Q: Mark Russell Bell
P: Mark Smith, producer of “The Lee Klein Show”
L: Lee Klein, host of “The Lee Klein Show”
S: Dr. Stanley Monteith, guest
P: KFI. Hello?
Q: Hello.
P: Yes?
Q: Yes, I have a comment.
P: Okay. What is your comment?
Q: My comment is that regarding the ‘spiritual values’ of the oligarchy. If that’s the case, then why have they allowed —
P: That’s a question, sir.
Q: — the environment to be destroyed?
P: Sir?
Q: Yes?
P: That’s a question.
Q: Well I won’t form it — put it in the form of a question.
P: Well I — that’s why I’m screening you out. I want you to go ahead and speak your opinion.
Q: Well then you can read this on my website because I deal with the fallacies of people following orders blindly for no reason at all.
P: Okay well —
Q: How can anyone get to the truth of anything unless you’re allowed to ask questions and make comments?
P: Well you know what? Then you can go ask all the questions you want on your website but on here we want your free thoughts.
Q: Well I’ll be glad — I said I would be glad (“FORM”) to give it in the form without a question.
P: That’s what we want, okay?
Q: I’m just saying why if there is an — an oligarchy —
P: You know what sir? What I’m saying is when you start off with “why” and “how come,” it’s still a question.
Q: Okay well I won’t say — I’m just saying that —
P: What I’m saying is don’t do it, okay? Now what I’m saying to you is, is that you feel that the oligarchy are destroying the environment, then say . . .
Q: No, I’m not — that’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying if there is an oligarchy, then why is this happening?
P: Okay it’s still a question . . .
Q: Well I know but I’m not — that’s — I’m talking with you right now. I’m not a(sking) — I’m not form — I’m not say — I’m not talking to them.
P: Okay. Well I want to hear your opinion.
Q: My opinion is that the oligarchy being mentioned on tonight’s show doesn’t really have any plan other than being greedy or they would not have allowed the destruction of the environment and they certainly wouldn’t give up their money once there is a One World Government.
P: Perfect. That’s what I want when you call on here, okay? Because, you see, what you’re going to do is you’re going to get more people to come in with their opinions and that’s what we want here. Okay?
Q: So you’re — you’re not told this by the station management?
P: No. What I’m doing is, is that — well I’ll tell you this. The best way to work on a radio show is to have people come on, on there with their own thoughts and opinions. When you come on with a question, you do literally show — slow down the show because it’s mai(nly) — it’s your personal thing instead of, you know, expressing your personal thoughts. (“AA”) See — because, see, even when you express your opinion, you’re still getting your question answered because he’s — he’s responding to your opinion.
Q: That’s correct.
P: And that’s what we’re trying to get here. That’s all we’re trying to get.
Q: Well I’ll do my best.
P: Please do. (O)kay?
Q: Okay. Do you want my name?
P: I sure do . . .
Q: Okay. Mark in Canoga Park.
P: Okay. (typing) Okay, got it and hang in there, okay?
Q: Thank you.
P: Stand by, okay?
Q: Hello? Yeah, I will.
(commercials continue — “. . . once-a-day tablet for natural male enhancement . . .”)
( . . . )
. . . It’s a family affair It’s a family affair One child grows up to be Somebody that just loves to learn And another child grows up to be Somebody you just love to burn . . .
(“Family Affair” performed by Sly and The Family Stone)
L: Welcome back to KFI-AM 640, more stimulating talk radio. Brotherhood of Darkness is the name of the book. Dr. Stanley Monteith is our guest this evening. Stanley, first off, let me thank you for staying up so late and being our guest here. There’s a lot of people — I mean there’s a lot of people that are not only interested in — in — in the discussion that we’re having and in your book, but there’s awfully — there’s an awfully — well I don’t know how to put this but there — there — there — there is a grouping of people obviously out there that are interested, that are not necessarily Republicans or Democrats — that are humanitarians that understand everything that — that you’re saying and a lot of these people have felt this way long before you came about to discuss this tonight. How does that make you feel?
S: Well it makes me feel good to know that there are a lot of people out there who are concerned and we need to all be going the same direction. I mean basically in opposing the war I’m on the same side as most of the Democrats. And the Republicans — and I happen to be a Republican and member of the Central Committee — the Republicans are all on the wrong side. I mean this is the most incredible thing in the world. I’m on the same side as Barbra Striesand and the ACLU. But they’re right and I don’t care, you know, whether we agree on other things. I think every American should say, “Why are we going to war with — with Saddam Hussein and where is this war going to end up and how is it going to end up restricting our freedom?”
