Q: Mark Russell Bell
S: “Coast to Coast AM” screener
D: Rod, caller from Muskegan
B: Bob Frissell, guest on “Coast to Coast AM”
R: Rollye James, host of “Coast to Coast AM”
G: Gary, caller from St. Louis
J: John, caller from Atlanta
M: Ross Mitchell, taped introduction for “Coast to Coast AM”
H: Sherry, caller from Orange County
Q: I’m looking at this page for phone numbers I downloaded from the Internet. I printed it out. And there’s something strange here because there’s this (“B[IG]”) black line between the first time caller number and then the satellite listener number which is the same one. But there’s this strange two words behind the line and it says “Kick Butt.” What?
( . . . )
S: Good morning. “Coast to Coast AM”
Q: Hi.
S: Hi. What’s your first name?
Q: Mark.
S: What was it?
Q: Mark. M — A — R — K.
S: Mark — where are you — got it. And where are you calling from?
Q: I’m calling from the San Fernando Valley here in Los Angeles.
S: And what’s your question or comment for Bob Frissell?
Q: I would like to discuss the ‘secret government’ in connection with the ‘grand unified theory.’ In terms of how that fits into that.
S: The secret government?
Q: Right.
S: All right. Do you mind holding?
Q: Sure.
S: All right. Thanks.
D: . . . (re: evidence for the existence of Atlantis) that. No (or “NO”), the average person doesn’t know anything more than beyond the past 2,000 to 5,000 years. What they’re taught in school.
B: Right.
D: And I was (or “I WAS”) — I was just kind of wondering how you’ve been —
R: Well let’s find out. Bob, what do you know?
B: Well the information I’m bringing forth is coming, of course, inter-dimensionally. But I think the question is what kind of truth do we have? I’m not sure if there’s any real proof at all. I think about the closest we can come is around Bimini which is a real interesting place for another reason.
D: Where is that?
R: Bimini — where the Devil’s Triangle is.
B: Yeah, the Bermuda Triangle area and evidently around in the area of Bimini you can see a road or some structure under the water there.
D: Yes, I’ve seen television —
B: As far as I can tell, that’s about as close as we can come to Atlantis.
D: — on it. Yeah.
R: All right. Well I guess that’s about it, Rod. I appreciate the call. Thanks. We’ve got Gary in St. Louis. Welcome to the Art Bell show.
G: Hi, Rollye. Hi, Bob.
B: Hi, Gary.
G: I’m calling from St. Louis, obviously. My question for Bob is we’ve been reading — my wife and I’ve been reading books by Gregg Braden. I was wondering if you’re familiar with him?
B: Yes, I am.
G: And is he also one of the ascended masters?
B: Gregg Braden is not an ascended master. He’s a person in a third dimensional body who has written a couple of books who does give workshops.
G: Do you think the workshops are worthy of mention or what’s you view on it?
B: Well that’s really not for me to say. He — for sure he’s highly regarded in his field and, you know, you’d perhaps get better feedback from people who’ve taken his workshop. I haven’t taken any of Greg’s workshops but again he’s definitely highly regarded and well respected.
G: Well great and I look forward to picking up a couple of your books.
R: Excellent, Gary. Thanks for the call. All right, we’ve got John in Atlanta. Welcome to the Art Bell show.
J: Hey Rollye, thanks for taking my call.
R: Glad you called again.
J: Good morning, Bob.
B: Hi, John. How are you doing?
J: Pretty good.
B: Good.
J: Are you familiar with the Toltec teachings as recorded by Carlos Casteneda and his other seers affiliated with him?
B: No, I’m not.
R: You’re kidding.
B: Sorry to say, I’m not.
R: I’m shocked. I would’ve thought that that and the Toltecs would’ve been right up your alley.
B: Oh you think I know everything.
R: Yeah, I’ve read this book. It sure seems like you do.
B: Right.
J: Well Bob I highly suggest you check the information out. It parallels a lot of what you’ve been saying tonight —
R: Yeah.
K: — about the energy field that surrounds living beings on this plane and how to manipulate that energy and how to become aware of it is crucial to us (“NO”) ascending ourselves.
B: Great.
