TAPE #542, SIDE #2
Q: Mark Russell Bell
R: “Coast to Coast AM” taped message announcer
H: Hilly Rose (portion of “Coast to Coast AM” broadcast)
S: Steve, caller from West Hills, California (broadcast)
J: John, caller from Sacramento (broadcast)
Y: Ryan, caller from San Diego (broadcast)
E: Eric, caller from Tulsa (broadcast)
A: Aaron, caller from St. Louis (broadcast)
I: Jim, caller from Richmond (broadcast)
M: Mike, caller from Buffalo (broadcast)
P: Peggy, caller from Loveland (broadcast)
L: Pamela, caller from Seattle (broadcast)
Q: So it’s about 11:30 p.m. Monday, August 16th and I’m going to bed. (“SORT OF”) My usual routine. (“A[T] LEAST”) This night I had a nap. I fell asleep so I’ll get up earlier than usual tomorrow. I called the temp agency and said I was available so I’ll go to the gym earlier tomorrow. I’ll be home by nine if I can — or 8:30 when they sometimes call. I’m still transcribing my radio interview from Friday. Today, I listened to the first hour of Hilly and they were screening calls again. Last night, I Emailed the author of God Made Easy, Patrice, and for some strange reason—I sent my news release—but she thought I had something to do with Art Bell. Anyway, it was very weird so — I’d been wanting to ask her a few questions so I went ahead and asked them without pointing out that I think Satan is a metaphor. But there are so many people who’ve said that they’ve heard God speak to them and some I believe like Obadiah because ‘why would they lie?’ and others I just don’t believe like the author of — well you know. Anyway, so this was a good opportunity for me to test Patrice and see where she was coming from. Anyway, I’m not drawing any conclusions, though, about the experience. I almost felt guilty — like maybe I’d been a little bit too tough on her but people are being tough on me. So what did I want to say this night? I guess I’ll include the Email here.
Hi( whoever sent me this email),
I would love to come on Art’s show and discuss my book and message God Made Easy. I was awoken from a dream at 6AM on November 11, 1995 and told to write this book. I did it in one hour. Time-Warner published it and it has been translated into many languages and is sold world wide. It has sold over 50,000 copies and there is a lot more to this miracle. In the past I wrote to Art but he has not had me on the show. Perhaps now the time is right for him to have me on? I have such a powerful and positive message for his listening audience and they will not be bored. I have much to say and share……..Thanks for your email and if there is anyway to invite Art to have me on….I know that God would like this simple message and my story and subsequent discoveries to be shared with Art’s huge and seeking audience! God Bless…..Patrice Karst author of God Made Easy
I would love to come on Art’s show and discuss my book and message God Made Easy. I was awoken from a dream at 6AM on November 11, 1995 and told to write this book. I did it in one hour. Time-Warner published it and it has been translated into many languages and is sold world wide. It has sold over 50,000 copies and there is a lot more to this miracle. In the past I wrote to Art but he has not had me on the show. Perhaps now the time is right for him to have me on? I have such a powerful and positive message for his listening audience and they will not be bored. I have much to say and share……..Thanks for your email and if there is anyway to invite Art to have me on….I know that God would like this simple message and my story and subsequent discoveries to be shared with Art’s huge and seeking audience! God Bless…..Patrice Karst author of God Made Easy
Subject: Re: News Release
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 1999 00:50:41 -0700
From: Mark Russell Bell
I met you at the L.A. TIMES/UCLA Book Fair a few years ago when you were at the Bodhi Tree booth. I came upon your Email address at the “Sightings” website re: a convention appearance and wanted you to have access to my book/website.
The Book Fair is one of the many events covered.
I would describe my own interaction with Art as unfortunate (see t216s2.html for an example) and I do not listen to him (he is on Tues., Wed. & Thurs. nights). The show features guests whose military backgrounds are a factor in what information is shared as was the case with “Dreamland” tonight hosted by Whitley Strieber. A recent FATE magazine cover story revealed Art is proud that his wife practices ‘the craft.’ He has become a millionaire telling his listeners that his show is an open forum for people to share their experiences yet I am proof that this is not true. Some bestselling authors have spoken about God on the show. If you read my book, I have been quite blessed in that Spirit communicated to me that I could not (nor did I need to) profit from the case study I published.
I haven’t read your book yet, after my own experiences, I have to wonder about the source of your book and your ability to profit from it. Did the voice actually claim to be God? In THE LOST BOOKS OF THE BIBLE AND THE FORGOTTEN BOOKS OF EDEN, the only one who kept claiming to be God was Satan; while the God of the CONVERSATIONS WITH GOD books tells people to chant “I like money” and is quoted as saying that there is no wrong or right.
My experiences with TESTAMENT/NEW TESTAMENT suggest that people are determined to ignore a God interpreted in a way that isn’t presented in a sentimentalized or heart-warming way letting people do whatever they want regardless of the plight of others and the destruction of Earth’s eco-system. If you appreciate this work, I hope you will mention it should you have the opportunity.
I met you at the L.A. TIMES/UCLA Book Fair a few years ago when you were at the Bodhi Tree booth. I came upon your Email address at the “Sightings” website re: a convention appearance and wanted you to have access to my book/website.
The Book Fair is one of the many events covered.
I would describe my own interaction with Art as unfortunate (see t216s2.html for an example) and I do not listen to him (he is on Tues., Wed. & Thurs. nights). The show features guests whose military backgrounds are a factor in what information is shared as was the case with “Dreamland” tonight hosted by Whitley Strieber. A recent FATE magazine cover story revealed Art is proud that his wife practices ‘the craft.’ He has become a millionaire telling his listeners that his show is an open forum for people to share their experiences yet I am proof that this is not true. Some bestselling authors have spoken about God on the show. If you read my book, I have been quite blessed in that Spirit communicated to me that I could not (nor did I need to) profit from the case study I published.
I haven’t read your book yet, after my own experiences, I have to wonder about the source of your book and your ability to profit from it. Did the voice actually claim to be God? In THE LOST BOOKS OF THE BIBLE AND THE FORGOTTEN BOOKS OF EDEN, the only one who kept claiming to be God was Satan; while the God of the CONVERSATIONS WITH GOD books tells people to chant “I like money” and is quoted as saying that there is no wrong or right.
My experiences with TESTAMENT/NEW TESTAMENT suggest that people are determined to ignore a God interpreted in a way that isn’t presented in a sentimentalized or heart-warming way letting people do whatever they want regardless of the plight of others and the destruction of Earth’s eco-system. If you appreciate this work, I hope you will mention it should you have the opportunity.
thank you I will…by the way…the source of my book never claimed to be God it just sure as heck felt like it…and I had no time to think about what to write, it just came through. Best of luck to you with all you are doing….Patrice
Q: What else did I want to say?
( . . . )
Q: Tonight Lloyd Pye was on, talking about his ‘starchild’ skull, which might be some other hominid group. The teeth reminded me of Julia Pastrana. Maybe even the form of the head.
( . . . )
Q: Regarding temp work, I would be willing to do some more investigative journalist work should the opportunity arise. Even though I think Mighael is probably after the more simple metaphor. I think that’s what that whole thing about the inheritance was about. I think the simple metaphor of not taking money when you find it questionable is a more important metaphor than thinking, “Well if I don’t take the money, am I being arrogant or incapable of seeing the more important good?” Oh I don’t even know what I’m saying. It doesn’t really make a difference. Anyway, I’m going to bed now.
( . . . )
Q: There was a man who called tonight on “Coast To Coast AM” who called once before about an alien running out of a small store and him holding the door open. (“N”) He said they even came to his house—a group of them—and they spoke better English than he did. I think he said they were green and he didn’t see any teeth so — but he seemed very sincere and I was rather upset at the way Hilly sort of got him off the air before asking some more questions when he obviously did have some kind of experience. I really wonder about Hilly sometimes. More and more. I mean I’ve been very direct with him. I sent him, my goodness, two pages of the transcript of my interaction with his show. And that was when they really weren’t screening the calls. Tonight he specifically said the name and where they were calling from. So, again, the screener was picking the name and the locations and, I’m sure, screening out people that they don’t think would be good for the show. I think that the screener was correct in having this man about the aliens on even though I’m sure the individual didn’t remember that he’d been on before with the same story. But, of course, more details came out this time and that was a more — that was the kind of call that made the show popular to begin with. It wasn’t coming from some military source and Lloyd Pye was on, the associate of the gentleman on last night and, of course, (“HE”) what he said was opposed (“TO WHAT”) the other guest had said so it just makes you wonder how these people always get connected with other people who aren’t helping them. There was also some mention of a UFO convention in Nevada run by someone named Bob. There are always a lot of Bobs in the picture whenever there are UFOs or aliens.
( . . . )
Q: So for some reason — military background or whatever, Hilly had some discomfort with getting more information about peaceable aliens/vegetarian aliens. Like Art, he seems to be more interested in hostile aliens/a negative portrayal of aliens. The same mentality ended up on the screen, of course, in “Fire In The Sky” where there were body parts in the special effects sequences—human body parts—when this had not been described by Walton, another connection between Hollywood and what exactly? And now, of course, the reports involving Steven Spielberg’s new twenty-hour mini-series about aliens emphasizing the abduction business. And, of course, he just got an award by the Pentagon ostensibly for “Saving Private Ryan.” It seems like some kind of insider’s business to me. And Clinton — those reports about Clinton joining Dreamworks.
( . . . )
Q: So at this stage of mankind’s evolution, we have a society where apparently the military-minded power elite has taken control of the world’s governments. You see that very clearly in the United States with candidates without ties to this power elite being not in the picture. I mean the frontrunner for the Republicans is George Bush Jr. And John Kennedy Jr. — well obviously he was assassinated. No matter what you read about how inept these military bureaucratic minds prove themselves due to the law of karma, we keep paying them more and more money like in the article that was sent to me by NewsHawk. And notice that when he took two days off, his assistant Bob used the opportunity in very precise, abrupt ways to suggest he’d had a major mental breakdown of sorts. Anyway, it’s all very murky and hard to really see what’s behind it all other than just perpetuating the military budget and control in such people like — I don’t know how Hilly is involved in this all. (“BUT”) Last night, he was interviewing somebody regarding the Wallace assassination attempt in terms of the ineptitude of the investigation there and links to a second person or so he said in his introduction. Perhaps, I’ll tape the last hour of the show when they repeat it tonight — (“SO HE CAN”) analyze more of what his mentality is.
( . . . )
Q: Talk about channeling — no matter how bad that Austin Powers movie was, it was very timely. I’ll share that article with you here.
( . . . )
Q: Tonight Lloyd Pye was on, talking about his ‘starchild’ skull, which might be some other hominid group. The teeth reminded me of Julia Pastrana. Maybe even the form of the head.
( . . . )
Q: Regarding temp work, I would be willing to do some more investigative journalist work should the opportunity arise. Even though I think Mighael is probably after the more simple metaphor. I think that’s what that whole thing about the inheritance was about. I think the simple metaphor of not taking money when you find it questionable is a more important metaphor than thinking, “Well if I don’t take the money, am I being arrogant or incapable of seeing the more important good?” Oh I don’t even know what I’m saying. It doesn’t really make a difference. Anyway, I’m going to bed now.
( . . . )
Q: There was a man who called tonight on “Coast To Coast AM” who called once before about an alien running out of a small store and him holding the door open. (“N”) He said they even came to his house—a group of them—and they spoke better English than he did. I think he said they were green and he didn’t see any teeth so — but he seemed very sincere and I was rather upset at the way Hilly sort of got him off the air before asking some more questions when he obviously did have some kind of experience. I really wonder about Hilly sometimes. More and more. I mean I’ve been very direct with him. I sent him, my goodness, two pages of the transcript of my interaction with his show. And that was when they really weren’t screening the calls. Tonight he specifically said the name and where they were calling from. So, again, the screener was picking the name and the locations and, I’m sure, screening out people that they don’t think would be good for the show. I think that the screener was correct in having this man about the aliens on even though I’m sure the individual didn’t remember that he’d been on before with the same story. But, of course, more details came out this time and that was a more — that was the kind of call that made the show popular to begin with. It wasn’t coming from some military source and Lloyd Pye was on, the associate of the gentleman on last night and, of course, (“HE”) what he said was opposed (“TO WHAT”) the other guest had said so it just makes you wonder how these people always get connected with other people who aren’t helping them. There was also some mention of a UFO convention in Nevada run by someone named Bob. There are always a lot of Bobs in the picture whenever there are UFOs or aliens.
( . . . )
Q: So for some reason — military background or whatever, Hilly had some discomfort with getting more information about peaceable aliens/vegetarian aliens. Like Art, he seems to be more interested in hostile aliens/a negative portrayal of aliens. The same mentality ended up on the screen, of course, in “Fire In The Sky” where there were body parts in the special effects sequences—human body parts—when this had not been described by Walton, another connection between Hollywood and what exactly? And now, of course, the reports involving Steven Spielberg’s new twenty-hour mini-series about aliens emphasizing the abduction business. And, of course, he just got an award by the Pentagon ostensibly for “Saving Private Ryan.” It seems like some kind of insider’s business to me. And Clinton — those reports about Clinton joining Dreamworks.
( . . . )
Q: So at this stage of mankind’s evolution, we have a society where apparently the military-minded power elite has taken control of the world’s governments. You see that very clearly in the United States with candidates without ties to this power elite being not in the picture. I mean the frontrunner for the Republicans is George Bush Jr. And John Kennedy Jr. — well obviously he was assassinated. No matter what you read about how inept these military bureaucratic minds prove themselves due to the law of karma, we keep paying them more and more money like in the article that was sent to me by NewsHawk. And notice that when he took two days off, his assistant Bob used the opportunity in very precise, abrupt ways to suggest he’d had a major mental breakdown of sorts. Anyway, it’s all very murky and hard to really see what’s behind it all other than just perpetuating the military budget and control in such people like — I don’t know how Hilly is involved in this all. (“BUT”) Last night, he was interviewing somebody regarding the Wallace assassination attempt in terms of the ineptitude of the investigation there and links to a second person or so he said in his introduction. Perhaps, I’ll tape the last hour of the show when they repeat it tonight — (“SO HE CAN”) analyze more of what his mentality is.
( . . . )
Q: Talk about channeling — no matter how bad that Austin Powers movie was, it was very timely. I’ll share that article with you here.
Subject: Fwd: The Spies Who Shagged UsDate: Sat, 14 Aug 1999 17:21:42 +0000From: Bob AndersonOrganization: Bob Anderson
———— Original Message ————
Subject: Re: The Spies Who Shagged UsDate: Sat, 14 Aug 1999 20:07:02 EDTTHE EXPERT WITNESS RADIO SHOW
WBAI New York City (99.5 FM-Tuesdays 7-8pm)) KPFK Los Angeles (90.7 FM)
(Los Angeles: Roy Tuckman’s “Something’s Happening Show, rebroadcastsall Expert Witness Shows on Thursdays at 1: am) Expert53@aol.co[telephone number deleted]
Host: Michael Levine, 25 Year veteran federal agent and author of NY Times bestseller “DEEP COVER” – “THE BIG WHITE LIE” (optioned for movie) -The fact-based thriller (now in paperback) THE TRIANGLE OF DEATH (“Compelling authenticity…” N.Y. Times)
Dear Editor:
The following “The Spies Who shagged Us” is herewith submitted as an opinion piece.
THE SPIES WHO SHAGGED US by Michael Levine 25 year, veteran, DEA Agent
I saw the latest Austin Powers movie, “The Spy Who Shagged Me” the other day and throughout the movie could not get the CIA out of my mind. What exactly does a bumbling, goofy, inept spy with bad teeth, an overblown ego and a missing “mojo” have in common with our own $30 billion a year “real” life, super-spies? Everything.
Look, the fact is that I’m a court qualified Expert Witness and 25 year veteran federal agent who never lost a federal case that I was charged with bringing to trial. Among my cases were some of the most complicated and important conspiracy cases on record. So I value my credibility and don’t make claims that aren’t backed up by facts.
Let’s examine just a few of the lowlights of the Central Shagadellic Agency’s known record for the past several decades and see what I mean:
-They allowed “Doctor Evil” China, to steal our nuclear technology and, THEN bombed their embassy?
-They allowed their own chief of Soviet Counterintelligence, Aldrich Ames, to work for the, then, “Doctor Evil” KGB for eight years, completely destroying all CIA’s human intelligence capabilities in Russia—and if it weren’t for the FBI, the drunken, bumbling traitor who
would have been detected quicker by Walmart Security would still be working for them. -They missed the fall of Russia entirely. -They missed the development of Nuclear weapons by India, while every Indian waiter in the Big Apple was gossiping about it for a year before it happened.
-They were outsmarted by “Doctor Evil” Sadaam Hussein so badly that they were the laughing stock of the espionage world. -They admitted, before Congress, to looking the other way for over a decade at massive drug smuggling into the US by their “assets” like Manuel Noriega and the Nicarauguan Contras, while Americans trying to keep the stuff out of the brains and veins of their children, were taxed more than a half trillion dollars to fight drugs.
