Q: Mark Russell Bell
U: James Ulmer (friend in California)
Z: Carol Andersen (family history specialist)
R: radio commentator
V: phone voice (Charles Schwab and Co., Inc.)
— imagine that one day there will be a character with that name or an anagram of it probably somewhere in the Middle East and probably with two teeth growing out of the back of his throat or so the legend goes.
Q: On page 76 it says:
Given that Nostradamus speaks often of the last years of the twentieth century as being the worst that mankind has ever experienced in terms of war, destruction and economic failure, then it makes perfect sense to refer to it as ‘the bad place.’ In this way, the anti-Christ is no longer a single individual upon whom we can conveniently heap all our evil, stupidity and anxiety as we did with Napoleon and Hitler, but a whole area of life: a place. This place is the world: the deeds, the wars, the horrors and the pollutions that we have all created.
Q: On page 79 the book continues:
The verse concerning Mabus then (“MUST”) must set us on our way through the miasma of the future we are about to face at the end of this millennium and into the twenty-first century. The most evident aspect of our journey as illustrated by the quatrains and their astrological support is that we will become more than anything else responsible for ourselves and everything that happens to us in that future.
Q: I’m with James and he’s actually reading the transcript for tape #26 side #1. What is your reaction?
U: (laughs) Oh God. Very instructional. To see how one speaks in writing is like hearing a voice that had been through a filter all your life.
Q: Uh-oh, that sounds like a chemical imbalance to me.
U: (feigned gasp then feigned scream)
Q: And, by the way, remember the last time you came to my condo? (“THE MIN”) The minute you came in you laid down on the carpet. And what did you say? (“YEAH”)
U: Oh, I can’t remember. It felt so wonderful. (“YOU SAID THAT”)
Q: You said all of a sudden that (“HE” “THE”) the Entity was drawing upon you or something. (“ALL”)
U: All my energy just — (yawns) — left me. I was so relax — (“ED”)
Q: He was drawing upon you. The Entity.
U: You mean drawing like a crayon?
Q: Just taking a little bit of your energy. (“DON’T CHANGE IT”)
U: Yeah, but maybe I was just relaxing.
Q: Maybe. (“BUT”)
U: But it was definitely something inviting in the room.
Q: Exactly. And (“SO”) now you know why I’m so happily married. (“AHH”)
U: Oy. (“JUT”) Just don’t pay alimony to somebody you don’t — can’t even see.
Q: Well, we’re not divorced yet.
U: Basta.
( . . . )
Q: James just invented a new word: echoy.
U: (small laugh) Echo-e. Echo-I. Echo-u.
Q: So much for all that Shakespeare that went to waste.
U: (laughs) Well, if music be the food of love let me have it in stereo.
( . . . )
Q: I’m showing James my artifacts and here’s something. He’s been to India before and this was described as a door from a temple in India. And (“IT”) they guessed it was about 900 years old but I think it’s even older.
U: It could be.
Q: Are you familiar with Buddhism? I mean what could this be?
U: Well, this could be a door.
Q: It’s definitely a door. It opens.
U: I just like some of the very fine and vegetation-oriented (“BEAUTIFUL CREATION”) decorative engravings on the side.
Q: What is the most famous (“OCEAN”) artifact that you know of in the history of the Eastern religions? (“MARK” “LIKE”) For example, in Christianity it’s (“NATIONAL DEBT” “THE ARK OF THE”) the Ark of the Covenant or the Holy Grail. So what would be the counterpart for the Eastern religions?
U: Buddha’s toenail, I saw.
Q: Where?
U: It was in a relic shrine in Japan. (“BUT WHAT”)
Q: But what — (“BEYOND”)
U: The toenail of what was Siddhartha. (“RIGHT” “BUT THE”)
Q: What non-human relics are there? Are there any like this (“THAT WOULD”) that people have been looking for?
U: I don’t know but they do enshrine Buddha and Mohammed — little parts of them. I don’t think they have deities like we have deities. (“IT”)
Q: Aren’t you going to India?
U: Yeah, I’m going to India tomorrow. (“SO”)
Q: Keep this in mind. You might (“S”) ask someone there about this door and if there’s any famous door (“THAT’S”) from (“THE REL”) the Buddhist religion. (“MA”) Okay? Will you do that for me?
