Q: Mark Russell Bell
J: Joe, Talk One Network
A: Alex Merklinger, radio show host of “Mysteries of the Mind”
V: various recorded announcements/excerpts
N: “Air Force Radio News” newscaster
T: Captain John Thomas, interview clip
Q: Hello?
J: Hi. Is this Mark?
Q: Yes, it is.
J: Hi, Mark. Sorry about that. Are you ready to go back on?
Q: Yeah.
J: Okay, here you go. (BEEP)
A: And Mark, are you back with us?
Q: I’m back.
A: Are you back with us?
Q: Yes, I am.
A: Oh good. I don’t know what happened. All of a sudden we were talking — maybe somebody else didn’t want you to tell us what you were doing but we are back. And I apologize, Mark, to you as our guest and to our listening audience. Sometimes it happens because we’re still waiting with our lovely phone company —
Q: Right.
A: — to have our special line put in. And oh but please understand it’s only been seventeen months since they promised it would be in.
Q: Well I think that was a very important point, though, because a lot of us find ourselves in different jobs either with government or the military or corporations and we do things that we wouldn’t do — we don’t take the responsibility that we would do if it was up to us on our own.
A: Right.
Q: And people always wonder about what evil principalities are in various religious traditions — well this is as good as any that I can find.
A: I would say so. Now when you stopped working for the movie studio, did you ever go back after you started to (“TOE”) — to write your books?
Q: Well what happened is —
A: Passe?
Q: First of all, it was a very fortunate circumstances that brought me there in the first place because as a journalist I’m — I don’t — I won’t just say anything. I mean I take a very journalistic style and there’s a lot of really bad writing in movie publicity. I mean a lot of filmmakers try to fix whatever’s wrong in their movies in the press kits. And, of course, I know that the press is too smart for that. So, luckily, the people at Paramount at the time were such that we saw eye to eye on terms of wanting to have good journalism. Of course, we still would — there were plenty of cover-ups there. For example, when I worked on the movie “Braveheart.” I can definitely tell you that the real William Wallace didn’t look nothing like Mel Gibson. In fact, he was very corpulent.
A: (laughs)
Q: And he was — he was a vile pig is what he was. I mean he — a raping, murdering, butchering pig. And if you go to see the movie “Braveheart” that’s the least of the messages that you get. So it was the year of the pig, after all, so that’s probably why it won the golden idol for best movie of the year.
A: What you’re saying (is) that the studio understood what type of the character that he was in real life but isn’t that kind of almost like something like poetic license where they’re not doing a truthful story but they’re doing an interesting story?
Q: It’s something — well, first of all, the studio didn’t really do it. It was something that I, myself, did. I was the one in charge of doing the notes and I came to the conclusion that we won’t tell anyone that this is (“AA AA”) fantasy because we don’t want people to realize that this is a very unhistorical film. I mean, in fact, the press kit has a lot of historical elements in it. It was a cover-up and none of — nobody in the entire media really did much poking into the real circumstances of William Wallace’s — I mean I went to the library and I read several — and I looked at all the different books about him and it was — I even mentioned this to one of my friends afterwards. But there are other (“KI[NDS]” “I MEAN” “THAT’S WHAT HAP”) — people just don’t — one of the things that people don’t think about because they don’t look at each choice as something involving good or evil or correct or incorrect, (“OR”) incorrect way of doing something. And after this experience I realized well every little thing that you do could have profound effects. Look at the world we live in now. I mean, in fact, right now I’m reading a book entitled The Invisible Government by David Wise and Thomas B. Ross. It’s like this old paperback from the ’60s but it’s all about the CIA in terms of all the different covert activities (“THAT THAT”) the United States was involved in. Of course, the other countries would all see this as terrorism but at the time we thought we were just perpetuating capitalism throughout the world. So I mean it’s interesting to think of these things and it’s something that people just don’t — they think, “Well we’re the good guys because we’re the United States.” But I don’t think that necessarily that has anything to do with right or wrong.
A: Well it doesn’t and it (“NO”) — it all depends on what’s expedient at the time. This is some of the topics that we have been covering in the past several weeks since the tragedy of the World Trade Center and Pentagon. And it’s very interesting, Mark, as to some of the facts that are now coming in and let me tell you they are so upsetting to me where sometimes I’m not even sure how to handle it. You know, because when you begin to realize that hey, maybe your government isn’t the squeaky clean, perfect world savior that everyone would like it to be. But whatever it is — I guess that’s where we are.
Q: Yeah. In fact, there really is no government, is there? It’s just different individuals coming to different determinations and decisions. (clicking on line)
A: . . . ready for a quick commercial break, Mark Russell Bell . . .