-They called the informant who walked into their Nairobi office with accurate details of the embassy bombings that would kill hundreds nine months later, a liar.
-The Cuban, Bay of Pigs fiasco-according to a CIA Inspector General’s report, hidden in the Director’s safe under “national security” for 37 years-was due to CIA amateurishness, puffed up egos and their lies to the President of the United States.
-Under their infamous MK-Ultra program, they used US taxpayer dollars to carry out some of the wackiest and most criminal mind control experiments this side of the Third Reich on unwitting, innocent people around the world. Even surreptitiously dosed one of their own scientists, Dr. Frank Olsen, causing him to leap out of tenth floor hotel room in NYC.
-They gave the, then, “good guys,” the America-hating Mujihideen, 750 stinger missiles to fight the, then, “Doctor Evil” Soviets (now “good guys”) during the Afghan war. A good portion of these shoulder-fired, surface to air missiles are now in the hands of the, now, “Doctor Evil” Muslim terrorists and the subject of recent State Department alerts. Yes, they can now be used to shoot OUR planes out of the sky.
-They supported the, now, “Doctor Evil” Numero Uno, Bin Ladeen, during the Afghan war, when he was a “good guy” and a “freedom fighter,” throwing tens of millions in US taxpayer dollars into his efforts at creating, arming and training the first Pan Arab army in history, many of whom are now the terrorists engaged in a holy war against us!
-Among those trained with US taxpayer dollars in Afghanistan was Ramsey Youseff, the man who bombed the World Trade Center.
Look, I can go on for pages but I think the list is already shagadellic enough to prove the point. And if you’re not yet convinced that this is a spy agency in frantic search of its own mojo, at our expense, dig this: In May 1998 when CIA failed to discern that India was preparing to explode nuclear devices DCI George Tenet appointed a team to investigate this stupefying intelligence failure, headed by retired Vice Admiral David E. Jeremiah. The report damned CIA’s performance and recommended across the board changes and improvements.
Specifically, Admiral Jeremiah said that the CIA “needs to be scrubbed from the top down, from its spies to its analysts to its bureaucratic barons.” The [Indian] debacle revealed chronic failures of imagination and personnel, flaws in information-gathering and analysis, and faulty leadership and training.”
This finding, so critical to the security of the American people, was virtually absent from mainstream media and our congressional “protectors” pretended it didn’t exist.
And that’s the other reason the world of our “real” CIA is so similar to the Austin Powers world. What makes Austin Powers movies funny is that everyone in his world, particularly the politicians and the media seem to take the guy seriously. He cannot screw up enough to outrage the bizarro characters in his world.
Apparently the same can be said for the world of our CIA. Every single screwup they have committed led invariably to Congress raising their budgets. (i.e., $3 billion increase after bombing the Chinese Embassy).
And if that weren’t bad enough, every single debacle they get involved in is looked at by our media—who are awarded Pulitzers for Monica Lewinsky reporting— as unique, with their entire shagadellic history immediately forgotten.
One of the few CIA officers I’ve ever met whom I would consider a street smart professional is 25 year veteran Ralph McGehee, who furnished me with excerpts from a CIA document, obtained via an FOIA request, wherein the Agency’s PAO (public affairs office) bragged that its relationships with “reporters from every major wire service, newspaper, news weekly and TV network… has helped turn some ‘intelligence failure’ stories into ‘intelligence success’ stories…”
As testament to the PAO’s success at media manipulation, the CIA’s decades long record of horrific failure and screw-ups has been well documented but only published briefly and superficially by mainstream media. As I write this, for example, the bombing of the Chinese embassy, an act that still may cost America dearly, has virtually vanished from mainstream American media in a blur of conflicting vague statements leaving the public confused about what really happened.
Let’s face it folks, having a $30 billion a year spy agency in perpetual search for its lost mojo is only funny in movies. If there is a lesson in this latest screwup of bombing the embassy of a belligerent, nuclear superpower, it is that we had better follow Admiral Jeremiah’s recommendations and take these guys apart before they do it to us.
Several weeks ago a New York newspaper reported that the Director of Central Intelligence addressed a graduating class of his high school where he admitted that he was “the biggest mouth in his class.” How ironic that he would become the head of Central Intelligence.
Shagadellic, Baby.
———— Original Message ————
Subject: Re: The Spies Who Shagged UsDate: Sat, 14 Aug 1999 20:07:02 EDTTHE EXPERT WITNESS RADIO SHOW
WBAI New York City (99.5 FM-Tuesdays 7-8pm)) KPFK Los Angeles (90.7 FM)
(Los Angeles: Roy Tuckman’s “Something’s Happening Show, rebroadcastsall Expert Witness Shows on Thursdays at 1: am) Expert53@aol.co[telephone number deleted]
Host: Michael Levine, 25 Year veteran federal agent and author of NY Times bestseller “DEEP COVER” – “THE BIG WHITE LIE” (optioned for movie) -The fact-based thriller (now in paperback) THE TRIANGLE OF DEATH (“Compelling authenticity…” N.Y. Times)
Dear Editor:
The following “The Spies Who shagged Us” is herewith submitted as an opinion piece.
THE SPIES WHO SHAGGED US by Michael Levine 25 year, veteran, DEA Agent
I saw the latest Austin Powers movie, “The Spy Who Shagged Me” the other day and throughout the movie could not get the CIA out of my mind. What exactly does a bumbling, goofy, inept spy with bad teeth, an overblown ego and a missing “mojo” have in common with our own $30 billion a year “real” life, super-spies? Everything.
Look, the fact is that I’m a court qualified Expert Witness and 25 year veteran federal agent who never lost a federal case that I was charged with bringing to trial. Among my cases were some of the most complicated and important conspiracy cases on record. So I value my credibility and don’t make claims that aren’t backed up by facts.
Let’s examine just a few of the lowlights of the Central Shagadellic Agency’s known record for the past several decades and see what I mean:
-They allowed “Doctor Evil” China, to steal our nuclear technology and, THEN bombed their embassy?
-They allowed their own chief of Soviet Counterintelligence, Aldrich Ames, to work for the, then, “Doctor Evil” KGB for eight years, completely destroying all CIA’s human intelligence capabilities in Russia—and if it weren’t for the FBI, the drunken, bumbling traitor who
would have been detected quicker by Walmart Security would still be working for them. -They missed the fall of Russia entirely. -They missed the development of Nuclear weapons by India, while every Indian waiter in the Big Apple was gossiping about it for a year before it happened.
-They were outsmarted by “Doctor Evil” Sadaam Hussein so badly that they were the laughing stock of the espionage world. -They admitted, before Congress, to looking the other way for over a decade at massive drug smuggling into the US by their “assets” like Manuel Noriega and the Nicarauguan Contras, while Americans trying to keep the stuff out of the brains and veins of their children, were taxed more than a half trillion dollars to fight drugs.
-They called the informant who walked into their Nairobi office with accurate details of the embassy bombings that would kill hundreds nine months later, a liar.
-The Cuban, Bay of Pigs fiasco-according to a CIA Inspector General’s report, hidden in the Director’s safe under “national security” for 37 years-was due to CIA amateurishness, puffed up egos and their lies to the President of the United States.
-Under their infamous MK-Ultra program, they used US taxpayer dollars to carry out some of the wackiest and most criminal mind control experiments this side of the Third Reich on unwitting, innocent people around the world. Even surreptitiously dosed one of their own scientists, Dr. Frank Olsen, causing him to leap out of tenth floor hotel room in NYC.
-They gave the, then, “good guys,” the America-hating Mujihideen, 750 stinger missiles to fight the, then, “Doctor Evil” Soviets (now “good guys”) during the Afghan war. A good portion of these shoulder-fired, surface to air missiles are now in the hands of the, now, “Doctor Evil” Muslim terrorists and the subject of recent State Department alerts. Yes, they can now be used to shoot OUR planes out of the sky.
-They supported the, now, “Doctor Evil” Numero Uno, Bin Ladeen, during the Afghan war, when he was a “good guy” and a “freedom fighter,” throwing tens of millions in US taxpayer dollars into his efforts at creating, arming and training the first Pan Arab army in history, many of whom are now the terrorists engaged in a holy war against us!
-Among those trained with US taxpayer dollars in Afghanistan was Ramsey Youseff, the man who bombed the World Trade Center.
Look, I can go on for pages but I think the list is already shagadellic enough to prove the point. And if you’re not yet convinced that this is a spy agency in frantic search of its own mojo, at our expense, dig this: In May 1998 when CIA failed to discern that India was preparing to explode nuclear devices DCI George Tenet appointed a team to investigate this stupefying intelligence failure, headed by retired Vice Admiral David E. Jeremiah. The report damned CIA’s performance and recommended across the board changes and improvements.
Specifically, Admiral Jeremiah said that the CIA “needs to be scrubbed from the top down, from its spies to its analysts to its bureaucratic barons.” The [Indian] debacle revealed chronic failures of imagination and personnel, flaws in information-gathering and analysis, and faulty leadership and training.”
This finding, so critical to the security of the American people, was virtually absent from mainstream media and our congressional “protectors” pretended it didn’t exist.
And that’s the other reason the world of our “real” CIA is so similar to the Austin Powers world. What makes Austin Powers movies funny is that everyone in his world, particularly the politicians and the media seem to take the guy seriously. He cannot screw up enough to outrage the bizarro characters in his world.
Apparently the same can be said for the world of our CIA. Every single screwup they have committed led invariably to Congress raising their budgets. (i.e., $3 billion increase after bombing the Chinese Embassy).
And if that weren’t bad enough, every single debacle they get involved in is looked at by our media—who are awarded Pulitzers for Monica Lewinsky reporting— as unique, with their entire shagadellic history immediately forgotten.
One of the few CIA officers I’ve ever met whom I would consider a street smart professional is 25 year veteran Ralph McGehee, who furnished me with excerpts from a CIA document, obtained via an FOIA request, wherein the Agency’s PAO (public affairs office) bragged that its relationships with “reporters from every major wire service, newspaper, news weekly and TV network… has helped turn some ‘intelligence failure’ stories into ‘intelligence success’ stories…”
As testament to the PAO’s success at media manipulation, the CIA’s decades long record of horrific failure and screw-ups has been well documented but only published briefly and superficially by mainstream media. As I write this, for example, the bombing of the Chinese embassy, an act that still may cost America dearly, has virtually vanished from mainstream American media in a blur of conflicting vague statements leaving the public confused about what really happened.
Let’s face it folks, having a $30 billion a year spy agency in perpetual search for its lost mojo is only funny in movies. If there is a lesson in this latest screwup of bombing the embassy of a belligerent, nuclear superpower, it is that we had better follow Admiral Jeremiah’s recommendations and take these guys apart before they do it to us.
Several weeks ago a New York newspaper reported that the Director of Central Intelligence addressed a graduating class of his high school where he admitted that he was “the biggest mouth in his class.” How ironic that he would become the head of Central Intelligence.
Shagadellic, Baby.
Q: The problems with this militarization of society are apparent everywhere. For example, at that recycling place near where I live. They don’t buy all cans. They just buy aluminum cans, aluminum pet food cans — not all metal cans, which is absurd. I mean why don’t they recycle everything that can be recycled? The only plastic bottles they want are soda bottles and PETE, whatever that is. I’ll read the list. It says: “We Buy: Aluminum Cans, Aluminum Pet Food Cans, Glass Bottles and Jars, Plastic Soda Bottles & PETE, Brass, Copper, Bronze, Radiators, Batteries, Transmission, Scrap Aluminum, Stainless Steel, Electric Wires, 501 Levi’s, Laser & Toner Cartridges. We Also Buy, Sell or Recycle: Household Appliances/Tools, Office Appliances, Recyclable Electronics, Whatever worth buying or selling. We recycle: Washers/Dryers, Stoves/Ovens, TVs/Computers, Electric Appliances, Pool/Water Heaters, Air Conditioners.” Well this is half-assed. Why is everything in society half-assed other than military considerations?
( . . . )
Q: I heard a snippet on the news about how Janet Reno wants to register guns everywhere, which is ironic if you ask me because of all the cover-ups she must be involved in. I’m surprised she isn’t still having fainting attacks.
( . . . )
Q: So today at the gym I saw one of those comedic T-shirts but there was a lot of truth behind the sentiment being expressed. It said something like: “It doesn’t matter whether you win or lose. What matters is that I do.” And I was thinking that’s pretty valid about my predicament. Here I am willing to prove my love for God and to take responsibility for my actions and try to make the world a better place. (“BUT”) If no one else is willing to do that, there’s not a whole lot that I can accomplish.
( . . . )
Q: This whole question of the teeth and the mysterious skull that was found reminds me of the estimations of Julia Pastrana’s teeth. From my notes I have a representative from the medial journal Lancet once wrote:
( . . . )
Q: I heard a snippet on the news about how Janet Reno wants to register guns everywhere, which is ironic if you ask me because of all the cover-ups she must be involved in. I’m surprised she isn’t still having fainting attacks.
( . . . )
Q: So today at the gym I saw one of those comedic T-shirts but there was a lot of truth behind the sentiment being expressed. It said something like: “It doesn’t matter whether you win or lose. What matters is that I do.” And I was thinking that’s pretty valid about my predicament. Here I am willing to prove my love for God and to take responsibility for my actions and try to make the world a better place. (“BUT”) If no one else is willing to do that, there’s not a whole lot that I can accomplish.
( . . . )
Q: This whole question of the teeth and the mysterious skull that was found reminds me of the estimations of Julia Pastrana’s teeth. From my notes I have a representative from the medial journal Lancet once wrote:
Indeed the whole of the body, excepting the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet, is more or less clothed with hairs. Her breasts are remarkably full and well-developed. Her nostrils are remarkably flattened and expanded, and so soft as to seem to be destitute of cartilage. The lower set of teeth is perfect; but in the upper set the front teeth are all but deficient, the molars alone being properly developed.
Q: However, a different description of them was given by Alfred Russel Wallace to Charles Darwin, who with him developed the theory of evolution. Wallace’s friend, Dr. T. Purland, a London dentist, examined them and provided Wallace with the information. Darwin wrote in his Variations of Animals and Plants Under Domestication that:
She had in the upper and lower jaw an irregular double set of teeth, one row being placed within the other, of which Dr. Purland took a cast. From the redundancy of teeth her mouth projected, and her face had a gorilla-like appearance.
Q: I guess that’s enough for the time being. I’ll tape that last hour of last night’s radio program when it’s on this evening. By the way, today I received some Email from NewsHawk, Inc. about the truth behind JFK’s assassination just to show you the kind of Email I get. NewsHawk, I think, sends out more than anyone. I wonder if he ever wonders—or they ever wonder—why no one seems to pay any attention to all this information?
Subject: THE TRUTH BEHIND JFK's MURDERDate: Tue, 17 Aug 1999 01:40:21 +0000From: "NewsHawk Inc."
———— Original Message ————
Subject: THE TRUTH BEHIND JFK's MURDER - THANK YOU (Blue ey156) forthis INCREDIBLE INFORMATION!!!Date: Mon, 16 Aug 1999 14:40:52 EDT
Rodney Stich's book "Defrauding America" tells of a "deep-cover CIA officer" assigned to a counter-intelligence unit, code-named Pegasus. This unit "had tape-recordings of plans to assassinate Kennedy" from a tap on the phone of J. Edgar Hoover. The people on the tapes were "[Nelson] Rockefeller, Allen Dulles, [Lyndon] Johnson of Texas, George Bush and J. Edgar Hoover."
Could George Bush be involved in the JFK assassination?
In 1963, Bush was living in Houston, busily carrying out his duties as president of the Zapata Offshore oil company. He denied the existence of a note sent by the FBI's J. Edgar Hoover to "Mr. George Bush of the CIA." When news of the note surfaced, the CIA first said they never commented on employment questions, but later relented said yes, a "George Bush" was mentioned in the note, but that it was "another" George Bush, not the man who took office in the White House in 1988.
Some intrepid reporters tracked down the "other" George Bush and discovered that he was just a lowly clerk who had shuffled papers for the CIA for about six months. He never received any interagency messages from anybody at the FBI, let alone the Queen Mary.
It is also worth noting that a CIA code word for Bay of Pigs was Operation Zapata, and that two of the support vessels were named Barbara and Houston.
Many say that George Bush was high up on the CIA ladder at the time, running proprietorial vehicles and placed in a position of command, responsible for many of the Cubans recruited into "service" at the time
All through the Iran-Contra affair, Felix Rodriguez, the man who captured and had Che Guevara killed for the CIA, always seemed to call Bush's office first.
>From The Realist (Summer, 1991):
"Bush was working with the now-famous CIA agent, Felix Rodriguez, recruiting right-wing Cuban exiles for the invasion of Cuba. It was Bush's CIA job to organize the Cuban community in Miami for the invasion.... A newly discovered FBI document reveals that George Bush was directly involved in the 1963 murder of President John Kennedy. The document places marksmen by the CIA. Bush at that time lived in Texas. Hopping from Houston to Miami weekly, Bush spent 1960 and '61 recruiting Cubans in Miami for the invasion....