R: Yeah, right. Thanks for the tip. I appreciate that. Not like you’ve got a lot of time, Bob, but I recommend that too.
B: Okay.
R: Absolutely. I would’ve been sure — because I’ve heard you checked out everybody else.
B: Well it’s coming from two good sources. I’ll check it out.
R: Yeah. I think you’ll like it. Mark in (BEEP/the valley — San Fernando) welcome to the Art Bell show.
Q: Good evening, Rollye. Well, of course, my take on the “secret government” can be summed up in just two words: self-interest.
R: (small laugh)
Q: And the “grand unified theory,” for that matter, is God I believe. But what I wanted to comment on is that I’ve been hearing a lot of, at best, secondhand information tonight, if not downright disinformation. And for three years now Art has been covering me up—as well as Whitley and Hilly—and my website And I just wonder if these are all military disinformation people? Or what’s happening? Because when you hear names like David Icke being thrown around — and these are the same guests that come in week in and week out. People like Ed Dames. They must be —
R: Well I . . .
Q: — on some government payroll somewhere because they don’t say anything that’s usable.
R: (terminates call) Okay, Mark, I wish I was on a government payroll because the checks aren’t that regular. But I can at least speak on Bob Frissell because when I was talking to the Premiere people the other day, they said, “Who do you want on?” And I said, “Well I was in Gene’s Books in the King of Prussia Mall and I ran across this guy Bob Frissell. Never heard of him but it’s an interesting book.” And they said, “Okay, you want him? You got him.” So I guarantee you at least on my part —
Q: (I didn’t know I was off the air) Well that’s because —
R: — and if you get to know me, you’ll know I don’t lie about this. They didn’t coerce me to have anybody.
Q: (off air) Right.
R: They just told me I had to have someone. I got to pick him though.
Q: (off air) But you don’t know about my own book because — (it’s been covered up)
R: So I wish that I could go with your theory that this is some type of a government cover-up but, like I say, when the government starts mailing me checks, I’ll let you know. All right, well our guest is Bob Frissell. Government’s been mailing you checks, Bob?
B: (no answer)
R: I don’t think so. All right, I think Bob’s off the payroll too. But we’ll continue to take your calls of your own free will. We won’t mail you any money but we will pick up the toll. That’s about it. You know the 800 numbers. If not, you’ll get them again. Nothing In This Book Is True But It’s Exactly How Things Are and Something In This Book Is True are the two books. There’s a video. There’s an 800 number which we will be giving you again and questions? Oh, we’ll tackle anything. As you can tell. On the Art Bell show. Art returns tomorrow. I’m Rollye James in for Art on the Premiere Radio Network.
Q: (speaking into tape recorder) Well that was short and sweet, wouldn’t you say? I can’t believe how quickly she terminated my call. That’s proof of something, if you ask me.
( . . . )
M: To talk with Rollye, by golly: from west of the Rockies, dial (gives number); east of the Rockies (gives number); the wild card line is open at (gives number). This is “Coast to Coast AM” with Rollye James for Art Bell on the Premiere Radio Networks.
