Q: Mark Russell Bell
B: Barbara Simpson, host of “Coast to Coast AM”
M: Martin, caller from Ohio
S: “Coast to Coast AM” engineer/screener
U: unidentified caller
C: Clark, caller from Castro Valley
(My telephone call goes through)
B: . . . friends in Cleveland. Hey, Martin, how are you?
M: Hi. How’re you doing, Barbara?
B: Good. Thanks for calling.
M: It’s a pleasure talking to you.
B: Thank you.
M: I’ve got a pretty fascinating story I wanted to tell you about.
B: Sure.
M: I’ve been studying UF —
S: “Coast to Coast AM”
Q: Oh hi.
S: Hi. What’s your first name?
Q: Mark.
S: Mark?
Q: Yeah.
S: Okay, great. And where are you calling from?
Q: I’m calling from the San Fernando Valley in California.
S: Okay. And what did you want to talk about?
Q: I wanted to follow up on what Barbara was saying about Ouija Boards and dabbling in the occult and where it might lead.
S: Right. Okay, good. All right, I’m glad you got through. Make sure your radio is turned down if it’s on and when we go to take your call, you’ll hear a popping noise on your phone.
Q: Okay.
S: All right. Thanks a lot. Hold on.
U: They’ve been trying to teach our people about God for over 500,000 years. . . .
( . . . )
B: This is Barbara Simpson sitting in for Art Bell on “Coast to Coast AM” As I said, we have lots of people on the line so let’s do that. (BEEP) . . . from the San Fernando Valley in Southern California is Mark. Hello, Mark.
Q: Hi, Barbara.
B: Hi.
Q: This is my first time listening to you.
B: Good.
Q: And it’s been fun. I wanted to follow up on your comment about Ouija Boards and investigating the occult.
B: Um-huh.
Q: But I know you had mentioned you had an experience. Did you want to state that first? What happened to you?
B: No, go ahead.
Q: Oh, okay.
B: Go ahead.
Q: Well I think Spirit communicates to us on the level that we’re capable of hearing. For example — I don’t know if you heard the Warrens when they were on with Hilly. Did you hear that?
B: That one I missed.
Q: Oh, okay. Well I called on that night too because the Warrens are my cousins and they’re sort of the black sheep of the family — (“THEY”) project a lot of superstition in things that we just don’t understand. For example —
B: Isn’t that the problem with any of that is there’s so much —
Q: Yeah.
B: — that people don’t understand.
Q: Right. For example, schizo —
B: . . . I kind of laughed at it.
Q: I mean schizophrenia is similar to demonic possession. I mean everyone understands that. I mean there are — it’s really hard to talk about in a brief conversation but I think that people don’t understand how corporate America is evil in terms of cutthroat business tactics, downsizing, company mergers and (“IN FACT”) increased military spending and all of these things. I mean how does Spirit communicate to us that these things are evil too?
B: Is it the same level of evil?
Q: Well — or worse. I mean —
B: As demonic evil? Really?
Q: Well it’s the same thing.
B: I had never thought about it that way.
Q: It’s the — I mean we’re politically starving people to death (“ACTU” “YOU KNOW”) actually. I mean because really countries and corporations don’t really exist. They’re just names on paper.
B: Well that’s true.
Q: And — like those starving children in Africa deserve just as much — right to live as we do. But I think that in terms of communicating with us at our current level of awareness, sometimes Spirit I think results (resorts) to these superstitious devices.
B: How do — do you communicate with Spirit?
Q: Yes, I do. It’s a very —
B: How do you do it?
Q: It’s a very unusual way. It’s through electronic voice phenomena. What I do is — I do a lot of interviewing and afterwards I play the tapes — I know this sounds completely way out there — (“BUT”) very small snippets of conversation can be heard. Usually just one or two words; sometimes a full sentence, depending on the circumstances. But I think that there is increased awareness of this phenomena. And also I — (“I”) I know it’s — I know in the movie that you haven’t seen yet, (“THEY MENTION THAT”) there was some electronic voice phenomena in that. So I think all of these things are coming from our Subconscious Mind which (“GUESS”) could be called God (“F[O]R”) what we know about it and is communicating to us and helping us to evolve.