L: Well I’m — I’m not a fond lover of Barbra Striesand, to be quite frank with you.
S: Neither am I. (small laugh)
L: I — I mean if you — I think when you look in the dictionary on the word ‘overboard’ they don’t show a ship, they show a picture of her.
S: Absolutely but —
L: Because —
S: — but on this issue she’s right.
L: Well I — I’m not going to (“SAY”) — you know, just because of my dista(ste) — not distaste. That’s a bad — that’s ba(d) — it’s the wrong term — my dislike for some of her points of view, I do understand (“WHERE”) where you’re coming from personally and also where she is coming from but I think you’re coming from — you maybe agreeing on — on certain subject matters but I don’t think you have much in common.
S: You’re absolutely right but on — on the issue of this coming war — I mean we find many of the — I — I come from Santa Cruz. I mean there is no community in the entire country further to the left than Santa Cruz.
L: Well it’s the only place that has a team called this — the — the Banana Slugs.
S: (laughs)
L: You know, th(at) — you’ve got to take that in consideration, Stanley.
S: But on the other hand we find a tremendous amount of support for my willingness to say this war is morally wrong.
L: I — I think that you’re going to get a lot of people that are going to say that too. Let’s go to Canoga Park (BEEP) and talk to Mark. Mark, good morning and welcome to KFI.
Q: Hello. Any spiritual values of a ruling oligarchy have evidently long been overwhelmed by materialism and greed or there wouldn’t be such constant disregard for the environment. So right now it’s impossible for me to believe that the ruling billionaires would someday relinquish their own wealth with a formal new world order with some semblance of spiritual values. And it was also interesting while I was on hold to think that there are some listeners to your show, Lee, who still think that we get honest vote counts.
L: Well — when you use the word ‘spiritual,’ what — what do you really refer to? What’s your dictionary term for that?
Q: Well I think another — I would say ‘Christian’ values, referring to the ten commandments, which you see reflected in most of the different religions and spiritual traditions. You certainly can’t see any justification for suicidally destroying the environment.
L: But — but then you would also have to question and — and — and — and take this off the air because I’m going to ask the same thing to Stanley. Stanley, when it comes to a religious standpoint, can these people actually be religious that — that — that — that we’re discussing?
S: Oh absolutely but they — well they worship an entirely different God and that is, of course, the secret of the Brotherhood of Darkness. But let me address (“HER”) —
L: I find that difficult to believe. Or maybe I don’t want to believe it, take you choice.
S: Well I hope you’ll take the time to read the book. I think you’ll find it fascinating. And as we say at the very beginning, “You read this book through, your vision of the world will change forever.” And I really believe that.
L: Well do you believe that all 435 House members and all 100 senators are all part and parcel of this grand scheme and yet they all believe in — in their own God in a different way than that we do?
S: Absolutely not. I mean the(se) — most of the people there aren’t dedicated to the right or the left. They’re just dedicated to staying in power. There’s only a very few of them who really know what this is all about. We have some of the finest politicians that money can buy in Washington, D.C. These people are — are not (“YOUR”) politicians or men of principle, they’re prostitutes.
L: Well all right I — I — I proposed this question to somebody on a similar subject a few weeks ago. I’ll — I’ll pose it to you. Let’s — and in — in fact, you being a physician should certainly understand this. If you took truth serum — I can’t remember the actual name for what that — for — for — for what truth serum is.
S: They used to use scopolamine. That was one of the things.
L: That’s — that’s it. If you could inject George W. Bush — I’m just using that as an example, (o)kay? Any — any — it could be Bill Clinton. (line disconnected) It could’ve been Dwight Eisenhower. It could be any President. If you could, alone, inject that person with that and then ask the question — the questions that you would actually ask concerning this subject matter, would they admit that they are doing it and, if so, do they believe that they are doing the right thing or are they doing it against their own will somehow?
S: I cannot tell you. All I can tell you is I think that both Bill Clinton and George W. Bush are controlled by somebody else. I believe that there are people far more powerful in the administration than George W. Bush . . .
L: Well yeah but he was the o(nly) — yeah but he’s the only person — I mean basically that you can go to. I mean you — you — if you want to, feel free to name a name that’s somebody as Mr. Big at the top or one of the people that are in the quote “general assembly” of all of this.
S: Well I think that Dick Cheney is far higher in this — the echelons of this whole movement than — than — than George W. Bush is. But up above these, of course, would be the — the Rockefellers and the Kissingers and people of this nature. I believe that George Herbert Walker Bush is far more involved than his son. I mean I — I think that they just picked George because — well he was a nice boy. But I believe that George Herbert Walker Bush, former director of the CIA, member of the board of the Council on Foreign Relations, member of the Bilderbergers, member of the Trilateral Commission —
L: And throw in the Carlyle Group.
