Q: Mark Russell Bell
B: Barbara Simpson, guest host of “Coast to Coast AM” radio show
T Matt, caller from Lenexa on “Coast to Coast AM”
R: Ronald, caller from Phoenix on “Coast to Coast AM”
M: Ross Mitchell, taped introduction for “Coast to Coast AM”
C: Cathy, caller from Oklahoma
G: Gary Hardin, guest on “Coast To Coast AM”
O: Tom, caller from Salt Lake City
B: . . . jaded and cynical about government now than I ever was but I’ve become that way over the years because I have seen them lie with a straight face about so many different things that I’m at the point now where I don’t think I believe anything anybody says from the government.
T: Oh yeah. And that’s why I was going to add too like about the Los Alamos disks or whatever. It’s like I mean I’m surprised we even got any information. I mean couldn’t just they keep all that a secret? I mean they’ve kept so many things a secret that would just, you know, make people not want to put out the trash and go to work. I mean I can’t believe our society is actually still functioning the way it is.
B: It really is frightening though, but when you really consider what’s on those hard drives. (“THE”) There is a list on those hard drives of all of the major weapons of all of the major countries, what the code is to detonate them and to put the safety on them, and how they work. If someone has all of that information, they know pretty much what everybody has and how to defuse them or how to set them off.
T: Oh yeah.
B: It’s pretty volatile information to have floating out there somewhere.
T: Right. And who’s to say that that wasn’t, you know, who’s to say that that wasn’t the way they were getting that information to the other side? You know — let’s all leave it on the table, whatever, and, you know, I mean who’s to say that the government didn’t do all this on purpose so they have an excuse.
B: Listen, you’re — they’re — that’s right.
T: You know what I mean? For some missiles flying our way or whatever.
B: There is speculation and there was — and I must admit the first time I heard it — I do a talkshow here in San Francisco and, you know, you get all kinds of ideas and people calling in. And when the Los Alamos fire started, one of the first phone calls was, “Gee, Barbara, do you think maybe they set it on purpose to do a cover-up on the espionage allegations about that man Wen Ho Lee?”
T: Exactly. (“AND”)
B: And my first reaction was oh they wouldn’t do something that big. I mean they burned down a quarter of New Mexico, for heaven’s sake.
T: Exactly.
B: But, you know something, now that this happened and now that there was a six-week delay before they reported it and now that they suddenly found it behind a copy machine in an area that is highly secure and supposedly had been searched, you’ve got to wonder. You’ve got to wonder. And I must admit I’m wondering. (“SO”)
T: Exactly.
B: We’ll have to keep watching it, Matt, and I think you for calling.
T: Alright. Thanks for taking my call.
B: You betcha. Bye. I think that, you know, he may be right that maybe this — and this article about the Milky Way was from the science editor of a local newspaper here. I did not see it on the national wires. Keep in mind, this man David Perlman is the science editor of the San Francisco Chronicle — was in today’s paper. The Saturday paper is a place where you bury stories. It was on the inside on the fold of a page. Page two, I grant you, but still on the inside. And I didn’t — and I worked the show this afternoon and I searched all the wires for my show. I didn’t see this on there. I’m not saying it wasn’t there but I didn’t see it. So it’s not going to make the headlines but it’s out there. (“YOU KNOW”) Maybe Matt is as suspicious as I am. (small laugh) Sounds like it. You never know. Ronald in Phoenix. Hello, Ronald.
R: It’s good to talk to you, Barbara.
B: Thank you.
R: I have a question for you. With the — what he already said makes a lot of sense. I want to ask you a lot of questions. First come to first — what do you think is going to happen when Dr. Steven Greer goes on C-SPAN and makes the announcement that we’re not alone? What do you think is going to happen?
B: I think a lot of people will listen to him and I think the mainstream will think he’s crazy.
R: And do you think a lot of that — if he does get this group together and Michael (Siegel) is flying over there. Do you really think it’s going to make a lot of difference for a lot of people?
B: I think it will make a difference for a lot of people. I think it’s going to be very, very hard to get the mainstream media and to get the mainstream science to give any credence to those kinds of theories but I think that it has to be done and good for him for doing it because I’ve been covering the UFO story since the mid-’70s. It’s been a subject I’ve been interested in since I was a kid. And I think that we’re — they’re hiding something.
R: I know they’re hiding something.
B: In my mind — there’s no doubt in my mind that they’re hiding something and it’s part of why they don’t predict earthquakes. They don’t want to scare people. They don’t want to talk about this because they’re afraid they’re going to scare people.
R: And I have another question about Mike Siegel. Michael wants to talk to time travelers and when the first time he mentioned, “I want to talk to time travelers” — I think he should open those lines. What Art used to open — the time line and the extra-terrestrial line and the UFO line.
B: Well, listen, why don’t you call him when he’s on the air and make that suggestion to him?
R: Well I try.
B: Well, listen, it’s hard to get in because there are millions of people who are listening and thousands and thousands who are calling but I’ll certainly pass the word on.
