Q: Mark Russell Bell
S: “Dreamland” radio show operator
W: Whitley Strieber, host of “Dreamland” radio show
C: Colin Wilson, “Dreamland” guest
S: “Coast to Coast AM” radio show operator
I: Ian Punnett, host of “Coast to Coast AM”
M: Mr. KABC, host of “Ask Mr. KABC” radio show in Los Angeles
U: unidentified caller (“Ask Mr. KABC” broadcast)
C unidentified caller (“Ask Mr. KABC” broadcast)
R: Rob Marinko, KABC newscaster
S: Thank you for calling “Dreamland.” Who’s this?
Q: Hi. This is Mark.
S: Mark, where are you calling from?
Q: From L.A.
S: Alright, Mark in L.A. You have a question or comment for Colin Wilson?
Q: Sure I do.
S: Okay. Just turn off the radio. Listen to the show through the phone and when you hear Whitley call for you, you’ll be on the air.
Q: Okay.
S: Thanks.
W: . . . that are hanging out there, unaddressed by conventional science. They have to be addressed. They cannot be ignored. If they are ignored, then the established view that — is wrong. Wrong. . . . And does it have anything to tell us about what may happen to us? This is what I really am going to get into in detail with Colin for the rest of the show. And that is what about now? Did they point to this period as the period of great danger? We all sense that things are changing. How serious is that and has the past got the message for us? (“NO”) Whitley Strieber’s unknowncountry is powered by — stands ready to be your webhosting provider. Also we have every week a new logo for “Dreamland.” If you go to the website — go to — click on this week’s “Dreamland” logo and it gets — that takes you directly to the “Dreamland” page, where incidentally you can find Colin Wilson’s Web address and all sorts of additional information about him and about his co-author Rand Flem-Ath. The “Dreamland” — if you click on the “click here for full view,” then you will see this wonderful image that our resident masthead artist, Dana Augustine, created for us — his impression of this sort of lost civilization. It’s very, very beautiful and it’s well worth clicking on to take a look at. Okay, in a couple of minutes, we’re going to be back with Colin Wilson. We’re going to be back with Colin Wilson. We’re going to be talking about 100,000 years ago what happened to them and what that might mean to us right now. This is Whitley Strieber. It’s “Dreamland.” We’ll be right back. (commercials) This is Whitley Strieber, it’s “Dreamland, we’re back with Colin Wilson. Colin, we’ve been talking about so many things. I’d like to focus in on whatever it is that causes shifts to happen and how close might be — we be from one now.
C: Well at first there seems to be a lot of strong evidence what happened (“VERY OLD”) is that some space visitor, so to speak, gets a little too close to the Earth and affects the surface of the Earth by pulling it on this liquid mantle just underneath it. Professor Alexander Tolman of Vienna has studied this in great detail. His dating is slightly different from our dating. He says that there is definite evidence that some enormous space body came close to the earth in 7500 B.C., broke into seven pieces, which hit the Earth in several different places and obviously caused enormous catastrophes. He’s actually written a book about this. The difference — two thousand years between his estimate and ours means — and we haven’t really gone into it but his is the soundest book so far written on this notion that, you know, things actually do pass too near the earth. Another possibility which has been brought up by a man called Morris Cuatro (phonetic spelling)—who is fascinated by the astronomy of ancient Mexico and of South America—is the notion the Sun is behind all this. He has created an astrology — a kind of astrology, anyway, in which in fact we see that the sun has different cycles which fairly explain all types of interesting things. Now I forgot to tell you that his scenario is pretty horrific in the sense of all of these ancient civilizations believed that a long great cycle is coming fairly close to its end. The end is in 2012. It is believed . . . that there will be a reversal in the sun’s magnetic field, which will probably — I keep saying that because I don’t believe it myself — means that probably the Earth will turn onto its side in which we get another Atlantean-type catastrophe.
W: What basis do they have? I can understand you not wanting to believe it. I don’t want to believe it either. But is there anything to it?
C: Well certainly the Maya and various others appear to have had an enormous, quite extraordinary knowledge of astronomy. And he argues that they knew so much about it, it proves that it is a far, far older science than anybody thought. And this is, you see, what I’m interested in proving so this is the part of his ideas that I focus upon. And, do you know, this notion that astronomy, in fact, is far more ancient than anybody thought seems to be proved by what you mentioned just before the break. The temple in Dendura, Egypt — the Temple of Hathor — on the ceiling in the temple in Dendura, there is a zodiac — actually there are two zodiacs, one imposed upon another. And the second zodiac appears to show that the ancient Egyptians knew about procession of the equinoxes. In fact, calculations going backwards . . .
W: As the Earth slowly wobbles back and forth on its path. Over a 26,000-year period. Yeah.
C: Yeah. (or “YEAH”) Right. And he seems to have proved fairly conclusively that, in fact, the temple at Dendura showed that the ancient Egyptians knew about this. (“NO”) We are fairly certain that the ancient Egyptians built the Great Pyramid as a kind of model (“OF”) of the Earth. One of the tutors of Ptolemy said that the perimeter of the Great Pyramid is, I think is, something like one-half of an eighth of a degree of the Equator. In fact, if you, so to speak, expand the perimeter of the Great Pyramid to the size of the Earth, it takes absolutely and precisely the height of the Great Pyramid is focusing where the North Pole is — it certainly looks as if the ancient Egyptians knew the precise size of the Earth and the fact that the Earth was round. But for me the most interesting, most fascinating anecdote that there is about all this is the anecdote about this enormous number which —
W: Yeah but —
C: Ninevah number.
W: This is the most extraordinary part of the book. Let’s talk about the Nineveh number.
C: Yeah. (or “YEAH”) Okay. Well this is something I discovered by chance. When I was sailing down the Nile three or four years ago, the people in the next cabin asked me had I come across this book which they had brought along with them by a man called Maurice Chatelain who was a space engineer who’d actually arranged the communication system on the first moon satellite. So he knew a hell of a lot. By the way —
W: On the first — on the Apollo moon launch.
C: The Apollo. Yeah.
W: Yeah, right.
C: Yeah. (or “YEAH”) So let me just insert here that what he said was that there was definite evidence that, in fact, Apollo was followed . . . and I mean he would know because he was deeply involved in that. In other words . . . prudently, the UFO business.