Q: Okay. (commercial: Phazer)
V: You’re tuned to Talk One. (commercials: Hot Cuisine Newsletter, Smoke Away, Memory Foam; then theme music)
A: And welcome back everybody. Welcome back to “Mysteries of the Mind” and with our special guest tonight, Mark Russell Bell, author of Testament and New Testament. And, Mark, we should probably tell people how they can get on to your website so they can read your books because they are truly very interesting. Some of the experiences are the ones that we have covered tonight. The one I found absolutely fascinating was the one — obviously the longest one and that’s the one that took place in Oklahoma with the — was it Mc Wethy family?
Q: Right. Some of them are named Bell and her current husband is Mc Wethy. (“MA[X]”) That’s Maxine — she’s sort of the matriarch of the family. And I might add too that (“IN” “TTR”) — you know, I’m very open about my life. I mean it’s something that I couldn’t possibly have made up. I mean it’s just — I mean I know it sounds totally bizarre but that’s why my book tries to just document the events as they happen.
A: Well tell everybody how they can . . .
Q: Oh, okay — is the website address so it’s very easy to get to. Just You don’t need ‘www’ but you get there if you use the ‘www’ or if you don’t. And I have photos, including there’s a bigfoot photo that I got from Bigfoot Central. And there’s some spirit photos as well and we discuss those in some of the early interviews. (“N” “I”) The most recent pictures I added to the website in the New Testament section were — I had made an appearance at a local psychic fair in Pasadena — at the Masonic Temple in Pasadena. So those were the most recent photos I added. And so — I think the fun part to discuss would be after (“THIS”) the Bel-Marduk business, there was that (“CON”) connection to Amun-Ra or Ra that I found in the Zecharia Sitchin books. (“AN”) Spirit led me basically to make a further connection to Ra-Ta (“I[N]”) in the Edgar Cayce channelings. I actually (“HAD”) found some books — I think it was (“THE” “IT JUST”) — it just had number “47” on the outside but they were the original transcripts. (“OF”) The Edgar Cayce Ra-Ta material. And after finding this at the local Bodhi Tree bookstore — (“LIKE”) there was a power failure. I basically (“I”) — because I was transcribing at the time and I don’t think that I would have read them so quickly. (“BUT”) I didn’t really have anything else to do so I ended up reading these transcripts about Ra-Ta via flashlight and realizing more and more that this was a previous incarnation because my life was following the events of that previous one in different metaphorical ways. So — in fact, Edgar Cayce had said that — (“THE” “YOU KNOW”) ancient Egyptian priest he called Ra-Ta— which means Sun-Earth—would return to the world in 1998. Now Edgar thought that he, himself, was Ra-Ta and I think that either (“UM”) it’s a different Ra-Ta or (“HE MADE”) a wrong conclusion because (“AT”) with my medallion and everything — (“A[T]” “IT’S — IT’S”) and the story of Ra-Ta — I mean I literally had experiences where (“IN”) like my wife from the Ra-Ta period I had met and (“HAD”) was working with. She’s a book publicist and I started working with her and I realized (“I’M”) following my exact same mistakes from my previous life. We were — we actually (“HAD”) were having a dinner at Dive! over — (“IN”) Westwood and the French fries in front of us were (“WERE”) falling on the table. (“MICHAEL”) The A(ngel) — the Entity was playfully eating the French fries and so, anyway, I — (“I”) I pretty much came to some conclusions about not wanting to involve myself in public relations even as a favor to her for some of her clients because there was an evil corporate aspect to some of the clients. (“AND IT WAS”) It was a very useful conclusion that I think other people can learn from. (“THAT EX”) That whole experience. So I have some of that informa(tion) — transcript in the book.
A: Good. Mark, in — you (SPIRIT SMALL LAUGH) — because you mention that Cayce also thought that he had been the incarnation of Ra —
Q: Ra-Ta.
A: Is it possible do you think that people almost as an entity passes on and it (or “IT”) dispenses energy — spiritual energy. Maybe splits into different parts to again experience different lives. Maybe you Cayce or whomever really did experience that life. Or do you think that either you’re both happy kin to that life from your present consciousness? Tell us if you could Mark your concept of reincarnation. Maybe how it does work and why it’s so important today.