"George Bush claims he never worked for the CIA until he was appointed Director by former Warren Commission director and then president Jerry Ford in 1976. Logic suggests that is highly unlikely. Of course, Bush has a company duty to deny being in the CIA. The CIA is a secret organization. No one ever admits to being a member. The truth is that
Bush has been a top CIA official since before the 1961 invasion of Cuba, working with Felix Rodriguez. Bush may deny his actual role in the CIA in 1959, but there are records in the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba that expose Bush's role..."
On the Watergate tapes, June 23, 1972, referred to in the media as the 'smoking gun' conversation, Nixon and his Chief of Staff, H.R. Haldeman, were discussing how to stop the FBI investigation into the CIA Watergate burglary. They were worried that the investigation would expose their connection to 'the Bay of Pigs thing.' Haldeman, in his book "The Ends of Power", reveals that Nixon always used code words when talking about the 1963 murder of JFK. Haldeman said Nixon would always refer to the assassination as 'the Bay of Pigs'.
On that transcript we find Nixon discussing the role of George Bush's partner, Robert Mosbacher, as one of the Texas fundraisers for Nixon. On the tapes Nixon keeps referring to the 'Cubans' and the 'Texans.' The 'Texans' were Bush, Mosbacher and Baker. This is another direct link between Bush and evidence linking Nixon and Bush to the Kennedy assassination."
This subject alone is staggering. It has been 35 years since this murder took place and we've had many leads (i.e. Oliver Stone's Movie "JFK", books, series "Men Who Killed Kennedy", etc.). We also have at our disposal DNA and forensic science available to finally put an end to all speculation and innuendo.
Why is it that especially since the tragic death of JFK Jr that people are not screaming from the rooftops regarding this matter? Two days after JFK Jr was killed they listed in the Boston Sunday Globe an article with respect to the Russians responding to the Kennedy's so-called curse. Dated July 18, 1999 in the Boston Sunday Globe stated "The KGB reports state that the WEALTHY OIL TEXANS were behind this unsolved murder".
This was enough to have the hairs raise! What is it going to take for public to take a stand on this issue? After recently reading part of Colonel Prouty's book (the man who was portrayed as "X" on "JFK") - see the following site - <A HREF="http://www.prouty.org/">The Col. L. Fletcher Prouty Reference Site</A> it implied that THREE presidents after JFK were somehow involved in this murder/cover-up. Are we going to vote for the next generation of these evildoers or are we going to finally take a stand and DEMAND all evidence/documents released to the public as soon as possible?
How foolish and afraid we all look to all foreigners especially Russia. Thank God they released this information in time for the next elections. Thank God for this medium to reach the people and get the truth out there.
The following excerpt I found last night from the www.tdbooks.com regarding "Farewell America" book - this was copied & pasted from the site: FAREWELL AMERICA Hepburn FRONTIERS HC 24.95, with torn dustjacket 19.95. The day after JFK was killed, Bobby Kennedy convened a secret committee to determine if Jimmy Hoffa was behind his brother's murder. He was not, but the group did find that the Secret Service was grossly negligent in protecting the President. The sordid details were written up by Daniel Patrick Moynihan, now Senator from New York, and incorporated into Farewell America, chapter 14, the mysterious book printed in Belgium and banned from entry into the U. S. The author, James Hepburn, is apparently a pseudonym for the SDECE, French Intelligence, which explains the source of the wealth of detail on the powerful groups in control of the world in 1963. The chapters on OILMEN, TEXANS, and the CIA are DEVASTATING! Kennedy in 1962 began taxing all oil profits earned abroad, and in January 1963 proposed reducing tax loopholes for the oil companies including the depletion allowance. Is this why on November 22, 1963 oilman H. L. Hunt and disgruntled General Edwin Walker fled Texas for a month to a secret hideaway in Mexico? The CIA supplied men like Lee Harvey Oswald, Guy Bannister, and David Ferrie to divert attention from the real plotters of JFK's murder, while the Ruling Class "would dispel the unhealthy rumors, dsguise the evidence, and camouflage the oubts." Like Buchanan's 1964 masterpiece, Who Killed Kennedy?, this book belongs in the library of every serious Kennedy assassination researcher.
"To Sin by Silence Makes Cowards Out of Men."
Subject: Tape No. 488: "Kennedy Assassination"
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 1999 22:30:36 -0700
Kennedy Assassination
Tape No. 488: "Kennedy Assassination"
Tuesday, November 22, 1994
And in the ceremony, the secret ceremonies in these lodges, you will see the re-enactment of things that supposedly happened hundreds of years ago.
You will see people who pretend to be Christians, who pretend to be Lutherans, or Catholics, or even atheists, dress in the robes of the ancient priesthoods, and re-enact pagan religious ceremonies, and circumambulate about the lodge, as the Master sits in the east, representing the rising sun—the source of true illumination.
No one sits in the north, for according to the Bible, that's where the God of the Bible sits, and that is not their god.
The north is said to be a dark and terrible, evil place.
And remember... remember the pledge of Lucifer, that he would take over, and sit in the throne on the side of the mountain in the north.
These men believe in the Luciferian philosophy, which is the generative force represented by a phallus.
They believe in a trinity represented by a triangle—the exact shape of Dealey Plaza.
They believe that man, himself, can become God.
And this triangle represents the three forces of generation: thought, desire, action.
They are saved by their works.
The generative force, or that which gets things done, is represented by the phallus: that which was lost.
When Osiris was chopped into pieces and scattered about the land, Isis went to find him, and found all but one—the penis, or the phallus, or Osiris: the lost word of Freemasonry.
In Dealey Plaza—and Dealey Plaza is shaped like a pyramid, truncated, in fact, with the eye represented by the underpass going under the railroad overpass—there is a phallus, an obelisk if you will, surmounted by the representation of the god of these Secret Societies: the eternal flame—for they are known as the philosophers of fire.
Near the obelisk is a reflecting pool. The pool represents the goddess Isis, reflecting the light, the pure light, of her master.
And from this mystic union is born the child, Horus—which is representative of the full body of the adepts, the initiates, those who have gone through the three degrees in six acts, represented by the number 18, or 666.
It is the number of a man.
It is the man who will rule in the New World Order.
The mystery of the jog—off Main Street, down Houston and turn left on Elm—is simply because, in the symbology of the Mystery School, the ancient Mystery Religions of Babylon, and Egypt, and Rome, the sacrifice of the king was always committed in a grove.
The grove is represented in Dealey Plaza by Elm Street.
It is, in fact, a Temple of the Sun, much like Stonehenge, with the four quarters of the temple arrayed about Dealey Plaza.
This is something that you are never told, and that you would never know if you did not listen to this broadcast.
President Kennedy was wounded in the exact three same spots as Hiram Abif, who was murdered in the Masonic initiation, representing the persecution of the Templars on Friday, the 13th, in the year 1307, where Hiram Abif is struck in the back, and in the throat, and in the head.
Dealey Plaza is just a very few short miles from the 33rd parallel. The highest degree of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, the Meritorious Degree, the Degree of the Illuminati, whose motto is "Ordo Ab Chao" or "Out of Chaos Comes Order"—which literally means if they break down the existing structure and cause the population to cry out for order, they will emerge as the rulers and will have the world that they seek.
Jim Garrison, when he arrested those in New Orleans who were implicated in the plot, found that the address that they were operating out of had a door numbered 1313, and the other door, a number that added up to 13 if you added the individual numbers.
Significant symbology of the Knights Templar and the Freemasonic Lodge and B'nai B'rith—all complicit.
You see, Giuseppi Mazzini had corresponded with Albert Pike in the 1800s. And he had put ogether an Italian branch of the Illuminati from Italian youth street gangs. This became what you know as the Mafia.
The link has nothing to do with organized crime, or intelligence agencies. The link is between secret societies who all have the same goal—to establish the Anglo-Aryan race as the true descendants of the lost tribe of Israel; to establish the House of Windsor upon the throne of the world as the true descendant of the House of David, and subjugate all other races and peoples to abject, utter, and complete slavery.
———— Original Message ————
Subject: THE TRUTH BEHIND JFK's MURDER - THANK YOU (Blue ey156) forthis INCREDIBLE INFORMATION!!!Date: Mon, 16 Aug 1999 14:40:52 EDT
Rodney Stich's book "Defrauding America" tells of a "deep-cover CIA officer" assigned to a counter-intelligence unit, code-named Pegasus. This unit "had tape-recordings of plans to assassinate Kennedy" from a tap on the phone of J. Edgar Hoover. The people on the tapes were "[Nelson] Rockefeller, Allen Dulles, [Lyndon] Johnson of Texas, George Bush and J. Edgar Hoover."
Could George Bush be involved in the JFK assassination?
In 1963, Bush was living in Houston, busily carrying out his duties as president of the Zapata Offshore oil company. He denied the existence of a note sent by the FBI's J. Edgar Hoover to "Mr. George Bush of the CIA." When news of the note surfaced, the CIA first said they never commented on employment questions, but later relented said yes, a "George Bush" was mentioned in the note, but that it was "another" George Bush, not the man who took office in the White House in 1988.
Some intrepid reporters tracked down the "other" George Bush and discovered that he was just a lowly clerk who had shuffled papers for the CIA for about six months. He never received any interagency messages from anybody at the FBI, let alone the Queen Mary.
It is also worth noting that a CIA code word for Bay of Pigs was Operation Zapata, and that two of the support vessels were named Barbara and Houston.
Many say that George Bush was high up on the CIA ladder at the time, running proprietorial vehicles and placed in a position of command, responsible for many of the Cubans recruited into "service" at the time
All through the Iran-Contra affair, Felix Rodriguez, the man who captured and had Che Guevara killed for the CIA, always seemed to call Bush's office first.
>From The Realist (Summer, 1991):
"Bush was working with the now-famous CIA agent, Felix Rodriguez, recruiting right-wing Cuban exiles for the invasion of Cuba. It was Bush's CIA job to organize the Cuban community in Miami for the invasion.... A newly discovered FBI document reveals that George Bush was directly involved in the 1963 murder of President John Kennedy. The document places marksmen by the CIA. Bush at that time lived in Texas. Hopping from Houston to Miami weekly, Bush spent 1960 and '61 recruiting Cubans in Miami for the invasion....
"George Bush claims he never worked for the CIA until he was appointed Director by former Warren Commission director and then president Jerry Ford in 1976. Logic suggests that is highly unlikely. Of course, Bush has a company duty to deny being in the CIA. The CIA is a secret organization. No one ever admits to being a member. The truth is that
Bush has been a top CIA official since before the 1961 invasion of Cuba, working with Felix Rodriguez. Bush may deny his actual role in the CIA in 1959, but there are records in the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba that expose Bush's role..."
On the Watergate tapes, June 23, 1972, referred to in the media as the 'smoking gun' conversation, Nixon and his Chief of Staff, H.R. Haldeman, were discussing how to stop the FBI investigation into the CIA Watergate burglary. They were worried that the investigation would expose their connection to 'the Bay of Pigs thing.' Haldeman, in his book "The Ends of Power", reveals that Nixon always used code words when talking about the 1963 murder of JFK. Haldeman said Nixon would always refer to the assassination as 'the Bay of Pigs'.
On that transcript we find Nixon discussing the role of George Bush's partner, Robert Mosbacher, as one of the Texas fundraisers for Nixon. On the tapes Nixon keeps referring to the 'Cubans' and the 'Texans.' The 'Texans' were Bush, Mosbacher and Baker. This is another direct link between Bush and evidence linking Nixon and Bush to the Kennedy assassination."
This subject alone is staggering. It has been 35 years since this murder took place and we've had many leads (i.e. Oliver Stone's Movie "JFK", books, series "Men Who Killed Kennedy", etc.). We also have at our disposal DNA and forensic science available to finally put an end to all speculation and innuendo.
Why is it that especially since the tragic death of JFK Jr that people are not screaming from the rooftops regarding this matter? Two days after JFK Jr was killed they listed in the Boston Sunday Globe an article with respect to the Russians responding to the Kennedy's so-called curse. Dated July 18, 1999 in the Boston Sunday Globe stated "The KGB reports state that the WEALTHY OIL TEXANS were behind this unsolved murder".
This was enough to have the hairs raise! What is it going to take for public to take a stand on this issue? After recently reading part of Colonel Prouty's book (the man who was portrayed as "X" on "JFK") - see the following site - <A HREF="http://www.prouty.org/">The Col. L. Fletcher Prouty Reference Site</A> it implied that THREE presidents after JFK were somehow involved in this murder/cover-up. Are we going to vote for the next generation of these evildoers or are we going to finally take a stand and DEMAND all evidence/documents released to the public as soon as possible?
How foolish and afraid we all look to all foreigners especially Russia. Thank God they released this information in time for the next elections. Thank God for this medium to reach the people and get the truth out there.
The following excerpt I found last night from the www.tdbooks.com regarding "Farewell America" book - this was copied & pasted from the site: FAREWELL AMERICA Hepburn FRONTIERS HC 24.95, with torn dustjacket 19.95. The day after JFK was killed, Bobby Kennedy convened a secret committee to determine if Jimmy Hoffa was behind his brother's murder. He was not, but the group did find that the Secret Service was grossly negligent in protecting the President. The sordid details were written up by Daniel Patrick Moynihan, now Senator from New York, and incorporated into Farewell America, chapter 14, the mysterious book printed in Belgium and banned from entry into the U. S. The author, James Hepburn, is apparently a pseudonym for the SDECE, French Intelligence, which explains the source of the wealth of detail on the powerful groups in control of the world in 1963. The chapters on OILMEN, TEXANS, and the CIA are DEVASTATING! Kennedy in 1962 began taxing all oil profits earned abroad, and in January 1963 proposed reducing tax loopholes for the oil companies including the depletion allowance. Is this why on November 22, 1963 oilman H. L. Hunt and disgruntled General Edwin Walker fled Texas for a month to a secret hideaway in Mexico? The CIA supplied men like Lee Harvey Oswald, Guy Bannister, and David Ferrie to divert attention from the real plotters of JFK's murder, while the Ruling Class "would dispel the unhealthy rumors, dsguise the evidence, and camouflage the oubts." Like Buchanan's 1964 masterpiece, Who Killed Kennedy?, this book belongs in the library of every serious Kennedy assassination researcher.
"To Sin by Silence Makes Cowards Out of Men."
Subject: Tape No. 488: "Kennedy Assassination"
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 1999 22:30:36 -0700
Kennedy Assassination
Tape No. 488: "Kennedy Assassination"
Tuesday, November 22, 1994
And in the ceremony, the secret ceremonies in these lodges, you will see the re-enactment of things that supposedly happened hundreds of years ago.
You will see people who pretend to be Christians, who pretend to be Lutherans, or Catholics, or even atheists, dress in the robes of the ancient priesthoods, and re-enact pagan religious ceremonies, and circumambulate about the lodge, as the Master sits in the east, representing the rising sun—the source of true illumination.
No one sits in the north, for according to the Bible, that's where the God of the Bible sits, and that is not their god.
The north is said to be a dark and terrible, evil place.
And remember... remember the pledge of Lucifer, that he would take over, and sit in the throne on the side of the mountain in the north.
These men believe in the Luciferian philosophy, which is the generative force represented by a phallus.
They believe in a trinity represented by a triangle—the exact shape of Dealey Plaza.
They believe that man, himself, can become God.
And this triangle represents the three forces of generation: thought, desire, action.
They are saved by their works.
The generative force, or that which gets things done, is represented by the phallus: that which was lost.
When Osiris was chopped into pieces and scattered about the land, Isis went to find him, and found all but one—the penis, or the phallus, or Osiris: the lost word of Freemasonry.
In Dealey Plaza—and Dealey Plaza is shaped like a pyramid, truncated, in fact, with the eye represented by the underpass going under the railroad overpass—there is a phallus, an obelisk if you will, surmounted by the representation of the god of these Secret Societies: the eternal flame—for they are known as the philosophers of fire.
Near the obelisk is a reflecting pool. The pool represents the goddess Isis, reflecting the light, the pure light, of her master.
And from this mystic union is born the child, Horus—which is representative of the full body of the adepts, the initiates, those who have gone through the three degrees in six acts, represented by the number 18, or 666.
It is the number of a man.
It is the man who will rule in the New World Order.
The mystery of the jog—off Main Street, down Houston and turn left on Elm—is simply because, in the symbology of the Mystery School, the ancient Mystery Religions of Babylon, and Egypt, and Rome, the sacrifice of the king was always committed in a grove.
The grove is represented in Dealey Plaza by Elm Street.
It is, in fact, a Temple of the Sun, much like Stonehenge, with the four quarters of the temple arrayed about Dealey Plaza.
This is something that you are never told, and that you would never know if you did not listen to this broadcast.
President Kennedy was wounded in the exact three same spots as Hiram Abif, who was murdered in the Masonic initiation, representing the persecution of the Templars on Friday, the 13th, in the year 1307, where Hiram Abif is struck in the back, and in the throat, and in the head.