U: Yes. There are thousands of temples, remember.
Q: Okay. (“NOW JAM[ES]”) James — (“BA”) oh, by the way, here is “The Last Supper” that I bought recently.
U: Oohh.
Q: Isn’t that beautiful?
U: Yes.
Q: Look how old it is.
U: Well, it’s made to look old.
Q: No, it is old.
U: Yeah, but it’s made to look old.
Q: I got it at an antique store.
U: You did? Okay, great. (“YEAH”)
Q: And here’s your Christmas present. This painting.
U: Ohhhhhh, Marky, and I have something for ‘ru’ right here.
Q: Oh, okay. Well, let me see what it is. (“IT KNOWS”)
U: It’s my only wrapping but I —
Q: Oh, it’s a beautiful box.
U: That’s from one continent and this is from another.
Q: Inside, there’s a beautiful — (“MAH”)
U: Enamel.
Q: Ohhhh.
U: From the Beijing Opera. And look, I got it for you because it’s a happy angel above (“LIKE US”) another face. The human mask and then the happy mask.
Q: Wow. (“JUST LIKE ME”) Well, I will value this.
U: The duality of life as in yin and yang. (“AND WHAT”)
Q: On the back what does it say? It just says (“NO”) “Opera.”
U: That’s just squiggly Chinese characters.
Q: So is there a name for this?
U: This is one of the masks on the Beijing Opera. (“IT’S”) It’s beautiful.
Q: I mean (“BUT”) for the pin. Is there a name for the pin? (“OH I DON’T KNOW” “UM”) This is a beautiful box too. (“FIT” “ENAMEL”) You’ve given me (“POISON”) some nice things. (“THAT OTHER” “THAT”) The thing you gave me before was very nice.
U: Which one was that?
Q: The egg.
Q: The jeweled egg.
U: Oh yes.
Q: From Japan.
U: Yeah, that was neat.
Q: What was that exactly?
U: I forget. It’s like a special kind of inlaid jewel. Decorative. (“E[GG]”) The — I don’t — egg. But I don’t know how they actually do it. (“I” “NAKED”) This is beautiful to look at.
Q: Remember how I surprised you? We were at dinner and I said, “I can’t wait to get my jewel.” (“HHHHHHH”) It was because my horoscope that day said that I was going to be getting a jewel.
U: (gasps) And I thought you were referring to family. (“YYYYYYY” “AND YOU JUST CALLED IT”) Jewels.
Q: And you just called it a jewel. (“SO YOU JUST”)
U: I did. (“YOU JUST SPOKE”) Are you sure I wasn’t talking about Jonathan Handel? A Jew-el?
Q: As in Handel’s “The Messiah”?
U: A Jew? Ahhhhhh.
Q: Now you understand —
U: Or if I sneeze. A-Jew!
Q: James, you have a wonderful sense of humor. But look at this painting I made for you. This is a very — (“VVV”) I think this is an important piece of history.
U: That’s beautiful. Yes.
Q: Because notice it says “MARK RUSSELL BELL.” And if you’re familiar with Nostradamus, Mabus is an anagram (“TAKEN”) from my name that has very — (“SIGNI” “A[H]”)
U: No.
Q: — much significance.
U: Really?
Q: Are you familiar with Mabus?
U: No.
Q: Also, if you look closely —
U: Your real middle name was what?
Q: Gordon.
U: Mark Gordon Russell Bell. But now it’s Mark Russell Bell.
Q: Right, well you know. Once (“RIGHT”) God told Marie my pseudonym should be Bell — who’s to argue?
U: Exactly. Did Marie then send the message to you?
Q: Exactly.
U: What? Federal Express? How did she get it to you?
Q: She called me (“OH”) by Bell Telephone no less.
U: (laughs — snorts) (“SO ANYWAY”) Snortsy.
Q: So are there any other symbols you want to (“A[H]”) inquire about on your beautiful painting? (“NOW THIS IS GOING TO BE”) This is going to be very valuable someday — like a museum piece.
U: “Son of.” I don’t understand what the “Son of” means. (“SON ON”)
Q: There’s another word hidden in there too somewhere. It’s a puzzle.