R: Yeah.
B: And hope that he’ll do it. You know, everybody’s doing different shows —
R: And another thing.
B: — covering lots of material.
R: And another thing, Barbara.
B: Yeah?
R: I saw your photo on the website and I wondered if you could send me an autographed photo of you.
B: Well why don’t you Email me what your address is and I will do that.
R: Okay.
B: Okay?
R: Okay. Yeah. Okay, Barbara, talk to you next week. Bye.
B: Okay, Ronald, thank you very much. Let’s go to Mark in Los Angeles. (BLIP) Mark, are you there? Hello, Mark.
Q: Hi, Barbara.
B: Hi.
Q: Hi. Just wanted to give you a follow-up. We spoke last — I guess it was November.
B: Oh dear. (“I WA”)
Q: I was the one who communicates with my Angel through Electronic Voice Phenomena.
B: Um-huh. (“BUT” “I”)
Q: What I thought I would do is just explain a little bit more. I really haven’t had time recently to listen to any tapes or anything like that so I thought I would respect — I thought I would mention how I first learned how to communicate with my Angel. And that basically was when I was doing interviews in Oklahoma. And there was this family who actually thought that they had aliens living with them and also had spirit manifestations. And, actually, the main Spirit was named Mighael.
B: Um-huh.
Q: And He would — and He’s literally spoken to hundreds if not thousands of people in that Oklahoma area. But when I was there — I mean they told me anecdotes such as ‘the big invisible alien is named Leader’ and they mentioned, like, ‘the aliens had said that they were from Saturn.’ And then when I came home to L.A. and I noticed all the angel synchronicity — I was living across from the Angelus Temple in L.A. —
B: Um-huh.
Q: — and, of course, I’d had my own experiences (“WHICH I’D”) I’d sort of —
B: Mark, I’ll tell you what.
Q: Yeah?
B: We’re at the bottom of the hour. I can hear the music. If you want to hang on —
Q: Okay.
B: — when we come back, you can finish your story, okay?
Q: Thank you so much.
B: Alright. We’ll put you on hold and we’ll talk to Mark when we get back. And the lines are open for you as well so I invite you to say there. I’m Barbara Simpson on “Coast to Coast AM.” We’ll be right back after these messages.
(bumper music is “Isn’t It Time” performed by The Babys)
( . . . )
(bumper music is “Winning” performed by Santana)
M: This is “Coast to Coast AM” with guest host Barbara Simpson. To talk with Barbara from east of the Rockies, dial (gives number); west of the Rockies (gives number), first-time callers may reach Barbara at (gives number); and the wild card line is open at (gives number). This is the Premiere Radio Networks.
B: And this is Barbara Simpson. By the way, I just want to mention that I had a most wonderful event on Thursday of this week here in San Francisco. The Northern California chapter of the American Women In Radio And Television had its luncheon and they gave out a number of awards to people. And I was honored as the most popular talkshow host (“I”) in Northern California so I was very pleased to win their award and have the opportunity (BLIP) to speak to the group. And they were all the people from all the different radio and television stations, a lot of whom I’ve worked with over the years and people I know socially and in business, etc. It is very nice to be honored by your own and I had the opportunity to talk to them. One of the things I did — and it reminded me because tomorrow—in a few minutes—is going to be Father’s Day and I just was — I gave thanks to my kids. And I said that they gave me the goal in my working and that I raised them. And was a divorced mother and raised them alone and worked very hard in this crazy business that we’re in. And I am just so proud of them. We got through — them growing up without all the problems that you read about so many kids have today and I’m more proud of them — of anything that I have ever done in my life or ever will do. I’m also very proud of my parents. I’m very fortunate that both my mother and dad are still alive and I’m very grateful for that — to have them with us as long as we can. And so happy Father’s Day to my dad and to all of your dads out there and those of you listening who are dads or — we all have dads somewhere. God bless you all and have a wonderful day. Don’t make a collect phone call. Mark was going to hang on and finish telling us about his angel. Mark’s in L.A. Hi, Mark.
Q: Hi, Barbara. And I appreciate you too. It’s obvious to all the listeners, I think, that you really respect freedom of speech.
B: I do.
Q: And —
B: That’s what it’s all about.
Q: So, anyway, I was talking about how my Angel trained me to understand how He was communicating.
B: Um-huh.
Q: And I guess I should mention that this was after I had researched famous similar cases (“OF”) of disembodied talking spirits throughout history such as Nostradamus (“WHO”) who had mentioned in a letter to his son about angelic communication. And the Mary Jobson case which was a famous poltergeist case. And Madame Blavatsky, of course. This Angel named Mighael (“I”) —
B: Um-huh.
Q: — I realized was also known as ‘the Mahatmas’ who had helped her with her book The Secret Doctrine. And then, of course, He had also channeled through Edgar Cayce, um, —
B: And you know something? We’re — a little bit later on in the program we’re going to be talking with a gentleman who has written and had experience with angels. And he also speaks of the angel Michael. So it’s going to be part of our program tonight and your calling us was very timely and I want to thank you very much, Mark, and we will continue with our talk about that. I hope you’ll call us again.
