well. I mean look, it was a good television show. It did what it was supposed to do. It kept you on the edge of your seat waiting and waiting and waiting. It was just a letdown. And it’s too bad that there wasn’t something in that other chamber. Something you could see. (“YOU KNOW”) It would have been nice to have seen statues in there or — I wanted to see a little spaceship, to tell you the truth. That’s what I was looking forward to. That’s what I wanted. Wild card caller, you are on the air. Welcome to the show.
T: Hi. How are you doing?
G: I’m doing great. Thanks.
T: I do agree with a few of the other — with that second so-called wall, when they went through there and we saw that. I saw — what I saw—and if anybody else noticed—on the bottom right-hand of your screen there looked to be a black line running from — (“[OU]R”) camera view to the wall so they already’d — looked like they’d stuck something in there. And it also looked like it was just another regular block there on the wall.
G: I can’t see how someone would drill a hole and not want to stick the camera in there and take a look at it.
T: Something else went up to there. And I also do think that it was definitely political because even the point where the Egyptian doctor was — he was emphatic (“YEAH”) saying that they didn’t use slaves but yet they showed where they had all those guys laying out there in the conditions they were laying in. If they were just laying there in rows like that?
G: Well and he wasn’t even open up to the possibilities of something different. (“AN TEN”) To me (“THAT”) that bothered me a little bit.
T: That — yeah, that really turned me off. And the last thing I wanted to point out was I recall a special I saw years ago and believe it was on The Learning Channel or Discovery Channel. And it was the one about how they think that it — they’re at least 7,500 years old like you stated earlier and that’s based on the alignment of the stars because the pyramids — the three line up to match Orion’s belt in exact alignment. And that the Sphinx was actually a lion and it was in Leo. And they could date it back exactly —
G: Um-huh.
T: — to the time that it was, you know, exactly like that up in the sky.
G: Which was about 10,500 B.C. I think. But you know what? Let me tell you what’s so exciting about all this. You can watch a show like that, like we all did tonight — and we probably were responsible for record ratings for that TV show. And then you can come back and talk about it on “Coast to Coast.” And that’s exciting. Now let’s go ghost hunting next hour. So don’t touch your dial. I’m George Noory in for Art Bell and this is “Coast to Coast AM.”
. . . Age of Aquarius Age of Aquarius Aquarius Aquarius Harmony and understanding Sympathy and trust abounding No more falsehoods or derision Golden living dreams of vision Mystic crystal revelation And the mind’s true liberation . . .
(“Aquarius” performed by The Fifth Dimension)
Q: (speaking into tape recorder) I guess it’s meant to be ironic.
( . . . )
Q: Hello?
L: Hi, it’s me.
Q: Hi.
L: I still haven’t had my dialysis and I’ve asked two times what time and they haven’t come back yet and told me. Doctor said I could probably go home—because everything looked really good—after dialysis.
Q: Oh really? Okay.
L: . . . you know.
Q: Are you glad to be getting back?
L: Honey, I’m so sick of . . .
Q: I can’t hear you. What?
L: I’m so sick of this place. I mean you wait — I’ve asked them twice because sometimes — you know the other day they came at, like, a quarter to seven to do it. It’s after 9. And the doctor ordered it last night because he — oh, he came late last night. Dr. Singh. Like 9 something.
Q: Well you mentioned that all the nurses are temps so maybe all the dialysis technicians are temps too.
L: No, they’re not. No. I know that routine. That’s not true. No, I know that routine.
Q: Wasn’t — didn’t you say that about your nurse?
L: What?
Q: Wasn’t that true of your nurse though?
L: Was that what?
Q: Your nurse?
L: What about her?
Q: They’re not staff, are they? (“I”) What were you saying about them?
L: Well a lot of them are temps. You know, they come from an agency.
Q: Right. I know.
L: That hasn’t anything to do — no, I think this has to do with . . . well I really don’t know what . . .