W: Well I know a number of Apollo astronauts, some of them very well, and they saw unusual things that were unexplained indeed. (“UH-HUH”)
C: Anyway, . . . in this interesting book which is called Our Cosmic Ancestors by Maurice Chatelain . . . Now (or “NOW”) Chatelain mentioned that in the mid-19th Century, when they were digging for the first time in Mesopotamia in the palace that Ashur-bani-pal — the Assyrian king, they discovered enormous numbers on a slab. One of these numbers actually ran to fifteen digits. And everyone was rather puzzled by it but then . . . this was all about. (“NOW”) Chatelain remembered something. He remembered that the Assyrians were the direct descendants of the Babylonians. The Babylonians were the direct descendants of the Sumerians that were around 84,000 B.C. And the Sumerians are very interesting because . . . they invented seconds . . . They divide the hour into minutes and the minute into sixty seconds.
W: What we use. We use sixty because of them. Because they divided everything by six from ten . . .
C: Absolutely right. . . . using this . . . of this huge fifteen-digit number by seconds. So what he did was try translating this huge number into years. And he worked . . . Now when he looked at it closely he discovered it had an amazing characteristic. The orbit of every single planet and planetoid in the Solar System divided into it quite precisely. (“NOW”) Now that meant that whoever had created this number had known about the orbits of every planet in the Solar System.
W: My word. Now that wasn’t — that’s not published anywhere at all.
C: . . . amazing book from . . .
W: Chatelain but what did— and also discussed . . . in . . . The Atlantis Blueprint I might add, to let listeners know that Colin and Rand Flem-Ath picked up on this in a very wonderful way in their book. Why — well I guess it’s not a really — even a question where that — why wouldn’t the more conventional archaeologists picked up on the . . . because I already know the answer. The answer is they are not poly. . . they tend to be very specialized. . . especially when it comes to mathematics. Forget it. Okay, we have — the phone are loaded, by the way, so let’s — we’re going to get to the phones . . .
C: We haven’t finished my story yet.
W: I know we haven’t so let’s get back to it.
C: (small laugh)
W: Great. I’m sorry about that. Yeah, so go ahead. Colin, are you there?
C: I’m here but I can’t hear a thing.
W: Okay, well can you hear me talking?
C: I can hear you.
W: Okay well just go ahead with your story then because we can hear you.
C: Oh I see. So he got this enormous number, which was going to show that they knew God knows how long ago — the Sumerians . . . all of these things about the planets of the Solar System. (“NOW”) When he tried dividing the Solar year, the Earth’s orbit into this giant number, he found that in the sixth decimal . . . there were just a few . . . there was a slight variation. And this puzzled him because it could be so incredibly accurate with all the other planets . . . Then he remembered something. The Earth is slowing down very, very slowly at the rate of about 1/12,000,000th of a second per year. Of this he made allowances a bit . . . when the . . . Nineveh number was created, the Earth was spinning slightly faster. And when he worked out what that was, it was 65,000 years ago.
W: Oh my word.
C: 65,000 years ago, it appears, you’ve got brilliant mathematicians who were able to create this enormous Nineveh number that also gives you the orbit of every planet in the Solar System. That for me is one of the most convincing pieces of evidence I’ve ever come across. What’s more, he also discovered that the Maya in a place called . . . I call Quiriga — again in Quiriga, and this is around about 5,000 years later than Sumeria, they discovered a stone with some huge figures on it. Well once again Chatelain worked out these figures — by days, not seconds. Once again, he discovered he got multiples of the Nineveh number. The Nineveh number was known to the Maya 5,000 years later.
W: So I’ve learned.
C: In some kind of great universal knowledge of astronomy and mathematics that applied to both these ancient civilizations.
W: That was preserved for years.
C: And so what I’m saying if . . . had been 20.000 years ago there was a pretty complex civilization that knew all about the stars, all about the heavens.
W: You know, the thing — the one thing in the book that struck me as being so incredibly convincing about this whole idea of really, really ancient past civilizations is the story of the campfires found on the isle of Flores that were 800,00 years old made by — before we even looked like we do now — when we were more primitive creatures, they would have us believe anyway. And they were traveling that long ago out of sight of land, across the ocean. . .
C: The main thing that interests me about that. We’re talking about our human ancestor, Homo erectus, which was around two million years ago. . . an ape. Little more than an ape. . . Without language. Probably just a grunt. But what this appears to show — these discoveries on the island of Flores . . . appear to show that Homo erectus had built rafts. They sailed across the . . . obviously because they needed more territory. (“TO HELP”) You can’t build a raft if you’re an ape. What’s more, you can’t build a raft if you don’t have language. You have language if you’re going to do something as complex as that. It looks as if our ancestors maybe a million years ago had language in able to build a raft.
W: But the thing that’s so convincing — if — had language to build rafts 800,000 years ago and then did nothing else for the next 792,000 years until the current civilization came along, I just don’t buy it any more. That fact alone just kills it for me. Okay, listen, we’ve got loads of calls. We’re coming up on the top of the hour. I want to get to the phones so let’s go to Mark in L.A. Hi, Mark.
Q: Good evening, Whitley and good morning, Colin. I have a question for Colin. I think a key question for someone who’s done as much research (“THAT”) as he has done in the paranormal over the years—and I have some Wilson ancestry myself so I don’t know what that’s all about—but reading some of his works and hearing him speak tonight—for example, on the suicides of the scientists—I do see some dark overtones but I was hoping to hear what optimistic conclusion he might’ve reached over the years. And I wouldn’t mind hearing something about God and spirituality or sexuality or whatever he would care to say.
W: Okay, Colin?
C: Basically, as Whitley observed earlier in the program, I am totally optimistic because I’ve seen that all human beings have this same capacity for the peak experience — bubbling, overwhelming happiness. This seems to me to be another name for spirituality.
W: Colin, we’re going to have to get into this across the top of the hour. The news is coming up and when we get back we will stay with your calls for Colin (line disconnected)
S: Thank you for calling “Coast to Coast AM.” Please hold. (places me on hold) Thank you for holding. Can I get your first name please?
Q: Sure. This is Mark.
S: Where are you calling from, Mark?
Q: From L.A. (pause) And I’m listening on the Internet.