S: Right. And, of course, member of Skull and Bones as was his father Prescott Bush, who was indicted for dealing and helping Adolf Hitler and that’s covered in the book called The Secrets of the Tomb by Alexandra Robbins. And — and she mentions that Prescott Bush was indicted for dealing with Adolf Hitler during the war. So George Herbert Walker Bush is much higher up in the echelons of this than his son but could I just address something that your previous caller said? And, of course, she’s obviously a dedicated environmentalist and concerned about what’s happening to the environment. What she doesn’t understand is this whole environmental movement is con — financed by our great corporations, our great tax-exempt foundations and by people of the (“LI”) ilks of Ted Turner, who is the largest single property owner — either that or the largest or second-largest property owner in the entire United States.
L: You mean with his cattle ranch in Montana?
S: Oh yeah. But he’s got land all over the United States. And you — you need to read the book (“WHY”) called The Report From Iron Mountain. It was a government thinktank back in the 1960s. And what they were trying to figure out how to govern the people, how to control them, and they said, “We’ve got to have an enemy.” You know, “If wars are going to be outmoded, how will we do that? How about having the environment be the enemy? Even if we have to pollute — ”
L: But — but, you know, it — I don’t know if this is an objection, Stanley, of what you’re saying but we’re really as a country and as a globe really doing nothing about the environment except global warming is coming, the icecaps are melting, Greenland is becoming lush and plush — I mean if that isn’t a clear indication, nothing would be.
S: Well I’ll tell you what this is not the first time Greenland has been plush but the point of the book is this. (“I”) If we have to pollute the entire environment we’ll do that. We’ll pollute the entire world but we have to have an enemy to rally the people against. And I would simply point out that the power of the environmental movement has never been their own power, it’s always been the power of the brotherhood of darkness. And they’re using the environmental problem to justify ever more control over our lives.
L: All right, we’ve reached the top of the hour. We have another segment coming with our guest. We’ll get to your phone calls when we do and — let me just — there you go. All right, let’s — let’s — let’s take a break right now at the top of the hour. What is going on here?
C: Hello?
L: All right. I think we can break a little bit — can we break a minute earlier? Is that — is that allowed? Okay, we’re going to break right now. I’m Lee Kline and you’re listening to KFI AM 640, more stimulating talk radio.
P: KFI. Hello?
Q: Hello.
P: Yes?
Q: Yes, I have a comment.
P: Okay. What is your comment?
Q: My comment is that regarding the ‘spiritual values’ of the oligarchy. If that’s the case, then why have they allowed —
P: That’s a question, sir.
Q: — the environment to be destroyed?
P: Sir?
Q: Yes?
P: That’s a question.
Q: Well I won’t form it — put it in the form of a question.
P: Well I — that’s why I’m screening you out. I want you to go ahead and speak your opinion.
Q: Well then you can read this on my website because I deal with the fallacies of people following orders blindly for no reason at all.
P: Okay well —
Q: How can anyone get to the truth of anything unless you’re allowed to ask questions and make comments?
P: Well you know what? Then you can go ask all the questions you want on your website but on here we want your free thoughts.
Q: Well I’ll be glad — I said I would be glad (“FORM”) to give it in the form without a question.
P: That’s what we want, okay?
Q: I’m just saying why if there is an — an oligarchy —
P: You know what sir? What I’m saying is when you start off with “why” and “how come,” it’s still a question.
Q: Okay well I won’t say — I’m just saying that —
P: What I’m saying is don’t do it, okay? Now what I’m saying to you is, is that you feel that the oligarchy are destroying the environment, then say . . .
Q: No, I’m not — that’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying if there is an oligarchy, then why is this happening?
P: Okay it’s still a question . . .
Q: Well I know but I’m not — that’s — I’m talking with you right now. I’m not a(sking) — I’m not form — I’m not say — I’m not talking to them.
P: Okay. Well I want to hear your opinion.
Q: My opinion is that the oligarchy being mentioned on tonight’s show doesn’t really have any plan other than being greedy or they would not have allowed the destruction of the environment and they certainly wouldn’t give up their money once there is a One World Government.
P: Perfect. That’s what I want when you call on here, okay? Because, you see, what you’re going to do is you’re going to get more people to come in with their opinions and that’s what we want here. Okay?
Q: So you’re — you’re not told this by the station management?