Q: Well I know that that nurse —
L: I mean when they come in, I’m going to say, “You know, I was supposed to go home. I mean you’re holding me in a room when there’s people waiting in the emergency room. They’re waiting for eight hours down there to get a bed. And I’m just laying up here doing nothing.”
Q: Yesterday, (“YOU KNOW”) the nu(rse) — when the nurse said that your blood pressure was down. That was apparently a good sign.
L: Oh yeah. My blood pressure is really good. And my temp(erature)’s good. And I feel real good. And my lung capacity is good . . . I’m just waiting for those damn fools to either come or come and tell me when.
Q: Your blood pressure is going to go up again.
L: Oh that’s alright. It goes down. Oh honey so I just thought I’d tell you. Don’t — you know. (If) you have things to do, just go ahead and do them . . .
Q: I don’t want you to have a relapse. (“I”)
L: I’m not going to be around here much longer. I’m going to have a relapse?!
Q: Well I want — I am going to get a haircut today and let’s see —
L: Oh yeah honey, you just do what you have to do and —
Q: Okay.
L: — you know, because I . . .
Q: So if I’m not here, just leave a message.
L: Okay. Will do.
Q: Okay, bye.
L: Okay, bye.
( . . . )
Q: I wish my mother understood the concept of meditation. I guess for her ‘prayer’ would be a better word or ‘communion’: perhaps, ‘reflection.’ I guess none of those words (“THOUGH”) really are motivating ones for my mother. Anyway, last night I listened to “Coast to Coast AM” and before George read some Email reaction to the Egypt special, he talked about a news story regarding unidentified flying objects over Chernobyl and that story made me reflect that for such an important possibility, it’s treated like a joke by the media or by scientists. At least in public; in private, who knows? I guess I’ll play it for you.
G: And good morning, good evening, wherever you may be across the country, around the world and deep into outer space, I’m George Noory in for Art Bell. This is, of course, “Coast to Coast AM.” Now I normally don’t lead the show with a 16-year-old story. Sixteen years old. But it was in the Russian newspaper Pravda and it’s a strange one well worth mentioning. It has to do with Chernobyl. Apparently, eyewitnesses at the time now say that they saw a UFO hovering above the exploded reactor. Now this is a story that had been kicked around in some UFO journals for a number of years but now it’s starting to creep out into the mainstream media. Sixteen years have passed since that disaster at Chernobyl. It happened April 1986. The explosion happened at 1:23 a.m. Tons of radioactive products were emitted into the atmosphere and you know that disaster. The machine shop of the plant was gripped with fire. The fire was about to move on to the third power generating unit of the plant. Firemen managed to extinguish the blaze several hours later. Many of them later died of radiation exposure. Something we really didn’t hear a lot about then. Much has been written about the Chernobyl disaster both in Russia and around the rest of the world now. It seems that the physical nature of the tragedy has determined—as well as the people who are responsible for it—the fourth power generating unit was supposed to be repaired. I want you to listen to this story very closely. Yet before shutting it down, the administration of the plant decided to perform some experiments on it. Steam delivery was cut to one of the turbo generators in order to discover the period of time that the electric power would still be generated due to the rotation of the rotor. They were doing some technical things there. The equipment was not well organized and there was another test conducted simultaneously. The study of turbine vibration. They started apparently decreasing the capacity of the generator unit at about 1 a.m. on April 25th. Now this is before things got out of hand. The emergency cooling system of the reactor was shut down at 2 p.m. This was supposed to stop the reactor. However, the energy company did not know anything about these tests. An energy control officer did not allow the fourth generating unit of the plant to be stopped. These were the prerequisites of the tragedy. Many people to this day are still suffering, still dying. The explosion was very large. Luckily, it was a thermal blast. The fourth power generating unit was destroyed by overheated steam. There was no nuclear explosion. Roughly 180 tons of enriched uranium were in the reactor. 