S: Alright. Hold on.
I: . . . so cool, you know, that I was doing something that was “kick-ass.” And so I’ve decided every day now I’m going to try to do one thing that’s “kick-ass.” And in as much as it is already now in the east — already Monday, then I’m going to start off my Monday by doing something really “kick-ass,” which is a kick-ass show. Crypto is the name of the book: How the Code Rebels Beat the Government — Saving Privacy in the Digital Age. The author is Steven Levy who is a Newsweek writer. Many of you read his stuff regularly. I’m sure some of you might know him from his book Hackers. He’s one of the guys (“THAT IS”) responsible for bringing that word into the vocabulary, in fact. But this is a real-life, full-scale account of the great code war that took place under your very nose. Most people are unaware of this dramatic, real-life thriller, which is described as a highly readable blend of geniuses at work, sci-fi and political intrigue. It’s an amazing story. Crypto: How the Code Rebels Beat the Government — Saving Privacy in the Digital Age. And we’ll talk to Steven about not already the battle that has already taken place, the war that as already been won; but the war that is yet to come in keeping the Internet out of the hands—as much as possible—of the government. And we’ll talk about it next hour. . . . believe me, I’ve got some stories here in crypto news which should not be believed. At least one of them absolutely should not be believed. And one of the stories is just on its own highly unbelievable but true. And we’ll get to the latest accusations about the Foot and Mouth Disease as well next along with open lines on “Coast to Coast AM.” My name is Ian Punnett. . . . let’s go to the phones. And remember that whenever we do open lines on “Coast to Coast,” you are welcome to take this show in any direction that you would want. Just remember that there are millions of people listening. And let’s go to the wild card line Los Angeles where . . . (BEEP) on open lines on “Coast to Coast AM.” Mark, where are you taking us?
Q: Hi, Ian. Well it’s been a couple of months since we last spoke. And, anyway, I’ve called “Coast to Coast” and “Dreamland” many times during the last four years but I don’t know how much listeners are able to comprehend from a few minutes here and there. I know I’ve tried to get a reaction about the website from some of the hosts and I haven’t really heard anything yet. And I’ve talked about EVP. The last time I played some and actually when I heard it on the archive edition it was very, very clear even though the first ones really weren’t very clear when I was playing them.
I: Well just for people who’ve never heard you before and aren’t following your case, what is it that you want them to know?
Q: Well I’ve talked about the — hearing EVP over the broadcasts as well as in interviews on magnetic recording tape —
I: Explain what that means. Yes, just make sure explain what that means for people who’ve never heard you before. (“E[L]”)
Q: Electronic voice phenomena?
I: Um-huh. (“UM”)
Q: Well basic —
I: What does that mean for them? That we’re — that you’re hearing that everybody else is missing?
Q: Well, for example, as I had played on a previous show, in the middle of (“SOME”) UFO witnesses’ comments, you could hear the word “NO” very clearly during their speech. And this is a phenomenon that can be heard on almost all recording tape as well as broadcasts but people just edit it out because they don’t understand it and they just don’t think that something (like that) is possible. (“BUT”) Listening to the interviews on “Coast to Coast AM,” it’s something that I’m very aware of and it really helps me to key in on what someone is — how correct they are about their observations. Especially where spiritual subjects are (concerned) —
I: Then you suppose from that somebody is — they’re or an entity is there editorializing
as the other person is speaking?
Q: Helping. Yes, it’s the Christ Force, the Angel Mighael — there are many different names for it. And, of course, what I believe is that by looking at the famous paranormal cases throughout history you do get a clear perception of this Force. Such as Madame Blavatsky, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce. Another one might even be John C. Lilly who basically experimented with a tape loop. And in repeating the same word for fifteen minutes, he realized that one may hear as many as thirty different words other than the one which is on the tape loop. So there is a psychic — something psychic going on here as well.
I: Okay, now what is it that, as you heard me speak before, that you’ve ever heard said behind me or on top of me or . . .
Q: Well, of course, last time you even made a few puns after we spoke (“WHICH I”) which I thought was quite appropriate. But sometimes when you’re talking to somebody and asking them about spirituality — (“AND” “I WOULD”) I remember one time you cared about being a “sinister minister” — but today I was listening to a tape and I heard some spirit messages. One of them was “IAN.” Another one was “PRINCE.” I don’t know if they’re still playing that “Prince of Darkess” bit.
I: Yeah, I don’t know.
Q: Another one was — by the way, I should ask you have you found any coins—that’s another way that the Angelic Force has communicated with me—recently?
I: House pennies?
Q Like pennies? Hmm?
I: No. Haven’t found any coins.
Q: You might look around. (“AND”) For me, for example, when I see a penny it’s usually a good sign and dimes and quarters are more difficult.
I: Okay.
Q: But —
I: Are we talking about American money?
Q: Yeah.
I: Okay.
Q: Yes, (“SINCE”) since I live in L.A.
I: Well no, I’m just checking because I mean I’ll find change around my house. But I mean I don’t find it, you know, in the sense where I’m walking down the sidewalk and there’s a big bright shiny penny waiting in the middle of the sidewalk. I mean I haven’t had that experience lately.
Q: Well this is something that I’ve noticed in other cases. (“LIKE”) Even reading about (“LIKE”) the Heaven’s Gate supposed suicides, there was a journal entry where they had found some change before what happened to them. And what I was saying before about looking at the famous paranormal cases. (“IF YOU”) By juxtaposing each one, you can really see a clear picture of the phenomenon. It doesn’t really — for you, for example, many times I feel that you’re gritting your teeth because you would like to really comment more (about) then what your guest is saying but (“YOU”) you sort of want to give them free rein.
I: Exactly.
Q: And that might be a —
I: Well I’d be the first to cop to that.
Q: And that might be at odds to with what’s going on with your ministerial training. But, for example, in John C. Lilly’s near fatal experiments with LSD for example, he described himself as being a single point of consciousness who encounters what he describes as two similar points of consciousness who told him that he separated them into two because that is his way of perceiving them but that in reality they are one and then discuss oneness. And Lilly even wrote that they even told him that they are with him always. So this was his personal God and Christ experience.
