Q: Mark Russell Bell
S: Scott L, co-host of “Ghostly Talk” Internet show
D: Doug, co-host of “Ghostly Talk” Internet show
W: Will
(X): (unattributed sounds occasionally noted as samples)
D: Anyway, what happens is her — her thing is ‘What is God?’ That — that was like the big question on her site, the number one frequently asked question: what — what or who is God? And she says God is a — us (or “US” “US” “R R”) — an energy form that is pure love. (“SO”) “Love is the only religion” — when I read that, not even 12 hours later, I’m like, “Oh my gosh.” There — there’s like a, you know — what do I need? A sign to hit me in the head? It’s like —
S: (small laugh)
D: — so many different parallels. (“WHY”)
Q: And what I can add to that is that there is a definite Personality here. I think we — we all as human beings and the animals on our planet all reflect this Personality of the Superconscious Mind. So when you hear things like this, I some think — sometimes (“U C”) you tend to for(get) — forget those types of things. I remember when I was at the Festival of Books here at UCLA with my booth. Well actually this was before I had my booth — this was one year when I was just visiting and giving copies of my book (X) to different people there. Well I didn’t really want to be there because people were giving me a hard time and I was having a hard day. And at the right moment this lady with a T-shirt message turned right towards me. I don’t even remember what it said. It was like — something like, ‘Calm Down’ or . . .
D: (laughs)
S: (laughs)
D: ‘Take a breath.’
S: Just be —
D: ‘Chill.’
Q: This is what — this is what — this is how I’ve been receiving help and communication and guidance. And, for example, I was seeing Betty Boop. (“I”) My nickname for the Haunting Presence became Boo — B — O — O. (“I”)
D: (laughs)
S: (small laugh)
Q: I would — I would jokingly call it ‘Lovey Boo’ and what-have-you but then I just shortened it to ‘Boo.’ So I started seeing Betty Boop decals.
D: Oh really?
Q: Yeah. And I told my twin brother who’s a publicist — I said, “Well, Michael, if you see a Betty Boop decal, that means Mighael wants you to help us publicize the book and website.” So I followed up with him a few weeks later. I said, “Well, Michael, did you see any Betty Boops?” And he said, “Well that’s funny because I went into a store out near Palm Springs and all it had was (“BET”) Betty Boop merchandise.”
D: Oh my gosh.
Q: But do —
D: It’s amazing how, you know, when — when you’re looking for something —
S: When you’re look —
D: — of if you’re noticing —
Q: Yeah.
D: You start noticing things, the kinds of things that — that you see. And I notice the time.
S: We need to take another break, Mark.
D: We need to take . . .
S: Do you want — do you want to stick around for the rest of the show, Mark?
Q: Sure.
D: Could you? Oh that would be phenomenal.
S: Let’s take a break here, guys. Let’s chill out, do the usual.
D: And we’ll be back with more Mark Russell Bell.
S: Mark Russell Bell.
W: (hard to hear)
S: That was nice.
D: Do you know? I —
S: (small laugh)
D: I got so into it — I — I — we missed five minutes. (small laugh) We’re five minutes into the break —
S: It’s alright.
D: — but —
Q: Oh, oh my gosh. Okay. And —
D: This is great. This is awesome stuff, Mark.
S: Now Mark, we — I do — I — I’m listening to you talk and we do share a lot of the same real world opinions about just — corporate America and —
D: Yeah.
S: — the government.
D: I’m noticing a lot of the sa(me) — (small laugh) I didn’t — I didn’t want to ask on — on the air what — what kinds of things you’ve encountered. I’m sure they’re a lot more private than that but I imagine you’ve — you’ve run into some of the, you know, big man got you down kind of stuff, huh?
S: Yeah.
Q: Well you have to remember that in my predicament I’m always receiving help. So I don’t really have very many really bad stories. I just have a lot of cover-ups, a lot of (“SC”) — a lot of people reacting from a place of fear —
D: Yeah.
Q: — as opposed to a place of love. For example, if you read — like I’ve . . . I was trying to, (“COM”) you know (or “YOU KNOW”), share my experiences on “Coast to Coast A.M.” because it had a huge market and what-have-you so I used to be a very frequent caller. In fact, I have most of those calls, you know, on my Internet section.
D: What I’ll be doing tonight —
S: (small laugh)
D: — is downloading your Internet section.
Q: Well I have all — like all my calls to Art Bell and to Barbara Simpson. I’ve called George about six times but, for example, they no lo(nger) — the last time I called, they screened me three times on the same night when I called in.
D: Oh man.
Q: And I don’t know wh(y) — I mean they didn’t really (“SAY”) — they just disconnected the call — the call. And so I don’t know exactly what’s (“UP WITH”) — what’s involved and all that. It could just be the fact that the screener doesn’t know anything about the paranormal and thinks I’m a nut. I mean you know.
S: (laughs)
Q: I mean I don’t know. I don’t know. (“I MEAN”) What I had to say was — I have exactly what I — (“I MEAN ACTUALLY”) that I ha(ven’t) — I haven’t added that yet to the website but that’s the one I’m going to add next is being screened three times on the same night. I called twice on the wild card line —
D: Yeah.
Q: — and then on the west of the Rockies line and each time he disconnected me.
S: Wow.
Q: And — of course, I al(ways) — I never have (before then) trouble getting on, you know, with the help of my Angel. So —
S: Yeah but — but you got screened three separate times though on one night?
Q: Well I’ve called that show ma(ny) — over the years I’ve called like over — I don’t even know — dozens and dozens of times, (“OVER”) over the years, try(ing) — you know, and I always share a little bit about my experience. So —
S: Eew.
Q: I — I mean —
D: Freak —
Q: They all know who I am. Believe me.
S: (laughs)
Q: They — you know. I mean —
S: We — you were just discussing that earlier, though. Because I — I do — I work for the private sector right now and it’s like I remember when I started like four years ago. Now I was just — I was just on my — my last leg at college and I started to get myself into the working world, right?
Q: Right.
S: And, of course, I’m the — I’m your typical, you know, mid-20s, (“LIKE”) energetic young guy. I want to come over there and make changes, right?, with all the best intentions. And now I look back on that. After all the things I’ve seen and I — I — I’ll — I’ll not necessarily use the word cover-up but just blockers that have been put up in front of me.
Q: Um-huh.
S: To keep me from excelling. You know what I mean? Because I mean, like I said, I come in there with the idea like okay I’m — this is what I’m going to do. I went to college for this. I’m — I’m going to go — I’m going to go very far with this. I’m going to do very well. And I didn’t see the blockers they put up and the — and the blatant obvious things — blatantly wrong things they do, that they sugercoat so much (“TT TT”) to make it easier for, you know, the — the kind of working guy like myself to swallow. See (what) I’m saying?
Q: Yeah.
S: And I — I see it every day now. It’s like, you know, they basically — we’re treated — you’re treated unfairly, completely unfair.
W: . . . coming down, coming up to the . . .
S: What’s going on?
D: Oh that was . . .
S: (O)kay.
W: He’ll be . . .
S: I didn’t see. I do that everyday and I — (“YOU BEEN”) you were talking about that. I’m like —
Q: Well one of my — one of my spiritual advices is “God is a Socialist” because I think — and I do think that one of the biggest problems with society is that it’s so controlled by the billionaires —
S: Yeah.
Q: — amassing their own fortune.
S: . . . controlled by the one percent. The upper one percent does control. I — I think about that everyday. I also —
D: Now wait.
S: — complain about that.
D: Yeah, they say that there’s actually a one percent that — that — that absolutely nobody knows about, not even the people who think they’re in control.
S: No . . .
Q: And in that — that — that book I read, God As Mother, it had — it had an interesting reference to the Rockefeller family in that book. And the Illuminati, which I couldn’t — I mean it was very subtle but you ke(ep) —
D: I love that subtle stuff.
Q: Yeah, well this is — (“YEAH”)
D: . . . ‘what really is meant’ is always phenomenal.
Q: Yeah, well I don’t know. (“I MEAN A”) The billionaires do control our society. (“I MEAN”) I mean (“ALL” “IT’S A”) there’s not — I mean I think everyone’s aware of it but it’s just — it’s something that I would like to see change at some point.
S: Yeah.