B: When you have this communication what messages do you get? Is it a benefit to you or —
Q: Well what I’ve done — my case is a very long and evolved case. I had originally gone out to Oklahoma and interviewed a family that had this amassing of spirits named Michael living with them. And that’s when I first realized how active Spirit was in my life. So, of course, I published a book and it’s available on the Internet at and — (“I”) the photos I have of ghosts, (“SVEN” “AA”) a bigfoot and ‘aliens’ — I just put up for free on the Internet. (“I’M”) Not like Mr. Redfield. I just don’t think spirituality has a price — even though I must say that my book is available in paperback too. But — (“YEAH”) it really —
B: How has it changed your life, Mark? What’s it done for your life?
Q: Well what God has led me to do is He’s put me into very many different cover-ups. It’s just amazing how many cover-ups I’ve been led into. I don’t know how specific you want me to get. (“BUT” “FOR EXAMPLE I”) I recently went —
B: Give me a brief summary of one of them.
Q: Okay. Well my most recent adventure was going to the “Awareness 2000” series of lectures, symposium in Los Angeles. And I realized all these people who claimed to be channelers and spiritual teachers and what-have-you, a lot of them had military backgrounds. And, of course, when you look at what’s on TV and in the newspapers, you see a lot of — you know (or “YOU KNOW”) — anything (“REALLY”) stays on TV that doesn’t talk about the government, that doesn’t talk about the military and the evils that we do — you have all these insipid talk shows. (“SO”) Really there’s been I think a military infiltration of the media and now I think they’re doing it to spirituality.
B: The military is infiltrating —
Q: Oh yeah. Some of these channelers like Fred Bell for example. I mean look at his biography. I mean you just can’t believe your eyes. I mean he’s claiming all sorts of clients and (yet) who really can say who’s genuine and who’s not?
B: Well that’s the problem all the time.
Q: Isn’t it though? (“I MEAN THAT’S”) That’s why you always have to look at what their motivations (are) — I, myself, feel that when a channeler says something like, “There’s no such thing as good or evil,” well this person is not legitimate. And then when someone says something like “God is love,” well then this person (“II[S]LL”) is legitimate because in my own life that’s how Spirit has manifested.
B: Well it sounds like it’s been a positive thing for you.
Q: Have you been to my website at
B: I know you mentioned it. No, I haven’t seen it but thank you for telling me about it.
Q: Okay. Thank you, Barbara.
B: Thanks for calling.
Q: You’re welcome.
B: Appreciate hearing from you. Yeah, that’s — you know, I find it interesting how people relate these kinds of stories and their own experiences and see how it effects their lives. And some of them, you know, as he says he does what he does without monetary compensation and other people have to support themselves — why they do it for financial reasons, which quite frankly I don’t find anything wrong with. Let’s face it, we all have mortgages and we all have to buy the morning coffee and feed the dog and buy gas for the car and all of that kind of thing. (“ALL”) All those practical considerations of life. Okay, that was Mark. Let’s try another call. Caller, where are you from? Hello there?
C: Hello.
B: Hi. Who’s calling?
C: Clark.
B: Clark. And where are you, Clark?
C: I’m in Castro Valley, which is not too far from Oakland, California.
B: Which is not too far from where I am which is San Francisco. Hi there.
C: Hi.
B: Go ahead.
C: Okay, I wa(nt) — I had a talk with somebody on your talkshow the other day.
B: Yeah?
C: And they pointed out that private money is more efficiently used than public money. Well if they mean by that, that private money operates at a profit while public money must rely on tax, that’s an oxymoron. The federal government was established to take care of all those unprofitable but necessary things that free enterprise just couldn’t afford to do. . . .