Dealey Plaza is just a very few short miles from the 33rd parallel. The highest degree of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, the Meritorious Degree, the Degree of the Illuminati, whose motto is "Ordo Ab Chao" or "Out of Chaos Comes Order"—which literally means if they break down the existing structure and cause the population to cry out for order, they will emerge as the rulers and will have the world that they seek.
Jim Garrison, when he arrested those in New Orleans who were implicated in the plot, found that the address that they were operating out of had a door numbered 1313, and the other door, a number that added up to 13 if you added the individual numbers.
Significant symbology of the Knights Templar and the Freemasonic Lodge and B'nai B'rith—all complicit.
You see, Giuseppi Mazzini had corresponded with Albert Pike in the 1800s. And he had put ogether an Italian branch of the Illuminati from Italian youth street gangs. This became what you know as the Mafia.
The link has nothing to do with organized crime, or intelligence agencies. The link is between secret societies who all have the same goal—to establish the Anglo-Aryan race as the true descendants of the lost tribe of Israel; to establish the House of Windsor upon the throne of the world as the true descendant of the House of David, and subjugate all other races and peoples to abject, utter, and complete slavery.
Subject: Oswald In The Doorway/JFK Shot by OthersDate: Tue, 17 Aug 1999 18:04:59 +0000From: “NewsHawk Inc.”
Photographic Proof—Oswald Could NOT have Shot JFK
The Death Of John Kennedy
The Media helped sell the lie of the lone assassin.
The following photographs are scanned from the December 14th, 1963 issue of POST magazine.
This photograph appears on pages 24 and 25. Taken by AP Photographer James Altgens, it clearly captures the moment when John Kennedy clutches his throat. Note the following.
John Connally is clearly turned to his right. Had he indeed been hit by the same bullet which has just exited Kennedy’s throat, his wounds would have traversed his body from right to left. Connally’s wounds were from back to front. NOTE: The claim has been made that Connaly was facing forward when JFK was shot in the neck, before the photo was taken, but in order to then see the view in this photo, Connally would have had to twist to his right after being shot!
Note the turned heads of some of the policemen and Secret Service agents. Clearly, they have heard and are responding to the sound of gunshots.
Note the fourth car back, which contains Vice President Johnson’s Secret Service detail. The car doors are open as the agents rush to protect Johnson from the threat. Compare this with Kennedy’s Secret Service detail, who have not moved at all. Also note the man within Kennedy’s Secret Service car who is grinning ear to ear (tentatively identified as Dave Powers). It is interesting to note that in the book “Mortal Error” this photograph is deliberately cropped to hide the open doors of the car carrying V.P. Johnson’s Secret Service detail.
Most importantly, note the man standing in the ground level doorway of the Texas Schoolbook Depository (which is where he reportedly told the Dallas PD he was at the time).
Please Click on the following URL for viewing full size
(374K) picture:
“That photograph of the man standing in the doorway of the book depository building as the motorcade passes and the President is assassinated is, in fact, Lee Harvey Oswald.”
Kennedy Assassination
Tape No. 488: “Kennedy Assassination”
Tuesday, November 22, 1994
I’m holding in my hand now a photograph taken by James Altgens <sp?> just seconds after the bullets that fired and killed John Fitzgerald Kennedy hit their mark. And Lee Harvey Oswald is standing in the doorway, the open doorway, of the book depository building.
There are many detractors out there, all who are meant to detract and confuse, who say that that’s a man named Lovelady, or Lovelace, and it is not.
In fact, the man is wearing the exact same clothes that Lee Harvey Oswald was wearing when he was arrested.
And it is, without any shadow of a doubt, Lee Harvey Oswald, for there is a little-known method of identifying people, ladies and gentlemen, that the world doesn’t much want you to know about. It is the measurement of the bone structure: the distance between the nearest points of the eyes; the distance between the farthest points of the eyes; the distance between the pupils of the eyes; the distance between the point of the chin and the bridge of the nose; the distance from temple to temple; the distance from one corner of the lips to the other; the distance between the top lip and the nose; the distance between the tip of the nose and the bridge of the nose.
All of these measurements can be used, and it doesn’t matter whether you’re measuring a real person or a tiny photograph, for the measurements will always be true to the correct proportion of the living person.
And if you take a photograph where the head of an individual is only 1/8th of an inch in one photograph, and make those measurements under magnification, and compare them with the same measurements taken from a head where the head measures two inches in another photograph, the proportions will be exactly the same.
And we have done that, ladies and gentlemen, with many different pictures of Lee Harvey Oswald.
That photograph of the man standing in the doorway of the book depository building as the motorcade passes and the President is assassinated is, in fact, Lee Harvey Oswald.
So he could not have killed the President.
Photographic Proof—Oswald Could NOT have Shot JFK
The Death Of John Kennedy
The Media helped sell the lie of the lone assassin.
The following photographs are scanned from the December 14th, 1963 issue of POST magazine.
This photograph appears on pages 24 and 25. Taken by AP Photographer James Altgens, it clearly captures the moment when John Kennedy clutches his throat. Note the following.
John Connally is clearly turned to his right. Had he indeed been hit by the same bullet which has just exited Kennedy’s throat, his wounds would have traversed his body from right to left. Connally’s wounds were from back to front. NOTE: The claim has been made that Connaly was facing forward when JFK was shot in the neck, before the photo was taken, but in order to then see the view in this photo, Connally would have had to twist to his right after being shot!
Note the turned heads of some of the policemen and Secret Service agents. Clearly, they have heard and are responding to the sound of gunshots.
Note the fourth car back, which contains Vice President Johnson’s Secret Service detail. The car doors are open as the agents rush to protect Johnson from the threat. Compare this with Kennedy’s Secret Service detail, who have not moved at all. Also note the man within Kennedy’s Secret Service car who is grinning ear to ear (tentatively identified as Dave Powers). It is interesting to note that in the book “Mortal Error” this photograph is deliberately cropped to hide the open doors of the car carrying V.P. Johnson’s Secret Service detail.
Most importantly, note the man standing in the ground level doorway of the Texas Schoolbook Depository (which is where he reportedly told the Dallas PD he was at the time).
Please Click on the following URL for viewing full size
(374K) picture:
“That photograph of the man standing in the doorway of the book depository building as the motorcade passes and the President is assassinated is, in fact, Lee Harvey Oswald.”
Kennedy Assassination
Tape No. 488: “Kennedy Assassination”
Tuesday, November 22, 1994
I’m holding in my hand now a photograph taken by James Altgens <sp?> just seconds after the bullets that fired and killed John Fitzgerald Kennedy hit their mark. And Lee Harvey Oswald is standing in the doorway, the open doorway, of the book depository building.
There are many detractors out there, all who are meant to detract and confuse, who say that that’s a man named Lovelady, or Lovelace, and it is not.
In fact, the man is wearing the exact same clothes that Lee Harvey Oswald was wearing when he was arrested.
And it is, without any shadow of a doubt, Lee Harvey Oswald, for there is a little-known method of identifying people, ladies and gentlemen, that the world doesn’t much want you to know about. It is the measurement of the bone structure: the distance between the nearest points of the eyes; the distance between the farthest points of the eyes; the distance between the pupils of the eyes; the distance between the point of the chin and the bridge of the nose; the distance from temple to temple; the distance from one corner of the lips to the other; the distance between the top lip and the nose; the distance between the tip of the nose and the bridge of the nose.
All of these measurements can be used, and it doesn’t matter whether you’re measuring a real person or a tiny photograph, for the measurements will always be true to the correct proportion of the living person.
And if you take a photograph where the head of an individual is only 1/8th of an inch in one photograph, and make those measurements under magnification, and compare them with the same measurements taken from a head where the head measures two inches in another photograph, the proportions will be exactly the same.
And we have done that, ladies and gentlemen, with many different pictures of Lee Harvey Oswald.
That photograph of the man standing in the doorway of the book depository building as the motorcade passes and the President is assassinated is, in fact, Lee Harvey Oswald.
So he could not have killed the President.
Subject: Oswald In The Doorway/JFK Shot by OthersDate: Tue, 17 Aug 1999 18:04:59 +0000From: "NewsHawk Inc."
Photographic Proof—Oswald Could NOT have Shot JFK
The Death Of John Kennedy
The Media helped sell the lie of the lone assassin.
The following photographs are scanned from the December 14th, 1963 issue of POST magazine.
This photograph appears on pages 24 and 25. Taken by AP Photographer James Altgens, it clearly captures the moment when John Kennedy clutches his throat. Note the following.
John Connally is clearly turned to his right. Had he indeed been hit by the same bullet which has just exited Kennedy's throat, his wounds would have traversed his body from right to left. Connally's wounds were from back to front. NOTE: The claim has been made that Connaly was facing forward when JFK was shot in the neck, before the photo was taken, but in order to then see the view in this photo, Connally would have had to twist to his right after being shot!
Note the turned heads of some of the policemen and Secret Service agents. Clearly, they have heard and are responding to the sound of gunshots.
Note the fourth car back, which contains Vice President Johnson's Secret Service detail. The car doors are open as the agents rush to protect Johnson from the threat. Compare this with Kennedy's Secret Service detail, who have not moved at all. Also note the man within Kennedy's Secret Service car who is grinning ear to ear (tentatively identified as Dave Powers). It is interesting to note that in the book "Mortal Error" this photograph is deliberately cropped to hide the open doors of the car carrying V.P. Johnson's Secret Service detail.
Most importantly, note the man standing in the ground level doorway of the Texas Schoolbook Depository (which is where he reportedly told the Dallas PD he was at the time).
Please Click on the following URL for viewing full size
(374K) picture:
"That photograph of the man standing in the doorway of the book depository building as the motorcade passes and the President is assassinated is, in fact, Lee Harvey Oswald."
Kennedy Assassination
Tape No. 488: "Kennedy Assassination"
Tuesday, November 22, 1994
I'm holding in my hand now a photograph taken by James Altgens <sp?> just seconds after the bullets that fired and killed John Fitzgerald Kennedy hit their mark. And Lee Harvey Oswald is standing in the doorway, the open doorway, of the book depository building.
There are many detractors out there, all who are meant to detract and confuse, who say that that's a man named Lovelady, or Lovelace, and it is not.
In fact, the man is wearing the exact same clothes that Lee Harvey Oswald was wearing when he was arrested.
And it is, without any shadow of a doubt, Lee Harvey Oswald, for there is a little-known method of identifying people, ladies and gentlemen, that the world doesn't much want you to know about. It is the measurement of the bone structure: the distance between the nearest points of the eyes; the distance between the farthest points of the eyes; the distance between the pupils of the eyes; the distance between the point of the chin and the bridge of the nose; the distance from temple to temple; the distance from one corner of the lips to the other; the distance between the top lip and the nose; the distance between the tip of the nose and the bridge of the nose.
All of these measurements can be used, and it doesn't matter whether you're measuring a real person or a tiny photograph, for the measurements will always be true to the correct proportion of the living person.
And if you take a photograph where the head of an individual is only 1/8th of an inch in one photograph, and make those measurements under magnification, and compare them with the same measurements taken from a head where the head measures two inches in another photograph, the proportions will be exactly the same.
And we have done that, ladies and gentlemen, with many different pictures of Lee Harvey Oswald.
That photograph of the man standing in the doorway of the book depository building as the motorcade passes and the President is assassinated is, in fact, Lee Harvey Oswald.
So he could not have killed the President.
Photographic Proof—Oswald Could NOT have Shot JFK
The Death Of John Kennedy
The Media helped sell the lie of the lone assassin.
The following photographs are scanned from the December 14th, 1963 issue of POST magazine.
This photograph appears on pages 24 and 25. Taken by AP Photographer James Altgens, it clearly captures the moment when John Kennedy clutches his throat. Note the following.
John Connally is clearly turned to his right. Had he indeed been hit by the same bullet which has just exited Kennedy's throat, his wounds would have traversed his body from right to left. Connally's wounds were from back to front. NOTE: The claim has been made that Connaly was facing forward when JFK was shot in the neck, before the photo was taken, but in order to then see the view in this photo, Connally would have had to twist to his right after being shot!
Note the turned heads of some of the policemen and Secret Service agents. Clearly, they have heard and are responding to the sound of gunshots.
Note the fourth car back, which contains Vice President Johnson's Secret Service detail. The car doors are open as the agents rush to protect Johnson from the threat. Compare this with Kennedy's Secret Service detail, who have not moved at all. Also note the man within Kennedy's Secret Service car who is grinning ear to ear (tentatively identified as Dave Powers). It is interesting to note that in the book "Mortal Error" this photograph is deliberately cropped to hide the open doors of the car carrying V.P. Johnson's Secret Service detail.
Most importantly, note the man standing in the ground level doorway of the Texas Schoolbook Depository (which is where he reportedly told the Dallas PD he was at the time).
Please Click on the following URL for viewing full size
(374K) picture:
"That photograph of the man standing in the doorway of the book depository building as the motorcade passes and the President is assassinated is, in fact, Lee Harvey Oswald."
Kennedy Assassination
Tape No. 488: "Kennedy Assassination"
Tuesday, November 22, 1994
I'm holding in my hand now a photograph taken by James Altgens <sp?> just seconds after the bullets that fired and killed John Fitzgerald Kennedy hit their mark. And Lee Harvey Oswald is standing in the doorway, the open doorway, of the book depository building.
There are many detractors out there, all who are meant to detract and confuse, who say that that's a man named Lovelady, or Lovelace, and it is not.
In fact, the man is wearing the exact same clothes that Lee Harvey Oswald was wearing when he was arrested.
And it is, without any shadow of a doubt, Lee Harvey Oswald, for there is a little-known method of identifying people, ladies and gentlemen, that the world doesn't much want you to know about. It is the measurement of the bone structure: the distance between the nearest points of the eyes; the distance between the farthest points of the eyes; the distance between the pupils of the eyes; the distance between the point of the chin and the bridge of the nose; the distance from temple to temple; the distance from one corner of the lips to the other; the distance between the top lip and the nose; the distance between the tip of the nose and the bridge of the nose.
All of these measurements can be used, and it doesn't matter whether you're measuring a real person or a tiny photograph, for the measurements will always be true to the correct proportion of the living person.
And if you take a photograph where the head of an individual is only 1/8th of an inch in one photograph, and make those measurements under magnification, and compare them with the same measurements taken from a head where the head measures two inches in another photograph, the proportions will be exactly the same.
And we have done that, ladies and gentlemen, with many different pictures of Lee Harvey Oswald.
That photograph of the man standing in the doorway of the book depository building as the motorcade passes and the President is assassinated is, in fact, Lee Harvey Oswald.
So he could not have killed the President.
R: . . . Hilly Rose.
(bumper music is “Don’t Bring Me Down” performed by ELO)
H: And we have a couple of faxes here I want to share. One got me all excited until I read it more carefully. It said, “The free energy guy should contact Jerry Decker at keelynet in Mesquite, Texas.” (“I THOU[GHT]”) I thought it was Mesquite, Nevada where I’m going to be tomorrow night for the big UFO congress. Anyway, it’s Mesquite, Texas. And he said that’s what they do — is free energy research and you can reach them at www.keelynet.com — darn, I thought while I was in Mesquite I’d check them out myself. (“BUT”) I guess Mesquite, Nevada is a far pace from Mesquite, Texas. I’ve another fax here that says with regards to the anthrax vaccinations: “I would like to know why they are being administered to begin with and also which people in government made the decision to go ahead with the anthrax inoculations.” Well it’s a direct order from Secretary Cohen right on down and that’s what’s happening. I rather imagine somebody convinced him that it was a good thing to do even though the GAO says, ‘Give me a break. No known benefits from the anthrax vaccine. We don’t even think it works and we know that it can be deleterious to your health.’ So (if you) want to talk to anybody about it, start with Secretary Cohen and see (or “SEE”) — and convince him to change his mind because ain’t nobody from generals on down who are going to take the position that they’re going to countermand an order from higher up. And that’s what that’s all about. So we’re here tonight talking about whatever you want to talk about: UFOs, strange visitations, implantations, whatever, crop circles. It doesn’t matter. Try and get the world put together. And, hopefully, our lines will hold up and we won’t have any more technical problems and everything will be cool. Cool, baby, cool. Let’s take a moment out here and then we’ll be right back to our phone callers.
( . . . )
Q: It’s the first time they didn’t have an interview portion on the air tonight. So there goes what I had expected anyway but I’ll go ahead and tape this. You never know what might come up. Right now is the time of Cassini and everyone misses the point. All this about fear tactics and danger. The point is that if there’s any risk whatsoever even .00001%, that’s not acceptable because no one owns the Earth and they have no right if there’s any risk whatsoever.
R: Access the Art Bell website at artbell.com — this is “Coast To Coast AM” with special guest host Hilly Rose on the Premiere Radio Networks.