D: Well I think the Internet and things like this. And — and — and people like you, you know, writing your books and making your website and then talking with other people — I think that’s slowly going to change it.
Q: Well I once had a call from a network news person.
D: Yeah?
Q: Unfortunately — (“AND UN”) you know, I mean I personally don’t do television but it’s inter(esting) — you get these calls out of left field and then you never hear anything more. But I mean it’s very — television is very much a controlled medium so I don’t plan to go on that because of all the agendas and what-have-you. “Strange Universe” once had called me and, you know, I — I should add that (transcript) to this website at some point too — my conversation with the producer. But you know what would have ended up on the air (“WOULD BE A”) — an edited-down version that made me look just like a complete nut. Or at least that’s what could have happened so I don’t want to put myself into (the) position of — of being in (“YOU KNOW IN”) — in that kind of predicament where your show(n) — they show you in a different light.
D: Yeah, I — and that’s happened —
S: . . . going to say.
D: That’s happened to a lot of folks lately. Um —
S: Don’t — don’t —
D: — you know what, you guys? Are we on the air?
S: Are we on the air?
D: We’re on the air?
Q: Oh. When were we on —
D: Hey . . .
W: . . . do it. No, we’re not.
Q: We’re not? Okay.
D: Why are these on? Bye, everyone.
W: I have The Ramones for the bumper so . . .
D: (laughs)
S: That’s alright . . .
D: Oh we’re having technical difficulties. Now okay — you guys, I got you guys lites, right? And then I drank the last of the pop.
S: Selfish jerk.
D: I know. I’m sorry. Do you guys want Diet Pepsi Lite?
S: No, I’m alright. Actually I’m fine.
D: Or Diet Pepsi? I’ve got that orange — or that Lemon Pepsi if you want some.
W: No, I’m fine.
D: Okay.
S: Another couple minutes. (“MY”) So how much longer do we got, Will? . . . see how long we got.
D: I — I’m a Diet Pepsi addict and I — I drank the last of it, Mark. Or I poured the last of it in my huge 44-ounce cup. And — and then — and I gave them guys glasses of ice.
S: I was actually watching you do that, going, “You just drank all the pop.”
D: Yeah and after I — I — I nabbed all the pop but you can munch on ice . . .
Q: I personally am caffeine free, by the way.
D: Oh I wish I could be but I cannot. I’m too —
Q: It’s an addiction.
D: — addicted.
Q: It really is an addiction.
D: I — I have my — my crutches and — and Diet Pepsi is my main one.
Q: Oh does that —
D: If they ever go out of business, I’m —
Q: It doesn’t have Nutrasweet in it, does it?
D: Oh it sure does.
Q: You’re in big trouble.
D: I know. I’m going to be —
S: (laughs)
Q: Read — read about it on the Internet. Do an Internet search for Nutrasweet.
D: I’m going to be one of them, you know, dead rabbits or whatever.
Q: Go to
D: Yeah?
Q: about Nutrasweet.
D: Oh no.
Q: Oh yes. (“IT’S”) You won’t drink it anymore. It’s the most poisonous thing you can — you can have.
D: Well I was actually going to try and go away from Diet Pepsi and go into iced tea. Now I know iced tea is still caffeinated. I thought that would be able to give me — you know, the caffeine that I’m so —
S: Yeah, you have to grow your own leaves out back though if you want the real thing.
D: Yeah, well no, I mean the thing is that —
Q: Try — try juices.
D: At this point I desperately need the caffeine.
S: Yeah.
Q: You think you do but, you see, you’re addicted and that’s — that’s all that is.
D: Right but —
Q: That’s all it is.
D: — and I can . . . myself off after a while but it would take me some time.
Q: But do you know the effects that caffeine has on your system?
D: Yeah. It keeps me awake.
Q: No, it doesn’t.
D: (laughs)
S: (laughs)
Q: Caffeine is a —
S: Mark, we’re going back here in a — we’re coming back right now actually.
Q: Okay. But caffeine is a depressant.
S: It’s a depressant?
Q: Yeah, it’s a depressant.
D: . . . go down. (“UM-HUH”)
S: Oh we’re coming. We’re — okay. Shhh. Okay, now we’re really back.
D: Now we’re really back on the air. Yeah, Will got all excited.
S: He got all excited and wanted to get — ” . . . We’ve got to get back on the air.”
D: Two minutes ago. Yeah.
S: (laughs)
D: Did we ruin “Rock and Roll High School”?
W: . . . put two songs on . . .
S: They were two little short songs. That’s why I thought it wouldn’t be a big deal.
D: What were they? Well I know the — the second one was “Rock and Roll High School.”
S: They were Ramones songs.
D: Oh two Ramones songs?
S: Yeah, it was “Sheila is a Punk Rocker” and “Rock and Roll High School.”
D: So am I going to have to do some editing on the show?
S: Yeah.
D: Nah, let’s leave the blooper in.
S: We’ll leave the blooper in.
D: Leave the blooper in and then next year at our — at our “Ghostly Talk” two year anniversary —
S: Two year anniversary —
D: — we’ll — we’ll play that blooper.
S: Now Mark a couple other things that you’ve been — well you’ve had cooking we haven’t really mentioned yet were if I . . .
D: Yes, for anybody just tuning in, for some — I have no idea why you would just be tuning in —
S: (small laugh)
D: — but we are fortunate enough to have Mark Russell Bell on our show.
S: Live right now —
D: Live right now. His website — testament dot org.
S: Yeah, check it out. Very interesting stuff.
D: Oh yeah.
S: Another thing that we haven’t discussed yet, Mark, was that you said you — do you still live at — do you still live in Echo Park?
Q: No. Since — since that experience, I moved to Santa Monica and now I’m living in Canoga Park here in the valley.
S: Okay.
D: Oh.
S: Now you said that you have — at one time you were — well basically you said you — you’re claiming that you found physical proof that you lived a previous —
Q: Right.
S: — what’s that?
Q: That’s right. (“I”) What happened when I was living in Echo Park, after my experience there was one day — well I’d already purchased (“AA” “AA”) — well a Declaration of Independence that I think is the original. I haven’t been able to have it tested because nobody will believe that it’s possible. But I read in my horoscope — it said “gifts of love.” So I thought, “Oh well this might be a good day to go antique shopping.”
A: Okay.
Q: So I went to a store just down on Sunset and I actually purchased two objects that day. And one of them was (“AA”) sort of a large coin or amulet of this Egyptian pharaoh-type person but it was me. It was like a profile of myself. And I have this reproduced at the index of the Testament side of the website — this image of myself. And it was sort of like looking into a mirror. I mean I have a twin brother but it didn’t look like him. It looked like me. I have very distinctive eyes. And after my experiences, what happened when I came back from Oklahoma is — well first my friend Marie had channeled that my pseudonym should be Mark Russell Bell because my birth name is Mark Gordon Russell and so I chose the name Mark Russell Bell for my book after this experience. And then — at first I would have to decide well why is all this paranormal phenomena happening around me? So I thought, “Well maybe I’m the reincarnation of Jesus.” Well I tried healing people and that didn’t work. But then I found the book —
D: It sure sounds like a lot of fun to try.
S: Yeah.
D: I mean I —
Q: Well —
D: I’ve seen it on TV where — what they do is they’ll like, you know, hold up their hands and the person being on a respirator or whatever it is —
Q: Well I myself have interviewed people who have — (“WHO”) do have these abilities manifesting around them such as Gene Egidio. And there are people who do work with healing energy. Maybe it’s something that can be learned, I’m not sure. I just know that — well I’ve never been sick that — I’ve never been very sick. (“SO” “I DO[N’T]”) But I haven’t — there was one lame man in my Echo Park neighborhood who I went over and I said, “Can I shake your hand?” (“AN”) You know, I just — and, anyway, it didn’t work out. Nothing happened so —
S: (small laugh)
Q: That was almost a relief because —
D: At least you tried, yeah.
Q: Right. I mean there that was movie “Resurrection” with Ellen Burstyn. It wasn’t that kind of a story.
D: What a phenomenal story.
Q: So I think — I think that Spirit gives each of us various gifts and we’re all supposed to work together.
D: There was another one with — I think what? Patty Duke Astin — was it? Oh my gosh. Alright, never mind.