Q: (speaking into tape recorder Saturday afternoon) So I’m transcribing my call from last night — well I should say this morning. And it’s very frustrating. I mean you call in desperately trying to have a meaningful conversation (“YET”) really not prepared. There really is something to be said for being a guest on an interview show and knowing that you can speak for more than a few minutes to fully explain things. I mean I didn’t fully explain the point I was trying to make about schizophrenia and demonic possession — basically that both are merely symptomatic of a far wider phenomenon. And in terms of God being our ‘Subconscious Mind’ — well of course that’s just part of it. I mean God is connected to everything with ourselves just being (“A LITTLE”) bit of consciousness between our physical bodies and everything we experience beyond ourselves. And I do wish I had used the words “evil principalities” in regard to corporations and countries. We give up our own responsibility in serving orders coming from who-knows-where due to what possible motivation we can only guess at. And in terms of my communication with Spirit, the tapes are just one iota of the communication, first of all. Every thought we have is a constant communication with Spirit — God; and Mighael, of course, the Channel. So, for example, last night I wasn’t sure if I should call in. Sometimes what I’ll do when I’m not sure I’ll say is, “Well if I hear a certain word, that’ll be a signal from Mighael that He thinks I should call in.” So I tried that last night and, of course, I heard the word immediately. And I did kind of think that it was a good opportunity. And I’ve thought that before — I’ve thought, “This is so strange. Why don’t I just call one night and just say as much as I can?” Anyway — and now I realize — I haven’t finished transcribing the call yet but I didn’t really get to any of the sensational aspects. The glamorous ones that really get people’s attention like the commandments, the burning bushes, the ‘Paramountain,’ the religious ecstasies, the phenomena. Oh well, let me finish transcribing it.
( . . . )
Q: I should’ve added when I was talking about what stays on TV and I said “that doesn’t talk about the government — that doesn’t talk about the military and the evils that we do,” I should’ve added “at least not in a controlled fashion because certainly all those political talkshows they have on during the weekend are all really controlled. I mean just look who’s on week in and week out.” Or read books like Linda Ellerbee’s “And So It Goes” Adventures in Television — the expanded paperback version with the “fast forward.” I mean don’t people wonder when they go to a website such as and see a huge photo of a ‘Star Wars’ missile lighting up the sky over the Pacific instead of the usual gossip and sleaze? On October 3rd, it said:
(My telephone call goes through)
B: . . . friends in Cleveland. Hey, Martin, how are you?
M: Hi. How’re you doing, Barbara?
B: Good. Thanks for calling.
M: It’s a pleasure talking to you.
B: Thank you.
M: I’ve got a pretty fascinating story I wanted to tell you about.
B: Sure.
M: I’ve been studying UF —
S: “Coast to Coast AM”
Q: Oh hi.
S: Hi. What’s your first name?
Q: Mark.
S: Mark?
Q: Yeah.
S: Okay, great. And where are you calling from?
Q: I’m calling from the San Fernando Valley in California.
S: Okay. And what did you want to talk about?
Q: I wanted to follow up on what Barbara was saying about Ouija Boards and dabbling in the occult and where it might lead.
S: Right. Okay, good. All right, I’m glad you got through. Make sure your radio is turned down if it’s on and when we go to take your call, you’ll hear a popping noise on your phone.
Q: Okay.
S: All right. Thanks a lot. Hold on.
U: They’ve been trying to teach our people about God for over 500,000 years. . . .
( . . . )
B: This is Barbara Simpson sitting in for Art Bell on “Coast to Coast AM” As I said, we have lots of people on the line so let’s do that. (BEEP) . . . from the San Fernando Valley in Southern California is Mark. Hello, Mark.
Q: Hi, Barbara.
B: Hi.
Q: This is my first time listening to you.
B: Good.
Q: And it’s been fun. I wanted to follow up on your comment about Ouija Boards and investigating the occult.
B: Um-huh.
Q: But I know you had mentioned you had an experience. Did you want to state that first? What happened to you?
B: No, go ahead.