(bumper music is “Miracles” performed by Jefferson Starship)
R: Indeed. Our guest is Bob Frissell and we will be back to him with your questions. Nothing In This Book Is True But It’s Exactly How Things Are and Something In This Book Is True and the video “Nothing To Something” — all available from (gives number). But I wanted to address Mark’s allegations and I’m sure he has an agenda and that’s not the part I’m addressing. I don’t care either way because I got in on the middle of that, obviously. But it’s come to my attention from several of you over the years that there’s this prevailing thought that somehow talk radio is content-controlled. And I’m here to tell you (it) is not. Never, with one notable exception and that was the KLBJ case that many of you know about — a lawsuit that I had to file where I won copious quantities of dollars for them firing me over content — with the exception of that, never has content come into the equation when I’ve left a job or been asked to leave a job. Either way. It just isn’t something that is relatable or relative to the equation that most people operate under. That’s not to say there are not people who probably won’t hire me because of my content. That’s possible. More likely, they didn’t hired me because of my quote/unquote “act” because of the whole persona. But never once has anybody at any radio station where I’ve worked with the exception again of KLBJ said anything about what I said on the air, how I said it. Oh sure, the format and all that, which we can get into, but even my bumper music — I mean nobody’s even complained about “Holy Ghost” by The Bar-Kays — a fine bumper as far as I’m concerned. And (“MY”) my bumper music’s pretty well out there and some of you are probably glad you’re not hearing it. But it’s ratings-driven and the key is entertainment, as far as everybody I know is concerned. PBS is pretty boring stuff to most of us, as far as those initials go, and the bottom line to all this is being able to get the most listeners you can so you can sell the commercials for the highest amount of money. In other words, when you get right down to it, we’re nothing more than a vehicle to deliver that commercial message. And that’s the business end of it. Now, of course, from my standpoint, the entertainment end of it is not so much that I’m willing to say anything I don’t believe. I mean I’ve proven time and time again I’m not going to do that. Whatever I say is absolutely within my beliefs or I don’t say it. But I don’t go on the air trying to make political points, per se, or try to educate the populace, per se. I go on the air trying to relate to you who are listening, probably alone, maybe at this hour at home in bed, maybe driving down one of the interstates. But as far as I’m concerned we’re having a one-on-one communication here and if I can relate to you like that and get you through the night and entertain you, then I’ve done my job as far as I’m concerned. And it’s not about, “Gee, did I change your mind? Did I give you information that you can use?” Whatever. And so every time I hear people who say, “You know, it’s controlled.” If it was going to be controlled, I’d be the first they’d control and it’s never happened. Not to say that there aren’t formats—there are—and when I fill in around the country — and, by the way, let me add that when I filled in around the country I’ve never had a station say to me or a network say to me, you know, “Well, you know, those views just won’t cut it here.” It just doesn’t come down. What does happen and should happen is I’ll be told, “This is our format.” For instance, on the Art Bell show, obviously we’re going to be dealing with the paranormal because Art has made quite a name for himself in that genre and it would be inappropriate that we deviated dramatically from it. And so we don’t. Art also — his program relies fairly heavily on guests each night and so that’s something that on my own shows I usually don’t do but, again, it makes a lot of sense because you are not here to hear me. And I don’t believe that for a minute. You’re here to hear Art and he’ll be back tomorrow night. And so it’s my job to make you as comfortable while he’s out signing his books, which he did a great job on and he’ll tell you all about it. But in terms of anybody saying a word to me about content, it doesn’t happen. And that’s the end of the lecture but I know that’s a pervasive thought. Not to say that I don’t agree that it sure looks like the newspapers are controlled, it sure looks like the evening news is controlled — I mean I’m with you. I don’t understand it either. But I guarantee you from the bottom of my heart, talk radio is not controlled. At least, not that way. Now, is it controlled by virtue of ‘if they don’t agree with your viewpoint, they don’t hire you’? Very possibly. I can’t speak to that. I mean that may be a real big reason why I haven’t got certain jobs. I do know I’ve turned down certain contracts because of what’s in them in terms of their right to control or their desire to control. I’ve ended certain interviews because I—with perspective employers—because I saw that it was going in that direction. But I’ve worked in thirty-two cities and if the only time I encountered it was KLBJ, Mark and the rest of you, put your fears to rest. It’s about entertainment. And we’ll come back and, hopefully, entertain you. On the Art Bell show with Rollye James from the Premiere Radio Network.
( . . . )
R: This is the Art Bell show. I’m Rollye James, in for Art Bell. Our guest is Bob Frissell and your questions — Sherry in Orange County, California, welcome to the Art Bell show.
H: Thank you very much. Good evening.
R: Thanks for calling.
H: Whatever your opinion is on this topic, it certainly has been interesting and very thought-provoking.
R: Talk up a little for me though Sherry.
B: Sherry, I can barely hear you.
R: Yeah.
B: In fact, I can’t hear you.
R: Okay so yell at us.
H: I’m sorry about that. I’m just curious, Bob, are you familiar with Paramahansa Yogananda?
B: Yes, I am.
R: Me too. I’m a member.
H: Oh me too.
R: Oh yeah. SRF member.
H: Oh excellent. Well I’m now an even bigger fan of yours.
R: Oh well thank you. (“I”)
H: I wonder is he considered an ascended master?