Q: Okay.
S: (laughs)
D: I’m sorry.
Q: Well that’s okay. I mean —
D: My brain’s going in the wrong direction. Keep going.
Q: Okay. So, anyway — so I mean we all have different gifts and I think by all working together we can all share these — these gifts. My gift happens to be helping others have a heightened spiritual awareness by comparing my case with other paranormal cases throughout history. And, for example, that’s why (“I”) I mentioned The Airmen Who Would Not Die and some of the other — like the Mahatma — the Mahatmas. For example, you can see all these parallels between (“THE”) the Michael who’s the amassing (X) of all spirits, the One and amassing of all spirits so, for example, in the Bell Witch case — there is a book, you know, called An Authenticated History of the Famous Bell Witch and at one point in this book, the Spirit —
D: Is — is that Pat Fitzhugh’s book?
Q: What? What did you say?
D: Is that Pat Fitzhugh’s book? Pat — Pat’s —
S: That’s his name.
Q: Oh no. No. No, this is the original one that was published —
D: Oh, okay.
Q: — back in — (“LET’S SEE”) the date was — (“LET’S SEE”) 18 — I think it was. Oh — 1894.
D: That’s definitely predates Pat Fitshugh’s.
Q: Right.
S: Yeah.
D: (small laugh)
Q: Yeah, well I just find that sometimes parts of it were left out if — because of the various agendas involved. But there was one very telling part because, again, you just have — these are various testimonies of various people who witnessed the phenomena. So you’re always getting — in fact, that’s true (“FOR”) for all the various accounts of God over the years, including Jesus and, you know, all of the various (“RELI”) — Buddha, you name it. But on page 281 of this book, the Spirit was asked, “Tell me where you live, and who and what you are, anyhow?” And what they called the Bell Witch was quoted as saying, “I LIVE IN THE WOODS, IN THE AIR, IN THE WATER, IN HOUSES WITH PEOPLE; I LIVE IN HEAVEN AND IN HELL; I AM ALL THINGS AND ANYTHING I WANT TO BE; NOW DON’T YOU KNOW WHAT I AM?” So the person who asked said: “No, I don’t . . . ”
S: (laughs)
D: (laughs)
Q: And —
D: Deep thought.
S: Yeah. (laughs)
Q: But when you look at my case you can see how we’re all linked with Spirit. We’re all a manifestation of this organizing Force of our world, much as the plants and the animals. (“ALL AND”) So Spirit really can be anything and everything They want to be. And, by the way, if you look at some of the famous paranormal cases, for example — there was one about Mary Jobson which was an 1839 case published in 1841 and the Haunting Presence again took very different voices and once referred to Itself as “THE LORD THEY GOD”; not ‘thy God’ but “THEY GOD” and “THE SON OF GOD.” “THE VIRGIN MARY” was another of the voices that manifested. But I’m beginning to think now that in some respects (“I THINK”) I think ‘they God’ even in the Bible might have been confused with ‘Thy God.’ So — but you see this Amassing in various paranormal cases. (“SUCH AS”) Edgar Cayce, who always would say, “WE ARE THROUGH . . . ” A lot of the trance channelers always speak in (“THE”) the ‘We.’
D: What’s really interesting is I — I was just — my — I — I’m — I’m a very, very big Edgar Cayce fan but (“O[NE]”) so (or “SO”) — so I know what you’re talking about. But one of the things that I just was reading was the — the Nostradamus stuff. And particularly the stuff on — this is just what I happen to be feeling at the moment — and I — I think Erica Cheatham or I — I wouldn’t be able to pronounce it probably but none-the-less she was writing — she wrote this book (“ABOUT THE”) called The Further Prophecies of Nostradamus. And a lot of it — not a lot of it but a — a couple of times at least throughout the book she says, you know, ‘I analyze this. I — I did this — I translated. I — you know, I did all this work on it.” And she thinks, “I believe this here was a misprint for this other, you know — this other word. And, of course, she’s talking about the original mixture of language (or “LANGUAGE”) — languages Nostradamus wrote in. And — and — and, you know, she has to be fluent; she’s good at this stuff, I guess. And so what happens is I wonder if some of that stuff in, you know, like the original Bible text and original text (“FROM”) from that long ago could’ve been misprints because they had to do all that by hand, you know.
Q: Well — all I know is that I put out a news release that once had an embarrassing misprint — a misspelled word regarding a quoted Nostradamus quatrain that I thought was really embarrassing at the time. But I must say that there are some quatrains that apparently refer to me in Nostradamus’s work. And I’ll read, in fact, two of them that I think refers to me.
D: Please do. I never in a million years would have predicted this happening.
Q: Okay. Century —
S: (laughs)
D: (laughs) On the show because I — I just happened to be reading that book at the time.
Q: Century 1 Quatrain 95 and 96:
S: (small laugh)
D: — so many different parallels. (“WHY”)
Q: And what I can add to that is that there is a definite Personality here. I think we — we all as human beings and the animals on our planet all reflect this Personality of the Superconscious Mind. So when you hear things like this, I some think — sometimes (“U C”) you tend to for(get) — forget those types of things. I remember when I was at the Festival of Books here at UCLA with my booth. Well actually this was before I had my booth — this was one year when I was just visiting and giving copies of my book (X) to different people there. Well I didn’t really want to be there because people were giving me a hard time and I was having a hard day. And at the right moment this lady with a T-shirt message turned right towards me. I don’t even remember what it said. It was like — something like, ‘Calm Down’ or . . .
D: (laughs)
S: (laughs)
D: ‘Take a breath.’
S: Just be —
D: ‘Chill.’
Q: This is what — this is what — this is how I’ve been receiving help and communication and guidance. And, for example, I was seeing Betty Boop. (“I”) My nickname for the Haunting Presence became Boo — B — O — O. (“I”)
D: (laughs)
S: (small laugh)
Q: I would — I would jokingly call it ‘Lovey Boo’ and what-have-you but then I just shortened it to ‘Boo.’ So I started seeing Betty Boop decals.
D: Oh really?
Q: Yeah. And I told my twin brother who’s a publicist — I said, “Well, Michael, if you see a Betty Boop decal, that means Mighael wants you to help us publicize the book and website.” So I followed up with him a few weeks later. I said, “Well, Michael, did you see any Betty Boops?” And he said, “Well that’s funny because I went into a store out near Palm Springs and all it had was (“BET”) Betty Boop merchandise.”
D: Oh my gosh.
Q: But do —
D: It’s amazing how, you know, when — when you’re looking for something —
S: When you’re look —
D: — of if you’re noticing —
Q: Yeah.
D: You start noticing things, the kinds of things that — that you see. And I notice the time.
S: We need to take another break, Mark.
D: We need to take . . .
S: Do you want — do you want to stick around for the rest of the show, Mark?
Q: Sure.
D: Could you? Oh that would be phenomenal.
S: Let’s take a break here, guys. Let’s chill out, do the usual.
D: And we’ll be back with more Mark Russell Bell.
S: Mark Russell Bell.
W: (hard to hear)
S: That was nice.
D: Do you know? I —
S: (small laugh)
D: I got so into it — I — I — we missed five minutes. (small laugh) We’re five minutes into the break —
S: It’s alright.
D: — but —
Q: Oh, oh my gosh. Okay. And —
D: This is great. This is awesome stuff, Mark.
S: Now Mark, we — I do — I — I’m listening to you talk and we do share a lot of the same real world opinions about just — corporate America and —
D: Yeah.
S: — the government.
D: I’m noticing a lot of the sa(me) — (small laugh) I didn’t — I didn’t want to ask on — on the air what — what kinds of things you’ve encountered. I’m sure they’re a lot more private than that but I imagine you’ve — you’ve run into some of the, you know, big man got you down kind of stuff, huh?
S: Yeah.
Q: Well you have to remember that in my predicament I’m always receiving help. So I don’t really have very many really bad stories. I just have a lot of cover-ups, a lot of (“SC”) — a lot of people reacting from a place of fear —
D: Yeah.
Q: — as opposed to a place of love. For example, if you read — like I’ve . . . I was trying to, (“COM”) you know (or “YOU KNOW”), share my experiences on “Coast to Coast A.M.” because it had a huge market and what-have-you so I used to be a very frequent caller. In fact, I have most of those calls, you know, on my Internet section.