Q: Well in my own case I was presented with evidence — I mean physical evidence of a previous life in Egypt. And then my name Mark Russell Bell and Bel-Marduk were so similar that there were very many different indications. So I have no actual memories from that lifetime but if you take my experience collectively you can see reincarnation. In fact, that’s one of the “Spiritual Advice” messages at my list of spiritual advice. “Karma” is another one. So now in terms of what you said about different people (“IN”) — splinters — of course, that’s what the Messages From Michael books were all about. And I really haven’t made up my mind. It’s something that I play with — (“THERE”) aren’t a whole lot of people that I have met that I would want to merge with in terms of what the books say. (“BUT”) I mean every different paranormal experience is different from every other one if you look at all the famous cases. (“YOU NN”) You won’t find two alike. So I don’t know if this is some kind of litmus test in terms of seeing who can perceive what the truth is or if that all these different possibilities are possible to us in terms of how we make our choices. So, again, (“THAT”) that comes down to personal choice being so pivotal in every aspect of our life. In fact, that’s one of the reasons why I like to say that Judgment Day is an ongoing event. It’s every minute — every moment in our lives and it’s not something that’s ever going to “come.” I mean Judgment Day is right now for everyone. There is only “now.”
A: You know, it’s interesting in that same mind, if you read the Bible, when Jesus spoke, he only spoke in the present tense. He never spoke in the past tense, never spoke in the future tense. So we are here now and it’s the here and now that is so important and why we should really be doing it the right way and not screwing it up like it seems we are doing.
Q: Ane he never called himself the Christ either — the One, you know — “The Christ.” (“SO”) The way I look at it and I’ve read a lot of the different spiritual books from different religious traditions, such as (about) Krishna, let’s say. And I think by reading these other books — what we know about them — you can see definite parallels there. So, of course, a lot of people don’t understand the Holy Ghost — well the Angel Mighael has been equated with the Logos or Holy Ghost for all this time. So what I see it as is that the Christ Force christs certain individuals to help others in terms of communicating through — in my case it’s through my own experiences in life. I mean it’s not through — I just basically tell you what happened and what my decisions are and you can learn a lot from my mistakes. I mean I don’t think God would choose somebody who was perfect to do this kind of a book. I mean I had, basically, worked, for example, in the pornographic magazine business my last semester when I was going to college. I went to USC. I was a cinema major and —
A: Pornographic book business?
Q: Magazines.
A: Magazines . . .
Q: Yeah. Well, see, what happened is I had gone to the USC Career Development Center and they had — there was a job opening for Modern Games magazine. It was the old bait-and-switch routine. Before I knew it, I was working on hardcore porno magazines and I actually enjoyed it. I mean I thought these were the most normal people — nicest, most normal people I’d ever met. And I actually (“COULD”) — you know, pay some of my tuition costs. But, of course, in that experience I realized that pe(ople) — anyone who really participates in that whole arena is destroying themselves. I mean it’s — there are so many dark aspects to it that you don’t see on the surface that by participating in that was a real lesson for me.
A: And they’re not only destroying themselves, they’re destroying the lives of the people that get caught up in it too.
Q: Oh yeah. (“THERE’S”) I mean so many of them are on drugs just to cope with their day — just getting through each day. I mean it’s so difficult. In fact, right now I’m transcribing my second interview with a pornographic cartoonist, Bill Schmeling, and I’ve done sort of a little interview with a few people outside of A Different Light bookstore here in L.A. after the interview. And it was very telling because one of them said that basically he was the son of a senator but he couldn’t — (“YOU KNOW”) he didn’t — he gave me his name (“BUT” “YOU KNOW”) — he became very, very tense, nervous when I told him I was writing (“AA”) sort of a tell-all book. So I mean it’s interesting — the responses you get from people. (“SO”) But I think another thing I should talk about was in terms of when I did make that connection between Bel-Marduk and Ra-Ta, I began also seeing other connections. For example, there are some passages — I know this sounds totally way out but some of the (“LIKE”) Nostradamus quatrains have to be about me. And I’m referring to Century 1 Quatrains 95 and 96 because those, of course, say: “Before a monastery will be found a twin infant” — of course, I was living right across from the Angelus Temple at the time and there’s also an Episcopalian Center right across Echo Park Lake. And then it goes on to say: “Descended from an ancient monastic bloodline” — well, of course, that’s what the House of Russell book was all about. And then it says: “His fame and power through sects and eloquence” — not sex but “sects and eloquence” — “Is such that they will say the living twin is rightly the elect.” Of course, this is one of the translations — I mean it seems like every Nostradamus book you pick up has a little bit of a different translation. This one was the Francis King translation. My mother’s maiden name is King, by the way. And then the next quatrain, 96, says:
J: Hi. Is this Mark?
Q: Yes, it is.
J: Hi, Mark. Sorry about that. Are you ready to go back on?
Q: Yeah.
J: Okay, here you go. (BEEP)
A: And Mark, are you back with us?
Q: I’m back.
A: Are you back with us?
Q: Yes, I am.
A: Oh good. I don’t know what happened. All of a sudden we were talking — maybe somebody else didn’t want you to tell us what you were doing but we are back. And I apologize, Mark, to you as our guest and to our listening audience. Sometimes it happens because we’re still waiting with our lovely phone company —
Q: Right.