Q: Oh, okay.
B: Go ahead.
Q: Well I think Spirit communicates to us on the level that we’re capable of hearing. For example — I don’t know if you heard the Warrens when they were on with Hilly. Did you hear that?
B: That one I missed.
Q: Oh, okay. Well I called on that night too because the Warrens are my cousins and they’re sort of the black sheep of the family — (“THEY”) project a lot of superstition in things that we just don’t understand. For example —
B: Isn’t that the problem with any of that is there’s so much —
Q: Yeah.
B: — that people don’t understand.
Q: Right. For example, schizo —
B: . . . I kind of laughed at it.
Q: I mean schizophrenia is similar to demonic possession. I mean everyone understands that. I mean there are — it’s really hard to talk about in a brief conversation but I think that people don’t understand how corporate America is evil in terms of cutthroat business tactics, downsizing, company mergers and (“IN FACT”) increased military spending and all of these things. I mean how does Spirit communicate to us that these things are evil too?
B: Is it the same level of evil?
Q: Well — or worse. I mean —
B: As demonic evil? Really?
Q: Well it’s the same thing.
B: I had never thought about it that way.
Q: It’s the — I mean we’re politically starving people to death (“ACTU” “YOU KNOW”) actually. I mean because really countries and corporations don’t really exist. They’re just names on paper.
B: Well that’s true.
Q: And — like those starving children in Africa deserve just as much — right to live as we do. But I think that in terms of communicating with us at our current level of awareness, sometimes Spirit I think results (resorts) to these superstitious devices.
B: How do — do you communicate with Spirit?
Q: Yes, I do. It’s a very —
B: How do you do it?
Q: It’s a very unusual way. It’s through electronic voice phenomena. What I do is — I do a lot of interviewing and afterwards I play the tapes — I know this sounds completely way out there — (“BUT”) very small snippets of conversation can be heard. Usually just one or two words; sometimes a full sentence, depending on the circumstances. But I think that there is increased awareness of this phenomena. And also I — (“I”) I know it’s — I know in the movie that you haven’t seen yet, (“THEY MENTION THAT”) there was some electronic voice phenomena in that. So I think all of these things are coming from our Subconscious Mind which (“GUESS”) could be called God (“F[O]R”) what we know about it and is communicating to us and helping us to evolve.
B: When you have this communication what messages do you get? Is it a benefit to you or —
Q: Well what I’ve done — my case is a very long and evolved case. I had originally gone out to Oklahoma and interviewed a family that had this amassing of spirits named Michael living with them. And that’s when I first realized how active Spirit was in my life. So, of course, I published a book and it’s available on the Internet at and — (“I”) the photos I have of ghosts, (“SVEN” “AA”) a bigfoot and ‘aliens’ — I just put up for free on the Internet. (“I’M”) Not like Mr. Redfield. I just don’t think spirituality has a price — even though I must say that my book is available in paperback too. But — (“YEAH”) it really —
B: How has it changed your life, Mark? What’s it done for your life?
Q: Well what God has led me to do is He’s put me into very many different cover-ups. It’s just amazing how many cover-ups I’ve been led into. I don’t know how specific you want me to get. (“BUT” “FOR EXAMPLE I”) I recently went —
B: Give me a brief summary of one of them.
Q: Okay. Well my most recent adventure was going to the “Awareness 2000” series of lectures, symposium in Los Angeles. And I realized all these people who claimed to be channelers and spiritual teachers and what-have-you, a lot of them had military backgrounds. And, of course, when you look at what’s on TV and in the newspapers, you see a lot of — you know (or “YOU KNOW”) — anything (“REALLY”) stays on TV that doesn’t talk about the government, that doesn’t talk about the military and the evils that we do — you have all these insipid talk shows. (“SO”) Really there’s been I think a military infiltration of the media and now I think they’re doing it to spirituality.