D: What I’ll be doing tonight —
S: (small laugh)
D: — is downloading your Internet section.
Q: Well I have all — like all my calls to Art Bell and to Barbara Simpson. I’ve called George about six times but, for example, they no lo(nger) — the last time I called, they screened me three times on the same night when I called in.
D: Oh man.
Q: And I don’t know wh(y) — I mean they didn’t really (“SAY”) — they just disconnected the call — the call. And so I don’t know exactly what’s (“UP WITH”) — what’s involved and all that. It could just be the fact that the screener doesn’t know anything about the paranormal and thinks I’m a nut. I mean you know.
S: (laughs)
Q: I mean I don’t know. I don’t know. (“I MEAN”) What I had to say was — I have exactly what I — (“I MEAN ACTUALLY”) that I ha(ven’t) — I haven’t added that yet to the website but that’s the one I’m going to add next is being screened three times on the same night. I called twice on the wild card line —
D: Yeah.
Q: — and then on the west of the Rockies line and each time he disconnected me.
S: Wow.
Q: And — of course, I al(ways) — I never have (before then) trouble getting on, you know, with the help of my Angel. So —
S: Yeah but — but you got screened three separate times though on one night?
Q: Well I’ve called that show ma(ny) — over the years I’ve called like over — I don’t even know — dozens and dozens of times, (“OVER”) over the years, try(ing) — you know, and I always share a little bit about my experience. So —
S: Eew.
Q: I — I mean —
D: Freak —
Q: They all know who I am. Believe me.
S: (laughs)
Q: They — you know. I mean —
S: We — you were just discussing that earlier, though. Because I — I do — I work for the private sector right now and it’s like I remember when I started like four years ago. Now I was just — I was just on my — my last leg at college and I started to get myself into the working world, right?
Q: Right.
S: And, of course, I’m the — I’m your typical, you know, mid-20s, (“LIKE”) energetic young guy. I want to come over there and make changes, right?, with all the best intentions. And now I look back on that. After all the things I’ve seen and I — I — I’ll — I’ll not necessarily use the word cover-up but just blockers that have been put up in front of me.
Q: Um-huh.
S: To keep me from excelling. You know what I mean? Because I mean, like I said, I come in there with the idea like okay I’m — this is what I’m going to do. I went to college for this. I’m — I’m going to go — I’m going to go very far with this. I’m going to do very well. And I didn’t see the blockers they put up and the — and the blatant obvious things — blatantly wrong things they do, that they sugercoat so much (“TT TT”) to make it easier for, you know, the — the kind of working guy like myself to swallow. See (what) I’m saying?
Q: Yeah.
S: And I — I see it every day now. It’s like, you know, they basically — we’re treated — you’re treated unfairly, completely unfair.
W: . . . coming down, coming up to the . . .
S: What’s going on?
D: Oh that was . . .
S: (O)kay.
W: He’ll be . . .
S: I didn’t see. I do that everyday and I — (“YOU BEEN”) you were talking about that. I’m like —
Q: Well one of my — one of my spiritual advices is “God is a Socialist” because I think — and I do think that one of the biggest problems with society is that it’s so controlled by the billionaires —
S: Yeah.
Q: — amassing their own fortune.
S: . . . controlled by the one percent. The upper one percent does control. I — I think about that everyday. I also —
D: Now wait.
S: — complain about that.
D: Yeah, they say that there’s actually a one percent that — that — that absolutely nobody knows about, not even the people who think they’re in control.
S: No . . .
Q: And in that — that — that book I read, God As Mother, it had — it had an interesting reference to the Rockefeller family in that book. And the Illuminati, which I couldn’t — I mean it was very subtle but you ke(ep) —
D: I love that subtle stuff.
Q: Yeah, well this is — (“YEAH”)
D: . . . ‘what really is meant’ is always phenomenal.
Q: Yeah, well I don’t know. (“I MEAN A”) The billionaires do control our society. (“I MEAN”) I mean (“ALL” “IT’S A”) there’s not — I mean I think everyone’s aware of it but it’s just — it’s something that I would like to see change at some point.
S: Yeah.
D: Well I think the Internet and things like this. And — and — and people like you, you know, writing your books and making your website and then talking with other people — I think that’s slowly going to change it.
Q: Well I once had a call from a network news person.
D: Yeah?
Q: Unfortunately — (“AND UN”) you know, I mean I personally don’t do television but it’s inter(esting) — you get these calls out of left field and then you never hear anything more. But I mean it’s very — television is very much a controlled medium so I don’t plan to go on that because of all the agendas and what-have-you. “Strange Universe” once had called me and, you know, I — I should add that (transcript) to this website at some point too — my conversation with the producer. But you know what would have ended up on the air (“WOULD BE A”) — an edited-down version that made me look just like a complete nut. Or at least that’s what could have happened so I don’t want to put myself into (the) position of — of being in (“YOU KNOW IN”) — in that kind of predicament where your show(n) — they show you in a different light.
D: Yeah, I — and that’s happened —
S: . . . going to say.
D: That’s happened to a lot of folks lately. Um —
S: Don’t — don’t —
D: — you know what, you guys? Are we on the air?
S: Are we on the air?
D: We’re on the air?
Q: Oh. When were we on —
D: Hey . . .
W: . . . do it. No, we’re not.
Q: We’re not? Okay.
D: Why are these on? Bye, everyone.
W: I have The Ramones for the bumper so . . .
D: (laughs)
S: That’s alright . . .
D: Oh we’re having technical difficulties. Now okay — you guys, I got you guys lites, right? And then I drank the last of the pop.
S: Selfish jerk.
D: I know. I’m sorry. Do you guys want Diet Pepsi Lite?
S: No, I’m alright. Actually I’m fine.
D: Or Diet Pepsi? I’ve got that orange — or that Lemon Pepsi if you want some.
W: No, I’m fine.
D: Okay.
S: Another couple minutes. (“MY”) So how much longer do we got, Will? . . . see how long we got.
D: I — I’m a Diet Pepsi addict and I — I drank the last of it, Mark. Or I poured the last of it in my huge 44-ounce cup. And — and then — and I gave them guys glasses of ice.
S: I was actually watching you do that, going, “You just drank all the pop.”
D: Yeah and after I — I — I nabbed all the pop but you can munch on ice . . .
Q: I personally am caffeine free, by the way.
D: Oh I wish I could be but I cannot. I’m too —
Q: It’s an addiction.
D: — addicted.
Q: It really is an addiction.
D: I — I have my — my crutches and — and Diet Pepsi is my main one.
Q: Oh does that —
D: If they ever go out of business, I’m —
Q: It doesn’t have Nutrasweet in it, does it?
D: Oh it sure does.
Q: You’re in big trouble.
D: I know. I’m going to be —
S: (laughs)
Q: Read — read about it on the Internet. Do an Internet search for Nutrasweet.
D: I’m going to be one of them, you know, dead rabbits or whatever.
Q: Go to
D: Yeah?
Q: about Nutrasweet.
D: Oh no.
Q: Oh yes. (“IT’S”) You won’t drink it anymore. It’s the most poisonous thing you can — you can have.
D: Well I was actually going to try and go away from Diet Pepsi and go into iced tea. Now I know iced tea is still caffeinated. I thought that would be able to give me — you know, the caffeine that I’m so —
S: Yeah, you have to grow your own leaves out back though if you want the real thing.
D: Yeah, well no, I mean the thing is that —
Q: Try — try juices.
D: At this point I desperately need the caffeine.
S: Yeah.
Q: You think you do but, you see, you’re addicted and that’s — that’s all that is.
D: Right but —
Q: That’s all it is.
D: — and I can . . . myself off after a while but it would take me some time.
Q: But do you know the effects that caffeine has on your system?
D: Yeah. It keeps me awake.
Q: No, it doesn’t.
D: (laughs)
S: (laughs)
Q: Caffeine is a —
S: Mark, we’re going back here in a — we’re coming back right now actually.
Q: Okay. But caffeine is a depressant.
S: It’s a depressant?
Q: Yeah, it’s a depressant.
D: . . . go down. (“UM-HUH”)
S: Oh we’re coming. We’re — okay. Shhh. Okay, now we’re really back.