180 tons. If a blast had happened, half of Europe would not currently be depicted on any maps that you might see or have. Half of Europe gone. Now there are many theories to explain the luck of what occurred. One of the theories—and this is according to Pravda now—is that there was help from an unidentified flying object. And I find this to be absolutely astounding. When troublesome events started to occur, some people saw a spaceship hovering above the fourth generating unit of the Chernobyl plant. Eyewitnesses say that a UFO was there for six hours and that hundreds of people saw it. People started writing about it only two years after the catastrophe. And again in UFO-type magazines never picked up by the mainstream media. It is generally believed that serious people just didn’t care about that kind of a story. Here is what an eyewitness had to say. “I and other people from my team went to the site of the blast at night. We saw a ball of fire. It was slowly flying in the sky. I think the ball was six or eight meters in diameter. Then we saw two rays of light stretching towards the fourth unit. The object was some 300 meters from the reactor. The event lasted that I saw for three minutes. The lights of the object went out and it flew away in a certain direction. So maybe there is some help out there. Maybe there is. Hundreds of reactions coming in to me from last night’s television show, a TV special about the Pyramid. I want to read you just a few of those Emails. “George, I watched the show on Fox last night. As a geologist, I thought I’d weigh in with some of my thoughts. I have no doubts, George, that they had already peeked behind that door.” And, see, I believe that too. “Why? Because they didn’t leave enough time at the end of the show for there to be anything to see. In my opinion, they never would have risked looking through that drilled hole and seeing something impressive like treasure or something. And then give us a glimpse of it for just 30 seconds and then say, ‘Sorry folks, that’s all the time we have. Good night.’ Also, Zahi Hawass was awfully quick on his statement about there being cracks and, more importantly, stating that it was another door. It sounds like he already had time to think this out. What did I see when I looked? The chipped area around the drillhole consistent with the door being made out of the same limestone most of the pyramid is built of, I guess. And, yes, there was a fracture through the new stone blocking the passage. The stone was roughly dressed (“NO”) so probably limestone. I’m not convinced that the stone is just a plug like the one they looked at last night.” And that’s just from one of our listeners in Hawaii. Here’s another one. Of New York. “That live television show on Fox did more harm than good, I think. People watched to see something special and we were all let down. If the camera was live the first time in getting behind the stone door then why was it left to the very end when only five minutes were left in the show? They knew that there was nothing to see. They had already seen something and then they knew there was no need to give it more time. If there had been something great behind that stone, we only would have had about three minutes left of watching it. Nope, we are faithful people and we’re very disappointed of what we saw.” Well if you saw it, we’ll get your reactions too. I was disappointed as well. The television show in general was well-produced. Make no mistake about that. But when I realized that it was coming down to the final minutes, I knew, “I have a feeling they know that there’s not much back there.” If you’d like to Email me, why don’t you go to Art Bell’s website, click on “Interact,” “Email Hosts,” and there I am, George Noory. In a moment, stories of the day and open lines so don’t touch your dial. This is “Coast to Coast AM.”
Q: Well George’s news stories included in my opinion what is propaganda about Iraq and about anti-environmentalism. At least he didn’t say, “Let’s kill them in Iraq before they kill us.” There was a call about Egypt, however.
G: When I return, we’ll go to your phone calls. I’m George Noory and this is “Coast to Coast AM.”
. . . no one could save me but you Strange what desire will make foolish people do I never dreamed that I’d meet somebody like you And I never dreamed that I’d knew somebody like you No, I don’t want to fall in love (This world is only gonna break your heart) No, I don’t want to fall in love (This world is only gonna break your heart) With you . . .
(“Wicked Games” performed by Chris Isaak)
Q: Well I was willing to help. Too bad about Art and George and Barbara and Ian and Whitley and — how soon they fade from your mind. Hilly.
( . . . )
Q: So after the commercials, the bumper music was “Waterloo” by Abba again.
( . . . )
Q: So maybe God knows something that I don’t, that I can’t comprehend.
( . . . )
Q: So during the first call that synchronistically came in that night, at one point George commented that, “I don’t want this to turn into a religious program.” So talk about agendas. Anyway, perhaps, I’ll play that for you as well.