B: The military is infiltrating —
Q: Oh yeah. Some of these channelers like Fred Bell for example. I mean look at his biography. I mean you just can’t believe your eyes. I mean he’s claiming all sorts of clients and (yet) who really can say who’s genuine and who’s not?
B: Well that’s the problem all the time.
Q: Isn’t it though? (“I MEAN THAT’S”) That’s why you always have to look at what their motivations (are) — I, myself, feel that when a channeler says something like, “There’s no such thing as good or evil,” well this person is not legitimate. And then when someone says something like “God is love,” well then this person (“II[S]LL”) is legitimate because in my own life that’s how Spirit has manifested.
B: Well it sounds like it’s been a positive thing for you.
Q: Have you been to my website at
B: I know you mentioned it. No, I haven’t seen it but thank you for telling me about it.
Q: Okay. Thank you, Barbara.
B: Thanks for calling.
Q: You’re welcome.
B: Appreciate hearing from you. Yeah, that’s — you know, I find it interesting how people relate these kinds of stories and their own experiences and see how it effects their lives. And some of them, you know, as he says he does what he does without monetary compensation and other people have to support themselves — why they do it for financial reasons, which quite frankly I don’t find anything wrong with. Let’s face it, we all have mortgages and we all have to buy the morning coffee and feed the dog and buy gas for the car and all of that kind of thing. (“ALL”) All those practical considerations of life. Okay, that was Mark. Let’s try another call. Caller, where are you from? Hello there?
C: Hello.
B: Hi. Who’s calling?
C: Clark.
B: Clark. And where are you, Clark?
C: I’m in Castro Valley, which is not too far from Oakland, California.
B: Which is not too far from where I am which is San Francisco. Hi there.
C: Hi.
B: Go ahead.
C: Okay, I wa(nt) — I had a talk with somebody on your talkshow the other day.
B: Yeah?
C: And they pointed out that private money is more efficiently used than public money. Well if they mean by that, that private money operates at a profit while public money must rely on tax, that’s an oxymoron. The federal government was established to take care of all those unprofitable but necessary things that free enterprise just couldn’t afford to do. . . .
Q: (speaking into tape recorder Saturday afternoon) So I’m transcribing my call from last night — well I should say this morning. And it’s very frustrating. I mean you call in desperately trying to have a meaningful conversation (“YET”) really not prepared. There really is something to be said for being a guest on an interview show and knowing that you can speak for more than a few minutes to fully explain things. I mean I didn’t fully explain the point I was trying to make about schizophrenia and demonic possession — basically that both are merely symptomatic of a far wider phenomenon. And in terms of God being our ‘Subconscious Mind’ — well of course that’s just part of it. I mean God is connected to everything with ourselves just being (“A LITTLE”) bit of consciousness between our physical bodies and everything we experience beyond ourselves. And I do wish I had used the words “evil principalities” in regard to corporations and countries. We give up our own responsibility in serving orders coming from who-knows-where due to what possible motivation we can only guess at. And in terms of my communication with Spirit, the tapes are just one iota of the communication, first of all. Every thought we have is a constant communication with Spirit — God; and Mighael, of course, the Channel. So, for example, last night I wasn’t sure if I should call in. Sometimes what I’ll do when I’m not sure I’ll say is, “Well if I hear a certain word, that’ll be a signal from Mighael that He thinks I should call in.” So I tried that last night and, of course, I heard the word immediately. And I did kind of think that it was a good opportunity. And I’ve thought that before — I’ve thought, “This is so strange. Why don’t I just call one night and just say as much as I can?” Anyway — and now I realize — I haven’t finished transcribing the call yet but I didn’t really get to any of the sensational aspects. The glamorous ones that really get people’s attention like the commandments, the burning bushes, the ‘Paramountain,’ the religious ecstasies, the phenomena. Oh well, let me finish transcribing it.