U: “Man.” Raaa. (“RIGHT”)
Q: Well, see, Nostradamus predicted the coming of the Son of Man and Mabus. And I’ll explain that to you in a moment. It will take me five seconds to explain it. That’s how obvious it is. (“BUT UM”) Let me see what other pieces I have to show you real quick. Oh, the Holy Grail. You haven’t seen the —
U: But I should listen to your tape.
Q: Right. You haven’t seen the (“OW”) Holy Grail. There it is. The famous Holy Grail.
U: This crystal vase that looks like it came from Florida?
Q: No. Right next to it.
U: Oh. Oh, this one filled with choices.
Q: You can pick it up. It’s silver.
U: Chocolates.
Q: Right. I have the most expensive (“NO”) candy dish in the history of mankind.
U: Well, at least in the history of Clinton Avenue.
Q: Street.
U: Street. (small laugh)
Q: Describe it for my readers.
U: Hmm. I say it looks like (“KKK”) — upside down, it would be one of those suction cups you use with leeches to take blood out of people. But the shape is like a very narrow virgin’s breast.
Q: Did you ever see the movie “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade”?
U: I think so. I must have been sleeping (“WELL”) for most of it but I saw it. (“WELL”)
Q: At the end, the Holy Grail is used —
U: Umm, this Hershey’s chocolate is good. (“AT THE END”)
Q: Do you remember what happens at the end of that movie?
U: Um-um. (“YYY” “UH”)
Q: Indy, basically, saves the life of his father. Remember?
U: Mmm, right. Right.
Q: By using the Holy Grail.
U: That’s right. That was a great touch. (“SO” “DON'[T]”)
U: But did you save the life of your father with this or what?
Q: Well, I think —
U: Chocolates can kill people.
Q: Not anymore. (“OH”) They just found that sugar (“NO[T]”) cures, like, cancer — they just found that sugar is beneficial in some ways. (“OH”)
U: This grail has some great stuff on it.
Q: It does but in that movie, the symbolic proportions of the son saving the life of his father has parallels to the original Jesus/God story.
U: Oh, yes, I agree.
Q: Right. (“I DON’T”)
U: No, that’s true. I think that was kind of written in the script.
Q: Exactly.
U: I’m very, very fascinated about why you think this is the Holy Grail.
Q: Oh, you haven’t seen the Declaration of Independence. The original Declaration of Independence. (“DON”) And you can see the erasings. See, like here are the erasings.
U: Mark, that’s not the original. You know that.
Q: It is the original. I called up —
U: You got to take it — you know this isn’t original, Mark. (“IT”)
Q: I know it is the original.
U: Well, Mark, it’s too even-colored. The parchment.
Q: It’s not even-colored at all. See, look at where there’ve been erasings and ink smears.
U: Well, it just looks that way, Mark. They made it to look that way.
Q: The original was lost when it went to the printers. (“NO”)
U: Where did you get this?
Q: I got it over on Hyperion. (“MMM”)
U: I hate to say it but you’d be spending the worth of your condo if this were original and probably seventeen condos.
Q: That’s true.
U: Mondo — condo beyondo.
Q: Well, you know that’s the nickname of my condo. I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned that in my book. (“O[NE]” “BUT THAT’S A NICK”) But that is, in fact, the nickname for this condominium complex.
U: (overlapping) Condo Beyondo — and it did go beyondo that night we took you to Alhambra Beyondo.
Q: You had to mention it — right. Now that was really weird. That night. Because I was sort of possessed at the time or I was just in a heightened state of consciousness. (“YO[U]”)
U: Heightened because you went very peacefully.
Q: Well, of course.
U: Like Jesus through the desert and the wilderness. You were making a trip. (“RIGHT”) And I remember seeing this little van scurry out before us while Fiona and I were on the freeway. And there was this little lighted creature in the van on this (laughs) slab looking absolutely befuddled. (“AND HIS”) Streaming down this river of cement almost like Moses in the rushes.
Q: And before that, we had an interesting conversation here in the condo as we were preparing to leave. It was very warm that night. (“LIKE”)
Q: Wasn’t it really, like, bloomy?
U: Oh yeah.
Q: It was very bloomy-hot.
U: Bloomy-hot. I like that. (“YEAH”)
Q: And then (“AND I WAS”) I remember I mentioned crop circles. (“SO[METHING]”)
Q: I compared something to crop circles. I don’t remember what it was.