D: Now we’re really back on the air. Yeah, Will got all excited.
S: He got all excited and wanted to get — ” . . . We’ve got to get back on the air.”
D: Two minutes ago. Yeah.
S: (laughs)
D: Did we ruin “Rock and Roll High School”?
W: . . . put two songs on . . .
S: They were two little short songs. That’s why I thought it wouldn’t be a big deal.
D: What were they? Well I know the — the second one was “Rock and Roll High School.”
S: They were Ramones songs.
D: Oh two Ramones songs?
S: Yeah, it was “Sheila is a Punk Rocker” and “Rock and Roll High School.”
D: So am I going to have to do some editing on the show?
S: Yeah.
D: Nah, let’s leave the blooper in.
S: We’ll leave the blooper in.
D: Leave the blooper in and then next year at our — at our “Ghostly Talk” two year anniversary —
S: Two year anniversary —
D: — we’ll — we’ll play that blooper.
S: Now Mark a couple other things that you’ve been — well you’ve had cooking we haven’t really mentioned yet were if I . . .
D: Yes, for anybody just tuning in, for some — I have no idea why you would just be tuning in —
S: (small laugh)
D: — but we are fortunate enough to have Mark Russell Bell on our show.
S: Live right now —
D: Live right now. His website — testament dot org.
S: Yeah, check it out. Very interesting stuff.
D: Oh yeah.
S: Another thing that we haven’t discussed yet, Mark, was that you said you — do you still live at — do you still live in Echo Park?
Q: No. Since — since that experience, I moved to Santa Monica and now I’m living in Canoga Park here in the valley.
S: Okay.
D: Oh.
S: Now you said that you have — at one time you were — well basically you said you — you’re claiming that you found physical proof that you lived a previous —
Q: Right.
S: — what’s that?
Q: That’s right. (“I”) What happened when I was living in Echo Park, after my experience there was one day — well I’d already purchased (“AA” “AA”) — well a Declaration of Independence that I think is the original. I haven’t been able to have it tested because nobody will believe that it’s possible. But I read in my horoscope — it said “gifts of love.” So I thought, “Oh well this might be a good day to go antique shopping.”
A: Okay.
Q: So I went to a store just down on Sunset and I actually purchased two objects that day. And one of them was (“AA”) sort of a large coin or amulet of this Egyptian pharaoh-type person but it was me. It was like a profile of myself. And I have this reproduced at the index of the Testament side of the website — this image of myself. And it was sort of like looking into a mirror. I mean I have a twin brother but it didn’t look like him. It looked like me. I have very distinctive eyes. And after my experiences, what happened when I came back from Oklahoma is — well first my friend Marie had channeled that my pseudonym should be Mark Russell Bell because my birth name is Mark Gordon Russell and so I chose the name Mark Russell Bell for my book after this experience. And then — at first I would have to decide well why is all this paranormal phenomena happening around me? So I thought, “Well maybe I’m the reincarnation of Jesus.” Well I tried healing people and that didn’t work. But then I found the book —
D: It sure sounds like a lot of fun to try.
S: Yeah.
D: I mean I —
Q: Well —
D: I’ve seen it on TV where — what they do is they’ll like, you know, hold up their hands and the person being on a respirator or whatever it is —
Q: Well I myself have interviewed people who have — (“WHO”) do have these abilities manifesting around them such as Gene Egidio. And there are people who do work with healing energy. Maybe it’s something that can be learned, I’m not sure. I just know that — well I’ve never been sick that — I’ve never been very sick. (“SO” “I DO[N’T]”) But I haven’t — there was one lame man in my Echo Park neighborhood who I went over and I said, “Can I shake your hand?” (“AN”) You know, I just — and, anyway, it didn’t work out. Nothing happened so —
S: (small laugh)
Q: That was almost a relief because —
D: At least you tried, yeah.
Q: Right. I mean there that was movie “Resurrection” with Ellen Burstyn. It wasn’t that kind of a story.
D: What a phenomenal story.
Q: So I think — I think that Spirit gives each of us various gifts and we’re all supposed to work together.
D: There was another one with — I think what? Patty Duke Astin — was it? Oh my gosh. Alright, never mind.
Q: Okay.
S: (laughs)
D: I’m sorry.
Q: Well that’s okay. I mean —
D: My brain’s going in the wrong direction. Keep going.
Q: Okay. So, anyway — so I mean we all have different gifts and I think by all working together we can all share these — these gifts. My gift happens to be helping others have a heightened spiritual awareness by comparing my case with other paranormal cases throughout history. And, for example, that’s why (“I”) I mentioned The Airmen Who Would Not Die and some of the other — like the Mahatma — the Mahatmas. For example, you can see all these parallels between (“THE”) the Michael who’s the amassing (X) of all spirits, the One and amassing of all spirits so, for example, in the Bell Witch case — there is a book, you know, called An Authenticated History of the Famous Bell Witch and at one point in this book, the Spirit —
D: Is — is that Pat Fitzhugh’s book?
Q: What? What did you say?
D: Is that Pat Fitzhugh’s book? Pat — Pat’s —
S: That’s his name.
Q: Oh no. No. No, this is the original one that was published —
D: Oh, okay.
Q: — back in — (“LET’S SEE”) the date was — (“LET’S SEE”) 18 — I think it was. Oh — 1894.
D: That’s definitely predates Pat Fitshugh’s.
Q: Right.
S: Yeah.
D: (small laugh)
Q: Yeah, well I just find that sometimes parts of it were left out if — because of the various agendas involved. But there was one very telling part because, again, you just have — these are various testimonies of various people who witnessed the phenomena. So you’re always getting — in fact, that’s true (“FOR”) for all the various accounts of God over the years, including Jesus and, you know, all of the various (“RELI”) — Buddha, you name it. But on page 281 of this book, the Spirit was asked, “Tell me where you live, and who and what you are, anyhow?” And what they called the Bell Witch was quoted as saying, “I LIVE IN THE WOODS, IN THE AIR, IN THE WATER, IN HOUSES WITH PEOPLE; I LIVE IN HEAVEN AND IN HELL; I AM ALL THINGS AND ANYTHING I WANT TO BE; NOW DON’T YOU KNOW WHAT I AM?” So the person who asked said: “No, I don’t . . . ”
S: (laughs)
D: (laughs)
Q: And —
D: Deep thought.
S: Yeah. (laughs)
Q: But when you look at my case you can see how we’re all linked with Spirit. We’re all a manifestation of this organizing Force of our world, much as the plants and the animals. (“ALL AND”) So Spirit really can be anything and everything They want to be. And, by the way, if you look at some of the famous paranormal cases, for example — there was one about Mary Jobson which was an 1839 case published in 1841 and the Haunting Presence again took very different voices and once referred to Itself as “THE LORD THEY GOD”; not ‘thy God’ but “THEY GOD” and “THE SON OF GOD.” “THE VIRGIN MARY” was another of the voices that manifested. But I’m beginning to think now that in some respects (“I THINK”) I think ‘they God’ even in the Bible might have been confused with ‘Thy God.’ So — but you see this Amassing in various paranormal cases. (“SUCH AS”) Edgar Cayce, who always would say, “WE ARE THROUGH . . . ” A lot of the trance channelers always speak in (“THE”) the ‘We.’
D: What’s really interesting is I — I was just — my — I — I’m — I’m a very, very big Edgar Cayce fan but (“O[NE]”) so (or “SO”) — so I know what you’re talking about. But one of the things that I just was reading was the — the Nostradamus stuff. And particularly the stuff on — this is just what I happen to be feeling at the moment — and I — I think Erica Cheatham or I — I wouldn’t be able to pronounce it probably but none-the-less she was writing — she wrote this book (“ABOUT THE”) called The Further Prophecies of Nostradamus. And a lot of it — not a lot of it but a — a couple of times at least throughout the book she says, you know, ‘I analyze this. I — I did this — I translated. I — you know, I did all this work on it.” And she thinks, “I believe this here was a misprint for this other, you know — this other word. And, of course, she’s talking about the original mixture of language (or “LANGUAGE”) — languages Nostradamus wrote in. And — and — and, you know, she has to be fluent; she’s good at this stuff, I guess. And so what happens is I wonder if some of that stuff in, you know, like the original Bible text and original text (“FROM”) from that long ago could’ve been misprints because they had to do all that by hand, you know.