I: Well that’s interesting. I would say — it’s always a pleasure to talk to you. I don’t have a conflict in the sense of that. I (or “I”) — I think there’s a lot of things about this show that are a lot of fun and very informative and your call was one of them. But there are times — lots of times when I try to take myself and my own opinion out of the conversation with the guest if I think it’s going to prevent that guest from clearly elucidating their own point. And I’m happy to do that. (“AND THEY”) It’s not really gnashing of the teeth or anything. (“JUST”) I bite my tongue most of the time. Sometimes too I get like a little dribble of blood going down my chin. Coming up after the top of the hour — we’ll get to more open lines on the way soon. I hope you hang on for them. Crypto: How the Code Rebels Beat the Government — Saving Privacy in the Digital Age. Where were you in the great code war? And where will you be when the battle starts again? Coming up on “Coast to Coast AM.” My name’s Ian Punnett. (I don’t recognized the bumper music)
Q: (speaking into tape recorder) So Christopher was one of the callers after my call and said if we repent and change, we can change the destiny of what will happen.
M: 7:53. (bumper music is “My Sharona” performed by The Knack) Eight minutes — no, that’ll be seven minutes before the hour of 8. This is Talk Radio 790. I am Mr. KABC. And the three quiz questions next hour and actor Ian Gomez will be here as well and we’ll take your phone calls. He’s in one of my favorite shows: “Felicity.” Actually, it’s my favorite broadcast television show. And also he’s — you know him from the TV show “The Norm Show” and also from “The Drew Carey Show.” Anyway, we’ll go to the phone lines. We’ll continue with your phone calls. And we’ll start here with you. Hi, welcome. You’re on with Mr. KABC. Good evening.
U: Hi.
M: Hi.
U: The national debt. You’re absolutely right. We should be paying it down and I actually like the Bush tax cut because I make more money but I don’t think the national debt will ever be paid down. I really don’t trust . . .
M: And I’m not — you know what, I’m not even suggesting that it needs to be paid completely down. It just seems to me that it should be a priority when, you know, you know that compounded interest makes the money that you owe exponentially greater over time whereas income is linear. And for that reason I really think it’s something that should be a priority. And for whatever reason Americans don’t seem to care.
U: Ask Ira Fistell. A lot of the people think it’s bad to pay it down. The book Bankruptcy 1995 tells you what happens if you go into hyperinflation.
M: Alright.
U: I think that book is like the epitome —
M: So you’d like things to go just like they’re going? You think it’s a good plan for our future?
U: No, I think the debt ought to be paid down lower than it is by quite a bit. . . .
M: Okay. Well then we’re on the same page. That’s all I’ve been saying. Hi, you’re on with Mr. KABC. Good evening.
Q: (off the air) Hi, Mr. KABC?
C: . . . Hi. How ya doing?
M: I’m better than most, not as good as some.
C: Great. I just wanted to tell you that you’re right about spending (“HELP”) — about — that Amer(icans) — you know, that we should have some fiscal responsibility.
M: Here comes the “but.”
C: But you know — hello?
M: Here comes the “but.”
C: But (small laugh) — but I like the tax cut. The only reason is . . .
M: I know because you like the idea — this is the (“NO”) — Machiavelli wrote a book called — I think it’s The Little Prince. It’s either The Prince or —
C: The Prince.
M: The Prince? Alright.
C: Yeah. (or “YEAH”)
M: And in — one’s a child’s — one’s a children’s story and one’s a, you know, a Machiavellian tale. And what he said is you can always get elected by telling people that you’re going to give them back their own money. (“WELL”) That’s what George Bush ran on. And it was a very successful campaign because he stuck to the message. And there are people who, you know, “Everything else be damned — I want my taxes cut.” And I want my taxes cut too but not everything else be damned.
C: Yeah but I mean I want it back. The only reason is I get some of that money and I know I’m going to be responsible with this. I’m going to save. I’m only twenty-four now. By the time I retire which may be sixty-five, seventy, whenever, I’m going to have that money and its because I saved it. Now sure a bank — I mean the Social Security might go bankrupt but I leave — the government should — I don’t know . . .
M: Alright. Thanks for the call. (BEEP) Hi, welcome. You’re on with Mr. KABC. Good evening.
Q: Hi, Mr. KABC.
M: Hi, welcome sir.
Q: By the way, did you know that this weekend at Pasadena, California, there’s going to be at the Masonic Temple a psychic fair with exhibitors and lecturers?
M: I had no idea but, you know what, it doesn’t surprise me that a guy like you would be at the psychic fair.
Q: Well I should hope not. But, (“I MEAN IT’S UN”) unfortunately, there is a $10 cover charge but it —
M: Speaking of psychic fairs, you know what I got? I got an Email message. I don’t know if you knew this because you’re part psychic, right? (“WE”)
Q: We all are.
M: Alright. I got an Email — you know who I got an Email message from?
Q: Who?
M: I got an Email message from nationally acclaimed master Tarot card reader and psychic Miss Cleo.
Q: Oh well that must’ve been one of those spam generating —
M: Yeah, I think it probably was. But she writes to me: “Mr. KABC, I’m so very happy to be able to contact you. My name is Cleo and I’m a master Tarot psychic. I had an exciting dream last night that could affect the rest of your life and she asked me to call an 800 number. Think I should do it?
Q: Of course not.
M: Why not?
Q: That’s why you need to go to this psychic fair because part of the challenge is being able to —
M: People at a psychic fair — they don’t charge, they don’t make money in any way, shape or form from their psychic prognosticating?
Q: Well (“BB BB”) they’re charging $10 entrance charge but there are over sixty lectures where there is no charge.
M: Alright.
Q: And part of the challenge is being able to discriminate as to whom has something worthwhile to share.
M: I’ll remember that. (bumper music starts) Coming up next hour Ian Gomez live in studio, your phone calls. Stick with me.
R: It’s 7:58. I’m Rob Marinko in the KABC news —
( . . . )
How does the sun keep burning bright? Where does my shadow go at night? What is E equals MC squared? Why does rap music make me scared? Where’s a place to buy good clothes? Why are these hairs inside my nose? Is a cornea a gem? What makes the clock spring twelve a.m.? Ask Mr. KABC. KABC — he’ll answer humbly at our mystery. Mr. KABC. Mr. KABC. He knows the where, why, when and what will be.