U: I can’t remember what it was either. (“BUT” “AND THE” [PHONETIC] “CATHY”) A lot of free association was happening.
Q: Exactly. And I remember Fiona (“SSSA[ID]” “HE WAS AFRAID”) — I mentioned that Fiona might be the reincarnation of Morgana le Fay and she said, “Well, I’ve always liked castles.” (“YOU KNOW”)
U: (laughs) (“IT WAS” “AND SO COULD”) I think she liked Excalibur in Vegas too.
Q: Okay, well let me play you some of the tape.
U: Excellent, Mark. Okay. Yeah, let me hear some of it. I’m ‘exskited.’ (“OKAY”)
Q: By the way, before we do, you’ll have to look at this. The World of Beatrix Potter cookie tin. (“MMMM”)
U: Ohhhhhh. (“AT TRADER JOE’S”) Ohhhhhh.
Q: This is just as precious as any of the other pieces I have.
U: Yeah.
Q: Look how cute.
U: Oh, one of them’s a little duck.
Q: A little duck. (“OH THAT’S GREAT”) A little bunny rabbit.
U: That’s great. Okay.
Q: The possum.
U: Yes yes yes. Now let’s get to the —
Q: Kitty.
U: — listening. (“CUTE”)
Q: What do you call these, anyway?
U: I call them arfettes. (“SSS”) Little arfettes.
Q: Oh, by the way, ‘pew’ —
U: Peeeeeeeeewwww!
Q: Pew means —
U: Pew.
Q: — you know what that means, don’t you?
U: More. Pew. In Italian it means more.
Q: No. Well, look it up sometime.
U: Well in Italian it means pew.
Q: It does have a religious meaning. (“IT”)
U: Oh, a pew — like at a church.
( . . . )
Q: Well, I played parts of tape #26, side #1 for James and it was very frustrating because every time I’d point out one of the voices to him he’d say that was a voice coming from one of the background tables even though when he surprisingly said “Attila the Hun” for no reason at all he tried to explain it away by saying that Oleg had just said that or something even though we can’t hear Oleg say anything even close to that on the tape. And later on I pointed out where I designate a spirit voice saying, “ARE YOU SURE — ARE YOU SURE” and he quickly said it was Inna even though in Inna’s other statements her dialect is very noticeable—her Russian dialect — and not on those two sentences. He was totally convinced it was her. (“AM”) Of course, there are various questions that come to mind. For example, on James’s statement about (“TTT”) “you are living somebody else’s future life much less your own counter life,” he believes he finished the sentence after “your own” even though it also sounds like he also said “counter life.” But you can definitely hear him saying — well he doesn’t even remember saying the sentence to begin with. (“BUT UM” “SO”) I’ve designated the end of the sentence as a spirit voice because he says he didn’t say that even though it’s obviously his voice. So, again, it’s a very puzzling endeavor. (“AND”) This all convinces me that I’m really the only one at this point who can do the transcribing work for (“SOME”) obvious reasons — I guess the main reason being an open mind. One of the things that James didn’t stop to consider before jumping to the conclusion that was Inna saying “Are you sure?” — (“WAS THAT”) this was in response to me saying, (“THAT”) “You don’t know.” You don’t know whether you’ve been reincarnated (“CAR”) or not. (“SO”) He’s taking for granted that Inna would be motivated to ask me, “Are you sure? Are you sure?” about things (“THAT”) she would have no (“MO”) motivation to ask me about. I’m saying, “You don’t know” whether you’ve been reincarnated or not. And then James says, “I can’t remember a past life.” And again a spirit voice is heard saying, “ARE YOU SURE.” Would Inna be asking “Are you sure?” about whether or not you can remember a past life? (“WE WON’T EVEN GO”) We won’t even go into (“ALL THE”) the various sound effects. Anyway, (“I”) my book has to be taken on its totality. You can’t just point to one little thing and say, (“WELL”) “This might have been Inna’s voice.” If you find one mistake, that doesn’t discount everything else. I’m not saying I have everything exactly right. That would be impossible. But I’ve tried to do the best I can when this transcribing work is very hard. Again, you have to look at everything on the basis of everything that has happened. (“AND”) And the context of the various spirit voices. Anyone who has read the original Bell Witch case knows (“THAT”) the spirit can perfectly duplicate anyone’s voice. So (“SOME OF THE”) the voices I designated as my own (“FOR”) and other people for that matter could be Mighael also known as God assuming their voice. Check out the ‘rediscovered’ Beatles song with George Harrison’s voice, for example.