( . . . )
Q: They can’t think that I would be a religious guest, do you? I mean I make it very clear that “Love is the only true religion” but if you’re looking for an excuse I guess you can always find one.
G: . . . Let’s go the phones now. First time caller, welcome to “Coast to Coast.” You are on the air. Hi there.
C: Hello. How are you doing?
G: I’m doing well. Thanks.
C: I’d like to say that there are some inconsistencies in the — the whole thing about the — the Earth and the creation. And the — the whole thing is that I think that the — I’m sorry the — I’m a little bit nervous.
G: Oh that’s okay just speak up loudly for me though. That’s — alright?
C: Okay.
G: Alright?
C: I think that the — the — if they’re going to think that we’re the only life on — in this universe — and I think that it’s also arrogant to think that we are not created by God and I think that they go together. I think that the thing is that there is life out there but we haven’t seen it and I don’t think we will for a while because if they want us to see ’em they will let us know. And the air force isn’t hiding them . . .
G: Well let me — let me ask you something. Let me ask you something because I think you’re probably right on both counts. I think this universe might be packed with all kinds of life like ours. Why have you come to this belief?
C: Because I think that as a Catholic I was told that God is forgiving and that we have to forgive everyone and yet we don’t forgive everybody and when the — in the — (“THIS”) this Earth I think that that’s the crazy thing is we don’t forgive everybody and . . .
G: Well but what does forgiveness got to do with you believing that there’s life someplace else out there?
C: Because the fact that if we believe in God and (“WE”) believe that we are all equal then the religions would all have to be equal. And the thing is that God would have not—what am I trying to say?—condemned people for not being of the same religion. And I think that that’s what He meant when He said that we are all equal is that we’re all — religions are equal . . .
G: Well, you see, you and I got to the same belief in different ways. I believe —
C: Okay.
H: — that this universe is so vast that it’s almost impossible not to assume that there are other civilizations like ours, maybe more advanced.
C: Yes.
G: And everything else. Now let me ask you something about your take on God for a moment. And I don’t want this —
C: Okay.
G: — to turn into a religious program.
C: No, I don’t either.
G: But, you know, you were raised a Catholic and —
C: Yes.
G: — so you — you know, you had your own different views. So was I as a matter of fact. (“IT’S”) Somewhere along the line you got pretty knowledgeable about science I’m guessing —
C: Yes.
G: — and things that happen that are really not explainable and a lot of people simply say, “Well God did that.” I think that there’s so much order to the universe — I mean they’re finding things now — they’re finding out black holes (“THAT ARE”) that are put together in ways that they never thought could happen.
C: I know.
G: There is — there’s no question in my mind. Regardless of what you call it, there is —
C: The one thing —
G: — something higher out there that has made all this happen.
C: Okay, the one thing that I think is the most compelling is that this tribe in Africa recently was found that had — (“THEY”) they knew the star that was unseeable until the Hubble was launched and then they found it and they verified it.
G: Yes.
C: And yet this tribe in Africa knew it was there and they had drawings of it. And that’s what I think is — and one other thing is I’m a surveyor and all of the pyramids and the — the Stonehenge are possibly made by man but I don’t think they were. But the one thing that I’m convinced of is up in the Andes they have a straight line for over five miles. And I know as a surveyor that we can’t do that with our technology because the more times you move the instrument the more errors you make and you can’t get a perfectly straight line. And they do have a perfectly straight line up there.