M: Four minutes after eight o’clock. This is Talk Radio 790 KABC. I am Mr. KABC with you every weeknight from seven to nine. I won’t be with you tomorrow night — taking the night off. I’ll be back on Friday night and all next week from seven to nine here on Talk Radio 790 KABC. . . .
S: Thank you for calling “Dreamland.” Who’s this?
Q: Hi. This is Mark.
S: Mark, where are you calling from?
Q: From L.A.
S: Alright, Mark in L.A. You have a question or comment for Colin Wilson?
Q: Sure I do.
S: Okay. Just turn off the radio. Listen to the show through the phone and when you hear Whitley call for you, you’ll be on the air.
Q: Okay.
S: Thanks.
W: . . . that are hanging out there, unaddressed by conventional science. They have to be addressed. They cannot be ignored. If they are ignored, then the established view that — is wrong. Wrong. . . . And does it have anything to tell us about what may happen to us? This is what I really am going to get into in detail with Colin for the rest of the show. And that is what about now? Did they point to this period as the period of great danger? We all sense that things are changing. How serious is that and has the past got the message for us? (“NO”) Whitley Strieber’s unknowncountry is powered by — stands ready to be your webhosting provider. Also we have every week a new logo for “Dreamland.” If you go to the website — go to — click on this week’s “Dreamland” logo and it gets — that takes you directly to the “Dreamland” page, where incidentally you can find Colin Wilson’s Web address and all sorts of additional information about him and about his co-author Rand Flem-Ath. The “Dreamland” — if you click on the “click here for full view,” then you will see this wonderful image that our resident masthead artist, Dana Augustine, created for us — his impression of this sort of lost civilization. It’s very, very beautiful and it’s well worth clicking on to take a look at. Okay, in a couple of minutes, we’re going to be back with Colin Wilson. We’re going to be back with Colin Wilson. We’re going to be talking about 100,000 years ago what happened to them and what that might mean to us right now. This is Whitley Strieber. It’s “Dreamland.” We’ll be right back. (commercials) This is Whitley Strieber, it’s “Dreamland, we’re back with Colin Wilson. Colin, we’ve been talking about so many things. I’d like to focus in on whatever it is that causes shifts to happen and how close might be — we be from one now.
C: Well at first there seems to be a lot of strong evidence what happened (“VERY OLD”) is that some space visitor, so to speak, gets a little too close to the Earth and affects the surface of the Earth by pulling it on this liquid mantle just underneath it. Professor Alexander Tolman of Vienna has studied this in great detail. His dating is slightly different from our dating. He says that there is definite evidence that some enormous space body came close to the earth in 7500 B.C., broke into seven pieces, which hit the Earth in several different places and obviously caused enormous catastrophes. He’s actually written a book about this. The difference — two thousand years between his estimate and ours means — and we haven’t really gone into it but his is the soundest book so far written on this notion that, you know, things actually do pass too near the earth. Another possibility which has been brought up by a man called Morris Cuatro (phonetic spelling)—who is fascinated by the astronomy of ancient Mexico and of South America—is the notion the Sun is behind all this. He has created an astrology — a kind of astrology, anyway, in which in fact we see that the sun has different cycles which fairly explain all types of interesting things. Now I forgot to tell you that his scenario is pretty horrific in the sense of all of these ancient civilizations believed that a long great cycle is coming fairly close to its end. The end is in 2012. It is believed . . . that there will be a reversal in the sun’s magnetic field, which will probably — I keep saying that because I don’t believe it myself — means that probably the Earth will turn onto its side in which we get another Atlantean-type catastrophe.
W: What basis do they have? I can understand you not wanting to believe it. I don’t want to believe it either. But is there anything to it?
C: Well certainly the Maya and various others appear to have had an enormous, quite extraordinary knowledge of astronomy. And he argues that they knew so much about it, it proves that it is a far, far older science than anybody thought. And this is, you see, what I’m interested in proving so this is the part of his ideas that I focus upon. And, do you know, this notion that astronomy, in fact, is far more ancient than anybody thought seems to be proved by what you mentioned just before the break. The temple in Dendura, Egypt — the Temple of Hathor — on the ceiling in the temple in Dendura, there is a zodiac — actually there are two zodiacs, one imposed upon another. And the second zodiac appears to show that the ancient Egyptians knew about procession of the equinoxes. In fact, calculations going backwards . . .
W: As the Earth slowly wobbles back and forth on its path. Over a 26,000-year period. Yeah.
C: Yeah. (or “YEAH”) Right. And he seems to have proved fairly conclusively that, in fact, the temple at Dendura showed that the ancient Egyptians knew about this. (“NO”) We are fairly certain that the ancient Egyptians built the Great Pyramid as a kind of model (“OF”) of the Earth. One of the tutors of Ptolemy said that the perimeter of the Great Pyramid is, I think is, something like one-half of an eighth of a degree of the Equator. In fact, if you, so to speak, expand the perimeter of the Great Pyramid to the size of the Earth, it takes absolutely and precisely the height of the Great Pyramid is focusing where the North Pole is — it certainly looks as if the ancient Egyptians knew the precise size of the Earth and the fact that the Earth was round. But for me the most interesting, most fascinating anecdote that there is about all this is the anecdote about this enormous number which —
W: Yeah but —
C: Ninevah number.
W: This is the most extraordinary part of the book. Let’s talk about the Nineveh number.
C: Yeah. (or “YEAH”) Okay. Well this is something I discovered by chance. When I was sailing down the Nile three or four years ago, the people in the next cabin asked me had I come across this book which they had brought along with them by a man called Maurice Chatelain who was a space engineer who’d actually arranged the communication system on the first moon satellite. So he knew a hell of a lot. By the way —
W: On the first — on the Apollo moon launch.
C: The Apollo. Yeah.
W: Yeah, right.
C: Yeah. (or “YEAH”) So let me just insert here that what he said was that there was definite evidence that, in fact, Apollo was followed . . . and I mean he would know because he was deeply involved in that. In other words . . . prudently, the UFO business.