Z: Carol Andersen. (“OH”)
Q: Oh, hi, Carol. This is Mark Russell.
Z: Hi, Mark.
Q: I had a quick question. I was looking at the previous family tree and the new version. And I know it’s a different format. What is this new format called?
Z: The new format? (“IS IT JUST”)
Q: Just a different program?
Z: How is it different?
Q: Well, I mean I like the family tree-style of the last one. (“WHERE IT LOOKED LIKE”) Where you had the names being connected to the previous ancestors. (“THE”) With the lines.
Z: Right.
Q: And this one is (“JUST”) a different format. (“WELL YOU KNOW” “PEDIGREE”)
Z: You’re talking about the pedigree chart?
Z: It’s a different program. (“SO”)
Q: And now this isn’t the same information. I mean (“CAUSE”) I know in the first one there were a lot more names. (“UM”) So should I hang on to that first one?
Z: There were more names on the first one?
Q: Well, like Benedict Arnold. Maybe I couldn’t find some of them.
Z: Oh oh oh oh oh. Two separate trees. Okay? The Benedict Arnold is on the Perry tree. (“IS THAT SO”)
Q: On the new one I have — that’s there somewhere?
Z: It’s not there because we don’t have — (“PP”) no, you’re right. You do need to hang on to that. Thank you for reminding me. The Perry line we don’t have directly linked to your family yet. Because we don’t know where Sardis Perry fits in.
Q: I see.
Z: But we should be able to make that link as soon as I get a hold of Darlene Russell.
Q: Oh great.
Z: Because if she has — I mean assuming — I’m assuming and that’s maybe faulty (small laugh) to do. But I’m assuming she’s responsible for that full tree that you have a copy of.
Q: Well, let’s hope so.
Z: And once I have that link as to (“UM-HUH”) where Clarissa Perry’s father links in. (“UM-HUH”)
Q: Um-huh.
Z: Now that’s a stretch to say that the Russell family tree is going to show that Perry link. (“RIGHT”)
Q: Well, now, let me ask you for my book purposes—because I do want to include one of these in my book—which one would you recommend? The first or the second?
Z: Well, for sure, the Russell because we know that.
Q: Right.
Z: Before, I really gave you two pedigree charts. I gave you the Russell chart and the Perry chart separate.
Q: Okay, fine. Well, what I’ll do is I won’t worry about that now. (“IT”) Because I don’t even know when my publication deadline is. So whatever I have that makes the most sense at the time of my deadline is what I’ll use.
Z: Are you thinking of a deadline right now?
Q: I’m not.
Z: You’re not. Do you have somebody who is? Maybe a publisher?
Q: Mighael is the one.
Z: Oh, Mighael — I mean okay. Alright, well we’ll wait until Mighael tells us.
Q: Exactly.
Z: Okay. (small laugh)
Q: But in the meantime I will let you know if I receive that information on diskette regarding the additional Russell information.
Z: Oh, is she going to send that to you directly?
Q: Yeah. She said she was going to.
Z: Oh okay.
Q: Did you call her?
Z: I hadn’t yet. I was going to call her in the morning.
Q: You might just call to make sure.
Z: Sure. Okay. (“BUT — BUT I”)
Q: But she is going to send it. You might try just to hurry her up.
Z: If it’s on diskette, it’s nothing to put it in.
Q: Exactly. So maybe if you say that to her because she felt a little bit taken back about maybe it might not be the software program you would need. (“SO YOU MIGHT JUST”)
Z: Any software program will do.
Q: Exactly. Okay, give her a call.
Z: Okay, I will.
Q: I appreciate it.
Z: Alright.
Q: Thank you.
Z: Bye.
Q: Bye.