H: Oohweuu, I tell you. Next Monday night/Tuesday morning, a most — I found utterly exciting. The guest is William A. Lester, Jr. He’s got a new book out called Star Messiah and, in fact, it’s just coming out. It’s not even hardly on the book shelves yet. (You) can’t get it yet. But he — and I’ve read a few chapters of it — advance copy of the chapters — and he traces through the Bible all the documentation that Jesus was placed here by extra-terrestrials to help guide us, which is what a lot of people say—forgetting Jesus for the moment—extra-terrestrials try to do. Like the Pleiadians for example. And so it was really just an amazing experience to read some of the things that this guy says. He’s done a lot of research on it and I think he’ll be just as interesting to you as when Kimball was when he talked about Jesus. Anyway, that’s coming Monday night/Tuesday morning. Now let’s get back to our phone callers and start with Steve in West Hills, California. Good morning, Steve.
S: Hello, Hilly. How are you tonight?
H: I am well.
S: Thank you so much for taking my call.
H: Sure.
S: That was very interesting — just brought up something about — I’ll listen to that show. I want to share some information with you that I came across. It was about the church and the information that they’re dispensing. And —
H: What church are we talking about?
S: It’s the Catholic church.
H: Oh, okay, because there are more than one church.
S: And this book is called The Era of Peace and in the middle of the book it has a timetable for all of the events that are supposed to transpire. And it starts out with the Hale-Bopp comet being the sign of the coming of the antichrist on March 22nd of ’97. And it goes on to say up till November 17th of ’98 stating “Leonid meteor shower — signs in the heavens that the time . . .”
H: Well that would be now.
S: That would be now. Yes. And it says that there’s two years between that time and November 17th. It says on October 3rd of the year 2001 antichrist reigns in forty-five days prior to era of peace. Probable reason: the population of the entire world becomes aware of Comet J-1 of the great chastisement on collision course with Earth. And it says then the three days of darkness will occur.
H: And does it have any documentation on what this — who is this person who’s saying all this?
S: This is from the Catholic church. The book — it says . . .
H: The official? (“DIE”) This is the position of the Pope?
S: Well this is what I — came from the church. I got this at a Catholic church.
H: Well that may be but that doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s the official position of the Catholic church and I would tend to doubt that.
S: That’s what I said — that occurred to me too because I’ve never heard of them (“NO”) making any of these kind of statements. Especially like concerning the third secret of Fatima. They talk about that in here and I — I used to listen to Father Malachi. (“RI”) And that really interested me and this . . . refers to some of the presentation. And it says — according to that, it says a comet will fall from the sky and strike the Atlantic Ocean with such force it’ll break the Earth’s mantle.
H: Well I don’t doubt that because, after all, that’s happened time and again. There’s a theory about the dinosaurs but there’ve been other extinctions. More and more now, we’re beginning to realize we (“NO”) believe the Earth didn’t just start a few thousand years ago. Even scientists are documenting it two and a half billion years ago. And I’m sure that lots of meteors have crashed into the Earth and ended civilization as they knew it at that time. And all we’re doing is reinventing the wheel with our modern technology.
S: Well when I read this, I — get kind of alarming to me but then I — well I’m a Catholic, you know, but that really doesn’t have much to do — I was just kind of interest(ed) — they — they’re naming of comet — something called J-1. I — Jesus-1 occurred to me when I read that.
H: Well that’s possible too. Especially as what you just said. If we buy this theory of the guy I’m going to talk to on Monday, it is possible that the extra-terrestrials who sent Jesus down here are now ready to send J-1 down here.
S: And it says that will be the final sign of the second coming of Jesus Christ. And just — no, I would like to find out whether the church — if this is (“YY”) — I got it at a Catholic church. . . .
H: Yeah but that doesn’t mean anything. (“DON’T”) Don’t they sell books at the Catholic church?
S: No, this was free. And it says on the section of the book that’s a timetable — it says, “Please reproduce and distribute.” So it’s like they want people to know or to have knowledge.
H: It could be that (“NO”) somebody — some specific church has a minister who believes in this. I mean I just — it’s not a papal paper of any kind that I’m aware of.
S: It just says according to the . . . of the New Testament and fathers (of the) church.
H: Well — sounds like an individual effort to me, Steve. It really does. But maybe somebody knows more about it than you and I do. So let’s —
S: We’ll have to wait and see what happens. Just kind of keep our eye on things around that time.
H: I’m not going to worry about it today, I’ll tell you. (“O” “I” “O ILL[Y]”)
S: So things are going to happen. They’ll come to pass without (or “WITHOUT”) —
H: Yeah, that’s about my — I’m fatalistic in that sense. (“HEY KIDS”)
S: Well thank you so much for taking my call, Hilly.
H: Okay, Steve, thanks for the call.
S: Did you find out what that guy meant about ‘lost time’?
H: No, I didn’t. What — do you know about that?
S: Would it be referring to ‘missing time’ . . . abductees — happen to them? I mean that’s what I’ve always heard that described as — missing time.
H: Well yeah, that’s true. Almost invariably that happens but I didn’t relate the two. Maybe you’re absolutely right.
S: That’s what I thought when he said it. I thought he must mean ‘missing time.’ (“YEAH”) That would —
H: Okay, thanks much, Steve.
S: Thank you very much.
H: Yeah. Yeah, almost every abductee says that they just lose time when they — did it really happen? I mean there are some people who remember everything that happened to them and other people just say, “I don’t really remember what happened. I just — (“I”) I know I was driving along and all of a sudden there was this blinding flash of light and the next thing I knew I was driving along again and my watch indicated it was two hours later.” Yeah, that could be. That could well be. That’s a good suggestion. Alright, let’s go to Sacramento, California and talk to John. Good morning, John.
J: Hi. I just wanted to talk about a UFO experience that I had when I was in the fourth grade. And this happened up in the mountains up above a town called Senora.
H: Okay, so wait a minute. Fourth grade would make you what — about nine years old? Something like that?
J: About nine, ten — somewhere around there.
H: Uh-huh, go ahead.
J: And I just remember being out in the schoolyard with a couple other students and we saw what I know now today was a UFO up in the sky. And we went back and got our schoolteacher. And we brought him out. And there were probably like (“BO[UT]”) ten, twelve students and my schoolteacher. And we were all looking at it. And, obviously, quite amazed. And I remember going back into class. We drew it up on the chalkboard and we talked about it. And I totally put this whole memory out of my mind until (“BOU[T]”) nine years ago when I started having some really — what I call weird experiences. Waking up in the middle of the night outside. Waking up at night with nosebleeds. And so I started — I wanted to do some research because I had this memory of seeing this UFO when I was a kid. (“AND”) So I contacted my schoolteacher and when I talk(ed) — got him on the phone — he called me back and I asked him about this. And he said, “No, I don’t remember that.” And so I talked to him a little bit more and then —
H: Wait wait wait. You’re telling me this guy had no memory of something this bizarre?
J: Yeah. Well, wait a second, it gets better. So like about a day and a half later, I got a phone call and it was from him. And he said, no, “After I got off the phone with you, I told my wife about this. And she said, ‘Don’t you remember you came home and was, like, telling me all about it?'” (He) still didn’t have any memory of it but his wife remembered him telling her about this so —
H: That is weird.
J: Yeah.
H: And this is a schoolteacher. Now what was the shape of the UFO?
J: It was like the typical disk shape and I guess, you know, kind of a gray silvery color.
H: Little hump on top?
J: Yeah. And I’ve kind of had a lot of (“NO”) weird experiences waking up in the middle of the night. And I can also remember one time — I don’t know if this was a dream or not but I lived in a two-story house. And I remember waking up in the middle of the night, looking out the window and there was like — it seemed like a little guy was, like, floating in the air. And to this day I don’t know if that actually happened or if it was a dream. I also had dreams before too of UFOs crashing and I also happen to have a lot of dreams about Earth changes and quakes and floods and intuitive dreams so I don’t know —
H: Did you predict the big one in Turkey that they had today?
J: No, I didn’t hear about that.
H: Massive one. It was seven point something on the Richter scale.
J: Wow. Another thing I wanted to comment (on) too because I mean of course over the past couple years everybody’s sharing about Earth changes and things that are going to happen. I hardly ever hear about (“NO”) people actually, no, praying — putting out good energy to maybe, no, kind of counter-balance some of these things happening.
H: Gee, I rather imagine the farmers are all praying right about now in this part of the United States.
J: Yeah.
H: Yes, that does happen and isn’t that what the Indians did? Didn’t they have their rain dance?
J: Yeah.
H: There are a lot of people who have tried to influence the weather with good positive vibes or prayer. And sometimes it succeeds. (“L”) Rains come in the middle of a drought to areas that just there was no reason for the rain to be there but there it was. So — yeah, I think — (“I” “NO”) the power of the mind, the focusing I think frequently produces things.
J: I really do think these things are going to happen in the future but I think (“NO”) maybe people praying about it too instead of always worrying about it can be a little bit of a focus. (“S”)
H: Well good thought. Okay, thank you much, John.
J: Thank you. (“YEAH”)
H: Let’s talk to Ryan in San Diego. Good morning, Ryan.
Y: Hello, Hilly.
H: Yeah, hi.
Y: Hi, how are you?
H: I’m well.
Y: Alright. I’m probably one of your younger viewers. I’m only fifteen but I wanted to talk about — actually I was calling about the extra-terrestrials in relation to Jesus Christ.
H: Um-huh. Well that’s — we’re going to do that next week. I can’t say much about that.
Y: Yeah. I was just wondering — (“HOWE”) that’s what I was calling (about) because I saw it on the Internet — noticing that and I also wanted to just ask you if you had any more information about that?
H: Well yeah, I have a lot of information about it but I — well I think you’re going to have to wait until next week — (“GUN”) tune in.
Y: That’s airing Monday night?
H: Yeah. Monday night/Tuesday morning. As I said, this guy — his na(me) (or “HIS NA”) what did I say it was? Lester I believe. (“SHE LEFT YOU”) Yeah, he’s gone through the Bible and he sees a variety of — he quotes the Bible directly. He doesn’t — just his interpretation. He’s saying, ‘Here it is. This is what the Bible says about Jesus and what he’s surrounded with and where he came from.’ And all the rest of it. And (“CHRI” or “CRY” “I”) interpretations of a variety of things. Not just Jesus. But where did Moses come from when he came down the mountain? What was up there?
Y: Now if you think about it, this is a frightening subject. If this was — I mean —
H: It is frightening.
Y: Yeah. That’s what I was — this had proof on the Internet. Actual proof. (“STAND”) That’s why I’m very — (“WELL”)
H: Okay, I don’t know what Keith put up there but —
Y: Yeah. (or “YEAH”)
H: — when I say proof, what I —
Y: Yeah (or “YEAH”)
H: — mean by that is the descriptions that are in the Bible that we take as some kind of ethereal thing, if you put in perspective — (“NO”) frequently it’s how you view things and so if you start with the premise that Christ was put here on Earth by extra-terrestrials to guide us, it doesn’t stop anybody’s faith in Christ at all. (“BUT”) What it does do if you then go back and read the Bible, you say, “Oh well that’s what that meant. Of course. And (“NO”) like . . . Shroud of Turin also in the case that he feels that indeed was Christ but that Christ was radioactive. Well, you know, you look at these pictures of Christ and he’s got this bright halo. Is that an aura around his head or is it radioactivity or what is all — (“YEAH”) a type of energy of some kind. So I think (“NO”) . . . as again (or “AS AGAIN”) I don’t want to do next week’s show now. (“AND”)
Y: Yeah.
H: Frankly, I’ve only read a couple of chapters. Based on (or “BASED ON”) — because the book isn’t even out yet.
Y: Is it available through amazon.com? (“NO”)
H: No, it’s not.
Y: No, it’s not.
H: It will. It will be. And I’m hopeful that by the time we do the show on Monday that they’ll have enough books and get them over to amazon.com — but right now it’s not even in print yet. As a matter of fact, the editors are doing — (“WELL”) well when we booked this show, the editors had last minute changes to make and they’re rushing it to the printers and getting it out. And so you’ll hear about it first right here on “Coast To Coast AM” And we appreciate the call, Ryan. Ta(ke) more of your calls as we move along toward the end of tonight’s weird program called “Coast To Coast AM” Sitting in for Art Bell is the biggest weirdo of them all — I’m Hilly Rose.
(bumper music is “Don’t Fear The Reaper” performed by Blue Oyster Cult)
Q: I can’t believe after all the Email I’ve sent Hilly. I mean he can’t think I’m something evil, can he? Guess who I sent Email to? This Lester dude. His Email link was at Hilly’s website.
( . . . )
Q: So Mr. Lester — obviously he’ll know how true my news release is when he gets it. So he’ll have the choice: ‘Do I tell the truth during the radio broadcast or do I sell books?’
( . . . )
R: . . . Hilly Rose on the Premiere Radio Networks.
H: (That) guy has such a straight voice delivery and then he says, “Get a phone.” Sort of charges me every time I hear it. ‘Oh he’s got a sense of humor after all.’ Okay. Coming down the homestretch here. (I’ll) take as many phone calls as I can and discuss whatever: UFOs, the ETs and the Grays, the Whites. You name it and I guess most of you see them one way or another. (“GO IN”) It is interesting in all seriousness. (“THAT”) Most of us have had experiences. Certainly I have. And I know that most of the listeners (of) this program — (or) you wouldn’t be listening to this. (“WHY”) I said I was the biggest weirdo of them all. Yeah, I am. Because what’s a weirdo? A weirdo is someone who doesn’t conform, doesn’t go for the straight thinking that everyday-type folks do. And I know there are voyeurs who listen to these programs who get a kick out of saying, “Ahh — them weirdos. You know what they talk about and the things they see?” But there are a lot more of us, I think, who’re (or “WHO’RE” or “WHORE”) really genuinely interested — who know that these experiences do happen, that there is something more out there than we are led to believe traditionally. And that’s what we’re all about here. So if you have some strange experience, we ain’t going to laugh at you. We’re going to empathize with you and say we’ve all had strange experiences. So we will do all that and take more of your phone calls after these exciting words.
( . . . )
Q: So today when I went to the store I saw a lame pigeon with a broken foot and I just felt terrible about it, complained and then I realized well instead of complaining we can always do something about these things because if we don’t who will? I had other things on my mind, unfortunately. Ellen was sick but she felt better. A strange pain in her stomach. Oh well back to Hilly’s show.
(bumper music is “Return To Innocence” performed by Enigma)
H: Out in Tulsa, Oklahoma is a fellow called Eric so let’s say good morning to Eric. Hi there.
E: Hey, Hilly, how are you doing tonight?
H: I’m well.
E: You said you wanted to know what that flash in the sky was.
H: Yeah — where — was that in Oklahoma?
E: Well what happened was I was listening to KOA out of Denver last night and they had reports of a meteorite and they saw it all the way from Mexico all the way into Oklahoma. I was outside but I went in to use the restroom and I missed it.
H: That’s the story of your life, huh? (“FRED”)
E: It was seen all the way in Nevada, Arizona — I mean Oklahoma, Nebraska. I mean what they did was they had everybody calling in all over the country that saw it. And one woman said she was in her van and she looked at her watch. It happened exactly at 11:18 Mountain time.
H: Last night?
E: Yeah, last night Mountain time 11:18. And she said she could see her watch from inside of her van. One guy said that it looked like daylight so I mean the whole width — if you’d been outside you would’ve seen it. I mean — and I was mad because I just walked in the restroom. See, I was sitting outside watching the meteorite(s).
H: Well, you know, it’s darn interesting because nobody predicted that and we say, “Oh don’t worry, no, if any meteorite comes near us we’re going to see it and we’ll take action of one kind or another. But as I pointed out last week we were doing a show with the eclipse. They saw a lot of things in the sky that they had not seen before and there are lot of people who feel that there are planets behind the Earth that we normally don’t see. And that means that whatever has happened before to the Earth will probably happen again. Now did — this thing didn’t land anywhere —
E: Yes, it did.
H: Oh it did land?
E: They believe it blew up over New Mexico somewhere out in the middle of nowhere. I think they said (“EH”) Farmington or somewhere in that area. And —
H: Farmington, New Mexico, yeah.
E: Yeah. And they said it was just massive. Anybody that was outside saw it. (“AN”) And that makes me so mad because I just left for a few seconds and came back outside.
H: Well you can’t go to the bathroom, my friend. Alright, I appreciate your telling me about it because it’s something that a lot of people saw. (“I”) As I say, I got a lot of Email on it. Alright, we will move along here. Maybe you saw it. Maybe you know more than we do. Let’s talk to Aaron in St. Louis. Good morning, Aaron.
A: Hi . . . (nervous stuttering intermittently)
H: You’re going to have to talk into your phone. I can hardly hear you.
A: Hi. Couple of things — on the “You Asked For It” on NBC last Sunday — did you see that little piece they ran on Rods?
H: No, I didn’t. What program was it on? It was on NBC — (“B[UT] WHAT”)
A: Yeah. “You Asked For It.”
H: “You Asked For It.”
A: Yeah.
H: Oh I’m not even aware of the program. Is it on, like, in the evening hours?
A: Yeah.