W: Well I know a number of Apollo astronauts, some of them very well, and they saw unusual things that were unexplained indeed. (“UH-HUH”)
C: Anyway, . . . in this interesting book which is called Our Cosmic Ancestors by Maurice Chatelain . . . Now (or “NOW”) Chatelain mentioned that in the mid-19th Century, when they were digging for the first time in Mesopotamia in the palace that Ashur-bani-pal — the Assyrian king, they discovered enormous numbers on a slab. One of these numbers actually ran to fifteen digits. And everyone was rather puzzled by it but then . . . this was all about. (“NOW”) Chatelain remembered something. He remembered that the Assyrians were the direct descendants of the Babylonians. The Babylonians were the direct descendants of the Sumerians that were around 84,000 B.C. And the Sumerians are very interesting because . . . they invented seconds . . . They divide the hour into minutes and the minute into sixty seconds.
W: What we use. We use sixty because of them. Because they divided everything by six from ten . . .
C: Absolutely right. . . . using this . . . of this huge fifteen-digit number by seconds. So what he did was try translating this huge number into years. And he worked . . . Now when he looked at it closely he discovered it had an amazing characteristic. The orbit of every single planet and planetoid in the Solar System divided into it quite precisely. (“NOW”) Now that meant that whoever had created this number had known about the orbits of every planet in the Solar System.
W: My word. Now that wasn’t — that’s not published anywhere at all.
C: . . . amazing book from . . .
W: Chatelain but what did— and also discussed . . . in . . . The Atlantis Blueprint I might add, to let listeners know that Colin and Rand Flem-Ath picked up on this in a very wonderful way in their book. Why — well I guess it’s not a really — even a question where that — why wouldn’t the more conventional archaeologists picked up on the . . . because I already know the answer. The answer is they are not poly. . . they tend to be very specialized. . . especially when it comes to mathematics. Forget it. Okay, we have — the phone are loaded, by the way, so let’s — we’re going to get to the phones . . .
C: We haven’t finished my story yet.
W: I know we haven’t so let’s get back to it.
C: (small laugh)
W: Great. I’m sorry about that. Yeah, so go ahead. Colin, are you there?
C: I’m here but I can’t hear a thing.
W: Okay, well can you hear me talking?
C: I can hear you.
W: Okay well just go ahead with your story then because we can hear you.
C: Oh I see. So he got this enormous number, which was going to show that they knew God knows how long ago — the Sumerians . . . all of these things about the planets of the Solar System. (“NOW”) When he tried dividing the Solar year, the Earth’s orbit into this giant number, he found that in the sixth decimal . . . there were just a few . . . there was a slight variation. And this puzzled him because it could be so incredibly accurate with all the other planets . . . Then he remembered something. The Earth is slowing down very, very slowly at the rate of about 1/12,000,000th of a second per year. Of this he made allowances a bit . . . when the . . . Nineveh number was created, the Earth was spinning slightly faster. And when he worked out what that was, it was 65,000 years ago.
W: Oh my word.
C: 65,000 years ago, it appears, you’ve got brilliant mathematicians who were able to create this enormous Nineveh number that also gives you the orbit of every planet in the Solar System. That for me is one of the most convincing pieces of evidence I’ve ever come across. What’s more, he also discovered that the Maya in a place called . . . I call Quiriga — again in Quiriga, and this is around about 5,000 years later than Sumeria, they discovered a stone with some huge figures on it. Well once again Chatelain worked out these figures — by days, not seconds. Once again, he discovered he got multiples of the Nineveh number. The Nineveh number was known to the Maya 5,000 years later.
W: So I’ve learned.
C: In some kind of great universal knowledge of astronomy and mathematics that applied to both these ancient civilizations.
W: That was preserved for years.
C: And so what I’m saying if . . . had been 20.000 years ago there was a pretty complex civilization that knew all about the stars, all about the heavens.
W: You know, the thing — the one thing in the book that struck me as being so incredibly convincing about this whole idea of really, really ancient past civilizations is the story of the campfires found on the isle of Flores that were 800,00 years old made by — before we even looked like we do now — when we were more primitive creatures, they would have us believe anyway. And they were traveling that long ago out of sight of land, across the ocean. . .
C: The main thing that interests me about that. We’re talking about our human ancestor, Homo erectus, which was around two million years ago. . . an ape. Little more than an ape. . . Without language. Probably just a grunt. But what this appears to show — these discoveries on the island of Flores . . . appear to show that Homo erectus had built rafts. They sailed across the . . . obviously because they needed more territory. (“TO HELP”) You can’t build a raft if you’re an ape. What’s more, you can’t build a raft if you don’t have language. You have language if you’re going to do something as complex as that. It looks as if our ancestors maybe a million years ago had language in able to build a raft.
W: But the thing that’s so convincing — if — had language to build rafts 800,000 years ago and then did nothing else for the next 792,000 years until the current civilization came along, I just don’t buy it any more. That fact alone just kills it for me. Okay, listen, we’ve got loads of calls. We’re coming up on the top of the hour. I want to get to the phones so let’s go to Mark in L.A. Hi, Mark.
Q: Good evening, Whitley and good morning, Colin. I have a question for Colin. I think a key question for someone who’s done as much research (“THAT”) as he has done in the paranormal over the years—and I have some Wilson ancestry myself so I don’t know what that’s all about—but reading some of his works and hearing him speak tonight—for example, on the suicides of the scientists—I do see some dark overtones but I was hoping to hear what optimistic conclusion he might’ve reached over the years. And I wouldn’t mind hearing something about God and spirituality or sexuality or whatever he would care to say.
W: Okay, Colin?
C: Basically, as Whitley observed earlier in the program, I am totally optimistic because I’ve seen that all human beings have this same capacity for the peak experience — bubbling, overwhelming happiness. This seems to me to be another name for spirituality.
W: Colin, we’re going to have to get into this across the top of the hour. The news is coming up and when we get back we will stay with your calls for Colin (line disconnected)
S: Thank you for calling “Coast to Coast AM.” Please hold. (places me on hold) Thank you for holding. Can I get your first name please?
Q: Sure. This is Mark.
S: Where are you calling from, Mark?
Q: From L.A. (pause) And I’m listening on the Internet.
S: Alright. Hold on.