Q: . . . So call me when you have a chance because I want you to do my chart. And I have my birth certificate so I can give you my exact time. Basically, I am Mabus and I believe that Mabus is also Son of Man. I also believe that Century I quatrain 95 applies to me so I can explain that very quickly to you when you call because I am a twin. And I am from the House of Russell which dates back to King Olaf the Sharp-eyed, king of Rerik; and Robert, king of Holmgard; and Sigurd Hring, king of Sweden. I mean it basically goes down to Hugh Bertrand who’s the Lord of Barneville and Le Rozel which became Russell. And on my mother’s side, her maiden name was King. And I live across from the Angelus Temple and the Episcopalian Center so I’m a twin living in front of a monastery descended from an ancient monastic bloodline. And I’m writing (“UM”) a New Age Bible which will reveal that there is only one religion which is love. (“VVE”) So I’ve sort of been given the task of destroying (“SSE”) temples and sects changed by fantasies. (“SO”) I’m just harming (“YOU KNOW”) statues and rocks rather than living people. With my book. (“YEAH”) So call me (“WHEN”) when you have a chance. I do have to go out. I have to go to the gym and pick up a few things so I’ll be in later this afternoon. Probably between three and five I’ll be here if you want to call me. So thank you. Call Mabus. Thanks. Bye.
. . . It’s the stuff that dreams are made of . . .
Q: I haven’t heard this song before. Well, I think it’s another song that reveals the time in which we live. (“VVE”) “It’s the stuff that dreams are made of.” God is revealing His love and (“LIKE IN”) earlier in my book He wants your heart. He has enough love for each of us and this song is revealing that. And this other song too whatever it is.
They say it’s a river that circles the Earth, A beam of light shining to the edge of the universe. It conquers all . . .
Q: Well, you get the idea.
( . . . )
R: . . . 100.3 with just the right sound for work. It’s familiar easy songs. That’s Madonna, “Take A Bow.” Before that we heard Gladys Knight and the Pips, “Midnight Train To Georgia.” Vanessa Williams and Brian McKnight, “Love Is.” And Carly Simon, “Stuff That Dreams Are Made Of.” It’s about 11:33, Claudine St. Clair, and I’m driving around in a car with 210,000 miles on it because (small laugh) I just don’t care. But if you have a jalopy that’s just taking up space in the driveway, the California Special Olympics Best Buddies Program would just love for you to donate it to them. You can call me and I’ll point you in the right direction. 1-800-344-EASY is the number here. We’re Southern California’s Easy, 100.3, KXEZ.
( . . . )
Q: I’m eating lunch. As soon as I turned off the tape recorder, listen to what Bette Midler song came on.
. . . You were content to let me shine . . .
Q: I can’t figure if it’s about me or if it’s about He — (“EEE”) both of those terms used rather loosely.
. . . You are the wind beneath my wings . . .
Q: I’m leaving now but I just thought I’d mention (“AT”) while I was eating lunch, I was looking through the new issue of The New Yorker and I read a profile of Medicine Smartt Bell. It says that he grew up in rural Tennessee and now lives in Baltimore with his wife, the poet Elizabeth Spires — (“WHICH IS”) Betsy Bell’s real name. They called her Betsy but her name was Elizabeth. And they live with their four-year-old daughter. I wonder if he’s checked out his family tree. With a name like Bell and coming from Tennessee, there’s a very good chance he is a direct descendent of John Bell’s family. (“SO THERE’S A”) Definitely, some strong channeling is going on there. Especially when you consider the title of his new book: All Souls’ Rising.
( . . . )
R: Here’s KFWB business editor Jim Newman reporting from the Pacific Stock Exchange.
R: Stocks rose mostly higher for the day but traders said news of the major indexes were more the result of light volume during this abbreviated session. The trading session lasted only three hours in New York and here in sunny Southern California. Bad weather gets the blame for the shortened trading day. Despite the upward movement of the Dow Jones Industrial Average Index and other big board measures, it’s tough, though, to get a real clue though about this market day. Well Point Health Networks is buying the Group Life of Hartford . . .