B: Yogananda, I don’t — well, interestingly enough, when he quote/unquote died, his body didn’t decay, right?
H: That’s right.
R: In 1952. That’s right.
B: Yeah.
R: March 15th, I think.
B: Yeah. A real, real special person, to say the least. In the category of ascended masters, good question. (I’m) not sure about that . . .
Q: Well this is ridiculous. I mean if I’d had a chance to speak and, obviously, Rollye did not give me a chance to speak, I might have talked about the point that what does all of what Bob have to say deal with useful information? I mean what point or use does this information have, this New Age gobbledygook based upon beliefs of Drunvalo and Bob, who have absolutely no hard, verifiable evidence to support their claims that have nothing to do with any kind of Christian—or any religion—morality, which of course I’ve already defined in my other conversations in terms of ‘we always know.’ (“IF”) Information is from a good source if it’s positive and beneficial. And if it isn’t, well then we know something else.
( . . . )
Q: Listen to what music’s playing again after this half hour.
R: . . . coming up in moments. I’m Rollye James in for Art Bell who will be back tomorrow night on the Premiere Radio Network.
I want to live.
M: To purchase cassette copies of this program, dial (gives number).
I want to give. I’ve been a miner for a heart of gold. It’s these expressions I never give That keep me . . .
(“Heart of Gold” performed by Neil Young)
Q: I hope Rollye listens to her broadcasts or maybe I’ll send her a transcript of what she said. But it’s so funny when people talk about how radio shows aren’t controlled via their content when they’re designed to be “entertainment.” I mean that is my biggest fear. I mean how direct do you have to be? She talked about how the show is a paranormal show and, of course, if I’m not a paranormal guest then who is? I offer firsthand evidence with proof. What more needs to be said?
( . . . )
Q: Thursday. On my way to the gym I saw words on license plate holders with the word ‘evil’ in them like “Valencia.” So I guess last night I was a little bit too judgmental. But I don’t really know what to say, after all. Anyway, it just shows that I’m human and not Angel. Now I have to listen to it (check to see when exactly the line was disconnected).
( . . . )
Q: So last night I thought it was laughable that comment about “rating-driven.” I mean there’s just no way a small proportion of people can accurately reflect the entire nation I think. There should be a class action suit here, if you know what I mean. I think it’s unconstitutional, as I’ve said so many times before. I mean the best for the government to control entertainment is by infiltrating the ratings system and, of course, today Matt Drudge in his ‘Sludge Report’—that’s what I call it—is reporting that last night “Hillary Rodham Clinton gave the late night talker his second-highest rating in the program’s history, according to network sources.”
( . . . )
Q: I just realized that I was on, on the 13th again. That number thirteen keeps coming up.
( . . . )
Q: (after listening to archive version of the broadcast) (“OH IT”) Oh, it was painful listening to that again. I mean you can tell that I really was struggling with this whole call. I mean I knew it was (near) the end of the half hour so I had to get it all out very quickly. Well I cringed as I heard that. I don’t have anything personal against David Icke. It’s just that he and so many like him don’t place what they share in any kind of spiritual or moral, humanity-loving perspective. They don’t have as good a source as my book, perhaps.
( . . . )
Q: So, obviously, in terms of the “secret government,” they are not hoarding any esoteric information because if they were they would all be socialists. I mean that’s pretty apparent from my experience that I’m attempting to share with the world. . . .
( . . . )
Q: So it’s Friday the 14th. Is that right? It seems like an eternity ago that I was on “Coast to Coast” and it’s only the next day. Anyway, I did get more hits than usual on my website — more than double what I’ve usually been getting. At my P.O. box I keep getting mail for a previous occupant including pamphlets from The Bradford Exchange. To give you an example on something called “The Footprints in the Sand” collection, it says: “One of the most inspiring poems ever written comes to life in this panoramic collection.” Etc. On it (plates), it says:
Q: I’m looking at this page for phone numbers I downloaded from the Internet. I printed it out. And there’s something strange here because there’s this (“B[IG]”) black line between the first time caller number and then the satellite listener number which is the same one. But there’s this strange two words behind the line and it says “Kick Butt.” What?