( . . . )
Q: I should’ve added when I was talking about what stays on TV and I said “that doesn’t talk about the government — that doesn’t talk about the military and the evils that we do,” I should’ve added “at least not in a controlled fashion because certainly all those political talkshows they have on during the weekend are all really controlled. I mean just look who’s on week in and week out.” Or read books like Linda Ellerbee’s “And So It Goes” Adventures in Television — the expanded paperback version with the “fast forward.” I mean don’t people wonder when they go to a website such as and see a huge photo of a ‘Star Wars’ missile lighting up the sky over the Pacific instead of the usual gossip and sleaze? On October 3rd, it said:
Missile Interceptor Passes Test . . .Air Force, Army Launch 2 Rockets, Complete Test Successfully . . .Background Briefing On National Missile Defense System Test . . .KA BOOM!!! KA POW!!!‘STAR WARS’ MISSILE LIGHTS UP SKY; ROCKET BLAST OVER PACIFIC WOWS VIEWERS!
Q: I mean what does this have to do with the usual gossip and sleaze that we find there? I was just thinking too about possession and how often I’ve heard people being interviewed during crisis times when they say that they did something instinctively or just all of a sudden before they even realized what they were doing and, of course, I recognized this as Mighael helping — the Subconscious Mind taking over to help. Is that demonic or is that Angelic? I guess that brings us back to that old conundrum: if you see an Angel and treat it like a demon, well then what do you have? So I guess I’ll include at the end of my transcript the “Dr. Fred Bell Ph.D.” bio that I mentioned on the air. I’m just going to cut and move the selection to the clipboard and then paste it so this is as I found it at
Dr. Fred Bell Ph.D
Dr. Fred Bell was born in Ann Arbor Michigan. At nine years old he was working at the University of Michigan on projects such as early Stealth (later known as the Philadelphia experiment) and the “Pinch effect” the predecessor to nuclear fusion (H bomb). At sixteen years old, he entered the United States Air Force (he could not wear a uniform until his seventeenth birthday because that was the legal age of admission with parental consent.During his Air force days he worked on SAGE radar tracking UFOs in Northern California. The sister sage site to Dr. Bells was later known as the Montauk in upstate New York, notorious for UFO sightings.
After he left the USAF he worked for Rockwell International on projects such the Eyelass, a predecessor to president Reagon’s Star Wars. During his tenure at Rockwell he worked along side of Dr. Werner von Braun on the Apollo/Saturn lunar landing projects.
He left Rockwell and went into the private sector. Here he visited over 3000 companies as a consultant on many top secret projects. Some of these companies were IBM – Univac, EG&G, Lockheed, Boeing, Hughs, TRW, Bell Telephone Research – Murry Hill, CIA R&D department – Langely, FBI, All Navel – Air force and AEC (Atomic Energy Commission), labs on the Continental United States and many, many more.
He retired from commercial science in the 1970’s and studied with many Himalayan masters. During this time he became a world famous contactee with Pleiadian scientists. After obtaining a medical degree he began lecturing with the National Health Federation worldwide.
His work is the subject of many authors including Brad Steiger whom wrote 2 bestsellers about his life. The first called The Fellowship published by Doubleday and Bertelsman in Europe and the second called The Promise is still after 5 years a running bestseller in Japan.
He is an international inventor and has patented the Nuclear Receptor. He is the father of “Negative Ionization” and his inventions are used worldwide. Some of his clients are Queen Elisabeth, the Dalai Lama, TM of America, Andrew Young, Ray Bradbury, Mohammed Ali, Ken Norton, James Brown, George Winston and many holistic institutions worldwide.
Dr. Bell also works with world renown bands and has composed 4 musical albums to raise consciousness. He has remained anonymous until now due reasons of privacy but now he his here to enlighten you into the true values of the new millennium.
Dr. Bell is currently a state chairman serving on the business advising counsel under House majority leader congressman Tom Delay in the 106th congress.
He is currently traveling the world conducting seminars and concerts. Watch for his appearance in your area.