H: It is. No, I didn’t see — what did, no (or “NO”), what was there about it that you’re calling it to my attention? What did you learn from it? I know Art has talked about it frequently.
A: I just find them very fascinating and I’m not even sure what they are.
H: Well I’m not sure what they are either. I’m not sure anybody knows specifically what they are but I appreciate your telling me about it, Aaron. Thanks so much for the call.
A: Oh and one more thing. I am . . . know about this but, you know, the Pan Am flight 103?
H: Right?
A: I actually had a dream that foretold it.
H: That foretold it?
A: Yeah.
H: What did you see? Did you see the specific plane that was a Pan American plane?
A: I think so. Right before the images started, I just saw the number 103 flash in my mind. And then the next thing I saw was a plane just crashing down . . .
H: Alright, my friend, we’ll have to move along here. Thank you so much for the call. Let’s go to Jim in Richmond, Virginia. Hi, Jim. Are you there, Jim?
I: Yeah. Hello, Hilly.
H: Hi. (Or “HI”) Good evening.
I: I saw something too. I saw a face on the moon.
H: You saw a face on the moon last night or some time ago?
I: Some time ago. A profile over on the left looking right and I think some water would bring it up. If somebody like Richard Hoagland could put some water on the moon — with his red shift program? I think about three thousand feet would do it.
H: Well you — I’m losing you here. What do you mean three thousand feet?
I: I would think you would need about three thousand feet to bring it out. (“BUT”) What I’m thinking is —
H: Three thousand feet of water or what?
I: Yeah, on the moon.
H: Okay. Well maybe there is water on the moon. We don’t know.
I: No, he could do that with his red shift program. It’s a profile looking from left to right. And it’s all the way over on the left. And if you go out and look—you got to catch the shadows right—but if you look at it just off-center a little bit, you’ll see it in — like a ghost. (“K”)
H: And this is something you’ve seen on the moon?
I: Yes.
H: Can anybody see it? Well how do you look? You say a little bit off-center. What are you looking for?
I: You don’t look directly at it because you won’t see it then. What you’re looking for are shadows.
H: Okay.
I: Just a ghost image sitting over here in your peripheral vision. And it doesn’t happen all the time. You’ve got to catch the shadows right. But just go out and look at it everyday — or every night. You’ll see it. It’s usually — the moon is full to the right side but it’s shadowy on the left. What do you call that? It’s starting to lose the size of it — lose the fullness of the roundness.
H: If you have a full moon — how it comes up in the sky and it’s so big. Are you able to see it then or does it have to be high in the sky?
I: No, full moon’ll do it. What — no. A full moon won’t do it. There’s got to be shadows over on the left before you can see it. Before I can. (“I”) And it’s just a ghost image. If you look right at it, you won’t see it. But if you look off to the right or the left, (“THEN IT”) then it’s there. In the peripheral vision.
H: Okay.
I: But it’s not a full moon. It’s just off full.
H: Well — I — see, I’m confused here. Are you saying to me that this is just an effect of light and shadow or are you saying there really is something there?
I: I don’t know whether there is or not. If somebody like Richard could put three thousand feet of water on the moon with his red shift program, I think it’s going to come out. (“OKAY”) There’s something there that I see every time I look at it. When the shadows are right. When the moon is right. I see it every time I look at it.
H: Whether there’s a full moon, half moon or anything, right?
I: Well not — no. (“IT”) It only lasts a couple of days. The moon cycle. And then the shadows change and you can’t see it anymore.
H: Okay. And I’m still trying to understand. You’re saying — what I’m trying to understand is —
I: Yeah . . .
H: — is it — well wait a minute. Is this something that’s just a trick of light and shadow or do you believe that there’s something there?
I: I think there’s something there. That water will bring out. If you just put water on the moon like an ocean, then it’s going to come out like a . . .
H: Okay, Jim. (“BUT”)
I: Look at your clock face. Knock of the ten to eight section of it. Just knock that corner off. And when you see the moon like that — (“WITH THAT”) that side of it knocked off, then just look to the side. You’ll see the — through your peripheral vision, you’ll see that image there. That ghost image.
H: Okay, well in about ten minutes or so when I go off the air, I’ll go outside and take a look. And I very much appreciate the call, sir. Alright. Well who knows what strange things happen there? So where are we now in terms of — do we have another call to go to? Mike from Buffalo. Okay. Hello, Mike.
M: Hi, Hilly. Can you hear me?
H: Loud and clear, Mike.
M: Alright. Listen. I think what the fellow was just talking about was that the albedo, the glow of the moon. The reflection shift as it changes face. When that shadow appears on the lower left hand corner as it’s changing face, you get to see the silhouette of the mountains reflected in the shadow. I think that’s what he’s talking about. I don’t know about the (“WELL”) other thing with the water.
H: Well that —
M: That wasn’t why I called, though.
H: Okay, I understand. That’s what I was trying to get from him. Okay so —
M: I don’t think there’s a connection with this other thing with Richard and the red thing. H: Yeah, I don’t think so either. (“YEAH”)
M: The reason I called was the teacher from Chicago that called? I think I understand where she was coming from on the —
H: About Genesis 2?
M: Yeah. I don’t know about the Genesis — I think the space between the moon and the Earth she was referring to was the LaGrange position, the point in space where the spheres of the gravitational field of the two bodies overlap. You put a satellite there, irrespective of the change in the distance between the Earth and the Moon as they dance through the heaven, that point stays exactly the same. The third body — the satellite won’t move toward one or the other and Carl Sagan, Gerald O’Neil and some of the fellows down at Princeton postulated what was called the L5 Project. Put a big satellite up there about a mile across — on it ten thousand people — regular city. I believe that’s what she was referring to.
H: Okay, so it isn’t something that has been done.
M: No.
H: (It) is something that’s —
M: Right. It’s something we’d like to see it done. Yeah. (“ASIS[T]”) Big satellite out there — a whole city. Test all our theories whether we can live in space, whether we can grow food and everything. But the governments are too involved with their planetary disputes over whose going to count all the shekels —
H: (laughs)
M: — (they don’) seem to care about the future so we’re going to lose that one.
H: Well isn’t that really what the space station is all about?
M: About what? (“ABOUT” “L”)
H: Putting — establishing a base for man.
M: No, I think what the space station is about is pretending that we’re not doing such a lousy job. And that’s why they won’t do it because if you put that up there and you see what it looks like when it’s nice and it’s clean and we all cooperate and we try to do something right, you look back at the Earth and you look (at) what’s going on here. How can you say you’re doing a good job? How can you say you should be rewarded? So they don’t want a space station because then they have to look at themselves honestly.
H: (laughs)
M: That’s just my feeling.
H: I understand what you say, Mike.
M: I just wanted — I thought maybe I could help that teacher in Chicago. She helped a lot of kids so — LaGrange position. A French mathematician. Thank you for the public forum. Thank you for informing people.
H: Okay, thank you. Alright, let’s go to Peggy in Loveland. Texas is it, Peggy?
P: No, it’s Loveland, Colorado.
H: Oh Colorado. Okay.
P: Yeah.
H: Go ahead. You’re on the air.
P: Well I’ve been listening quite regularly between these late night hours because of the job I do at night and I somehow missed why we are graced with your presence instead of Mr. Bell’s and I was wondering if you could enlighten myself and a few others as to where he is.
H: Gee, you don’t listen very often, do you?
P: Yes, I do.
H: Well the reason I say that is that Art has been on the air Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays live every week. I don’t know of a week that he hasn’t done it so what has happened here without getting deeply into this because everybody knows the story. There were some very unfortunate things that happened to him and his family which he has detailed publicly and you can read about on his website. And, number two, he was involved in a lawsuit —
P: Oh my.
H: — which just got settled this past week.
P: Oh, okay.
H: It was a $60 million lawsuit.
P: I guess what happened to me is I am listening on Monday night. Mostly Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday night when I do my job and so my mistake.
H: Well it’s not a mistake. Well you know —
P: I was missing him and I looked on the website and I couldn’t find anything that interested me and caught my eye real quick before I scrolled down and so I happened to get through on the first time caller line so I thought I’d call and ask.
H: Alright, well the answer to your question is, first of all, if you read the website and I assume that’s what you’re talking about. It indicates that Art is on live on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. And then it indicates the replays and what those are all about on Saturday and Sunday so if you’re missing Art, you shouldn’t be because he’s on. Okay?
P: Well I’m thoroughly enjoying you hosting the program and I’ve heard several people give you a lot of criticism to not being able to host it quite as well as he does but you’re doing a wonderful job so keep it up.
H: Alright. Thank you, Peggy.
P: Bye-bye. (“YEAH”)
H: Yeah, I haven’t heard a lot of criticism like that but hey, Art’s an old friend. He’s been doing it with you for some eight years, I believe it is, and there’s no way that anybody’s going to come in—I don’t care who they are—and replace Art in your heart. So I wouldn’t even try. Let’s go to Pamela in Seattle. Good morning, Pamela.
L: Hi, Hilly. I know what the aliens are trying to do by only abducting people who don’t want to go.
H: Oh really.
L: Yeah, they’re trying to teach us the difference between what’s sick and what’s bad. I mean — but there’s so such thing as evil really. It’s just people who are sick — that they don’t understand. And so they take people and people think, “Oh, it’s for a good cause like genetic experimentation” or “Oh, they’re going to cure me of cancer or something.” Then they cooperate with the aliens. And, like, people who go to jail for committing crimes. They’re not bad people. They just really had a good reason for what they did in their own mind. Like the guy that tried to kill Jewish people. He really though that Jewish people were evil. And they just need somebody to explain it to them, you know?
H: (laughs) Well that’s one hell of an explanation. (“THAT HE DID”)
L: Well I can — Jesus can do it too.
H: Okay.
L: Okay. Jesus had to get people’s attention and so he made them angry by drinking too much. And so when they arrested him in the garden, he’d had too much to drink again. And they spit on him and called him a drunk and said, “Oh you’re a holy man and can do miracles. How dare you be drunk all the time?” And they spit on him and they hung him up and he kind of came to and said, “Oh did I have a good time last night?”
H: Where in the Bible does it say that? Give me a break.
L: You’ve got to go to a lot of A.A. meetings and listen to the alcoholics and then re-read the red part and he sounds just like a drunk. He was real loud and said bold things, you know?
H: No, I don’t recall reading that in the Bible.
L: Well everything he says, Hilly, is like real bold and like he sounds like a drunk in a bar. You’ve got to open your mind a little.
H: Well it sounds to me like you’ve been to one too many A.A. meetings.
L: I certainly have, Hilly. You know, they send you when you’re young these days. It’s they mix church and state. And they send you against your will to a church if you misbehave.
H: Well I thought there was a requirement for religious belief.
L: You — it’s no certain religious belief but you have to find God there.
H: Okay. Well I hope then you will find Go and — (laughs) ohhh dear dear dear dear dear. What an evening it has been. I enjoyed it. I hope you did. And I’ll be back next week and we’ll do it all over again. This is Hilly Rose wishing you a kind and gentle night, sitting in for Art Bell on “Coast To Coast AM.”
Q: So history repeats itself. And what about that bright flash in the night? Our tax dollars at work and another cover-up. Why do people participate in cover-ups?
( . . . )
Q: So, of course, if this was a Stephen King bestseller, that would’ve been Cassini. I mention Stephen because my brother told my mom he’d bought the new Stephen King book to take with him (to St. John island). This is after reading Hannibal. Oh that’s right — he worked on the movie “Pet Sematary.”
( . . . )
Q: So is this the end of the tapes? I guess — you knowing me, I’ll probably do more if I get an interview or something. Unless I get some publicity. I haven’t heard back from www.nitronews.com yet. Nitronews, by the way, had terrible coverage of Cassini entitled “Beware Of Crazed Eclipse Cattle (And The Media Hype Machine).”
( . . . )
Q: So tonight I sent out some more Email. This time to a few people with Bell Witch websites, if you can believe that. “The Blair Witch Project” apparently has also made the Bell Witch case (come) back into the public eye. No, I’m not going to see it. Obviously. I’m not going to see anything at a movie theatre ever again. Of course, I am curious about “Jamaica Inn” but —
( . . . )
Q: I see at NASA’s Cassini webpage, they have a category entitled “What’s Hot.” Ouch.
( . . . )
Q: Well the website has current status as of 8/11/99 so I guess there’s no new information here. Is anybody missing the word “sin” and “ass” in the name Cassini?
( . . . )
Q: So at www.nonviolence.org, it says the Cassini Space Probe is scheduled to execute a flyby maneuver around the Earth on August 18, 1999 at 3:28 a.m. GMT—that’s Greenwich Mean Time—which is on August 17, 1999 at 8:28 p.m. So that’s tonight at 8:28 p.m. You’d think by now they’d have some more news somewhere on the Internet if it’s finished.
( . . . )
Q: So last time there was an accident with plutonium, they had those unfortunate bombings. This time apparently there’s earthquakes for some strange synchronicity. How strange that all those United States government officials were all in Turkey at the time.
( . . . )
Q: What’s this article dated yesterday?
R: . . . Hilly Rose.
(bumper music is “Don’t Bring Me Down” performed by ELO)
H: And we have a couple of faxes here I want to share. One got me all excited until I read it more carefully. It said, “The free energy guy should contact Jerry Decker at keelynet in Mesquite, Texas.” (“I THOU[GHT]”) I thought it was Mesquite, Nevada where I’m going to be tomorrow night for the big UFO congress. Anyway, it’s Mesquite, Texas. And he said that’s what they do — is free energy research and you can reach them at www.keelynet.com — darn, I thought while I was in Mesquite I’d check them out myself. (“BUT”) I guess Mesquite, Nevada is a far pace from Mesquite, Texas. I’ve another fax here that says with regards to the anthrax vaccinations: “I would like to know why they are being administered to begin with and also which people in government made the decision to go ahead with the anthrax inoculations.” Well it’s a direct order from Secretary Cohen right on down and that’s what’s happening. I rather imagine somebody convinced him that it was a good thing to do even though the GAO says, ‘Give me a break. No known benefits from the anthrax vaccine. We don’t even think it works and we know that it can be deleterious to your health.’ So (if you) want to talk to anybody about it, start with Secretary Cohen and see (or “SEE”) — and convince him to change his mind because ain’t nobody from generals on down who are going to take the position that they’re going to countermand an order from higher up. And that’s what that’s all about. So we’re here tonight talking about whatever you want to talk about: UFOs, strange visitations, implantations, whatever, crop circles. It doesn’t matter. Try and get the world put together. And, hopefully, our lines will hold up and we won’t have any more technical problems and everything will be cool. Cool, baby, cool. Let’s take a moment out here and then we’ll be right back to our phone callers.
( . . . )
Q: It’s the first time they didn’t have an interview portion on the air tonight. So there goes what I had expected anyway but I’ll go ahead and tape this. You never know what might come up. Right now is the time of Cassini and everyone misses the point. All this about fear tactics and danger. The point is that if there’s any risk whatsoever even .00001%, that’s not acceptable because no one owns the Earth and they have no right if there’s any risk whatsoever.
R: Access the Art Bell website at artbell.com — this is “Coast To Coast AM” with special guest host Hilly Rose on the Premiere Radio Networks.
H: Oohweuu, I tell you. Next Monday night/Tuesday morning, a most — I found utterly exciting. The guest is William A. Lester, Jr. He’s got a new book out called Star Messiah and, in fact, it’s just coming out. It’s not even hardly on the book shelves yet. (You) can’t get it yet. But he — and I’ve read a few chapters of it — advance copy of the chapters — and he traces through the Bible all the documentation that Jesus was placed here by extra-terrestrials to help guide us, which is what a lot of people say—forgetting Jesus for the moment—extra-terrestrials try to do. Like the Pleiadians for example. And so it was really just an amazing experience to read some of the things that this guy says. He’s done a lot of research on it and I think he’ll be just as interesting to you as when Kimball was when he talked about Jesus. Anyway, that’s coming Monday night/Tuesday morning. Now let’s get back to our phone callers and start with Steve in West Hills, California. Good morning, Steve.
S: Hello, Hilly. How are you tonight?
H: I am well.
S: Thank you so much for taking my call.
H: Sure.
S: That was very interesting — just brought up something about — I’ll listen to that show. I want to share some information with you that I came across. It was about the church and the information that they’re dispensing. And —
H: What church are we talking about?
S: It’s the Catholic church.
H: Oh, okay, because there are more than one church.
S: And this book is called The Era of Peace and in the middle of the book it has a timetable for all of the events that are supposed to transpire. And it starts out with the Hale-Bopp comet being the sign of the coming of the antichrist on March 22nd of ’97. And it goes on to say up till November 17th of ’98 stating “Leonid meteor shower — signs in the heavens that the time . . .”
H: Well that would be now.
S: That would be now. Yes. And it says that there’s two years between that time and November 17th. It says on October 3rd of the year 2001 antichrist reigns in forty-five days prior to era of peace. Probable reason: the population of the entire world becomes aware of Comet J-1 of the great chastisement on collision course with Earth. And it says then the three days of darkness will occur.