Q: (off air) Wait — oh, hello?
B: Appreciate that. I’m Barbara Simpson (line disconnected)
Q: So I guess I’ll just tape the final calls because it does tie-in with my case. I, in fact, am mentioned. (“SO”) Despite the RealAudio problems, I’ll try to tape that second-to-last call.
B: . . . Hi, there.
C: Hi. My name’s Cathy. I’m in Oklahoma.
B: Okay.
C: And hello, Barbara and Gary.
G: Hi, there.
C: Are we allowed to tell a short story that happened last month?
B: Sure.
C: Okay. It happened to my sister and her family. And I think here in Oklahoma it’s like your caller earlier (said) — I think it is happening a lot.
B: Um-huh.
C: This is a true story. It happened in the church. And it was on a prayer meeting one night and that there were a lot of people there. And (“NO”) a lot of them had kneeled down to pray and everything and a lot of them had already prayed and left. And there were probably about ten people left in the church (“NO”) praying. As some of them were getting up, they witnessed something. And just right behind a few of the ladies appeared an angel. And it was a big angel. And I mean everybody froze in their tracks. And when you see an angel, you will honor — I mean you do not move. You are petrified.
G: Cathy, when you said big angel, can you give me how big . . .
C: He was — it was tall. I mean this church is real big, at least twelve-foot-tall. And this angel appeared to be at least twelve feet. The head hit the top of the ceiling. It has these wooden beams in it.
G: And what kind of color did it have?
C: The color of the angel?
G: Yeah.
C: The hair was kind of a blondish.
B: Did it have robes on or clothes that we know?
C: Yes. Okay. It was kind of floating and when it appeared, it was big-big. Okay. Well it went to the left of the aisle. This church has got three aisles of pews in it and it kind of slants down like it’s an auditorium. It went to the left. It did not touch the floor on the bottom but it did — it was so tall that it looked like its head was bending underneath each beam as it walked down the aisle. And the aisle slanted. It went very slowly. Everybody reverenced. I mean — I don’t know if you’re supposed to reverence but if you’re scared to death, you’re going to reverence, okay? It went to the left and it went completely down to where — that kind of church has musical instruments. And it passed the musical instruments. And it looked like it was viewing them. And it went up to where there is a pulpit. Okay, the pulpit there is where the pastor leaves his Bible. Okay, it looked like the angel — this is how it appeared to all of them.
B: Were you one of them?
C: They called me right after it happened.
B: You didn’t see it though?
C: I might as well have by the time they got through telling me, I promise you.
B: (laughs)
C: I mean I started crying with them because they were so excited they were crying. (“PING”) You know, I feel the same. I go to the same kind of church.
B: Did the angel speak to them?
C: Okay, let me finish and then I’ll explain to you.
B: Yeah, I don’t mean to rush you but we don’t have a lot of time.
C: Okay, I’ll try and go real fast. Okay, when it — it was at the Bible and the Bible was its sword. You heard that the swo(rd) — the word is a sword or something like that? It looked like it was taking pages from the Bible, throwing in midair. But it didn’t pull the pages. But when it went into the air, (you know) how glitter looks? And it did it tele — kauphic — what am I saying? Tele — ?
B: Telepathically?
C: There you go. And it said these words. And I wrote it down because, you know, I put it in my bible also, you know, when she got through it with it. It said, “GO TELL EVERYONE THAT YOU DO KNOW. TIME IS SHORT AND HE IS COMING.” And he did that telekauphically.
B: Telepathically.
C: There you go.
B: Telepathically.
C: Yeah. So that everybody heard it but he didn’t speak the word. And we don’t understand that. We don’t understand that. Then he did that, he turned, he went to the right and he left exactly like he came.
B: Wow.
C: Right in front of everybody.
B: That’s quite a story, isn’t it, Gary?
G: Yeah. You know, I get hundreds of stories and many of them are similar to this. I — of course, one of my other favorite ones is when the Russian astronauts saw angels in outer space which, you know, hit the wires.
B: I heard that but then the story disappeared very quickly. I wonder why.
G: Well it actually appeared in the Russian press and then immediately it was quashed.
B: What did they see? We only have about three minutes left. What did they see?
G: Well they basically saw — I believe it was three angels. And they were huge, really large. And they didn’t know what to think of it. And, of course, the story was pretty much clamped down but we’re going to hear more of these stories. I mean this is not going to be just a phenomenon that you rarely hear of. You’re going to hear more and more of this.
B: Yeah. Speak up, Gary, we can hardly hear you.
G: I’m sorry.
B: That’s okay. Let’s see if we can get one last question from Tom in Salt Lake City. You have about two minutes, Tom. Give us a question.
O: Hello?
B: Tom?
O: Yeah.
B: Yeah, go ahead. We have about two minutes left so give us a question.