Q: Well — all I know is that I put out a news release that once had an embarrassing misprint — a misspelled word regarding a quoted Nostradamus quatrain that I thought was really embarrassing at the time. But I must say that there are some quatrains that apparently refer to me in Nostradamus’s work. And I’ll read, in fact, two of them that I think refers to me.
D: Please do. I never in a million years would have predicted this happening.
Q: Okay. Century —
S: (laughs)
D: (laughs) On the show because I — I just happened to be reading that book at the time.
Q: Century 1 Quatrain 95 and 96:
Before a monastery will be found a twin infant,Descended from an ancient monastic bloodline:His fame and power through sects . . .
Q: S — E — C — T — S, by the way.
D: Woo!
S: (small laugh)
D: Woo!
S: (small laugh)
. . . and eloquenceIs such that . . .
D: Or maybe that refers to that porno stuff. No — only kidding. Go ahead.
Q: Exactly.
Q: Exactly.
Is such that they will say the living twin is rightly the elect.
A man will be given the task of destroyingTemples and sects changed by fantasies:He will harm rocks rather than the living,By filling ears with eloquence.
A man will be given the task of destroyingTemples and sects changed by fantasies:He will harm rocks rather than the living,By filling ears with eloquence.
Q: So the ‘twin’ — I’m an identical twin (“DESCEND”) and ‘before a monastery’ — that could be Temple Street; that could be the Angelus Temple; there was an Episcopalian (“CEN”) center right across from where I was living in Echo Park. The ‘ancient monastic bloodline’ is the House of Russell and I do have that in the Testament side. At the end I have some pages from that old book about the House of Russell which was an ancient monastic bloodline. And I — I — (“AGAIN”) I’ve read (“THIS”) these quatrains translated in different ways. I don’t think any two translations are the same so I don’t know what that is about ‘the living twin’ — I remember joking once that maybe the living twin is the one who doesn’t watch TV and doesn’t go to the movies because, you know, that’s such a mind control right there.
S: Yeah.
Q: But so (“I”) sort of have been given the task of destroying various religious beliefs symbolized by power in certain individuals. And I think “Love is the only true religion” really expresses (X) the important part of religion. It’s not people making money or profiting themselves from spiritual beliefs. And that’s why my book is free of charge on the Internet too. It’s because I did not want it to be spirituality for sale.
D: Right. We have four minutes left so what I’m wondering is what is your goal? What — what are you out here for because I — I know we — we talked a lot during the breaks about, you know, “Ghostly Talk” and how we just do this. And, you know, we pay for servers and we pay for —
S: Yeah.
D: — things and — and the website and stuff like that. And evidently your doing a similar thing because we’re — we’re doing this out of — out of love for what we do. We (or “WE”) — we are ghost hunters and what? Amateur talkshow hosts?
S: Yeah.
D: Things like that.
S: Very amateur talkshow hosts.
D: (“BUT”) — but we, you know — but we — we do talk to a lot of people, you know, thousands of people a week and — and what I’m wondering is what then sums up if you could what your goals are? What are you trying to achieve?
Q: Well after having this experience, I must say that everything — all your other plans have to go out the window because you have to share the Love and the proof of God’s Love and reincarnation that I myself found you have to share with others because once you’re aware of this it gives you a totally different view of the world. And I just would feel remiss if I didn’t do everything I — I could do to help share my — my story. I don’t really have the luxury of making that many long-term goals. I just pretty much try to go with the flow in terms of reading the messages that I get in various ways, sometimes from people’s subconscious chatter, and do the best I can, much as God does the best He can or They can with what They have to work with. So I just want to help give Spirit as much to work with in terms of an expanded human consciousness (“AS”) as I can.
D: So you’re taking — you’re taking it on one day at a time then pretty much?
Q: One day at a time. (“I”) That’s why I’m concentrating on doing the radio interviews and thank you for having me as a guest.
D: Actually you contacted us, didn’t you?
Q: Yeah, I mean (“SEE I”) there are people who (“RELI”) — who respond to this out of fear and I can definitely tell you that you are not among those people who — I mean (“THOU MUST”) — I (“HA[VE]”) did have the misfortunate experience in my book of wondering if I’m the antichrist because the anagram ‘Mabus’ is within my name Mark Russell Bell —
S: Uh-huh.
D: (small laugh)
Q: — and so I mean there are some people I guess who think I’m the antichrist (“OH GOD”) but it’s just a metaphor — why I usually say is that whenever I say something positive I’m Jesus and when I say something negative I’m the antichrist. So it’s really a metaphor. There’s only one.
D: Well I have a feeling that happens a lot. I — I read tha(t) — all about that, that kind of stuff just twelve hours ago —
S: (small laugh)
D: — on — on Maitreya dash edu dot org. Same thing happens to that lady who’s channeling Maitreya. So evidently (“SO”) if you say something they don’t like you’re suddenly the antichrist.
Q: Well there’s so many — there’s so many channelers out there I mean. I think you have to judge them by what they have to say and if they’re saying positive messages like “help your fellow man” and “clean up the planet” and “get rid of oil” —
D: (laughs)
Q: — which was also — which was also the theme of “Starlight Express” I might add. I think you really (X) — that’s how you can judge them is (X) based on what they’re telling you.
D: Yeah. If the message seems pure and — and oh, you know, pious —
Q: Yeah, non-political, non — non-corporate, non-billionaire — you know, that kind of thing.
D: Then — then there you go. Then take it a(t) — at least at face value and maybe you can learn from it. I don’t blame you.
Q: But people have got to show some guts though. They have to fight some of these (“THESE”) corporate systems too and demand — you know, like — like I wish George Noory would demand to have me on the show instead of letting the other people select what — what guests there are. I mean he — I guess he gets a few people on (“OF”) of his own selection but you can really see, you know, the corporate — the ones that the corporations want as opposed to who really has a spiritual message to deliver.
D: Well that particular show has — has changed quite a bit.
S: Dramatically.
D: Since — since Art Bell retired la(st) — at the end of last year. And — and I — I still listen. I still absolutely adore George Noory and, you know, he started breaking in, in Detroit . . .
S: I enjoy his show . . .
D: But — but at the same time yes, that — that — that show has changed. I know “Dreamland” — I know you — you said you had a bad experience. I’d — I’d love to hear about that some time. But —
S: (laughs)
D: But I — I adore Whitley Strieber.
Q: Well you can read it all at the radio transcripts section. You can read all my phone calls.
D: I sure will.
S: We’re going to check it out.
D: But I — I know that he — I — I believe that “Dreamland” got cut because I haven’t heard it on no Friday night or Saturday night since — since the big change —
S: Yeah.
D: — at the beginning of the year. So I don’t know if it got cut in my local market or what but I know that I haven’t heard “Dreamland” in a while. And I’m, you know, jonesin for some “Dreamland” but —
S: I can miss it, myself.
D: — yeah but I’m thinking, you know, the — the — that’s what happens in — in national media, though, that you can’t — the — the only thing you can do is try and rise above it (“WITH SOME”) with things —
Q: Well —
D: — done in people’s basements.
Q: Yeah, I hope — I hope channelers are saying things like “One should consider how must God feel and deal with these occurrences” or something. (X) I just have to wonder if mankind really has evolved if people are still using violence to affect change after all this time and the spiritual people who have a message to say are covered up or (“ARE”) not allowed to share their sentiments.
S: Yeah. If we look around us right now and answer that question, it would be a big yes right now, if you ask me.
D: Yes, they’re still using the violence and — and perhaps it’s time to change that. We’ll work on it one listener at a time. Meanwhile, that’s it for this week’s edition of “Ghostly Talk.”
S: We’ve got to go —
D: Mark Russell Bell, thank you so very much.
S: It was an honor and a pleasure to have you on tonight.
Q: Okay. And next time I’ll play some EVP if I’m on again.
S: . . . We didn’t get that tonight, Mark.
Q: Yeah.
S: We’ll do that next time for sure —
Q: Okay.
S: — because we’d like to have you on again if you would like to be back on.
Q: Yeah, I would.
S: Alright, well . . .
Q: Okay.
D: Fascinating stuff.