( . . . )
S: Good morning. “Coast to Coast AM”
Q: Hi.
S: Hi. What’s your first name?
Q: Mark.
S: What was it?
Q: Mark. M — A — R — K.
S: Mark — where are you — got it. And where are you calling from?
Q: I’m calling from the San Fernando Valley here in Los Angeles.
S: And what’s your question or comment for Bob Frissell?
Q: I would like to discuss the ‘secret government’ in connection with the ‘grand unified theory.’ In terms of how that fits into that.
S: The secret government?
Q: Right.
S: All right. Do you mind holding?
Q: Sure.
S: All right. Thanks.
D: . . . (re: evidence for the existence of Atlantis) that. No (or “NO”), the average person doesn’t know anything more than beyond the past 2,000 to 5,000 years. What they’re taught in school.
B: Right.
D: And I was (or “I WAS”) — I was just kind of wondering how you’ve been —
R: Well let’s find out. Bob, what do you know?
B: Well the information I’m bringing forth is coming, of course, inter-dimensionally. But I think the question is what kind of truth do we have? I’m not sure if there’s any real proof at all. I think about the closest we can come is around Bimini which is a real interesting place for another reason.
D: Where is that?
R: Bimini — where the Devil’s Triangle is.
B: Yeah, the Bermuda Triangle area and evidently around in the area of Bimini you can see a road or some structure under the water there.
D: Yes, I’ve seen television —
B: As far as I can tell, that’s about as close as we can come to Atlantis.
D: — on it. Yeah.
R: All right. Well I guess that’s about it, Rod. I appreciate the call. Thanks. We’ve got Gary in St. Louis. Welcome to the Art Bell show.
G: Hi, Rollye. Hi, Bob.
B: Hi, Gary.
G: I’m calling from St. Louis, obviously. My question for Bob is we’ve been reading — my wife and I’ve been reading books by Gregg Braden. I was wondering if you’re familiar with him?
B: Yes, I am.
G: And is he also one of the ascended masters?
B: Gregg Braden is not an ascended master. He’s a person in a third dimensional body who has written a couple of books who does give workshops.
G: Do you think the workshops are worthy of mention or what’s you view on it?
B: Well that’s really not for me to say. He — for sure he’s highly regarded in his field and, you know, you’d perhaps get better feedback from people who’ve taken his workshop. I haven’t taken any of Greg’s workshops but again he’s definitely highly regarded and well respected.
G: Well great and I look forward to picking up a couple of your books.
R: Excellent, Gary. Thanks for the call. All right, we’ve got John in Atlanta. Welcome to the Art Bell show.
J: Hey Rollye, thanks for taking my call.
R: Glad you called again.
J: Good morning, Bob.
B: Hi, John. How are you doing?
J: Pretty good.
B: Good.
J: Are you familiar with the Toltec teachings as recorded by Carlos Casteneda and his other seers affiliated with him?
B: No, I’m not.
R: You’re kidding.
B: Sorry to say, I’m not.
R: I’m shocked. I would’ve thought that that and the Toltecs would’ve been right up your alley.
B: Oh you think I know everything.
R: Yeah, I’ve read this book. It sure seems like you do.
B: Right.
J: Well Bob I highly suggest you check the information out. It parallels a lot of what you’ve been saying tonight —
R: Yeah.
K: — about the energy field that surrounds living beings on this plane and how to manipulate that energy and how to become aware of it is crucial to us (“NO”) ascending ourselves.
B: Great.
R: Yeah, right. Thanks for the tip. I appreciate that. Not like you’ve got a lot of time, Bob, but I recommend that too.
B: Okay.
R: Absolutely. I would’ve been sure — because I’ve heard you checked out everybody else.
B: Well it’s coming from two good sources. I’ll check it out.
R: Yeah. I think you’ll like it. Mark in (BEEP/the valley — San Fernando) welcome to the Art Bell show.
Q: Good evening, Rollye. Well, of course, my take on the “secret government” can be summed up in just two words: self-interest.