H: And does it have any documentation on what this — who is this person who’s saying all this?
S: This is from the Catholic church. The book — it says . . .
H: The official? (“DIE”) This is the position of the Pope?
S: Well this is what I — came from the church. I got this at a Catholic church.
H: Well that may be but that doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s the official position of the Catholic church and I would tend to doubt that.
S: That’s what I said — that occurred to me too because I’ve never heard of them (“NO”) making any of these kind of statements. Especially like concerning the third secret of Fatima. They talk about that in here and I — I used to listen to Father Malachi. (“RI”) And that really interested me and this . . . refers to some of the presentation. And it says — according to that, it says a comet will fall from the sky and strike the Atlantic Ocean with such force it’ll break the Earth’s mantle.
H: Well I don’t doubt that because, after all, that’s happened time and again. There’s a theory about the dinosaurs but there’ve been other extinctions. More and more now, we’re beginning to realize we (“NO”) believe the Earth didn’t just start a few thousand years ago. Even scientists are documenting it two and a half billion years ago. And I’m sure that lots of meteors have crashed into the Earth and ended civilization as they knew it at that time. And all we’re doing is reinventing the wheel with our modern technology.
S: Well when I read this, I — get kind of alarming to me but then I — well I’m a Catholic, you know, but that really doesn’t have much to do — I was just kind of interest(ed) — they — they’re naming of comet — something called J-1. I — Jesus-1 occurred to me when I read that.
H: Well that’s possible too. Especially as what you just said. If we buy this theory of the guy I’m going to talk to on Monday, it is possible that the extra-terrestrials who sent Jesus down here are now ready to send J-1 down here.
S: And it says that will be the final sign of the second coming of Jesus Christ. And just — no, I would like to find out whether the church — if this is (“YY”) — I got it at a Catholic church. . . .
H: Yeah but that doesn’t mean anything. (“DON’T”) Don’t they sell books at the Catholic church?
S: No, this was free. And it says on the section of the book that’s a timetable — it says, “Please reproduce and distribute.” So it’s like they want people to know or to have knowledge.
H: It could be that (“NO”) somebody — some specific church has a minister who believes in this. I mean I just — it’s not a papal paper of any kind that I’m aware of.
S: It just says according to the . . . of the New Testament and fathers (of the) church.
H: Well — sounds like an individual effort to me, Steve. It really does. But maybe somebody knows more about it than you and I do. So let’s —
S: We’ll have to wait and see what happens. Just kind of keep our eye on things around that time.
H: I’m not going to worry about it today, I’ll tell you. (“O” “I” “O ILL[Y]”)
S: So things are going to happen. They’ll come to pass without (or “WITHOUT”) —
H: Yeah, that’s about my — I’m fatalistic in that sense. (“HEY KIDS”)
S: Well thank you so much for taking my call, Hilly.
H: Okay, Steve, thanks for the call.
S: Did you find out what that guy meant about ‘lost time’?
H: No, I didn’t. What — do you know about that?
S: Would it be referring to ‘missing time’ . . . abductees — happen to them? I mean that’s what I’ve always heard that described as — missing time.
H: Well yeah, that’s true. Almost invariably that happens but I didn’t relate the two. Maybe you’re absolutely right.
S: That’s what I thought when he said it. I thought he must mean ‘missing time.’ (“YEAH”) That would —
H: Okay, thanks much, Steve.
S: Thank you very much.
H: Yeah. Yeah, almost every abductee says that they just lose time when they — did it really happen? I mean there are some people who remember everything that happened to them and other people just say, “I don’t really remember what happened. I just — (“I”) I know I was driving along and all of a sudden there was this blinding flash of light and the next thing I knew I was driving along again and my watch indicated it was two hours later.” Yeah, that could be. That could well be. That’s a good suggestion. Alright, let’s go to Sacramento, California and talk to John. Good morning, John.
J: Hi. I just wanted to talk about a UFO experience that I had when I was in the fourth grade. And this happened up in the mountains up above a town called Senora.
H: Okay, so wait a minute. Fourth grade would make you what — about nine years old? Something like that?
J: About nine, ten — somewhere around there.
H: Uh-huh, go ahead.
J: And I just remember being out in the schoolyard with a couple other students and we saw what I know now today was a UFO up in the sky. And we went back and got our schoolteacher. And we brought him out. And there were probably like (“BO[UT]”) ten, twelve students and my schoolteacher. And we were all looking at it. And, obviously, quite amazed. And I remember going back into class. We drew it up on the chalkboard and we talked about it. And I totally put this whole memory out of my mind until (“BOU[T]”) nine years ago when I started having some really — what I call weird experiences. Waking up in the middle of the night outside. Waking up at night with nosebleeds. And so I started — I wanted to do some research because I had this memory of seeing this UFO when I was a kid. (“AND”) So I contacted my schoolteacher and when I talk(ed) — got him on the phone — he called me back and I asked him about this. And he said, “No, I don’t remember that.” And so I talked to him a little bit more and then —
H: Wait wait wait. You’re telling me this guy had no memory of something this bizarre?
J: Yeah. Well, wait a second, it gets better. So like about a day and a half later, I got a phone call and it was from him. And he said, no, “After I got off the phone with you, I told my wife about this. And she said, ‘Don’t you remember you came home and was, like, telling me all about it?'” (He) still didn’t have any memory of it but his wife remembered him telling her about this so —
H: That is weird.
J: Yeah.
H: And this is a schoolteacher. Now what was the shape of the UFO?
J: It was like the typical disk shape and I guess, you know, kind of a gray silvery color.
H: Little hump on top?
J: Yeah. And I’ve kind of had a lot of (“NO”) weird experiences waking up in the middle of the night. And I can also remember one time — I don’t know if this was a dream or not but I lived in a two-story house. And I remember waking up in the middle of the night, looking out the window and there was like — it seemed like a little guy was, like, floating in the air. And to this day I don’t know if that actually happened or if it was a dream. I also had dreams before too of UFOs crashing and I also happen to have a lot of dreams about Earth changes and quakes and floods and intuitive dreams so I don’t know —
H: Did you predict the big one in Turkey that they had today?
J: No, I didn’t hear about that.
H: Massive one. It was seven point something on the Richter scale.
J: Wow. Another thing I wanted to comment (on) too because I mean of course over the past couple years everybody’s sharing about Earth changes and things that are going to happen. I hardly ever hear about (“NO”) people actually, no, praying — putting out good energy to maybe, no, kind of counter-balance some of these things happening.
H: Gee, I rather imagine the farmers are all praying right about now in this part of the United States.
J: Yeah.
H: Yes, that does happen and isn’t that what the Indians did? Didn’t they have their rain dance?
J: Yeah.
H: There are a lot of people who have tried to influence the weather with good positive vibes or prayer. And sometimes it succeeds. (“L”) Rains come in the middle of a drought to areas that just there was no reason for the rain to be there but there it was. So — yeah, I think — (“I” “NO”) the power of the mind, the focusing I think frequently produces things.
J: I really do think these things are going to happen in the future but I think (“NO”) maybe people praying about it too instead of always worrying about it can be a little bit of a focus. (“S”)
H: Well good thought. Okay, thank you much, John.
J: Thank you. (“YEAH”)
H: Let’s talk to Ryan in San Diego. Good morning, Ryan.
Y: Hello, Hilly.
H: Yeah, hi.
Y: Hi, how are you?
H: I’m well.
Y: Alright. I’m probably one of your younger viewers. I’m only fifteen but I wanted to talk about — actually I was calling about the extra-terrestrials in relation to Jesus Christ.
H: Um-huh. Well that’s — we’re going to do that next week. I can’t say much about that.
Y: Yeah. I was just wondering — (“HOWE”) that’s what I was calling (about) because I saw it on the Internet — noticing that and I also wanted to just ask you if you had any more information about that?
H: Well yeah, I have a lot of information about it but I — well I think you’re going to have to wait until next week — (“GUN”) tune in.
Y: That’s airing Monday night?
H: Yeah. Monday night/Tuesday morning. As I said, this guy — his na(me) (or “HIS NA”) what did I say it was? Lester I believe. (“SHE LEFT YOU”) Yeah, he’s gone through the Bible and he sees a variety of — he quotes the Bible directly. He doesn’t — just his interpretation. He’s saying, ‘Here it is. This is what the Bible says about Jesus and what he’s surrounded with and where he came from.’ And all the rest of it. And (“CHRI” or “CRY” “I”) interpretations of a variety of things. Not just Jesus. But where did Moses come from when he came down the mountain? What was up there?
Y: Now if you think about it, this is a frightening subject. If this was — I mean —
H: It is frightening.
Y: Yeah. That’s what I was — this had proof on the Internet. Actual proof. (“STAND”) That’s why I’m very — (“WELL”)
H: Okay, I don’t know what Keith put up there but —
Y: Yeah. (or “YEAH”)
H: — when I say proof, what I —
Y: Yeah (or “YEAH”)
H: — mean by that is the descriptions that are in the Bible that we take as some kind of ethereal thing, if you put in perspective — (“NO”) frequently it’s how you view things and so if you start with the premise that Christ was put here on Earth by extra-terrestrials to guide us, it doesn’t stop anybody’s faith in Christ at all. (“BUT”) What it does do if you then go back and read the Bible, you say, “Oh well that’s what that meant. Of course. And (“NO”) like . . . Shroud of Turin also in the case that he feels that indeed was Christ but that Christ was radioactive. Well, you know, you look at these pictures of Christ and he’s got this bright halo. Is that an aura around his head or is it radioactivity or what is all — (“YEAH”) a type of energy of some kind. So I think (“NO”) . . . as again (or “AS AGAIN”) I don’t want to do next week’s show now. (“AND”)
Y: Yeah.
H: Frankly, I’ve only read a couple of chapters. Based on (or “BASED ON”) — because the book isn’t even out yet.
Y: Is it available through amazon.com? (“NO”)
H: No, it’s not.
Y: No, it’s not.
H: It will. It will be. And I’m hopeful that by the time we do the show on Monday that they’ll have enough books and get them over to amazon.com — but right now it’s not even in print yet. As a matter of fact, the editors are doing — (“WELL”) well when we booked this show, the editors had last minute changes to make and they’re rushing it to the printers and getting it out. And so you’ll hear about it first right here on “Coast To Coast AM” And we appreciate the call, Ryan. Ta(ke) more of your calls as we move along toward the end of tonight’s weird program called “Coast To Coast AM” Sitting in for Art Bell is the biggest weirdo of them all — I’m Hilly Rose.
(bumper music is “Don’t Fear The Reaper” performed by Blue Oyster Cult)
Q: I can’t believe after all the Email I’ve sent Hilly. I mean he can’t think I’m something evil, can he? Guess who I sent Email to? This Lester dude. His Email link was at Hilly’s website.
( . . . )
Q: So Mr. Lester — obviously he’ll know how true my news release is when he gets it. So he’ll have the choice: ‘Do I tell the truth during the radio broadcast or do I sell books?’
( . . . )
R: . . . Hilly Rose on the Premiere Radio Networks.
H: (That) guy has such a straight voice delivery and then he says, “Get a phone.” Sort of charges me every time I hear it. ‘Oh he’s got a sense of humor after all.’ Okay. Coming down the homestretch here. (I’ll) take as many phone calls as I can and discuss whatever: UFOs, the ETs and the Grays, the Whites. You name it and I guess most of you see them one way or another. (“GO IN”) It is interesting in all seriousness. (“THAT”) Most of us have had experiences. Certainly I have. And I know that most of the listeners (of) this program — (or) you wouldn’t be listening to this. (“WHY”) I said I was the biggest weirdo of them all. Yeah, I am. Because what’s a weirdo? A weirdo is someone who doesn’t conform, doesn’t go for the straight thinking that everyday-type folks do. And I know there are voyeurs who listen to these programs who get a kick out of saying, “Ahh — them weirdos. You know what they talk about and the things they see?” But there are a lot more of us, I think, who’re (or “WHO’RE” or “WHORE”) really genuinely interested — who know that these experiences do happen, that there is something more out there than we are led to believe traditionally. And that’s what we’re all about here. So if you have some strange experience, we ain’t going to laugh at you. We’re going to empathize with you and say we’ve all had strange experiences. So we will do all that and take more of your phone calls after these exciting words.
( . . . )
Q: So today when I went to the store I saw a lame pigeon with a broken foot and I just felt terrible about it, complained and then I realized well instead of complaining we can always do something about these things because if we don’t who will? I had other things on my mind, unfortunately. Ellen was sick but she felt better. A strange pain in her stomach. Oh well back to Hilly’s show.
(bumper music is “Return To Innocence” performed by Enigma)
H: Out in Tulsa, Oklahoma is a fellow called Eric so let’s say good morning to Eric. Hi there.
E: Hey, Hilly, how are you doing tonight?
H: I’m well.
E: You said you wanted to know what that flash in the sky was.
H: Yeah — where — was that in Oklahoma?
E: Well what happened was I was listening to KOA out of Denver last night and they had reports of a meteorite and they saw it all the way from Mexico all the way into Oklahoma. I was outside but I went in to use the restroom and I missed it.
H: That’s the story of your life, huh? (“FRED”)
E: It was seen all the way in Nevada, Arizona — I mean Oklahoma, Nebraska. I mean what they did was they had everybody calling in all over the country that saw it. And one woman said she was in her van and she looked at her watch. It happened exactly at 11:18 Mountain time.
H: Last night?
E: Yeah, last night Mountain time 11:18. And she said she could see her watch from inside of her van. One guy said that it looked like daylight so I mean the whole width — if you’d been outside you would’ve seen it. I mean — and I was mad because I just walked in the restroom. See, I was sitting outside watching the meteorite(s).
H: Well, you know, it’s darn interesting because nobody predicted that and we say, “Oh don’t worry, no, if any meteorite comes near us we’re going to see it and we’ll take action of one kind or another. But as I pointed out last week we were doing a show with the eclipse. They saw a lot of things in the sky that they had not seen before and there are lot of people who feel that there are planets behind the Earth that we normally don’t see. And that means that whatever has happened before to the Earth will probably happen again. Now did — this thing didn’t land anywhere —
E: Yes, it did.
H: Oh it did land?
E: They believe it blew up over New Mexico somewhere out in the middle of nowhere. I think they said (“EH”) Farmington or somewhere in that area. And —
H: Farmington, New Mexico, yeah.
E: Yeah. And they said it was just massive. Anybody that was outside saw it. (“AN”) And that makes me so mad because I just left for a few seconds and came back outside.
H: Well you can’t go to the bathroom, my friend. Alright, I appreciate your telling me about it because it’s something that a lot of people saw. (“I”) As I say, I got a lot of Email on it. Alright, we will move along here. Maybe you saw it. Maybe you know more than we do. Let’s talk to Aaron in St. Louis. Good morning, Aaron.
A: Hi . . . (nervous stuttering intermittently)
H: You’re going to have to talk into your phone. I can hardly hear you.
A: Hi. Couple of things — on the “You Asked For It” on NBC last Sunday — did you see that little piece they ran on Rods?
H: No, I didn’t. What program was it on? It was on NBC — (“B[UT] WHAT”)
A: Yeah. “You Asked For It.”
H: “You Asked For It.”
A: Yeah.
H: Oh I’m not even aware of the program. Is it on, like, in the evening hours?
A: Yeah.
H: It is. No, I didn’t see — what did, no (or “NO”), what was there about it that you’re calling it to my attention? What did you learn from it? I know Art has talked about it frequently.
A: I just find them very fascinating and I’m not even sure what they are.
H: Well I’m not sure what they are either. I’m not sure anybody knows specifically what they are but I appreciate your telling me about it, Aaron. Thanks so much for the call.
A: Oh and one more thing. I am . . . know about this but, you know, the Pan Am flight 103?
H: Right?
A: I actually had a dream that foretold it.
H: That foretold it?
A: Yeah.
H: What did you see? Did you see the specific plane that was a Pan American plane?
A: I think so. Right before the images started, I just saw the number 103 flash in my mind. And then the next thing I saw was a plane just crashing down . . .
H: Alright, my friend, we’ll have to move along here. Thank you so much for the call. Let’s go to Jim in Richmond, Virginia. Hi, Jim. Are you there, Jim?
I: Yeah. Hello, Hilly.
H: Hi. (Or “HI”) Good evening.
I: I saw something too. I saw a face on the moon.
H: You saw a face on the moon last night or some time ago?
I: Some time ago. A profile over on the left looking right and I think some water would bring it up. If somebody like Richard Hoagland could put some water on the moon — with his red shift program? I think about three thousand feet would do it.
H: Well you — I’m losing you here. What do you mean three thousand feet?
I: I would think you would need about three thousand feet to bring it out. (“BUT”) What I’m thinking is —
H: Three thousand feet of water or what?
I: Yeah, on the moon.
H: Okay. Well maybe there is water on the moon. We don’t know.
I: No, he could do that with his red shift program. It’s a profile looking from left to right. And it’s all the way over on the left. And if you go out and look—you got to catch the shadows right—but if you look at it just off-center a little bit, you’ll see it in — like a ghost. (“K”)
H: And this is something you’ve seen on the moon?