O: Okay, it’s not a question. It’s a statement.
B: Alright.
O: I have what they call multiple personalities but being tested, having the brain waves scanned, tested and everything, I was able to prove to them that we are separate spirits. We are actually angels if you want to put it in earthly terms. But we are spirits and we were all given to the owner of this body to take care of him, to help him through the difficult life that he would have. And I was wondering if he knew anything about that or had ever heard about that.
B: Gary?
G: Well I am aware of multiple personality disorder. I mean one of things that Julia Ingram, who was the therapist with the Nick Bunick material, did was to really go after a lot of questions around (“YOU KNOW”) past life regressions.
B: Um-huh.
G: And I have to say there is a lot of unanswered questions as to how our soul actually operates and (“NO”) how that actually works and why some people can get access to information that basically isn’t theirs. And I mean it gets pretty wild. There just aren’t enough answers right now and there are a lot of questions.
B: I was just going to say there’s a lot of questions. Do you believe in reincarnation?
G: Me?
B: Yeah, Gary.
G: I do now.
B: (laughs)
G: I didn’t at one time.
B: After what you’ve been through? One quick one — I hope we have time for this. What happens to the evil people in the world when we get to this time of goodness?
G: That’s up to them, basically. What the angels say is that we are basically looking at, for lack of a better term, this new world is moving in parallel.
B: And is coming. I hear the music. We’re out of time but I’ll tell you what. You come back another night and we’ll talk more because, as you said, there are lots of questions. His book is On The Wings Of Heaven. His name is Gary Hardin. (gives phone number) I’m Barbara Simpson. Thank you very much for all your wonderful calls. Happy Father’s Day to all you fathers out there and I look forward to being with you next time. I’m Barbara Simpson. Until next time, be careful what you pray for, you might get it.
B: . . . jaded and cynical about government now than I ever was but I’ve become that way over the years because I have seen them lie with a straight face about so many different things that I’m at the point now where I don’t think I believe anything anybody says from the government.
T: Oh yeah. And that’s why I was going to add too like about the Los Alamos disks or whatever. It’s like I mean I’m surprised we even got any information. I mean couldn’t just they keep all that a secret? I mean they’ve kept so many things a secret that would just, you know, make people not want to put out the trash and go to work. I mean I can’t believe our society is actually still functioning the way it is.
B: It really is frightening though, but when you really consider what’s on those hard drives. (“THE”) There is a list on those hard drives of all of the major weapons of all of the major countries, what the code is to detonate them and to put the safety on them, and how they work. If someone has all of that information, they know pretty much what everybody has and how to defuse them or how to set them off.
T: Oh yeah.
B: It’s pretty volatile information to have floating out there somewhere.
T: Right. And who’s to say that that wasn’t, you know, who’s to say that that wasn’t the way they were getting that information to the other side? You know — let’s all leave it on the table, whatever, and, you know, I mean who’s to say that the government didn’t do all this on purpose so they have an excuse.
B: Listen, you’re — they’re — that’s right.
T: You know what I mean? For some missiles flying our way or whatever.
B: There is speculation and there was — and I must admit the first time I heard it — I do a talkshow here in San Francisco and, you know, you get all kinds of ideas and people calling in. And when the Los Alamos fire started, one of the first phone calls was, “Gee, Barbara, do you think maybe they set it on purpose to do a cover-up on the espionage allegations about that man Wen Ho Lee?”
T: Exactly. (“AND”)
B: And my first reaction was oh they wouldn’t do something that big. I mean they burned down a quarter of New Mexico, for heaven’s sake.
T: Exactly.
B: But, you know something, now that this happened and now that there was a six-week delay before they reported it and now that they suddenly found it behind a copy machine in an area that is highly secure and supposedly had been searched, you’ve got to wonder. You’ve got to wonder. And I must admit I’m wondering. (“SO”)
T: Exactly.
B: We’ll have to keep watching it, Matt, and I think you for calling.
T: Alright. Thanks for taking my call.
B: You betcha. Bye. I think that, you know, he may be right that maybe this — and this article about the Milky Way was from the science editor of a local newspaper here. I did not see it on the national wires. Keep in mind, this man David Perlman is the science editor of the San Francisco Chronicle — was in today’s paper. The Saturday paper is a place where you bury stories. It was on the inside on the fold of a page. Page two, I grant you, but still on the inside. And I didn’t — and I worked the show this afternoon and I searched all the wires for my show. I didn’t see this on there. I’m not saying it wasn’t there but I didn’t see it. So it’s not going to make the headlines but it’s out there. (“YOU KNOW”) Maybe Matt is as suspicious as I am. (small laugh) Sounds like it. You never know. Ronald in Phoenix. Hello, Ronald.
R: It’s good to talk to you, Barbara.
B: Thank you.
R: I have a question for you. With the — what he already said makes a lot of sense. I want to ask you a lot of questions. First come to first — what do you think is going to happen when Dr. Steven Greer goes on C-SPAN and makes the announcement that we’re not alone? What do you think is going to happen?