Q: Well, it’s 79 outside. What a difference. (“CCE”) Anyway, I’m very pleased. It’s been a nice day. The weather’s great. The drug dealers are out. It’s a wonderful day in Los Angeles. I can’t quite make up my mind if I think drugs should be legalized or not. (“ANYWAY BUT”) When I was in Amsterdam people really got mad at me when I wouldn’t buy drugs after I (“HAD”) just happened to wander into the drug dealing area. (“SSS”) So I don’t really know if that works as well as (“PEOPLE”) some people might believe. On the other hand, I can see good reasons why they would be legalized. (“NO”) So, I don’t know. (“WWW” “HHH”) Besides, I mean what are the drug dealers going to do? If they don’t deal drugs and kill each other all the time, they’ll be going after the civilized people in our society because they won’t have any other way of making money. So, in a way, (“YEAH”) it’s better off the way it is. (“SSS”)
( . . . )
V: Enter your account number or for a telebroker demonstration enter your personal identification number followed by the pound sign. This is the telebroker main menu. To place, review or cancel an order press one. (“FOR”) To place a new order press one. To check a specific order press two. To review, change or cancel orders in your account press three. To hear filled orders press one. (“YOUR”) There are filled orders for your account. Advanced Micro Devices. You have sold 200 shares at the price of 18. Echo Bay Mines Limited. You have sold 500 shares at the price of 12. Intel Corporation. You have sold 200 shares at the price of 58. Southwest Airlines Company. You have sold 200 shares at the price of 23. This completes the confirmation of orders in this account.
( . . . )
Q: So, anyway, (“YEAH”) that’s strange about the weather interfering with (“THE”) the stock market. (“NNN”) I wonder what’s going to happen tomorrow. Anyway, I’m glad that I sold my shares just to be safe, if you know what I mean. (“UM”) So, anyway, (“YEAH”) my horoscope had (“SSS”) fashion mentioned for the day. (“SSS”) After I went to Circuit City and picked up some more microcassettes and AAA batteries, I went next door to Out Of The Closet and bought a few shirts. Well, they had my name on it if you know what I mean. (“OH”) I got a great “Tommy” T-shirt. I guess it was (“ONE FROM”) one from the — (“I”) I guess it’s the “celebrating 30 years of The Who” commemorative T-shirt and not a play or movie tie-in. So, anyway — (“YEAH”) story of my life.
Q: I also got a real cool shirt that had cars all over it. (“UM”) It says “Platters Temptations Supremes Four Tops” and it has these cool vintage cars. Wow. And then the third shirt I got — and they each cost $5 and (“NONE OF THEM FIT”) they all look like they’ve never been worn — the other one is (“WELL IT’S”) ‘Sears The Men’s Store/King’s Road Shop’) but it’s one of those knit shirts (“SO IT LOOKS”) just like all the other ones. But it’s ‘Kings Road’ so there’s this great, nifty little crown on the pocket. So that’s another shirt that I think had my name on it so-to-speak. (“KKK” “UM”) It’s really interesting how you can really find some (“YOU KNOW”) great deals at stores. (“LIKE”) Now they have stores where they sell costumes from the movies. I used to buy those at estate sales at Paramount. I got some really great pieces of art and it’s just amazing some of the things you can find. (“UM”) I also, once in a while, shop at WCIL which is a great charitable organization on the west side. (“UM” “IT’S”) Let’s see. (“I HAVE”) They sent me a flyer — oh, it’s the Westside Center for Independent Living. And you can buy (“YOU CAN GET LIKE MM”) brand name jackets and suits and what have you all for a good cause. At (“LIKE ONE”) one-twentieth of what it would cost at the stores. And you can get all the (“THE BIG”) name brands. So when you really think about people making less money than other people — it probably all balances out because they shop at stores that charge less money and they can buy just as nice of things and they live in (“YOU KNOW”) places that don’t cost as much money. And, meanwhile, the people who buy those big houses pay so much on their mortgage it’s like there isn’t that much (“DD”) difference between the lower middle class and the upper middle class. (“AND UM”) So there’s just the homeless, the middle class and that one percent that has all the money. (“SO” “BUT”) The quality of life is basically the same. I mean (“THE” “THERE’S”) the happy people are not the rich. We all know that because they don’t appreciate anything. (“BECAUSE”) Everything’s so easy. They don’t have to work for anything. They don’t have any self-image. I mean it’s like a hell on Earth being rich. I mean look at ‘Edie.’ (“YEAH” “I MEAN”) I don’t have to go into the gory details but all through history rich people suffer. I don’t know what that’s all about. They might have done something bad in a previous life or something to be so rich. Well, anyway, I guess they always have a chance to find redemption by sharing their money with the disenfranchised of society — one of my favorite themes of this book. (“KKK”) So it’s something to think about, (“AAA”) anyway. (“YEAH”)