S: Mark, you can stay on the line if you want. On that note, we’ve got to go.
D: Yeah.
Q: Okay.
S: I’m going to bed.
D: We’re over time. So —
S: I’m done. I’m . . .
D: I don’t know. I’m — I’m hyped. I’m — I’m ready to go.
S: I’m hurting.
D: (small laugh)
S: Alright, next week —
D: Have a good one — next week 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. — or 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. here on “Zero Point Radio.”
S: I am Scott O.
D: And I’m Doug.
S: And this was “Ghostly Talk.”
D: Oh my God, the timing for that was perfect.
S: Mark?
Q: Okay, yeah, thank you so much for having me on.
S: On no, thank you.
D: Oh man, this has been the fastest hour and a half.
Q: Is it going to be — is there going to be an archive available eventually?
D: I — yes. As a matter of fact, I’ll — I’ll pop that up on the site tomorrow and I’ll Email you and let you know that . . .
Q: Oh good. Okay, great.
S: Like we said, do whatever you want with it. I mean like, you know, if you want . . .
Q: Well I’ll eventually add a transcript to the website. It takes me a while, though, because I do have a day job.
S: (laughs)
D: So do we.
S: Don’t we all?
D: (small laugh) But yeah, that — that’s — it’s so cool. I’m so glad you were on.
Q: Oh well thank you.
S: Thanks very much. We really appreciated it.
Q: Okay, good.
D: And you know I’m going to be like all over your site tonight.
Q: Oh good.
D: (small laugh)
S: I’ve been going there for the last three days just trying to —
D: See, I haven’t been because I — I’ve been working on that program . . .
S: Well yeah . . . I’m not going to have any time until —
Q: Well just keep in mind that — imagine what somebody in my predicament would do and that helps explain some of the — the more bizarre things that you’ll read. (laughs)
D: That’s okay. I — I just — yeah, I knew he — I — no matter what, it — it — it — it was fascinating and I — I — I think that . . .
Q: But see, but most —
D: . . . with our audience — you’ll find are very — you know —
Q: — but see, most people — most people would — I mean most people would just think, “This is — this is impossible. He has to be out of his mind.” But how could I — how could I invent something — how could I think something like this up?
D: Well in —
S: Yeah.
D: — in our audience is — is taught by us to think think think. Whether they think it’s — it’s, you know, absolute malarky or whether they think, “Hey, there’s something here,” I would hope that they would at least, you know, take it and analyze it for themselves, see if it fits into their world view, and then — and then use it if they can. And then — and not, you know, run around and — and dismiss it . . . (end of tape side) . . . who will think about it.
Q: And that’s too why I thought (“YOU”) this would be a good show to go on — is because these people are used to considering the unexplained.
D: Yeah and . . .
Q: So —
D: . . . and — and I think that they’re going to really, really, you know, u(se) — they’ll use — or not use but they’ll — they’ll take to heart (“NO”) — they’ll see, they’ll think about it. And they’ll —
Q: Yeah, that — that was one thing that I would’ve liked to have mentioned too is that when you really think about it science is just sort of an alternate religion and (“YY” “AND”) because the faith in that religion is that there is no God.
D: Right.
S: Yeah.
Q: So people who (“WHO”) take such confidence in science, this is one of the things that I hope (“TT” “PEOPLE”) to make people realize because I have researched such unusual stories like I mentioned St. Joseph of Copertino. If people had some of these stories to read they would be much more open-minded about my own case, for example.
D: Oh yeah. (“AND IT”) And sometimes it’s difficult to run across the source material for that — for — for this kind of stuff.
Q: I know. (“LOOK” “AND”) Meanwhile, people — my mom’s in the other room watching Lifetime television.
D: (laughs)
S: (laughs)
S: Valerie Bertinelli special, I’m sure.
Q: Oh my God.
D: (laughs)
S: (laughs)
D: So anyway —
Q: Okay, well thank you.
D: — Mark, I say thank you so much. I’ve got to . . .
Q: Okay. Okay.
E: . . . I really appreciate it and I’ll — I’ll Email you tomorrow after I put the — the thing up so that you can . . .
W: Okay, very good. (“I HAD A”) I — I had a good time.
S: Great . . .
D: Good. I very much enjoyed it.
Q: Okay.
S: Yeah. And definitely keep in touch.
D: And if anything happens, Email or call us. Let us know because —
S: Yeah.
D: — we — we want to stay up to date.
S: Normally we keep the phone line open (“WE”) when we don’t do interviews like this. We have an open phone line the whole show. So if you just want to call in and say hi —
D: (laughs) Yeah —
Q: Oh, okay.
D: — we actually on a couple of ’em Scott’s mom calls in and says, “Hi, (“MAIL”) you know, I hear a knocking coming from my dresser drawer every so often” and —
S: (small laugh)
D: — and it’s like it really adds to the show when — when people throw us off.
Q: Well unfortunately my — my home computer doesn’t have enough memory for me to — to — to get the website. Only my one at work does so —
D: Oh, okay. But still — anyway, thank you so much, Mark.
Q: Hopefully, in the future I’ll upgrade it. Okay, thank you.
D: Goodbye.
S: Take care of yourself . . .
Q: Okay, bye-bye.
S: Yeah.
Q: But so (“I”) sort of have been given the task of destroying various religious beliefs symbolized by power in certain individuals. And I think “Love is the only true religion” really expresses (X) the important part of religion. It’s not people making money or profiting themselves from spiritual beliefs. And that’s why my book is free of charge on the Internet too. It’s because I did not want it to be spirituality for sale.
D: Right. We have four minutes left so what I’m wondering is what is your goal? What — what are you out here for because I — I know we — we talked a lot during the breaks about, you know, “Ghostly Talk” and how we just do this. And, you know, we pay for servers and we pay for —
S: Yeah.
D: — things and — and the website and stuff like that. And evidently your doing a similar thing because we’re — we’re doing this out of — out of love for what we do. We (or “WE”) — we are ghost hunters and what? Amateur talkshow hosts?
S: Yeah.
D: Things like that.
S: Very amateur talkshow hosts.
D: (“BUT”) — but we, you know — but we — we do talk to a lot of people, you know, thousands of people a week and — and what I’m wondering is what then sums up if you could what your goals are? What are you trying to achieve?
Q: Well after having this experience, I must say that everything — all your other plans have to go out the window because you have to share the Love and the proof of God’s Love and reincarnation that I myself found you have to share with others because once you’re aware of this it gives you a totally different view of the world. And I just would feel remiss if I didn’t do everything I — I could do to help share my — my story. I don’t really have the luxury of making that many long-term goals. I just pretty much try to go with the flow in terms of reading the messages that I get in various ways, sometimes from people’s subconscious chatter, and do the best I can, much as God does the best He can or They can with what They have to work with. So I just want to help give Spirit as much to work with in terms of an expanded human consciousness (“AS”) as I can.
D: So you’re taking — you’re taking it on one day at a time then pretty much?
Q: One day at a time. (“I”) That’s why I’m concentrating on doing the radio interviews and thank you for having me as a guest.
D: Actually you contacted us, didn’t you?
Q: Yeah, I mean (“SEE I”) there are people who (“RELI”) — who respond to this out of fear and I can definitely tell you that you are not among those people who — I mean (“THOU MUST”) — I (“HA[VE]”) did have the misfortunate experience in my book of wondering if I’m the antichrist because the anagram ‘Mabus’ is within my name Mark Russell Bell —
S: Uh-huh.
D: (small laugh)
Q: — and so I mean there are some people I guess who think I’m the antichrist (“OH GOD”) but it’s just a metaphor — why I usually say is that whenever I say something positive I’m Jesus and when I say something negative I’m the antichrist. So it’s really a metaphor. There’s only one.
D: Well I have a feeling that happens a lot. I — I read tha(t) — all about that, that kind of stuff just twelve hours ago —
S: (small laugh)
D: — on — on Maitreya dash edu dot org. Same thing happens to that lady who’s channeling Maitreya. So evidently (“SO”) if you say something they don’t like you’re suddenly the antichrist.
Q: Well there’s so many — there’s so many channelers out there I mean. I think you have to judge them by what they have to say and if they’re saying positive messages like “help your fellow man” and “clean up the planet” and “get rid of oil” —
D: (laughs)
Q: — which was also — which was also the theme of “Starlight Express” I might add. I think you really (X) — that’s how you can judge them is (X) based on what they’re telling you.