B: I think a lot of people will listen to him and I think the mainstream will think he’s crazy.
R: And do you think a lot of that — if he does get this group together and Michael (Siegel) is flying over there. Do you really think it’s going to make a lot of difference for a lot of people?
B: I think it will make a difference for a lot of people. I think it’s going to be very, very hard to get the mainstream media and to get the mainstream science to give any credence to those kinds of theories but I think that it has to be done and good for him for doing it because I’ve been covering the UFO story since the mid-’70s. It’s been a subject I’ve been interested in since I was a kid. And I think that we’re — they’re hiding something.
R: I know they’re hiding something.
B: In my mind — there’s no doubt in my mind that they’re hiding something and it’s part of why they don’t predict earthquakes. They don’t want to scare people. They don’t want to talk about this because they’re afraid they’re going to scare people.
R: And I have another question about Mike Siegel. Michael wants to talk to time travelers and when the first time he mentioned, “I want to talk to time travelers” — I think he should open those lines. What Art used to open — the time line and the extra-terrestrial line and the UFO line.
B: Well, listen, why don’t you call him when he’s on the air and make that suggestion to him?
R: Well I try.
B: Well, listen, it’s hard to get in because there are millions of people who are listening and thousands and thousands who are calling but I’ll certainly pass the word on.
R: Yeah.
B: And hope that he’ll do it. You know, everybody’s doing different shows —
R: And another thing.
B: — covering lots of material.
R: And another thing, Barbara.
B: Yeah?
R: I saw your photo on the website and I wondered if you could send me an autographed photo of you.
B: Well why don’t you Email me what your address is and I will do that.
R: Okay.
B: Okay?
R: Okay. Yeah. Okay, Barbara, talk to you next week. Bye.
B: Okay, Ronald, thank you very much. Let’s go to Mark in Los Angeles. (BLIP) Mark, are you there? Hello, Mark.
Q: Hi, Barbara.
B: Hi.
Q: Hi. Just wanted to give you a follow-up. We spoke last — I guess it was November.
B: Oh dear. (“I WA”)
Q: I was the one who communicates with my Angel through Electronic Voice Phenomena.
B: Um-huh. (“BUT” “I”)
Q: What I thought I would do is just explain a little bit more. I really haven’t had time recently to listen to any tapes or anything like that so I thought I would respect — I thought I would mention how I first learned how to communicate with my Angel. And that basically was when I was doing interviews in Oklahoma. And there was this family who actually thought that they had aliens living with them and also had spirit manifestations. And, actually, the main Spirit was named Mighael.
B: Um-huh.
Q: And He would — and He’s literally spoken to hundreds if not thousands of people in that Oklahoma area. But when I was there — I mean they told me anecdotes such as ‘the big invisible alien is named Leader’ and they mentioned, like, ‘the aliens had said that they were from Saturn.’ And then when I came home to L.A. and I noticed all the angel synchronicity — I was living across from the Angelus Temple in L.A. —
B: Um-huh.
Q: — and, of course, I’d had my own experiences (“WHICH I’D”) I’d sort of —
B: Mark, I’ll tell you what.
Q: Yeah?
B: We’re at the bottom of the hour. I can hear the music. If you want to hang on —
Q: Okay.
B: — when we come back, you can finish your story, okay?
Q: Thank you so much.
B: Alright. We’ll put you on hold and we’ll talk to Mark when we get back. And the lines are open for you as well so I invite you to say there. I’m Barbara Simpson on “Coast to Coast AM.” We’ll be right back after these messages.
(bumper music is “Isn’t It Time” performed by The Babys)
( . . . )
(bumper music is “Winning” performed by Santana)
M: This is “Coast to Coast AM” with guest host Barbara Simpson. To talk with Barbara from east of the Rockies, dial (gives number); west of the Rockies (gives number), first-time callers may reach Barbara at (gives number); and the wild card line is open at (gives number). This is the Premiere Radio Networks.
B: And this is Barbara Simpson. By the way, I just want to mention that I had a most wonderful event on Thursday of this week here in San Francisco. The Northern California chapter of the American Women In Radio And Television had its luncheon and they gave out a number of awards to people. And I was honored as the most popular talkshow host (“I”) in Northern California so I was very pleased to win their award and have the opportunity (BLIP) to speak to the group. And they were all the people from all the different radio and television stations, a lot of whom I’ve worked with over the years and people I know socially and in business, etc. It is very nice to be honored by your own and I had the opportunity to talk to them. One of the things I did — and it reminded me because tomorrow—in a few minutes—is going to be Father’s Day and I just was — I gave thanks to my kids. And I said that they gave me the goal in my working and that I raised them. And was a divorced mother and raised them alone and worked very hard in this crazy business that we’re in. And I am just so proud of them. We got through — them growing up without all the problems that you read about so many kids have today and I’m more proud of them — of anything that I have ever done in my life or ever will do. I’m also very proud of my parents. I’m very fortunate that both my mother and dad are still alive and I’m very grateful for that — to have them with us as long as we can. And so happy Father’s Day to my dad and to all of your dads out there and those of you listening who are dads or — we all have dads somewhere. God bless you all and have a wonderful day. Don’t make a collect phone call. Mark was going to hang on and finish telling us about his angel. Mark’s in L.A. Hi, Mark.