A: — to have our special line put in. And oh but please understand it’s only been seventeen months since they promised it would be in.
Q: Well I think that was a very important point, though, because a lot of us find ourselves in different jobs either with government or the military or corporations and we do things that we wouldn’t do — we don’t take the responsibility that we would do if it was up to us on our own.
A: Right.
Q: And people always wonder about what evil principalities are in various religious traditions — well this is as good as any that I can find.
A: I would say so. Now when you stopped working for the movie studio, did you ever go back after you started to (“TOE”) — to write your books?
Q: Well what happened is —
A: Passe?
Q: First of all, it was a very fortunate circumstances that brought me there in the first place because as a journalist I’m — I don’t — I won’t just say anything. I mean I take a very journalistic style and there’s a lot of really bad writing in movie publicity. I mean a lot of filmmakers try to fix whatever’s wrong in their movies in the press kits. And, of course, I know that the press is too smart for that. So, luckily, the people at Paramount at the time were such that we saw eye to eye on terms of wanting to have good journalism. Of course, we still would — there were plenty of cover-ups there. For example, when I worked on the movie “Braveheart.” I can definitely tell you that the real William Wallace didn’t look nothing like Mel Gibson. In fact, he was very corpulent.
A: (laughs)
Q: And he was — he was a vile pig is what he was. I mean he — a raping, murdering, butchering pig. And if you go to see the movie “Braveheart” that’s the least of the messages that you get. So it was the year of the pig, after all, so that’s probably why it won the golden idol for best movie of the year.
A: What you’re saying (is) that the studio understood what type of the character that he was in real life but isn’t that kind of almost like something like poetic license where they’re not doing a truthful story but they’re doing an interesting story?
Q: It’s something — well, first of all, the studio didn’t really do it. It was something that I, myself, did. I was the one in charge of doing the notes and I came to the conclusion that we won’t tell anyone that this is (“AA AA”) fantasy because we don’t want people to realize that this is a very unhistorical film. I mean, in fact, the press kit has a lot of historical elements in it. It was a cover-up and none of — nobody in the entire media really did much poking into the real circumstances of William Wallace’s — I mean I went to the library and I read several — and I looked at all the different books about him and it was — I even mentioned this to one of my friends afterwards. But there are other (“KI[NDS]” “I MEAN” “THAT’S WHAT HAP”) — people just don’t — one of the things that people don’t think about because they don’t look at each choice as something involving good or evil or correct or incorrect, (“OR”) incorrect way of doing something. And after this experience I realized well every little thing that you do could have profound effects. Look at the world we live in now. I mean, in fact, right now I’m reading a book entitled The Invisible Government by David Wise and Thomas B. Ross. It’s like this old paperback from the ’60s but it’s all about the CIA in terms of all the different covert activities (“THAT THAT”) the United States was involved in. Of course, the other countries would all see this as terrorism but at the time we thought we were just perpetuating capitalism throughout the world. So I mean it’s interesting to think of these things and it’s something that people just don’t — they think, “Well we’re the good guys because we’re the United States.” But I don’t think that necessarily that has anything to do with right or wrong.
A: Well it doesn’t and it (“NO”) — it all depends on what’s expedient at the time. This is some of the topics that we have been covering in the past several weeks since the tragedy of the World Trade Center and Pentagon. And it’s very interesting, Mark, as to some of the facts that are now coming in and let me tell you they are so upsetting to me where sometimes I’m not even sure how to handle it. You know, because when you begin to realize that hey, maybe your government isn’t the squeaky clean, perfect world savior that everyone would like it to be. But whatever it is — I guess that’s where we are.
Q: Yeah. In fact, there really is no government, is there? It’s just different individuals coming to different determinations and decisions. (clicking on line)
A: . . . ready for a quick commercial break, Mark Russell Bell . . .
Q: Okay. (commercial: Phazer)
V: You’re tuned to Talk One. (commercials: Hot Cuisine Newsletter, Smoke Away, Memory Foam; then theme music)
A: And welcome back everybody. Welcome back to “Mysteries of the Mind” and with our special guest tonight, Mark Russell Bell, author of Testament and New Testament. And, Mark, we should probably tell people how they can get on to your website so they can read your books because they are truly very interesting. Some of the experiences are the ones that we have covered tonight. The one I found absolutely fascinating was the one — obviously the longest one and that’s the one that took place in Oklahoma with the — was it Mc Wethy family?
Q: Right. Some of them are named Bell and her current husband is Mc Wethy. (“MA[X]”) That’s Maxine — she’s sort of the matriarch of the family. And I might add too that (“IN” “TTR”) — you know, I’m very open about my life. I mean it’s something that I couldn’t possibly have made up. I mean it’s just — I mean I know it sounds totally bizarre but that’s why my book tries to just document the events as they happen.