G: Well thanks for your call. You know, when I was watching the television special last night of the pyramids and I kept looking at that. And they showed in their re-enactment, okay? When they had the actors — the Egyptian actors pulling a limestone block that must have been maybe three feet by three feet, okay? And they had like nine guys there and they could barely move it. We’re talking about blocks that are thousands of tons. Thousands of tons — where you would look like a little, tiny turtled standing next to one. How could those move? And then how could they get ’em way up on the top? Now they — they knew—I’m going to say—one of two things. And, by the way, the ‘pored theory’ — that Margaret Morris had on our show about a month ago is pretty darn good. I mean if (“IF”) I had to believe that Earthlings built the pyramids, I would believe in the pored theory because I do not believe in the theory that they dragged these blocks there. All that aside, I tend to believe one of two other things. And that has to be they had some kind of mechanism for moving the blocks. Maybe it was ultrasound. Maybe it was something that we cannot even imagine. (“BUT”) But it wasn’t dragging, okay? It wasn’t that at all. Or they had extraterrestrial help. And I mean bigtime extraterrestrial help to move those blocks, to cut those blocks out, to seal them up where, as people have said on this program before and you’ve heard Art talk about it; and you’ve heard Barbara and I talk about it and Whitley. Less than the thickness of a hair (between blocks) — I mean — I don’t understand. West of the Rockies, you are on “Coast to Coast.” Welcome to the show. Hi there.
A: Hey George, how’s it going?
G: I’m doing well. Thanks.
A: Yeah, you — I love your show.
G: Thank you.
A: A couple things I was going to talk about was mostly the pyramid show that was on. First off, I wanted to say I was rather offended and disturbed by Zahi Hawass and his arrogance. (“HE”) He claims to have certain theories about the pyramids but I know from my readings he discredited before in the past and all of a sudden they’re his theories.
G: Yeah, he is not bendable at all.
A: Oh yeah. And I — ’cause I thought it was (“AA” or “E[D]”) ridiculous and absurd. You know, he was grasping at straws — that whole scene where they had — exposed the body of the overseer of the pyramid . . .
G: Um-huh. Um-huh.
A: He said, ‘Well once and for all this will silence those fools who . . .’
G: ‘ — people who believe in lost civilizations.’
A: Exactly. Like — like that couldn’t possibly happen. But one thing that I noticed — I — I’d heard some people talking about the tape and watching the tape over and over again so I, while I was listening to you guys last night, I put it in and I was watching it. And I found about 18 seconds after the camera first starts to go through the entrance —
G: Okay.
A: — the hole. There is a shape that appears — (“IS”) it seems — I barely noticed it the first couple times I watched it. But it seems to kind of flash. It’s like an image that flashes on the right side of the camera. It’s — it’s — the camera is thoroughly past the wall at that point. And it’s probably like about five seconds after it’s gone all the way through the hole and this shape kind of flashes on the right hand side. And I paused it with my VCR and I just got a new one and it has a pretty clear image when you pause it.
G: Right.
A: And it seems to be — it’s hard to — it’s had to see exactly what it is because it only flashes on there for a second. But it seems to be an object and perhaps if somebody’s got some kind of better equipment, you know, that I have — (“BU[T]”) a better picture, it could try — Fox doesn’t come in very well on my television. I don’t have cable. (“BUT”) There seemed to be some kind of object there about 18 seconds after the camera first starts to go through the hole.
G: Well why did it — why did it flash on and flash off? Was it because the camera kept moving?
A: Well it seemed — I — it’s hard to tell ’cause I think it was moving. (“BU[T]” “I[T]”) It — it seems — (“SO”) be moving from the top of the screen down in an arc almost like maybe it had knocked something. You know, how the handles are on there. Like almost maybe something was on the axis on the other side and maybe (“WAS”), you know (or “YOU KNOW”) had gotten knocked loose.
G: Well that could be. So maybe like a cable or something? (“YEAH”)
A: Well it seemed to be more like a sculpted shape — you know, it almost looked like — it almost looked like a hand maybe, you know (or “YOU KNOW”) — like a small little carved hand looks like or fingers or something but it’s really hard to tell. Like I said, it — (“IT”) only on there for a second. And I wanted to let you know and let your other listeners know. And maybe somebody out there with better quality recording equipment or better quality equipment in general can — could get a better image of it and maybe see what it is.