Q: Hi, Barbara. And I appreciate you too. It’s obvious to all the listeners, I think, that you really respect freedom of speech.
B: I do.
Q: And —
B: That’s what it’s all about.
Q: So, anyway, I was talking about how my Angel trained me to understand how He was communicating.
B: Um-huh.
Q: And I guess I should mention that this was after I had researched famous similar cases (“OF”) of disembodied talking spirits throughout history such as Nostradamus (“WHO”) who had mentioned in a letter to his son about angelic communication. And the Mary Jobson case which was a famous poltergeist case. And Madame Blavatsky, of course. This Angel named Mighael (“I”) —
B: Um-huh.
Q: — I realized was also known as ‘the Mahatmas’ who had helped her with her book The Secret Doctrine. And then, of course, He had also channeled through Edgar Cayce, um, —
B: And you know something? We’re — a little bit later on in the program we’re going to be talking with a gentleman who has written and had experience with angels. And he also speaks of the angel Michael. So it’s going to be part of our program tonight and your calling us was very timely and I want to thank you very much, Mark, and we will continue with our talk about that. I hope you’ll call us again.
Q: (off air) Wait — oh, hello?
B: Appreciate that. I’m Barbara Simpson (line disconnected)
Q: So I guess I’ll just tape the final calls because it does tie-in with my case. I, in fact, am mentioned. (“SO”) Despite the RealAudio problems, I’ll try to tape that second-to-last call.
B: . . . Hi, there.
C: Hi. My name’s Cathy. I’m in Oklahoma.
B: Okay.
C: And hello, Barbara and Gary.
G: Hi, there.
C: Are we allowed to tell a short story that happened last month?
B: Sure.
C: Okay. It happened to my sister and her family. And I think here in Oklahoma it’s like your caller earlier (said) — I think it is happening a lot.
B: Um-huh.
C: This is a true story. It happened in the church. And it was on a prayer meeting one night and that there were a lot of people there. And (“NO”) a lot of them had kneeled down to pray and everything and a lot of them had already prayed and left. And there were probably about ten people left in the church (“NO”) praying. As some of them were getting up, they witnessed something. And just right behind a few of the ladies appeared an angel. And it was a big angel. And I mean everybody froze in their tracks. And when you see an angel, you will honor — I mean you do not move. You are petrified.
G: Cathy, when you said big angel, can you give me how big . . .
C: He was — it was tall. I mean this church is real big, at least twelve-foot-tall. And this angel appeared to be at least twelve feet. The head hit the top of the ceiling. It has these wooden beams in it.
G: And what kind of color did it have?
C: The color of the angel?
G: Yeah.
C: The hair was kind of a blondish.
B: Did it have robes on or clothes that we know?
C: Yes. Okay. It was kind of floating and when it appeared, it was big-big. Okay. Well it went to the left of the aisle. This church has got three aisles of pews in it and it kind of slants down like it’s an auditorium. It went to the left. It did not touch the floor on the bottom but it did — it was so tall that it looked like its head was bending underneath each beam as it walked down the aisle. And the aisle slanted. It went very slowly. Everybody reverenced. I mean — I don’t know if you’re supposed to reverence but if you’re scared to death, you’re going to reverence, okay? It went to the left and it went completely down to where — that kind of church has musical instruments. And it passed the musical instruments. And it looked like it was viewing them. And it went up to where there is a pulpit. Okay, the pulpit there is where the pastor leaves his Bible. Okay, it looked like the angel — this is how it appeared to all of them.
B: Were you one of them?
C: They called me right after it happened.
B: You didn’t see it though?
C: I might as well have by the time they got through telling me, I promise you.
B: (laughs)
C: I mean I started crying with them because they were so excited they were crying. (“PING”) You know, I feel the same. I go to the same kind of church.
B: Did the angel speak to them?
C: Okay, let me finish and then I’ll explain to you.
B: Yeah, I don’t mean to rush you but we don’t have a lot of time.
C: Okay, I’ll try and go real fast. Okay, when it — it was at the Bible and the Bible was its sword. You heard that the swo(rd) — the word is a sword or something like that? It looked like it was taking pages from the Bible, throwing in midair. But it didn’t pull the pages. But when it went into the air, (you know) how glitter looks? And it did it tele — kauphic — what am I saying? Tele — ?
B: Telepathically?
C: There you go. And it said these words. And I wrote it down because, you know, I put it in my bible also, you know, when she got through it with it. It said, “GO TELL EVERYONE THAT YOU DO KNOW. TIME IS SHORT AND HE IS COMING.” And he did that telekauphically.
B: Telepathically.
C: There you go.