D: Yeah. If the message seems pure and — and oh, you know, pious —
Q: Yeah, non-political, non — non-corporate, non-billionaire — you know, that kind of thing.
D: Then — then there you go. Then take it a(t) — at least at face value and maybe you can learn from it. I don’t blame you.
Q: But people have got to show some guts though. They have to fight some of these (“THESE”) corporate systems too and demand — you know, like — like I wish George Noory would demand to have me on the show instead of letting the other people select what — what guests there are. I mean he — I guess he gets a few people on (“OF”) of his own selection but you can really see, you know, the corporate — the ones that the corporations want as opposed to who really has a spiritual message to deliver.
D: Well that particular show has — has changed quite a bit.
S: Dramatically.
D: Since — since Art Bell retired la(st) — at the end of last year. And — and I — I still listen. I still absolutely adore George Noory and, you know, he started breaking in, in Detroit . . .
S: I enjoy his show . . .
D: But — but at the same time yes, that — that — that show has changed. I know “Dreamland” — I know you — you said you had a bad experience. I’d — I’d love to hear about that some time. But —
S: (laughs)
D: But I — I adore Whitley Strieber.
Q: Well you can read it all at the radio transcripts section. You can read all my phone calls.
D: I sure will.
S: We’re going to check it out.
D: But I — I know that he — I — I believe that “Dreamland” got cut because I haven’t heard it on no Friday night or Saturday night since — since the big change —
S: Yeah.
D: — at the beginning of the year. So I don’t know if it got cut in my local market or what but I know that I haven’t heard “Dreamland” in a while. And I’m, you know, jonesin for some “Dreamland” but —
S: I can miss it, myself.
D: — yeah but I’m thinking, you know, the — the — that’s what happens in — in national media, though, that you can’t — the — the only thing you can do is try and rise above it (“WITH SOME”) with things —
Q: Well —
D: — done in people’s basements.
Q: Yeah, I hope — I hope channelers are saying things like “One should consider how must God feel and deal with these occurrences” or something. (X) I just have to wonder if mankind really has evolved if people are still using violence to affect change after all this time and the spiritual people who have a message to say are covered up or (“ARE”) not allowed to share their sentiments.
S: Yeah. If we look around us right now and answer that question, it would be a big yes right now, if you ask me.
D: Yes, they’re still using the violence and — and perhaps it’s time to change that. We’ll work on it one listener at a time. Meanwhile, that’s it for this week’s edition of “Ghostly Talk.”
S: We’ve got to go —
D: Mark Russell Bell, thank you so very much.
S: It was an honor and a pleasure to have you on tonight.
Q: Okay. And next time I’ll play some EVP if I’m on again.
S: . . . We didn’t get that tonight, Mark.
Q: Yeah.
S: We’ll do that next time for sure —
Q: Okay.
S: — because we’d like to have you on again if you would like to be back on.
Q: Yeah, I would.
S: Alright, well . . .
Q: Okay.
D: Fascinating stuff.
S: Mark, you can stay on the line if you want. On that note, we’ve got to go.
D: Yeah.
Q: Okay.
S: I’m going to bed.
D: We’re over time. So —
S: I’m done. I’m . . .
D: I don’t know. I’m — I’m hyped. I’m — I’m ready to go.
S: I’m hurting.
D: (small laugh)
S: Alright, next week —
D: Have a good one — next week 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. — or 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. here on “Zero Point Radio.”
S: I am Scott O.
D: And I’m Doug.
S: And this was “Ghostly Talk.”
D: Oh my God, the timing for that was perfect.
S: Mark?
Q: Okay, yeah, thank you so much for having me on.
S: On no, thank you.
D: Oh man, this has been the fastest hour and a half.
Q: Is it going to be — is there going to be an archive available eventually?
D: I — yes. As a matter of fact, I’ll — I’ll pop that up on the site tomorrow and I’ll Email you and let you know that . . .
Q: Oh good. Okay, great.
S: Like we said, do whatever you want with it. I mean like, you know, if you want . . .
Q: Well I’ll eventually add a transcript to the website. It takes me a while, though, because I do have a day job.
S: (laughs)
D: So do we.
S: Don’t we all?
D: (small laugh) But yeah, that — that’s — it’s so cool. I’m so glad you were on.
Q: Oh well thank you.
S: Thanks very much. We really appreciated it.
Q: Okay, good.
D: And you know I’m going to be like all over your site tonight.
Q: Oh good.
D: (small laugh)
S: I’ve been going there for the last three days just trying to —
D: See, I haven’t been because I — I’ve been working on that program . . .
S: Well yeah . . . I’m not going to have any time until —
Q: Well just keep in mind that — imagine what somebody in my predicament would do and that helps explain some of the — the more bizarre things that you’ll read. (laughs)
D: That’s okay. I — I just — yeah, I knew he — I — no matter what, it — it — it — it was fascinating and I — I — I think that . . .
Q: But see, but most —
D: . . . with our audience — you’ll find are very — you know —
Q: — but see, most people — most people would — I mean most people would just think, “This is — this is impossible. He has to be out of his mind.” But how could I — how could I invent something — how could I think something like this up?
D: Well in —
S: Yeah.
D: — in our audience is — is taught by us to think think think. Whether they think it’s — it’s, you know, absolute malarky or whether they think, “Hey, there’s something here,” I would hope that they would at least, you know, take it and analyze it for themselves, see if it fits into their world view, and then — and then use it if they can. And then — and not, you know, run around and — and dismiss it . . . (end of tape side) . . . who will think about it.
Q: And that’s too why I thought (“YOU”) this would be a good show to go on — is because these people are used to considering the unexplained.
D: Yeah and . . .
Q: So —
D: . . . and — and I think that they’re going to really, really, you know, u(se) — they’ll use — or not use but they’ll — they’ll take to heart (“NO”) — they’ll see, they’ll think about it. And they’ll —
Q: Yeah, that — that was one thing that I would’ve liked to have mentioned too is that when you really think about it science is just sort of an alternate religion and (“YY” “AND”) because the faith in that religion is that there is no God.
D: Right.
S: Yeah.
Q: So people who (“WHO”) take such confidence in science, this is one of the things that I hope (“TT” “PEOPLE”) to make people realize because I have researched such unusual stories like I mentioned St. Joseph of Copertino. If people had some of these stories to read they would be much more open-minded about my own case, for example.
D: Oh yeah. (“AND IT”) And sometimes it’s difficult to run across the source material for that — for — for this kind of stuff.
Q: I know. (“LOOK” “AND”) Meanwhile, people — my mom’s in the other room watching Lifetime television.
D: (laughs)
S: (laughs)
S: Valerie Bertinelli special, I’m sure.
Q: Oh my God.
D: (laughs)
S: (laughs)
D: So anyway —
Q: Okay, well thank you.
D: — Mark, I say thank you so much. I’ve got to . . .
Q: Okay. Okay.
E: . . . I really appreciate it and I’ll — I’ll Email you tomorrow after I put the — the thing up so that you can . . .
W: Okay, very good. (“I HAD A”) I — I had a good time.
S: Great . . .
D: Good. I very much enjoyed it.
Q: Okay.
S: Yeah. And definitely keep in touch.
D: And if anything happens, Email or call us. Let us know because —
S: Yeah.
D: — we — we want to stay up to date.
S: Normally we keep the phone line open (“WE”) when we don’t do interviews like this. We have an open phone line the whole show. So if you just want to call in and say hi —
D: (laughs) Yeah —
Q: Oh, okay.
D: — we actually on a couple of ’em Scott’s mom calls in and says, “Hi, (“MAIL”) you know, I hear a knocking coming from my dresser drawer every so often” and —
S: (small laugh)
D: — and it’s like it really adds to the show when — when people throw us off.
Q: Well unfortunately my — my home computer doesn’t have enough memory for me to — to — to get the website. Only my one at work does so —
D: Oh, okay. But still — anyway, thank you so much, Mark.
Q: Hopefully, in the future I’ll upgrade it. Okay, thank you.
D: Goodbye.
S: Take care of yourself . . .
Q: Okay, bye-bye.