I: . . . so cool, you know, that I was doing something that was “kick-ass.” And so I’ve decided every day now I’m going to try to do one thing that’s “kick-ass.” And in as much as it is already now in the east — already Monday, then I’m going to start off my Monday by doing something really “kick-ass,” which is a kick-ass show. Crypto is the name of the book: How the Code Rebels Beat the Government — Saving Privacy in the Digital Age. The author is Steven Levy who is a Newsweek writer. Many of you read his stuff regularly. I’m sure some of you might know him from his book Hackers. He’s one of the guys (“THAT IS”) responsible for bringing that word into the vocabulary, in fact. But this is a real-life, full-scale account of the great code war that took place under your very nose. Most people are unaware of this dramatic, real-life thriller, which is described as a highly readable blend of geniuses at work, sci-fi and political intrigue. It’s an amazing story. Crypto: How the Code Rebels Beat the Government — Saving Privacy in the Digital Age. And we’ll talk to Steven about not already the battle that has already taken place, the war that as already been won; but the war that is yet to come in keeping the Internet out of the hands—as much as possible—of the government. And we’ll talk about it next hour. . . . believe me, I’ve got some stories here in crypto news which should not be believed. At least one of them absolutely should not be believed. And one of the stories is just on its own highly unbelievable but true. And we’ll get to the latest accusations about the Foot and Mouth Disease as well next along with open lines on “Coast to Coast AM.” My name is Ian Punnett. . . . let’s go to the phones. And remember that whenever we do open lines on “Coast to Coast,” you are welcome to take this show in any direction that you would want. Just remember that there are millions of people listening. And let’s go to the wild card line Los Angeles where . . . (BEEP) on open lines on “Coast to Coast AM.” Mark, where are you taking us?
Q: Hi, Ian. Well it’s been a couple of months since we last spoke. And, anyway, I’ve called “Coast to Coast” and “Dreamland” many times during the last four years but I don’t know how much listeners are able to comprehend from a few minutes here and there. I know I’ve tried to get a reaction about the website from some of the hosts and I haven’t really heard anything yet. And I’ve talked about EVP. The last time I played some and actually when I heard it on the archive edition it was very, very clear even though the first ones really weren’t very clear when I was playing them.
I: Well just for people who’ve never heard you before and aren’t following your case, what is it that you want them to know?
Q: Well I’ve talked about the — hearing EVP over the broadcasts as well as in interviews on magnetic recording tape —
I: Explain what that means. Yes, just make sure explain what that means for people who’ve never heard you before. (“E[L]”)
Q: Electronic voice phenomena?
I: Um-huh. (“UM”)
Q: Well basic —
I: What does that mean for them? That we’re — that you’re hearing that everybody else is missing?
Q: Well, for example, as I had played on a previous show, in the middle of (“SOME”) UFO witnesses’ comments, you could hear the word “NO” very clearly during their speech. And this is a phenomenon that can be heard on almost all recording tape as well as broadcasts but people just edit it out because they don’t understand it and they just don’t think that something (like that) is possible. (“BUT”) Listening to the interviews on “Coast to Coast AM,” it’s something that I’m very aware of and it really helps me to key in on what someone is — how correct they are about their observations. Especially where spiritual subjects are (concerned) —
I: Then you suppose from that somebody is — they’re or an entity is there editorializing
as the other person is speaking?
Q: Helping. Yes, it’s the Christ Force, the Angel Mighael — there are many different names for it. And, of course, what I believe is that by looking at the famous paranormal cases throughout history you do get a clear perception of this Force. Such as Madame Blavatsky, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce. Another one might even be John C. Lilly who basically experimented with a tape loop. And in repeating the same word for fifteen minutes, he realized that one may hear as many as thirty different words other than the one which is on the tape loop. So there is a psychic — something psychic going on here as well.
I: Okay, now what is it that, as you heard me speak before, that you’ve ever heard said behind me or on top of me or . . .
Q: Well, of course, last time you even made a few puns after we spoke (“WHICH I”) which I thought was quite appropriate. But sometimes when you’re talking to somebody and asking them about spirituality — (“AND” “I WOULD”) I remember one time you cared about being a “sinister minister” — but today I was listening to a tape and I heard some spirit messages. One of them was “IAN.” Another one was “PRINCE.” I don’t know if they’re still playing that “Prince of Darkess” bit.
I: Yeah, I don’t know.
Q: Another one was — by the way, I should ask you have you found any coins—that’s another way that the Angelic Force has communicated with me—recently?
I: House pennies?
Q Like pennies? Hmm?
I: No. Haven’t found any coins.
Q: You might look around. (“AND”) For me, for example, when I see a penny it’s usually a good sign and dimes and quarters are more difficult.
I: Okay.
Q: But —
I: Are we talking about American money?
Q: Yeah.
I: Okay.
Q: Yes, (“SINCE”) since I live in L.A.
I: Well no, I’m just checking because I mean I’ll find change around my house. But I mean I don’t find it, you know, in the sense where I’m walking down the sidewalk and there’s a big bright shiny penny waiting in the middle of the sidewalk. I mean I haven’t had that experience lately.
Q: Well this is something that I’ve noticed in other cases. (“LIKE”) Even reading about (“LIKE”) the Heaven’s Gate supposed suicides, there was a journal entry where they had found some change before what happened to them. And what I was saying before about looking at the famous paranormal cases. (“IF YOU”) By juxtaposing each one, you can really see a clear picture of the phenomenon. It doesn’t really — for you, for example, many times I feel that you’re gritting your teeth because you would like to really comment more (about) then what your guest is saying but (“YOU”) you sort of want to give them free rein.
I: Exactly.
Q: And that might be a —
I: Well I’d be the first to cop to that.
Q: And that might be at odds to with what’s going on with your ministerial training. But, for example, in John C. Lilly’s near fatal experiments with LSD for example, he described himself as being a single point of consciousness who encounters what he describes as two similar points of consciousness who told him that he separated them into two because that is his way of perceiving them but that in reality they are one and then discuss oneness. And Lilly even wrote that they even told him that they are with him always. So this was his personal God and Christ experience.