B: Telepathically.
C: Yeah. So that everybody heard it but he didn’t speak the word. And we don’t understand that. We don’t understand that. Then he did that, he turned, he went to the right and he left exactly like he came.
B: Wow.
C: Right in front of everybody.
B: That’s quite a story, isn’t it, Gary?
G: Yeah. You know, I get hundreds of stories and many of them are similar to this. I — of course, one of my other favorite ones is when the Russian astronauts saw angels in outer space which, you know, hit the wires.
B: I heard that but then the story disappeared very quickly. I wonder why.
G: Well it actually appeared in the Russian press and then immediately it was quashed.
B: What did they see? We only have about three minutes left. What did they see?
G: Well they basically saw — I believe it was three angels. And they were huge, really large. And they didn’t know what to think of it. And, of course, the story was pretty much clamped down but we’re going to hear more of these stories. I mean this is not going to be just a phenomenon that you rarely hear of. You’re going to hear more and more of this.
B: Yeah. Speak up, Gary, we can hardly hear you.
G: I’m sorry.
B: That’s okay. Let’s see if we can get one last question from Tom in Salt Lake City. You have about two minutes, Tom. Give us a question.
O: Hello?
B: Tom?
O: Yeah.
B: Yeah, go ahead. We have about two minutes left so give us a question.
O: Okay, it’s not a question. It’s a statement.
B: Alright.
O: I have what they call multiple personalities but being tested, having the brain waves scanned, tested and everything, I was able to prove to them that we are separate spirits. We are actually angels if you want to put it in earthly terms. But we are spirits and we were all given to the owner of this body to take care of him, to help him through the difficult life that he would have. And I was wondering if he knew anything about that or had ever heard about that.
B: Gary?
G: Well I am aware of multiple personality disorder. I mean one of things that Julia Ingram, who was the therapist with the Nick Bunick material, did was to really go after a lot of questions around (“YOU KNOW”) past life regressions.
B: Um-huh.
G: And I have to say there is a lot of unanswered questions as to how our soul actually operates and (“NO”) how that actually works and why some people can get access to information that basically isn’t theirs. And I mean it gets pretty wild. There just aren’t enough answers right now and there are a lot of questions.
B: I was just going to say there’s a lot of questions. Do you believe in reincarnation?
G: Me?
B: Yeah, Gary.
G: I do now.
B: (laughs)
G: I didn’t at one time.
B: After what you’ve been through? One quick one — I hope we have time for this. What happens to the evil people in the world when we get to this time of goodness?
G: That’s up to them, basically. What the angels say is that we are basically looking at, for lack of a better term, this new world is moving in parallel.
B: And is coming. I hear the music. We’re out of time but I’ll tell you what. You come back another night and we’ll talk more because, as you said, there are lots of questions. His book is On The Wings Of Heaven. His name is Gary Hardin. (gives phone number) I’m Barbara Simpson. Thank you very much for all your wonderful calls. Happy Father’s Day to all you fathers out there and I look forward to being with you next time. I’m Barbara Simpson. Until next time, be careful what you pray for, you might get it.
Subject: Angels discussion on bbs-SysopDate: Tue, 4 Jul 2000 22:13:41 -0700From: “Mary Rowland” <>To: <>
Hi, I am going to have to edit your first post #1. We don’t allow such longposts and would prefer to put up a link to this material (not the front pagebut a direct link to transcript page on your website) instead in a shortpost. So other users of our bbs can go look at the material and then comeback and discuss it on our board. We want users to be able to quickly readthe posts and decide to post or move onto another folder and this is way toolong to get down to the bottom buttons. So before I edit it, I thought I’dcontact you so we can get this corrected in the first post. Does this makesense to you? I’m tired and not sure I’m explaining it well. Mary
Subject: Re: Angels discussion on bbs-SysopDate: Wed, 05 Jul 2000 18:03:40 -0700From: Mark Russell Bell <>Organization: https://testament.orgTo: Mary Rowland <>
References: 1
Dear Mary,
Thank you for asking my advice before making what I think would be amistake. I hope you will not edit the first post of the “Angels”discussion now listed as “previous” and don’t understand who you meanwhen you say, “We don’t allow such long posts.” It is no wonder thatyou may feel beleaguered if you accept it as your job to censor messageswhen there isn’t something such as profanity or a personal attackinvolved. As Barbara Simpson expressed in our conversation, freedom ofspeech is what it’s all about.
The concept behind Art Bell’s original success was that his show was tobe a platform for all views to be shared without repression. We asAmericans are entitled to freedom of speech (and in God we trust.) Ithink is is relevant that anyone who has tried to limit freedom ofspeech has done so for what they thought were good reasons at the timeso I hope you will consider the scores of men and women who sacrificedtheir lives so that you and I might have this precious freedom that canbring enlightenment to others. We ourselves someday will journey hometo join their community of spirits where these sacrifices will not befound to have been in vain.