Dr. Fred Bell was born in Ann Arbor Michigan. At nine years old he was working at the University of Michigan on projects such as early Stealth (later known as the Philadelphia experiment) and the “Pinch effect” the predecessor to nuclear fusion (H bomb). At sixteen years old, he entered the United States Air Force (he could not wear a uniform until his seventeenth birthday because that was the legal age of admission with parental consent.During his Air force days he worked on SAGE radar tracking UFOs in Northern California. The sister sage site to Dr. Bells was later known as the Montauk in upstate New York, notorious for UFO sightings.
After he left the USAF he worked for Rockwell International on projects such the Eyelass, a predecessor to president Reagon’s Star Wars. During his tenure at Rockwell he worked along side of Dr. Werner von Braun on the Apollo/Saturn lunar landing projects.
He left Rockwell and went into the private sector. Here he visited over 3000 companies as a consultant on many top secret projects. Some of these companies were IBM – Univac, EG&G, Lockheed, Boeing, Hughs, TRW, Bell Telephone Research – Murry Hill, CIA R&D department – Langely, FBI, All Navel – Air force and AEC (Atomic Energy Commission), labs on the Continental United States and many, many more.
He retired from commercial science in the 1970’s and studied with many Himalayan masters. During this time he became a world famous contactee with Pleiadian scientists. After obtaining a medical degree he began lecturing with the National Health Federation worldwide.
His work is the subject of many authors including Brad Steiger whom wrote 2 bestsellers about his life. The first called The Fellowship published by Doubleday and Bertelsman in Europe and the second called The Promise is still after 5 years a running bestseller in Japan.
He is an international inventor and has patented the Nuclear Receptor. He is the father of “Negative Ionization” and his inventions are used worldwide. Some of his clients are Queen Elisabeth, the Dalai Lama, TM of America, Andrew Young, Ray Bradbury, Mohammed Ali, Ken Norton, James Brown, George Winston and many holistic institutions worldwide.
Dr. Bell also works with world renown bands and has composed 4 musical albums to raise consciousness. He has remained anonymous until now due reasons of privacy but now he his here to enlighten you into the true values of the new millennium.
Dr. Bell is currently a state chairman serving on the business advising counsel under House majority leader congressman Tom Delay in the 106th congress.
He is currently traveling the world conducting seminars and concerts. Watch for his appearance in your area.
(“SO I”)
Q: So I managed to get RealPlayer® working on my computer but two hours into the show I was waiting to get to my part so I could hear what she was saying better because I just taped my call in the slow speed so it’s harder to distinguish. Anyway, I got kicked off the Internet into two hours of the program. I tried starting it up again and fast forwarding but apparently you can only fast forward with clips and this is a long program. So I give up. I’ll just put it onto my website with ellipsis where I can’t understand what’s being said and I hope I’m interpreting the spirit messages correct. It’s easier to distinguish spirit messages on the fast speed but at the time I didn’t have any other microcassettes. Of course, with my suspicious mind, I’m wondering (my computer is heard on tape here) if there was a call preceding mine that Mighael didn’t want me to hear.
( . . . )
Q: So I’m listening once more to my call to Barbara and where I put “THEY” in one of my early sentences on the tape, really it’s just a blip. But it sounds at exactly the point where I should’ve said “they” and didn’t. And if you pay close attention to the tape, you’ll just hear an electronic blip. If you aren’t paying close attention and just hear all the sentence, it just sounds like “they.” And, of course, I’m not noting all the unattributed sounds on the tape — my goodness, there are so many.
( . . . )
Q: A spirit message I first thought was just the “AN[D]” sound, I listened to more carefully, playing on my Dictaphone voice processor: rewinding, listening, rewinding, listening, and pressing in my earphones into my ear so it’ll be louder. And it sounds like “SVEN” which is strange.