A: Well tell everybody how they can . . .
Q: Oh, okay — is the website address so it’s very easy to get to. Just You don’t need ‘www’ but you get there if you use the ‘www’ or if you don’t. And I have photos, including there’s a bigfoot photo that I got from Bigfoot Central. And there’s some spirit photos as well and we discuss those in some of the early interviews. (“N” “I”) The most recent pictures I added to the website in the New Testament section were — I had made an appearance at a local psychic fair in Pasadena — at the Masonic Temple in Pasadena. So those were the most recent photos I added. And so — I think the fun part to discuss would be after (“THIS”) the Bel-Marduk business, there was that (“CON”) connection to Amun-Ra or Ra that I found in the Zecharia Sitchin books. (“AN”) Spirit led me basically to make a further connection to Ra-Ta (“I[N]”) in the Edgar Cayce channelings. I actually (“HAD”) found some books — I think it was (“THE” “IT JUST”) — it just had number “47” on the outside but they were the original transcripts. (“OF”) The Edgar Cayce Ra-Ta material. And after finding this at the local Bodhi Tree bookstore — (“LIKE”) there was a power failure. I basically (“I”) — because I was transcribing at the time and I don’t think that I would have read them so quickly. (“BUT”) I didn’t really have anything else to do so I ended up reading these transcripts about Ra-Ta via flashlight and realizing more and more that this was a previous incarnation because my life was following the events of that previous one in different metaphorical ways. So — in fact, Edgar Cayce had said that — (“THE” “YOU KNOW”) ancient Egyptian priest he called Ra-Ta— which means Sun-Earth—would return to the world in 1998. Now Edgar thought that he, himself, was Ra-Ta and I think that either (“UM”) it’s a different Ra-Ta or (“HE MADE”) a wrong conclusion because (“AT”) with my medallion and everything — (“A[T]” “IT’S — IT’S”) and the story of Ra-Ta — I mean I literally had experiences where (“IN”) like my wife from the Ra-Ta period I had met and (“HAD”) was working with. She’s a book publicist and I started working with her and I realized (“I’M”) following my exact same mistakes from my previous life. We were — we actually (“HAD”) were having a dinner at Dive! over — (“IN”) Westwood and the French fries in front of us were (“WERE”) falling on the table. (“MICHAEL”) The A(ngel) — the Entity was playfully eating the French fries and so, anyway, I — (“I”) I pretty much came to some conclusions about not wanting to involve myself in public relations even as a favor to her for some of her clients because there was an evil corporate aspect to some of the clients. (“AND IT WAS”) It was a very useful conclusion that I think other people can learn from. (“THAT EX”) That whole experience. So I have some of that informa(tion) — transcript in the book.
A: Good. Mark, in — you (SPIRIT SMALL LAUGH) — because you mention that Cayce also thought that he had been the incarnation of Ra —
Q: Ra-Ta.
A: Is it possible do you think that people almost as an entity passes on and it (or “IT”) dispenses energy — spiritual energy. Maybe splits into different parts to again experience different lives. Maybe you Cayce or whomever really did experience that life. Or do you think that either you’re both happy kin to that life from your present consciousness? Tell us if you could Mark your concept of reincarnation. Maybe how it does work and why it’s so important today.
Q: Well in my own case I was presented with evidence — I mean physical evidence of a previous life in Egypt. And then my name Mark Russell Bell and Bel-Marduk were so similar that there were very many different indications. So I have no actual memories from that lifetime but if you take my experience collectively you can see reincarnation. In fact, that’s one of the “Spiritual Advice” messages at my list of spiritual advice. “Karma” is another one. So now in terms of what you said about different people (“IN”) — splinters — of course, that’s what the Messages From Michael books were all about. And I really haven’t made up my mind. It’s something that I play with — (“THERE”) aren’t a whole lot of people that I have met that I would want to merge with in terms of what the books say. (“BUT”) I mean every different paranormal experience is different from every other one if you look at all the famous cases. (“YOU NN”) You won’t find two alike. So I don’t know if this is some kind of litmus test in terms of seeing who can perceive what the truth is or if that all these different possibilities are possible to us in terms of how we make our choices. So, again, (“THAT”) that comes down to personal choice being so pivotal in every aspect of our life. In fact, that’s one of the reasons why I like to say that Judgment Day is an ongoing event. It’s every minute — every moment in our lives and it’s not something that’s ever going to “come.” I mean Judgment Day is right now for everyone. There is only “now.”
A: You know, it’s interesting in that same mind, if you read the Bible, when Jesus spoke, he only spoke in the present tense. He never spoke in the past tense, never spoke in the future tense. So we are here now and it’s the here and now that is so important and why we should really be doing it the right way and not screwing it up like it seems we are doing.