Mark Russell Bell
Subject: Re: Angels discussion on bbs-SysopDate: Wed, 5 Jul 2000 21:12:49 -0700From: “Mary Rowland” <>To: <>
References: 1 , 2
Don’t you understand that you have the right to say whatever you want onyour own website but we have the right to have rules to make our siteenjoyable to all our users. I was asking you to put this info on your ownsite with a link that could be in that first message. If you don’t like thisthen I will just delete your whole discussion. I was trying to be nice. Whenyou start talking censorship it makes me think that you don’t get it. Thisis a bbs that we are trying to make a better, nicer place for users todiscuss the topics that interest the listeners of the show. We do have theright to delete posts that we feel are too long and request that users linkto the info and just discuss the info on the bbs. Please understand thatthis is not an easy job and it is impossible to keep everyone happy. Isthere a reason that you cannot put this material on your own site? Mary
Subject: Angels discussion on bbsDate: Fri, 25 Aug 2000 22:34:47 -0700From: Mark Russell Bell <>To:
I noticed that the “Angels” discussion has now been taken down, lessthan two months since inception. It is regrettable to see some of thesediscussions lost. Over the years, some observations shared inparticular bulletin boards have concerned discoveries that may otherwisehave been overlooked on the radio show.
Mark Russell Bell
Subject: Re: Angels discussion on bbsDate: Sat, 26 Aug 2000 23:23:43 -0700From: “Mary Rowland” <>To: <>
References: 1
I did not delete that discussion. It must have been 10 days since anyoneposted to it. Sorry this is not a database to archive all messages everposted. That might be a good idea but it was not the intent of this bbs. Idon’t think any of the bbs’ out there do that. Mary
Hi, I am going to have to edit your first post #1. We don’t allow such longposts and would prefer to put up a link to this material (not the front pagebut a direct link to transcript page on your website) instead in a shortpost. So other users of our bbs can go look at the material and then comeback and discuss it on our board. We want users to be able to quickly readthe posts and decide to post or move onto another folder and this is way toolong to get down to the bottom buttons. So before I edit it, I thought I’dcontact you so we can get this corrected in the first post. Does this makesense to you? I’m tired and not sure I’m explaining it well. Mary
Subject: Re: Angels discussion on bbs-SysopDate: Wed, 05 Jul 2000 18:03:40 -0700From: Mark Russell Bell <>Organization: https://testament.orgTo: Mary Rowland <>
References: 1
Dear Mary,
Thank you for asking my advice before making what I think would be amistake. I hope you will not edit the first post of the “Angels”discussion now listed as “previous” and don’t understand who you meanwhen you say, “We don’t allow such long posts.” It is no wonder thatyou may feel beleaguered if you accept it as your job to censor messageswhen there isn’t something such as profanity or a personal attackinvolved. As Barbara Simpson expressed in our conversation, freedom ofspeech is what it’s all about.
The concept behind Art Bell’s original success was that his show was tobe a platform for all views to be shared without repression. We asAmericans are entitled to freedom of speech (and in God we trust.) Ithink is is relevant that anyone who has tried to limit freedom ofspeech has done so for what they thought were good reasons at the timeso I hope you will consider the scores of men and women who sacrificedtheir lives so that you and I might have this precious freedom that canbring enlightenment to others. We ourselves someday will journey hometo join their community of spirits where these sacrifices will not befound to have been in vain.
Mark Russell Bell
Subject: Re: Angels discussion on bbs-SysopDate: Wed, 5 Jul 2000 21:12:49 -0700From: “Mary Rowland” <>To: <>
References: 1 , 2
Don’t you understand that you have the right to say whatever you want onyour own website but we have the right to have rules to make our siteenjoyable to all our users. I was asking you to put this info on your ownsite with a link that could be in that first message. If you don’t like thisthen I will just delete your whole discussion. I was trying to be nice. Whenyou start talking censorship it makes me think that you don’t get it. Thisis a bbs that we are trying to make a better, nicer place for users todiscuss the topics that interest the listeners of the show. We do have theright to delete posts that we feel are too long and request that users linkto the info and just discuss the info on the bbs. Please understand thatthis is not an easy job and it is impossible to keep everyone happy. Isthere a reason that you cannot put this material on your own site? Mary
Subject: Angels discussion on bbsDate: Fri, 25 Aug 2000 22:34:47 -0700From: Mark Russell Bell <>To:
I noticed that the “Angels” discussion has now been taken down, lessthan two months since inception. It is regrettable to see some of thesediscussions lost. Over the years, some observations shared inparticular bulletin boards have concerned discoveries that may otherwisehave been overlooked on the radio show.
Mark Russell Bell
Subject: Re: Angels discussion on bbsDate: Sat, 26 Aug 2000 23:23:43 -0700From: “Mary Rowland” <>To: <>
References: 1
I did not delete that discussion. It must have been 10 days since anyoneposted to it. Sorry this is not a database to archive all messages everposted. That might be a good idea but it was not the intent of this bbs. Idon’t think any of the bbs’ out there do that. Mary