( . . . )
Q: And that was an unfair comment that I made when I said, “Not like Mr. Redfield.” Even though that’s factual in terms of my book being for free on the Internet. And then I said, “I just don’t think spirituality has a price.” Well that’s not really fair because I’m sure that Mr. Redfield doesn’t either. You try to make a point — a valid point and you have to do it in a few words. Anyway, you understand what I’m trying to say? I (or “I”) — that’s why I added, “I must say that my book is available in paperback too.” We do live in a world where you have to pay the rent, etc. However, as I always make clear, I’m only being reimbursed for my expenses in the enterprise and the Oklahoma family will get all of the proceeds after the expenses are paid for, which won’t be on the first print obviously. It cost a lot more than I’m charging on the cover price because let’s be realistic, if I wanted to break even on the first run it would be an exorbitant amount for a little paperback. Who’s going to pay that much money for something that they think is not worth looking at in the first place anyway? That’s why I stopped trying to place it in bookstores. Because as soon as people read a few pages and see the spirit messages, they think, “Oh God, this guy’s psychotic” and put it down. There’s no way of getting around that. That’s why people who do understand the material — especially those in the media—to whom I’ve spent so much time trying to explain these things—are really important disciples with a wonderful opportunity to express their love for God by spreading the new information. I must say, even with this expanded awareness that I’ve been shown by Spirit, I still really know very little about life beyond this world.
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Q: So I finished transcribing this brief call to “Coast to Coast AM” I couldn’t help but remembering the first time I saw the bumper sticker saying “PSYCHO BITCH FROM HELL” and, of course, what I believe was the basis was my mom had been watching one of those early morning supposed ‘news programs’ but in actuality they’re really anything but news, if you know what I mean. Instead of questioning the actions of our government representatives or calling attention the environmental hazards we’re not doing enough about, there was an episode about some charitable organization and officials of the organization had apparently embezzled a great deal of resources. So I thought, “Well maybe I will tape some of this for my investigative tapes.” And, of course, (“I WAS”) beginning to feel very bad about because I only got a small excerpt and then I thought well why do they even have these things on these programs anyway? Obviously, it’s because they’re trying to say that people are not worth trusting and are not capable of helping others and that’s why — the implication is that we each should take as much for ourselves as possible. I mean that’s actually how evil and sinful television can be. So, any(way) — and the problem’s not going to get better any time soon regardless of people’s intentions. I guess I should also say that Barbara didn’t quite understand what I meant about that whole spirituality and sales business. I mean if she had read my book she would know I’m by no means independently wealthy. And (or “AND”) I think Barbara really needs to cut down on the coffee. I think everyone needs to stop taking caffeine. God knows how many times I’ve talked about that on various tape sides. And it’s something that I’m speaking from experience (about). I quit. Boy, was it making me sleepy all the time having all that caffeine. It was making me a nervous wreck drinking all that coca cola. Anyway, I don’t mind being the bitch of the world in our current situation. What I’ve learned and what I’m hoping to share with others is an understanding of what thinking entails: deciding, choosing, thinking before we do something. We all think we do think carefully but as my case plainly shows we may think that we do but instead we sometimes take the easiest solution. That’s why with all the thousands of journalists I’ve contacted about my book, sending them my very detailed news release that makes everything crystal clear, they’ve all chosen not to believe it. Because that’s what’s easiest for them. At least, that’s what they think is easiest for them. It’s actually the most horrendously difficulty dilemma that anyone could bring into their life.
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Q: I just noticed in her remarks after my call, listening to it quickly at the slow speed it sounded like she was saying “And I guess that’s why they do it for financial reasons.” But now I’m listening carefully and at least on my tape it’s just electronic blips — not “And I guess that’s.” And what really makes it confusing in trying to transcribe conversation and spirit messages is that taping/recording converts speech into electronic impulses anyway. I mean when I first started transcribing I think sometimes I would hear unattributed sounds and try to make sense of them as words, which is exactly what happened with those people who were on Hilly’s Halloween show with the EVP. So, of course, I have a lot more experience since I was doing that and I’ve never really gone back over all of the tapes. I just don’t have time. But it’s a process — a slow process of learning that I’ve experienced in transcribing over these last few years. And with all of our thinking and communicating there must be a telepathic element in conjunction with Spirit.