Q: Ane he never called himself the Christ either — the One, you know — “The Christ.” (“SO”) The way I look at it and I’ve read a lot of the different spiritual books from different religious traditions, such as (about) Krishna, let’s say. And I think by reading these other books — what we know about them — you can see definite parallels there. So, of course, a lot of people don’t understand the Holy Ghost — well the Angel Mighael has been equated with the Logos or Holy Ghost for all this time. So what I see it as is that the Christ Force christs certain individuals to help others in terms of communicating through — in my case it’s through my own experiences in life. I mean it’s not through — I just basically tell you what happened and what my decisions are and you can learn a lot from my mistakes. I mean I don’t think God would choose somebody who was perfect to do this kind of a book. I mean I had, basically, worked, for example, in the pornographic magazine business my last semester when I was going to college. I went to USC. I was a cinema major and —
A: Pornographic book business?
Q: Magazines.
A: Magazines . . .
Q: Yeah. Well, see, what happened is I had gone to the USC Career Development Center and they had — there was a job opening for Modern Games magazine. It was the old bait-and-switch routine. Before I knew it, I was working on hardcore porno magazines and I actually enjoyed it. I mean I thought these were the most normal people — nicest, most normal people I’d ever met. And I actually (“COULD”) — you know, pay some of my tuition costs. But, of course, in that experience I realized that pe(ople) — anyone who really participates in that whole arena is destroying themselves. I mean it’s — there are so many dark aspects to it that you don’t see on the surface that by participating in that was a real lesson for me.
A: And they’re not only destroying themselves, they’re destroying the lives of the people that get caught up in it too.
Q: Oh yeah. (“THERE’S”) I mean so many of them are on drugs just to cope with their day — just getting through each day. I mean it’s so difficult. In fact, right now I’m transcribing my second interview with a pornographic cartoonist, Bill Schmeling, and I’ve done sort of a little interview with a few people outside of A Different Light bookstore here in L.A. after the interview. And it was very telling because one of them said that basically he was the son of a senator but he couldn’t — (“YOU KNOW”) he didn’t — he gave me his name (“BUT” “YOU KNOW”) — he became very, very tense, nervous when I told him I was writing (“AA”) sort of a tell-all book. So I mean it’s interesting — the responses you get from people. (“SO”) But I think another thing I should talk about was in terms of when I did make that connection between Bel-Marduk and Ra-Ta, I began also seeing other connections. For example, there are some passages — I know this sounds totally way out but some of the (“LIKE”) Nostradamus quatrains have to be about me. And I’m referring to Century 1 Quatrains 95 and 96 because those, of course, say: “Before a monastery will be found a twin infant” — of course, I was living right across from the Angelus Temple at the time and there’s also an Episcopalian Center right across Echo Park Lake. And then it goes on to say: “Descended from an ancient monastic bloodline” — well, of course, that’s what the House of Russell book was all about. And then it says: “His fame and power through sects and eloquence” — not sex but “sects and eloquence” — “Is such that they will say the living twin is rightly the elect.” Of course, this is one of the translations — I mean it seems like every Nostradamus book you pick up has a little bit of a different translation. This one was the Francis King translation. My mother’s maiden name is King, by the way. And then the next quatrain, 96, says:
A man will be given the task of destroyingTemples and sects changed by fantasies:He will harm rocks rather than the livingBy filling ears with eloquence.
Q: So that’s certainly — those two certainly seem to be about me because I was a twin living outside of the Angelus Temple descended from “the first race of ancestry” and I’ve been given the task of destroying these insane religious notions when, in fact, love is the only true religion. And I’m not hurting anyone with that information. I’m just reducing the, let’s say, luster of some of the historical traditions and statues (“N”) people believe to be saints and what-have-you when really some of these — like the Mormons and the Catholics really are wealthy corporations in their own right. (“AN” “THEY GOOD”) People just don’t realize that there’s something wrong with hoarding a lot of wealth when there are people — thousands of people starving to death every day. (“I”) I think it all gets down to —
A: Let me ask you a question. Where do you see the events that happened on September 11th? How do they fit in with all of the information that you have been given just, let’s say, in the past year? Can you see some type of a — oh gosh, I don’t even know what I’m trying to say — some type of a thread going through what is happening with us today and some of the information that you have been given? (“WELL AA”)
Q: I can only tell you my own perspective. And for — (“YOU KNOW”) for some time I had been involved in trying to share my experience with others because I do think that nobody would have done those things to those poor people in the twin towers if they had believed that I do (“THAT”) God does manifest in each individual human being and that for each insane or evil thing that we do, we ourselves will have to experience that, perhaps in another lifetime as a law of karma. I mean I just don’t think people would do some of the things they do when given proof that this is what’s going on. And, of course, that’s why my case proves. It does prove karma and reincarnation. And it does prove that God is a very Loving God and a very just God. And, of course, a Loving God would not — “Thou Shalt Not Kill” is one of the ten commandments. I mean that commandment is still in existence. I mean every religious tradition says that. So I think that — I really think that if more of the media had helped me share my message it might’ve made a difference. I really do.