G: Okay. Okay. Maybe they will. They’ll do that and they can look at it very closely. I did not see that. All I saw was the burst of light bouncing off the other side of the wall. And then I saw the cracks. And I didn’t even think there was another door there. To me, that room looks like it was sealed (“AN”) and you really have no dimension either. I don’t know if it’s ten feet deep or one foot — I don’t know. I don’t know. East of the Rockies, welcome to “Coast to Coast” —
Q: (speaking into tape recorder) Well I’m surprised no one’s commented upon the example that Mr. Hawass provided about sweating like a pig for the sake of one’s celebrity.
Q: — Forgot that the next call also referred to the special.
G: — in Louisiana.
L: Hey George.
G: Hi there.
L: I just got a couple of comments, if I might.
G: Yes sir.
L: About Zahi Hawass’s production last night, it was kind of a letdown. Do you know what Zahi Hawass — the name Zahi Hawass means in English?
G: In English? No, I do not.
L: Yeah. It means Geraldo Rivera.
G: (laughs)
L: I’ve just got another comment on the Egypt — the pyramids. I think these archaeologists that think they’re 10,000 years or so ol(d) — I think they’re on the correct side. I really believe the — I don’t know how they were built but I think the Egyptians looked at ’em just like we look at ’em and, you know — and say, “What in the heck are these?”
G: Yeah, how did those things get here?
L: Yeah. At the dawn of civilization they were there. And I don’t believe this contradicts the Bible. (“IN”) My view is that God uses the Earth as a boot camp and — so that He actually takes the human race through stages of moral evolution.
G: I think the stories in the Bible are absolutely correct. It’s all interpretation of exactly what it was. You know, you might have a different thought when you read it. I might have it. Some scientist might have it. I’ll tell you the whole key — and we’re going to do a show on the search of Noah’s Ark. And, as you know, there is a satellite now going around the planet that is taking pictures of Mt. Ararat because a researcher has found an anomaly, something sticking out of Mt. Ararat that he is convinced is Noah’s Ark. It’s the same size. It’s everything. They’ve been taking pictures. The last four times, it’s been very cloudy up there. They haven’t been able to exactly find out but I’m going to tell you something. (“FOR”) For a number of years — now some of you have Emailed me and said, ‘No, they’ve already found the ark.’ No. No, I don’t believe they have. (“I”) I think they now may know where something is. The whole point here is if they do find Noah’s Ark — and, gosh, would I love to be one of the first to go inside of it. That would be something. But if they do find it — then to me it tells you that the stories in the Bible are all correct. All of ’em. Because if one’s correct and another’s correct, they’ve all got to be correct. Right? Isn’t that logic? And so what bothers me the most of all that is if they’re all correct, that means the last story is correct. The end times. The Revelation, which we might be in right now. Wild Card —
Q: Well yes but it’s all subject to interpretation, isn’t it, George? I mean what a hypocrite. What about the reincarnation of Bel-Marduk?
( . . . )
Q: So again this is how the hour ended. I always note the bumper music.
G: . . . You’re going to go on a “Coast to Coast” ride tonight and you are going to thoroughly enjoy it because we’re going to talk about some of the mysteries of humankind’s past. And there are all kinds of mysteries. So if you’re into mysteries don’t touch your dial. I’m George Noory and we’ll just be back in moments on “Coast to Coast AM.”
Q: (comment) There are so many mysteries because there’ve been so many goddamn lies. There really is a need to hear “Honesty is the basis of all wisdom.”
Winding your way down on Baker Street Light in your head and dead on your feet Well another crazy day you’ll drink the night away And forget about everything This city desert makes you feel so cold It’s got so many people but it’s got no soul And it’s taken you so long to find out you were wrong When you thought it held everything . . .
(“Baker Street” performed by Gerry Rafferty)
Q: Well, anyway, the demeanor that Zahi manifested on the show doesn’t leave one much to wonder that if he found something that didn’t go with his theory he’d probably bulldoze it over as there have been so many different accounts on radio shows and on the Internet, unregulated sources of the media. I guess that’s what’s happening to me. I don’t fit into people’s current paradigm so they bulldoze me over. They ignore me despite all the evidence. I guess they don’t even read it to begin with, much less dismiss it. If anything even seems like it might not conform with their understanding of the world, they (‘LL) avoid it. But the world needs to awaken and an understanding of God can make that possible.