I: Well that’s interesting. I would say — it’s always a pleasure to talk to you. I don’t have a conflict in the sense of that. I (or “I”) — I think there’s a lot of things about this show that are a lot of fun and very informative and your call was one of them. But there are times — lots of times when I try to take myself and my own opinion out of the conversation with the guest if I think it’s going to prevent that guest from clearly elucidating their own point. And I’m happy to do that. (“AND THEY”) It’s not really gnashing of the teeth or anything. (“JUST”) I bite my tongue most of the time. Sometimes too I get like a little dribble of blood going down my chin. Coming up after the top of the hour — we’ll get to more open lines on the way soon. I hope you hang on for them. Crypto: How the Code Rebels Beat the Government — Saving Privacy in the Digital Age. Where were you in the great code war? And where will you be when the battle starts again? Coming up on “Coast to Coast AM.” My name’s Ian Punnett. (I don’t recognized the bumper music)
Q: (speaking into tape recorder) So Christopher was one of the callers after my call and said if we repent and change, we can change the destiny of what will happen.
M: 7:53. (bumper music is “My Sharona” performed by The Knack) Eight minutes — no, that’ll be seven minutes before the hour of 8. This is Talk Radio 790. I am Mr. KABC. And the three quiz questions next hour and actor Ian Gomez will be here as well and we’ll take your phone calls. He’s in one of my favorite shows: “Felicity.” Actually, it’s my favorite broadcast television show. And also he’s — you know him from the TV show “The Norm Show” and also from “The Drew Carey Show.” Anyway, we’ll go to the phone lines. We’ll continue with your phone calls. And we’ll start here with you. Hi, welcome. You’re on with Mr. KABC. Good evening.
U: Hi.
M: Hi.
U: The national debt. You’re absolutely right. We should be paying it down and I actually like the Bush tax cut because I make more money but I don’t think the national debt will ever be paid down. I really don’t trust . . .
M: And I’m not — you know what, I’m not even suggesting that it needs to be paid completely down. It just seems to me that it should be a priority when, you know, you know that compounded interest makes the money that you owe exponentially greater over time whereas income is linear. And for that reason I really think it’s something that should be a priority. And for whatever reason Americans don’t seem to care.
U: Ask Ira Fistell. A lot of the people think it’s bad to pay it down. The book Bankruptcy 1995 tells you what happens if you go into hyperinflation.
M: Alright.
U: I think that book is like the epitome —
M: So you’d like things to go just like they’re going? You think it’s a good plan for our future?
U: No, I think the debt ought to be paid down lower than it is by quite a bit. . . .
M: Okay. Well then we’re on the same page. That’s all I’ve been saying. Hi, you’re on with Mr. KABC. Good evening.
Q: (off the air) Hi, Mr. KABC?
C: . . . Hi. How ya doing?
M: I’m better than most, not as good as some.
C: Great. I just wanted to tell you that you’re right about spending (“HELP”) — about — that Amer(icans) — you know, that we should have some fiscal responsibility.
M: Here comes the “but.”
C: But you know — hello?
M: Here comes the “but.”
C: But (small laugh) — but I like the tax cut. The only reason is . . .
M: I know because you like the idea — this is the (“NO”) — Machiavelli wrote a book called — I think it’s The Little Prince. It’s either The Prince or —
C: The Prince.
M: The Prince? Alright.
C: Yeah. (or “YEAH”)
M: And in — one’s a child’s — one’s a children’s story and one’s a, you know, a Machiavellian tale. And what he said is you can always get elected by telling people that you’re going to give them back their own money. (“WELL”) That’s what George Bush ran on. And it was a very successful campaign because he stuck to the message. And there are people who, you know, “Everything else be damned — I want my taxes cut.” And I want my taxes cut too but not everything else be damned.
C: Yeah but I mean I want it back. The only reason is I get some of that money and I know I’m going to be responsible with this. I’m going to save. I’m only twenty-four now. By the time I retire which may be sixty-five, seventy, whenever, I’m going to have that money and its because I saved it. Now sure a bank — I mean the Social Security might go bankrupt but I leave — the government should — I don’t know . . .
M: Alright. Thanks for the call. (BEEP) Hi, welcome. You’re on with Mr. KABC. Good evening.
Q: Hi, Mr. KABC.
M: Hi, welcome sir.
Q: By the way, did you know that this weekend at Pasadena, California, there’s going to be at the Masonic Temple a psychic fair with exhibitors and lecturers?
M: I had no idea but, you know what, it doesn’t surprise me that a guy like you would be at the psychic fair.
Q: Well I should hope not. But, (“I MEAN IT’S UN”) unfortunately, there is a $10 cover charge but it —
M: Speaking of psychic fairs, you know what I got? I got an Email message. I don’t know if you knew this because you’re part psychic, right? (“WE”)
Q: We all are.
M: Alright. I got an Email — you know who I got an Email message from?
Q: Who?
M: I got an Email message from nationally acclaimed master Tarot card reader and psychic Miss Cleo.
Q: Oh well that must’ve been one of those spam generating —
M: Yeah, I think it probably was. But she writes to me: “Mr. KABC, I’m so very happy to be able to contact you. My name is Cleo and I’m a master Tarot psychic. I had an exciting dream last night that could affect the rest of your life and she asked me to call an 800 number. Think I should do it?
Q: Of course not.
M: Why not?
Q: That’s why you need to go to this psychic fair because part of the challenge is being able to —
M: People at a psychic fair — they don’t charge, they don’t make money in any way, shape or form from their psychic prognosticating?
Q: Well (“BB BB”) they’re charging $10 entrance charge but there are over sixty lectures where there is no charge.
M: Alright.
Q: And part of the challenge is being able to discriminate as to whom has something worthwhile to share.
M: I’ll remember that. (bumper music starts) Coming up next hour Ian Gomez live in studio, your phone calls. Stick with me.
R: It’s 7:58. I’m Rob Marinko in the KABC news —
( . . . )
How does the sun keep burning bright? Where does my shadow go at night? What is E equals MC squared? Why does rap music make me scared? Where’s a place to buy good clothes? Why are these hairs inside my nose? Is a cornea a gem? What makes the clock spring twelve a.m.? Ask Mr. KABC. KABC — he’ll answer humbly at our mystery. Mr. KABC. Mr. KABC. He knows the where, why, when and what will be.
M: Four minutes after eight o’clock. This is Talk Radio 790 KABC. I am Mr. KABC with you every weeknight from seven to nine. I won’t be with you tomorrow night — taking the night off. I’ll be back on Friday night and all next week from seven to nine here on Talk Radio 790 KABC. . . .