A: Yeah. Well I can follow what you’re saying. In actuality, and this is what a lot of people have realized, the real translation of that commandment says thou shalt not commit murder. So there is —
Q: Right. Self-defense is certainly not murder.
A: That’s right. Or if indeed your nation, I guess, for the protection of everything that your country stands for, and you have to go to war — if you go to war and kill somebody then that is not committing murder.
Q: Well, again, this is all — it comes down to individual judgment in any given situation. It’s so hard to say — I mean I, myself — you know, in my list of “Spiritual Advice,” it says “Thou Shalt Not Kill.” It doesn’t say anything other than that. (“THE COMMAN”) The commandment is “Thou Shalt Not Kill.” Now I must say if somebody — I don’t really know what I would do if somebody was going to attempt to kill me because I have never been in that situation. You know, I — when I was young I dreaded going into the military. I mean (“I”) I’m sure I would’ve said (“WHAT A”) what most would do in that position and just — in my case it would’ve been definitely honest and I just would’ve said that I was gay. And, you know, I mean — (“BUT”) it really — (“I KNOW”) it’s hard to talk about some of these commandments because there is no — there are no alternatives to it. I don’t really see (“THIS”) — in terms of the terrorism (“AS A”) as a first act of a war because I don’t know enough — I mean I don’t even have faith (“IN THE”) that the media has even reported it correctly.
A: Well — and I totally agree with you there. And I think that you’re absolutely correct. We are not getting the full story. So whatever the real story is I doubt very much, Mark, if we will ever get it. I don’t think we’ll ever learn what really did happen there. And that’s — now that’s my opinion. And I know that gets a lot of people upset too but, you know, the more I study it, the more information that I get in through all the different sources that I talk to — there’s something going on.
Q: Well I just regret that we don’t have (“WE DON’T HAVE”) any journalism or media that really tells us the truth.
A: No.
Q: I, myself, have received a lot of different, you know, Email over the years and I’ve heard rumors that Connie Chung once said that ‘We have to always (“HAVE”) go to Washington before we can air a story.’ And I mean it’s hard to really know what’s going on but when you see that all the magazines and all the media have the same viewpoint on every single political and government thing that takes place, you know (“THAT”) there’s something wrong with the system. There’s no different voice. I’ve never in my life heard anyone advocate war until these last few months when you were hearing it in all the media — people advocating war when it would be nice to try diplomacy first. I mean if all the money (“HAD”) that we had spent on (“YOU KNOW”) the military over the years perhaps had been spent on helping other people just to have a decent life, we wouldn’t probably be in the situation that we’re in today.
A: Well I guess that there are many different ways of looking at it and I think —
N: This is “Air Force Radio News.” The discovery of suspicious substances thought to be anthrax caused parts of Robbins Air Force Base in Georgia to be evacuated three separate times this month. The substances all tested negative for anthrax and all three incidents are being called a criminal act and are being investigated. The stop loss program which suspends people from retiring or separating from the air force may be extended beyond its original thirty day period. However, those in charge of the program emphasized that no decision has yet been made about how long stop loss will go on. Captain John Thomas is from the Air Force Personnel Center.
T: We’re under a very unique situation right now where we’re basically fighting two major contingencies at one time. And we are facing a requirement that is forcing us to look at how we augment people that aren’t necessarily —
J: You’ll get used to that after a while.
Q: Oh, okay.
J: I’m going to put you back on hold again.
Q: Okay.
J: Okay. (BEEP)
T: — on deployment orders. And that’s, quite honestly, a difficult thing for us to do but something that we think we’re up to and the commander here has asked us to really look at that carefully so that commanders could make decisions based on good data.
N: The personnel center asked commanders in the field if there was any category of people that can be exempt from a continued stop loss.
T: What the need seems to be — what we got back when we talked to commanders was that pretty much everybody is fully employed. Not maybe necessarily doing their primary AFSC but helping with things like gate guard duty and augmentation of people building pallets. (“AN”) Things like that.
N: Waivers are still being accepted in all major commands. More information on Stop Loss can be found on the Internet at . . . Michael Peternaw assigned to RAF Lincoln Heath in the United Kingdom pleaded guilty to two counts of drug use.