( . . . )
Q: Well after finishing these last tape sides, I was straightening up the apartment and I saw a quarter near my gym bag. So you figure it out.
( . . . )
Q: So when I went to pick up Ellen at the hospital, as I was in her room waiting for the wheelchair to arrive to take her downstairs, someone came in and offered my mother a treatment — a respiratory treatment. But she said no because she was leaving and I was thinking, “Well if she’s well then why do they even have to ask?” Anyway, for her medication instructions it has a steroid, “Prednisone 20 mg by mouth 2x daily for 3 days” then 10 mg twice daily for three days and then 10 mg once a day for five days. Then there’s—I hope I can read the writing correctly—”Peevacio 30 mg by mouth daily stomacid.” Then for the breathing there’s “Proventil two puffs by mouth 4x daily breathing tonight.” Then there’s “Levaquin 250 mg by mouth daily for five days (antibiotic)” beginning tomorrow. “Flovent 2 puffs by mouth 2x daily.” Now you can only have five prescriptions a month for Medicare so Ellen refused the “Atrovent 2 puffs by mouth 2x daily breathing tonight.” It was over $60 and she just didn’t want to pay for it. Anyway, she’s still in sort of a cranky mood.
( . . . )
Q: So it’s Sunday September 22nd. On Friday there was a catastrophe. My computer had been acting oddly. It said that there wasn’t enough memory left when I was working in WordPerfect so I deleted some files and then soon it said again. So I did a search to bring up all the files that I had worked on in the last two weeks and literally hundreds of strange files came up. I don’t think it was a virus because I never open attachments but I went ahead and I highlighted most of those files and deleted them. But then when I went to turn on my system again, it said that I had deleted — part of Windows was missing. So basically I had to restore Windows, which means I had to lose all the information in my computer. Well I had backed up most of my current work. I think I’m only going to lose transcripts for about three tapes including one of those tapes being all of — most of the show of my last call. So hours and hours of work (lost). I’m also losing all my old Email archives. I do — I had been keeping thousands of them. And other articles that I’ve uploaded to my computer over the years from the Internet about conspiracies and what-have-you. Well I guess there’s always ‘The Way Back Machine’ at that one website. It can take you back to a certain time; however, I don’t think my browser is strong enough to do that. I still have a dinosaur computer that has only 8 MB RAM. So I did all the usual difficulty — calling up IBM and having to pay $35 dollars to get help. And I — after many trips to Kinko’s based on what they told me I discovered that you don’t really listen to what they tell you, you just read the directions (“AT”) on the pages that they tell you to — even though they didn’t really make it clear that I should read them. They said, “Well you do this” and what they told me wasn’t really on the instructions (“OF”) that I finally printed at the library. But once I followed those, it worked out fine, getting a new recovery disk in drive A to work with my CD-ROM recovery disk. (“IN”) Anyway, so then I had to restore my Earthlink and the old CD-ROM wasn’t working and they said — (“I WAS”) I didn’t even bother keeping track of all the names this time. I was just too frantic. But finally I got that worked out too by signing up for AOL for a 45-day trial. It’s just horrendous anyway with my 8 MB RAM — it just isn’t going to work. (“BUT IT”) I was able to download Netscape Navigator, an early version. I wanted to make sure it didn’t require too much RAM so at least I can function again. What else should I say? Well my mother’s — seems to be feeling better but it’s a very hot day today. She’s got the fan blowing on her so I told her — and her voice sounds funny. I told her she should drink water because she’s going to dehydrate herself but she doesn’t listen to me. What else is new? Her birthday is Wednesday. I have to redo — (“ONE”) I have to — I did save tapes 748 and 749 so I want to go over them one more time, listening to the source tapes. I guess I will include the unattributed sounds. And then I’ll do 750 again. (“I” “DON’T KNOW”) I think I — I ended up transcribing a lot of the night’s callers but then I edited out the boring ones and then I wondered if that was right or not and I still don’t really know what to do. I guess after I finish that I’ll add it all to the website. Even though on Friday when this happened I did sort of freak out and start looking for a job again. There was one call involving data entry for a healthcare company but when I called the number it turned out to be another temp agency so I went ahead and made an appointment. I asked if it was a shareholder company and she said that she didn’t think so. Anyway, it seemed the best of the few that were there.