I: Yes.
H: Can anybody see it? Well how do you look? You say a little bit off-center. What are you looking for?
I: You don’t look directly at it because you won’t see it then. What you’re looking for are shadows.
H: Okay.
I: Just a ghost image sitting over here in your peripheral vision. And it doesn’t happen all the time. You’ve got to catch the shadows right. But just go out and look at it everyday — or every night. You’ll see it. It’s usually — the moon is full to the right side but it’s shadowy on the left. What do you call that? It’s starting to lose the size of it — lose the fullness of the roundness.
H: If you have a full moon — how it comes up in the sky and it’s so big. Are you able to see it then or does it have to be high in the sky?
I: No, full moon’ll do it. What — no. A full moon won’t do it. There’s got to be shadows over on the left before you can see it. Before I can. (“I”) And it’s just a ghost image. If you look right at it, you won’t see it. But if you look off to the right or the left, (“THEN IT”) then it’s there. In the peripheral vision.
H: Okay.
I: But it’s not a full moon. It’s just off full.
H: Well — I — see, I’m confused here. Are you saying to me that this is just an effect of light and shadow or are you saying there really is something there?
I: I don’t know whether there is or not. If somebody like Richard could put three thousand feet of water on the moon with his red shift program, I think it’s going to come out. (“OKAY”) There’s something there that I see every time I look at it. When the shadows are right. When the moon is right. I see it every time I look at it.
H: Whether there’s a full moon, half moon or anything, right?
I: Well not — no. (“IT”) It only lasts a couple of days. The moon cycle. And then the shadows change and you can’t see it anymore.
H: Okay. And I’m still trying to understand. You’re saying — what I’m trying to understand is —
I: Yeah . . .
H: — is it — well wait a minute. Is this something that’s just a trick of light and shadow or do you believe that there’s something there?
I: I think there’s something there. That water will bring out. If you just put water on the moon like an ocean, then it’s going to come out like a . . .
H: Okay, Jim. (“BUT”)
I: Look at your clock face. Knock of the ten to eight section of it. Just knock that corner off. And when you see the moon like that — (“WITH THAT”) that side of it knocked off, then just look to the side. You’ll see the — through your peripheral vision, you’ll see that image there. That ghost image.
H: Okay, well in about ten minutes or so when I go off the air, I’ll go outside and take a look. And I very much appreciate the call, sir. Alright. Well who knows what strange things happen there? So where are we now in terms of — do we have another call to go to? Mike from Buffalo. Okay. Hello, Mike.
M: Hi, Hilly. Can you hear me?
H: Loud and clear, Mike.
M: Alright. Listen. I think what the fellow was just talking about was that the albedo, the glow of the moon. The reflection shift as it changes face. When that shadow appears on the lower left hand corner as it’s changing face, you get to see the silhouette of the mountains reflected in the shadow. I think that’s what he’s talking about. I don’t know about the (“WELL”) other thing with the water.
H: Well that —
M: That wasn’t why I called, though.
H: Okay, I understand. That’s what I was trying to get from him. Okay so —
M: I don’t think there’s a connection with this other thing with Richard and the red thing. H: Yeah, I don’t think so either. (“YEAH”)
M: The reason I called was the teacher from Chicago that called? I think I understand where she was coming from on the —
H: About Genesis 2?
M: Yeah. I don’t know about the Genesis — I think the space between the moon and the Earth she was referring to was the LaGrange position, the point in space where the spheres of the gravitational field of the two bodies overlap. You put a satellite there, irrespective of the change in the distance between the Earth and the Moon as they dance through the heaven, that point stays exactly the same. The third body — the satellite won’t move toward one or the other and Carl Sagan, Gerald O’Neil and some of the fellows down at Princeton postulated what was called the L5 Project. Put a big satellite up there about a mile across — on it ten thousand people — regular city. I believe that’s what she was referring to.
H: Okay, so it isn’t something that has been done.
M: No.
H: (It) is something that’s —
M: Right. It’s something we’d like to see it done. Yeah. (“ASIS[T]”) Big satellite out there — a whole city. Test all our theories whether we can live in space, whether we can grow food and everything. But the governments are too involved with their planetary disputes over whose going to count all the shekels —
H: (laughs)
M: — (they don’) seem to care about the future so we’re going to lose that one.
H: Well isn’t that really what the space station is all about?
M: About what? (“ABOUT” “L”)
H: Putting — establishing a base for man.
M: No, I think what the space station is about is pretending that we’re not doing such a lousy job. And that’s why they won’t do it because if you put that up there and you see what it looks like when it’s nice and it’s clean and we all cooperate and we try to do something right, you look back at the Earth and you look (at) what’s going on here. How can you say you’re doing a good job? How can you say you should be rewarded? So they don’t want a space station because then they have to look at themselves honestly.
H: (laughs)
M: That’s just my feeling.
H: I understand what you say, Mike.
M: I just wanted — I thought maybe I could help that teacher in Chicago. She helped a lot of kids so — LaGrange position. A French mathematician. Thank you for the public forum. Thank you for informing people.
H: Okay, thank you. Alright, let’s go to Peggy in Loveland. Texas is it, Peggy?
P: No, it’s Loveland, Colorado.
H: Oh Colorado. Okay.
P: Yeah.
H: Go ahead. You’re on the air.
P: Well I’ve been listening quite regularly between these late night hours because of the job I do at night and I somehow missed why we are graced with your presence instead of Mr. Bell’s and I was wondering if you could enlighten myself and a few others as to where he is.
H: Gee, you don’t listen very often, do you?
P: Yes, I do.
H: Well the reason I say that is that Art has been on the air Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays live every week. I don’t know of a week that he hasn’t done it so what has happened here without getting deeply into this because everybody knows the story. There were some very unfortunate things that happened to him and his family which he has detailed publicly and you can read about on his website. And, number two, he was involved in a lawsuit —
P: Oh my.
H: — which just got settled this past week.
P: Oh, okay.
H: It was a $60 million lawsuit.
P: I guess what happened to me is I am listening on Monday night. Mostly Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday night when I do my job and so my mistake.
H: Well it’s not a mistake. Well you know —
P: I was missing him and I looked on the website and I couldn’t find anything that interested me and caught my eye real quick before I scrolled down and so I happened to get through on the first time caller line so I thought I’d call and ask.
H: Alright, well the answer to your question is, first of all, if you read the website and I assume that’s what you’re talking about. It indicates that Art is on live on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. And then it indicates the replays and what those are all about on Saturday and Sunday so if you’re missing Art, you shouldn’t be because he’s on. Okay?
P: Well I’m thoroughly enjoying you hosting the program and I’ve heard several people give you a lot of criticism to not being able to host it quite as well as he does but you’re doing a wonderful job so keep it up.
H: Alright. Thank you, Peggy.
P: Bye-bye. (“YEAH”)
H: Yeah, I haven’t heard a lot of criticism like that but hey, Art’s an old friend. He’s been doing it with you for some eight years, I believe it is, and there’s no way that anybody’s going to come in—I don’t care who they are—and replace Art in your heart. So I wouldn’t even try. Let’s go to Pamela in Seattle. Good morning, Pamela.
L: Hi, Hilly. I know what the aliens are trying to do by only abducting people who don’t want to go.
H: Oh really.
L: Yeah, they’re trying to teach us the difference between what’s sick and what’s bad. I mean — but there’s so such thing as evil really. It’s just people who are sick — that they don’t understand. And so they take people and people think, “Oh, it’s for a good cause like genetic experimentation” or “Oh, they’re going to cure me of cancer or something.” Then they cooperate with the aliens. And, like, people who go to jail for committing crimes. They’re not bad people. They just really had a good reason for what they did in their own mind. Like the guy that tried to kill Jewish people. He really though that Jewish people were evil. And they just need somebody to explain it to them, you know?
H: (laughs) Well that’s one hell of an explanation. (“THAT HE DID”)
L: Well I can — Jesus can do it too.
H: Okay.
L: Okay. Jesus had to get people’s attention and so he made them angry by drinking too much. And so when they arrested him in the garden, he’d had too much to drink again. And they spit on him and called him a drunk and said, “Oh you’re a holy man and can do miracles. How dare you be drunk all the time?” And they spit on him and they hung him up and he kind of came to and said, “Oh did I have a good time last night?”
H: Where in the Bible does it say that? Give me a break.
L: You’ve got to go to a lot of A.A. meetings and listen to the alcoholics and then re-read the red part and he sounds just like a drunk. He was real loud and said bold things, you know?
H: No, I don’t recall reading that in the Bible.
L: Well everything he says, Hilly, is like real bold and like he sounds like a drunk in a bar. You’ve got to open your mind a little.
H: Well it sounds to me like you’ve been to one too many A.A. meetings.
L: I certainly have, Hilly. You know, they send you when you’re young these days. It’s they mix church and state. And they send you against your will to a church if you misbehave.
H: Well I thought there was a requirement for religious belief.
L: You — it’s no certain religious belief but you have to find God there.
H: Okay. Well I hope then you will find Go and — (laughs) ohhh dear dear dear dear dear. What an evening it has been. I enjoyed it. I hope you did. And I’ll be back next week and we’ll do it all over again. This is Hilly Rose wishing you a kind and gentle night, sitting in for Art Bell on “Coast To Coast AM.”
Q: So history repeats itself. And what about that bright flash in the night? Our tax dollars at work and another cover-up. Why do people participate in cover-ups?
( . . . )
Q: So, of course, if this was a Stephen King bestseller, that would’ve been Cassini. I mention Stephen because my brother told my mom he’d bought the new Stephen King book to take with him (to St. John island). This is after reading Hannibal. Oh that’s right — he worked on the movie “Pet Sematary.”
( . . . )
Q: So is this the end of the tapes? I guess — you knowing me, I’ll probably do more if I get an interview or something. Unless I get some publicity. I haven’t heard back from www.nitronews.com yet. Nitronews, by the way, had terrible coverage of Cassini entitled “Beware Of Crazed Eclipse Cattle (And The Media Hype Machine).”
( . . . )
Q: So tonight I sent out some more Email. This time to a few people with Bell Witch websites, if you can believe that. “The Blair Witch Project” apparently has also made the Bell Witch case (come) back into the public eye. No, I’m not going to see it. Obviously. I’m not going to see anything at a movie theatre ever again. Of course, I am curious about “Jamaica Inn” but —
( . . . )
Q: I see at NASA’s Cassini webpage, they have a category entitled “What’s Hot.” Ouch.
( . . . )
Q: Well the website has current status as of 8/11/99 so I guess there’s no new information here. Is anybody missing the word “sin” and “ass” in the name Cassini?
( . . . )
Q: So at www.nonviolence.org, it says the Cassini Space Probe is scheduled to execute a flyby maneuver around the Earth on August 18, 1999 at 3:28 a.m. GMT—that’s Greenwich Mean Time—which is on August 17, 1999 at 8:28 p.m. So that’s tonight at 8:28 p.m. You’d think by now they’d have some more news somewhere on the Internet if it’s finished.
( . . . )
Q: So last time there was an accident with plutonium, they had those unfortunate bombings. This time apparently there’s earthquakes for some strange synchronicity. How strange that all those United States government officials were all in Turkey at the time.
( . . . )
Q: What’s this article dated yesterday?
Cassini passes Earth on way to Saturn
PASADENA, Calif., Aug. 17 (UPI) – NASA’s Cassini spacecraft, fresh from two flights past Venus, has flown near Earth and picked up a boost of speed that places the probe on target for a rendezvous with the planet Saturn in 2004.
Scientists at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif. – the managers of the international robotic mission to the ringed planet – confirmed that the probe whisked by Earth on schedule tonight at 8:28 p.m. PDT (11:28 p.m. EDT).
The 6-ton Cassini spacecraft was launched from Cape Canaveral, Fla., in October 1997. Hauling an array of scientific instruments, the probe has carried out three maneuvers called “gravity-assist swingbys.” It twice flew past Venus – in April 1998 and again this June – and has now flown past the Earth.
These swingbys have added speed to the spacecraft relative to the Sun, an accumulation of velocity required to reach its ultimate destination, which is Saturn.
Cassini will slip by massive Jupiter in late December 2000, a swingby that should send the spacecraft on the last leg of a nearly seven-year trek to reach distant Saturn.
Tonight, the spacecraft’s flight path took it at closest approach to some 725 miles over the eastern South Pacific.
Upon arrival at Saturn on July 1, 2004, Cassini will begin more than four years of patrolling the planet’s atmosphere and interior, its spectacular rings, and many of the planet’s entourage of moons.
A major event during the Cassini mission is deployment of the Huygens probe, provided by the European Space Agency. This probe is to parachute onto the surface of Saturn’s moon, Titan, an enigmatic world that is thought to resemble a frozen, primordial Earth.
“We’ve still got a long way to go and a lot to do,” said JPL’s Bob Mitchell, Cassini program manager. A major effort is now under way to plot out a scientific menu of research duties once the craft reaches Saturn in 2004. “We’re in the midst of laying out that entire process,” Mitchell said.
The spacecraft mission, and particularly its close flyby of Earth, was not without controversy.
Protest groups – such as the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space, based in Gainesville, Fla. – have voiced alarm over Cassini’s power supply, a set of plutonium-powered nuclear generators. The plutonium, mostly Pu-238, a non-weapons-grade isotope, is part of a process that churns out electricity to energize Cassini’s arsenal of science gear.
The group organized rallies and write-in campaigns in an attempt to stop the launch of Cassini, fearing a problem with the spacecraft could spew its radioactive contents into Earth’s atmosphere.
Also up in arms over the Cassini mission is computer software specialist, Russell Hoffman, of Carlsbad, Calif., editor of the Internet-based Stop Cassini newsletter and Web site. Hoffman claimed that the Cassini spacecraft could have smashed into any of the “tens of millions of pieces of space debris” that encircle the Earth during its close flyby tonight.
JPL’s Mitchell, however, says there was no danger to Earth during the Cassini flyby.
“It’s time to get excited about this mission of discovery that we’ve got going here,” he said. “I’m really pleased that we’re going to be able to quit worrying the public about something that they should have never been worrying about in the first place.”
PASADENA, Calif., Aug. 17 (UPI) – NASA’s Cassini spacecraft, fresh from two flights past Venus, has flown near Earth and picked up a boost of speed that places the probe on target for a rendezvous with the planet Saturn in 2004.
Scientists at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif. – the managers of the international robotic mission to the ringed planet – confirmed that the probe whisked by Earth on schedule tonight at 8:28 p.m. PDT (11:28 p.m. EDT).
The 6-ton Cassini spacecraft was launched from Cape Canaveral, Fla., in October 1997. Hauling an array of scientific instruments, the probe has carried out three maneuvers called “gravity-assist swingbys.” It twice flew past Venus – in April 1998 and again this June – and has now flown past the Earth.
These swingbys have added speed to the spacecraft relative to the Sun, an accumulation of velocity required to reach its ultimate destination, which is Saturn.
Cassini will slip by massive Jupiter in late December 2000, a swingby that should send the spacecraft on the last leg of a nearly seven-year trek to reach distant Saturn.
Tonight, the spacecraft’s flight path took it at closest approach to some 725 miles over the eastern South Pacific.
Upon arrival at Saturn on July 1, 2004, Cassini will begin more than four years of patrolling the planet’s atmosphere and interior, its spectacular rings, and many of the planet’s entourage of moons.
A major event during the Cassini mission is deployment of the Huygens probe, provided by the European Space Agency. This probe is to parachute onto the surface of Saturn’s moon, Titan, an enigmatic world that is thought to resemble a frozen, primordial Earth.
“We’ve still got a long way to go and a lot to do,” said JPL’s Bob Mitchell, Cassini program manager. A major effort is now under way to plot out a scientific menu of research duties once the craft reaches Saturn in 2004. “We’re in the midst of laying out that entire process,” Mitchell said.
The spacecraft mission, and particularly its close flyby of Earth, was not without controversy.
Protest groups – such as the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space, based in Gainesville, Fla. – have voiced alarm over Cassini’s power supply, a set of plutonium-powered nuclear generators. The plutonium, mostly Pu-238, a non-weapons-grade isotope, is part of a process that churns out electricity to energize Cassini’s arsenal of science gear.
The group organized rallies and write-in campaigns in an attempt to stop the launch of Cassini, fearing a problem with the spacecraft could spew its radioactive contents into Earth’s atmosphere.
Also up in arms over the Cassini mission is computer software specialist, Russell Hoffman, of Carlsbad, Calif., editor of the Internet-based Stop Cassini newsletter and Web site. Hoffman claimed that the Cassini spacecraft could have smashed into any of the “tens of millions of pieces of space debris” that encircle the Earth during its close flyby tonight.
JPL’s Mitchell, however, says there was no danger to Earth during the Cassini flyby.
“It’s time to get excited about this mission of discovery that we’ve got going here,” he said. “I’m really pleased that we’re going to be able to quit worrying the public about something that they should have never been worrying about in the first place.”