A: And, everybody, I do apologize on behalf of the phone company. They’re doing it to us again and, Mark Russell Bell, I hope you’re still there and please excuse the phone company for me because of what these people have done to us. So one of these days there will be a balancing time as we have been talking about?
Q: (off the air) A balancing time?
A: Are you still there, Mark?
Q: Well I think it’s up to us in terms of what lessons we (“WANT TO”) want to learn. I guess (“I”) — if I had to sum up my experience —
A: Yes.
Q: I would just say that, basically, God revealed Themselves (to me) — and I guess God does (“DOES”) apparently like to be perceived in terms of each of His different manifestations and each different person and animal as opposed to being a ‘Himself.’ (“BUT”) So ‘Themselves.’
A: Oh absolutely . . . totally agree with you. (“THROUGH”)
Q: Through — so, basically, this revelation has happened to many people throughout history but in this (“TI”) — this time it happened to me through the organizing Angelic Force, you might say, of our world. And I published a documentary-style book about the experience and I guess I’m sort of a carpenter (“IN I[T]”) in the Hollywood Dream Factory.
A: (small laugh)
Q: And you can see lots of different parallels between my experience and movies. Like even very sensational ones like “Star Wars” with the disembodied voices and what-have-you there. So (“IT”) — maybe I’ll come —
A: I want to thank you, Mark Russell Bell, for being with us.
Q: If you have me back, I’ll play some EVP next time for you because I do have (“SOME”) a lot of different tapes.
A: Oh I’d love — yeah. I’d love that. And let’s definitely plan on it. Do keep in touch and I’ll —
Q: Okay.
A: I will keep in touch with you. And just keep up the good work because you’re really, I think, doing a lot of very wonderful things out there.
Q: Well I’m trying to do the best I can.
A: And that’s all we can do. Mark Russell Bell —
Q: Okay.
A: Thanks so much, friend. You take care and God bless.
Q: Thank you. (“BUD” or “BYE”) Good night.
A: Bye-bye now.
A: And, everybody, that was Mark Russell Bell, author of two books now — two books. And they’re free. This is a very interesting — (“IT’S”) it’s quite a twist, isn’t it? They are free and all you have to do is go to his website, which is — and if you remember, it’s and you can download his books. And very, very interesting books because Mark has interviewed — oh my gosh. I would — I don’t know if it’s hundreds but it seemed like a great many different people who have been going through a lot of the experiences that he was talking about tonight. So if this is something that interests you, I would say most definitely go to his website. Everybody hang on. I’m going to be right back. I want to say good night and all the other stuff and tell you about our guest tomorrow so please hang in. I’m Alex Merklinger. This is “Mysteries of the Mind” on the Millennium Radio Network. I’ll be right back. (commercials) And we are back, everybody, and again welcome to “Mysteries of the Mind.” And quite an interesting show tonight, I must say. Yes, I think it was — certain things were quite obvious but I think Mark Russell Bell was an absolute delight. And I think some of his experiences are very interesting — are very interesting. Other than that, I don’t make judgements with anybody but I hope everybody enjoyed it. I did. I think because I have seen some of the — I guess the TV show — the one he did mention about the family in Oklahoma. And just the incredible things that they went through. And some of the other experiences of people around the world. Now the ones back in history, yes I have heard of some because, having lived in Tennessee, we were literally, oh gosh, very, very close to — and I forget the name of it but the one that he did talk about. The very famous one from Tennessee. Anyway, everybody, I hope you did enjoy it because it was kind of a fun show. And I hope you did not realize the number of times that I was blown off the air because of this phone company. I was just telling Joe, it is unconscionable what they have been doing to us. And there will be a balancing out, I promise you. Now, tomorrow, a very important show, a very interesting show. I have a friend coming on who I’ve had, oh my gosh — he has been on probably at least a half a dozen times. It’s Daniel New. And Daniel New’s son, Michael New, is maybe the boy that you have heard about — he’s not a boy now but he was a young man in the war in Bosnia. And Michael New is the individual who when he was ordered to put on the United Nations uniform when we were fighting over in — and I’m pretty sure it was Bosnia. We’ll find out tomorrow — he refused to do it. He said, “I took allegiance to the United States of America. I did not make allegiance to a foreign power. He refused to put it on. He was court-martialed. He was given a dishonorable discharge from the service and for well over ten years now he has been fighting it, trying to get to court. Two weeks ago, the United States Supreme Court refused to hear the case through the military courts. So where it stands now is Michael New and his team led by his father is going into regular court. And you’re going to hear some information tomorrow which I promise is going to astound you. Anyway, thanks so much for staying and listening to us tonight. I will be back tomorrow night. I’m Alex Merklinger. This is “Mysteries of the Mind” on the Millennium Radio Network. God bless us all everybody. I will see you tomorrow. I’ll see you then. Good night. (commercials)