P: No. What I’m doing is, is that — well I’ll tell you this. The best way to work on a radio show is to have people come on, on there with their own thoughts and opinions. When you come on with a question, you do literally show — slow down the show because it’s mai(nly) — it’s your personal thing instead of, you know, expressing your personal thoughts. (“AA”) See — because, see, even when you express your opinion, you’re still getting your question answered because he’s — he’s responding to your opinion.
Q: That’s correct.
P: And that’s what we’re trying to get here. That’s all we’re trying to get.
Q: Well I’ll do my best.
P: Please do. (O)kay?
Q: Okay. Do you want my name?
P: I sure do . . .
Q: Okay. Mark in Canoga Park.
P: Okay. (typing) Okay, got it and hang in there, okay?
Q: Thank you.
P: Stand by, okay?
Q: Hello? Yeah, I will.
(commercials continue — “. . . once-a-day tablet for natural male enhancement . . .”)
( . . . )
. . . It’s a family affair It’s a family affair One child grows up to be Somebody that just loves to learn And another child grows up to be Somebody you just love to burn . . .
(“Family Affair” performed by Sly and The Family Stone)
L: Welcome back to KFI-AM 640, more stimulating talk radio. Brotherhood of Darkness is the name of the book. Dr. Stanley Monteith is our guest this evening. Stanley, first off, let me thank you for staying up so late and being our guest here. There’s a lot of people — I mean there’s a lot of people that are not only interested in — in — in the discussion that we’re having and in your book, but there’s awfully — there’s an awfully — well I don’t know how to put this but there — there — there — there is a grouping of people obviously out there that are interested, that are not necessarily Republicans or Democrats — that are humanitarians that understand everything that — that you’re saying and a lot of these people have felt this way long before you came about to discuss this tonight. How does that make you feel?
S: Well it makes me feel good to know that there are a lot of people out there who are concerned and we need to all be going the same direction. I mean basically in opposing the war I’m on the same side as most of the Democrats. And the Republicans — and I happen to be a Republican and member of the Central Committee — the Republicans are all on the wrong side. I mean this is the most incredible thing in the world. I’m on the same side as Barbra Striesand and the ACLU. But they’re right and I don’t care, you know, whether we agree on other things. I think every American should say, “Why are we going to war with — with Saddam Hussein and where is this war going to end up and how is it going to end up restricting our freedom?”
L: Well I’m — I’m not a fond lover of Barbra Striesand, to be quite frank with you.
S: Neither am I. (small laugh)
L: I — I mean if you — I think when you look in the dictionary on the word ‘overboard’ they don’t show a ship, they show a picture of her.
S: Absolutely but —
L: Because —
S: — but on this issue she’s right.
L: Well I — I’m not going to (“SAY”) — you know, just because of my dista(ste) — not distaste. That’s a bad — that’s ba(d) — it’s the wrong term — my dislike for some of her points of view, I do understand (“WHERE”) where you’re coming from personally and also where she is coming from but I think you’re coming from — you maybe agreeing on — on certain subject matters but I don’t think you have much in common.
S: You’re absolutely right but on — on the issue of this coming war — I mean we find many of the — I — I come from Santa Cruz. I mean there is no community in the entire country further to the left than Santa Cruz.
L: Well it’s the only place that has a team called this — the — the Banana Slugs.
S: (laughs)
L: You know, th(at) — you’ve got to take that in consideration, Stanley.
S: But on the other hand we find a tremendous amount of support for my willingness to say this war is morally wrong.
L: I — I think that you’re going to get a lot of people that are going to say that too. Let’s go to Canoga Park (BEEP) and talk to Mark. Mark, good morning and welcome to KFI.
Q: Hello. Any spiritual values of a ruling oligarchy have evidently long been overwhelmed by materialism and greed or there wouldn’t be such constant disregard for the environment. So right now it’s impossible for me to believe that the ruling billionaires would someday relinquish their own wealth with a formal new world order with some semblance of spiritual values. And it was also interesting while I was on hold to think that there are some listeners to your show, Lee, who still think that we get honest vote counts.
L: Well — when you use the word ‘spiritual,’ what — what do you really refer to? What’s your dictionary term for that?
Q: Well I think another — I would say ‘Christian’ values, referring to the ten commandments, which you see reflected in most of the different religions and spiritual traditions. You certainly can’t see any justification for suicidally destroying the environment.
L: But — but then you would also have to question and — and — and — and take this off the air because I’m going to ask the same thing to Stanley. Stanley, when it comes to a religious standpoint, can these people actually be religious that — that — that — that we’re discussing?
S: Oh absolutely but they — well they worship an entirely different God and that is, of course, the secret of the Brotherhood of Darkness. But let me address (“HER”) —
L: I find that difficult to believe. Or maybe I don’t want to believe it, take you choice.