( . . . )
Q: So now it’s Wednesday, my mother’s birthday, September 25th. And, of all things, I got a call from my agency. And it was about an aerospace company with military contracts but at least she was nice and it was a — it wasn’t a definite offer. She called to see how I would feel about it and I checked the website and called her back. But it’s — it just struck me as odd. I mean of all the companies — these are what I get calls on — is aerospace companies wanting data entry. (“I MEAN”) It’s enough to make someone paranoid. Tomorrow’s my appointment. (“WITH”) A new agency so I’ll give them my usual speech, not that it usually makes a difference. Usually they slowly learn from calling you what your parameters are. I told Veronica — I said, “Aren’t there any jobs at smaller companies blah blah blah? Heating companies or whatever?” I said, “Is it still slow now?” And she said that it was. I guess — but a lot of those jobs they can just get anybody for but if they really need somebody good for data entry there aren’t that many candidates obviously. It’s enough to make you paranoid.
( . . . )
Q: So I made use of my America OnLine Email. First I sent a message to Randall Eaton and he was nice enough to reply right away — I think the next day. And I must say too that I have done many searches on the Internet to find information about a postmortem for those pilot whales that died and there’s never been anything anywhere, which makes you wonder about whether or not there is a cover-up here. So maybe I’ll try to Email the National Resources Defense Council to see if they know anything about that. They’re the ones with the lawsuit. And I sent Email with my nickname ‘Pandelrey’ to Art Bell, saying: “Having heard you refer to messages in bumper music, listen again to QUESTION by Moody Blues that you haven’t played in a while but maybe now you’ll think another part of the song is better. Listen to the entire song from the start as the song does contain the ANSWER to the question all along.” So I used some asterisks to form a heart with “Other Bumper Song Suggestions” so there’s a line of asterisks with the gap in the middle then “Other Bumper Song Suggestions,” more asterisks, “SUPERMAN — Five For Fighting, SHAPE OF MY HEART — Backstreet Boys, BLESSED — Elton John,” and then more asterisks on the following lines with less and less on each line to make it in the shape of a heart. I considered suggesting “Silver Springs” by Fleetwood Mac as well but decided against it.
( . . . )
Q: So it’s Thursday the 26th of September. I was supposed to go to my appointment with a new temp agency today yet when I was leaving the gym a quarter fell at my feet in the parking lot as I was leaving. So they probably didn’t have an opening at the job I had seen originally anyway. They always bait and switch, after all. I heard a song on the radio. I guess it was Chicago (“You’re The Inspiration”) — something about I needing you more than anyone else or something like that. I still don’t know how I’m going to get by. I have to get a job eventually soon. So my plan now is to finish my tape transcripts of my summer radio broadcasts. I’ve got to redo Tape #750 which makes me feel sick to my stomach, having to listen to myself again. (“I”) Don’t know what to do. I originally had edited some of the calls but I realize I shouldn’t do that because they were on the actual tape and I never really not included something on an actual tape but it was so boring. Anyway, I’ll try to figure it out. Oh — and last night Art Bell had Linda Moulton Howe on for the first hour. I ended up sleeping through it but I had taped it. I remembered to lift up the pause button this time. And I was surprised — well I wasn’t really surprised because the interviews were pretty unimpressive but I heard a surprising number of “NO” EVPs so maybe I should tape those. I mean that symbolic business about the shafts is ridiculous to me. I can’t imagine anyone thinking that that would be a possibility. I just think there are so many cover-ups and agendas that nobody can deal genuinely anymore. Speaking of which, I’m reading Rule By Secrecy by Jim Marrs and I am finding some good information there.