S: Well I hope you’ll take the time to read the book. I think you’ll find it fascinating. And as we say at the very beginning, “You read this book through, your vision of the world will change forever.” And I really believe that.
L: Well do you believe that all 435 House members and all 100 senators are all part and parcel of this grand scheme and yet they all believe in — in their own God in a different way than that we do?
S: Absolutely not. I mean the(se) — most of the people there aren’t dedicated to the right or the left. They’re just dedicated to staying in power. There’s only a very few of them who really know what this is all about. We have some of the finest politicians that money can buy in Washington, D.C. These people are — are not (“YOUR”) politicians or men of principle, they’re prostitutes.
L: Well all right I — I — I proposed this question to somebody on a similar subject a few weeks ago. I’ll — I’ll pose it to you. Let’s — and in — in fact, you being a physician should certainly understand this. If you took truth serum — I can’t remember the actual name for what that — for — for — for what truth serum is.
S: They used to use scopolamine. That was one of the things.
L: That’s — that’s it. If you could inject George W. Bush — I’m just using that as an example, (o)kay? Any — any — it could be Bill Clinton. (line disconnected) It could’ve been Dwight Eisenhower. It could be any President. If you could, alone, inject that person with that and then ask the question — the questions that you would actually ask concerning this subject matter, would they admit that they are doing it and, if so, do they believe that they are doing the right thing or are they doing it against their own will somehow?
S: I cannot tell you. All I can tell you is I think that both Bill Clinton and George W. Bush are controlled by somebody else. I believe that there are people far more powerful in the administration than George W. Bush . . .
L: Well yeah but he was the o(nly) — yeah but he’s the only person — I mean basically that you can go to. I mean you — you — if you want to, feel free to name a name that’s somebody as Mr. Big at the top or one of the people that are in the quote “general assembly” of all of this.
S: Well I think that Dick Cheney is far higher in this — the echelons of this whole movement than — than — than George W. Bush is. But up above these, of course, would be the — the Rockefellers and the Kissingers and people of this nature. I believe that George Herbert Walker Bush is far more involved than his son. I mean I — I think that they just picked George because — well he was a nice boy. But I believe that George Herbert Walker Bush, former director of the CIA, member of the board of the Council on Foreign Relations, member of the Bilderbergers, member of the Trilateral Commission —
L: And throw in the Carlyle Group.
S: Right. And, of course, member of Skull and Bones as was his father Prescott Bush, who was indicted for dealing and helping Adolf Hitler and that’s covered in the book called The Secrets of the Tomb by Alexandra Robbins. And — and she mentions that Prescott Bush was indicted for dealing with Adolf Hitler during the war. So George Herbert Walker Bush is much higher up in the echelons of this than his son but could I just address something that your previous caller said? And, of course, she’s obviously a dedicated environmentalist and concerned about what’s happening to the environment. What she doesn’t understand is this whole environmental movement is con — financed by our great corporations, our great tax-exempt foundations and by people of the (“LI”) ilks of Ted Turner, who is the largest single property owner — either that or the largest or second-largest property owner in the entire United States.
L: You mean with his cattle ranch in Montana?
S: Oh yeah. But he’s got land all over the United States. And you — you need to read the book (“WHY”) called The Report From Iron Mountain. It was a government thinktank back in the 1960s. And what they were trying to figure out how to govern the people, how to control them, and they said, “We’ve got to have an enemy.” You know, “If wars are going to be outmoded, how will we do that? How about having the environment be the enemy? Even if we have to pollute — ”
L: But — but, you know, it — I don’t know if this is an objection, Stanley, of what you’re saying but we’re really as a country and as a globe really doing nothing about the environment except global warming is coming, the icecaps are melting, Greenland is becoming lush and plush — I mean if that isn’t a clear indication, nothing would be.
S: Well I’ll tell you what this is not the first time Greenland has been plush but the point of the book is this. (“I”) If we have to pollute the entire environment we’ll do that. We’ll pollute the entire world but we have to have an enemy to rally the people against. And I would simply point out that the power of the environmental movement has never been their own power, it’s always been the power of the brotherhood of darkness. And they’re using the environmental problem to justify ever more control over our lives.
L: All right, we’ve reached the top of the hour. We have another segment coming with our guest. We’ll get to your phone calls when we do and — let me just — there you go. All right, let’s — let’s — let’s take a break right now at the top of the hour. What is going on here?
C: Hello?
L: All right. I think we can break a little bit — can we break a minute earlier? Is that — is that allowed? Okay, we’re going to break right now. I’m Lee Kline and you’re listening to KFI AM 640, more stimulating talk radio.