R: (small laugh)
Q: And the “grand unified theory,” for that matter, is God I believe. But what I wanted to comment on is that I’ve been hearing a lot of, at best, secondhand information tonight, if not downright disinformation. And for three years now Art has been covering me up—as well as Whitley and Hilly—and my website And I just wonder if these are all military disinformation people? Or what’s happening? Because when you hear names like David Icke being thrown around — and these are the same guests that come in week in and week out. People like Ed Dames. They must be —
R: Well I . . .
Q: — on some government payroll somewhere because they don’t say anything that’s usable.
R: (terminates call) Okay, Mark, I wish I was on a government payroll because the checks aren’t that regular. But I can at least speak on Bob Frissell because when I was talking to the Premiere people the other day, they said, “Who do you want on?” And I said, “Well I was in Gene’s Books in the King of Prussia Mall and I ran across this guy Bob Frissell. Never heard of him but it’s an interesting book.” And they said, “Okay, you want him? You got him.” So I guarantee you at least on my part —
Q: (I didn’t know I was off the air) Well that’s because —
R: — and if you get to know me, you’ll know I don’t lie about this. They didn’t coerce me to have anybody.
Q: (off air) Right.
R: They just told me I had to have someone. I got to pick him though.
Q: (off air) But you don’t know about my own book because — (it’s been covered up)
R: So I wish that I could go with your theory that this is some type of a government cover-up but, like I say, when the government starts mailing me checks, I’ll let you know. All right, well our guest is Bob Frissell. Government’s been mailing you checks, Bob?
B: (no answer)
R: I don’t think so. All right, I think Bob’s off the payroll too. But we’ll continue to take your calls of your own free will. We won’t mail you any money but we will pick up the toll. That’s about it. You know the 800 numbers. If not, you’ll get them again. Nothing In This Book Is True But It’s Exactly How Things Are and Something In This Book Is True are the two books. There’s a video. There’s an 800 number which we will be giving you again and questions? Oh, we’ll tackle anything. As you can tell. On the Art Bell show. Art returns tomorrow. I’m Rollye James in for Art on the Premiere Radio Network.
Q: (speaking into tape recorder) Well that was short and sweet, wouldn’t you say? I can’t believe how quickly she terminated my call. That’s proof of something, if you ask me.
( . . . )
M: To talk with Rollye, by golly: from west of the Rockies, dial (gives number); east of the Rockies (gives number); the wild card line is open at (gives number). This is “Coast to Coast AM” with Rollye James for Art Bell on the Premiere Radio Networks.
(bumper music is “Miracles” performed by Jefferson Starship)
R: Indeed. Our guest is Bob Frissell and we will be back to him with your questions. Nothing In This Book Is True But It’s Exactly How Things Are and Something In This Book Is True and the video “Nothing To Something” — all available from (gives number). But I wanted to address Mark’s allegations and I’m sure he has an agenda and that’s not the part I’m addressing. I don’t care either way because I got in on the middle of that, obviously. But it’s come to my attention from several of you over the years that there’s this prevailing thought that somehow talk radio is content-controlled. And I’m here to tell you (it) is not. Never, with one notable exception and that was the KLBJ case that many of you know about — a lawsuit that I had to file where I won copious quantities of dollars for them firing me over content — with the exception of that, never has content come into the equation when I’ve left a job or been asked to leave a job. Either way. It just isn’t something that is relatable or relative to the equation that most people operate under. That’s not to say there are not people who probably won’t hire me because of my content. That’s possible. More likely, they didn’t hired me because of my quote/unquote “act” because of the whole persona. But never once has anybody at any radio station where I’ve worked with the exception again of KLBJ said anything about what I said on the air, how I said it. Oh sure, the format and all that, which we can get into, but even my bumper music — I mean nobody’s even complained about “Holy Ghost” by The Bar-Kays — a fine bumper as far as I’m concerned. And (“MY”) my bumper music’s pretty well out there and some of you are probably glad you’re not hearing it. But it’s ratings-driven and the key is entertainment, as far as everybody I know is concerned. PBS is pretty boring stuff to most of us, as far as those initials go, and the bottom line to all this is being able to get the most listeners you can so you can sell the commercials for the highest amount of money. In other words, when you get right down to it, we’re nothing more than a vehicle to deliver that commercial message. And that’s the business end of it. Now, of course, from my standpoint, the entertainment end of it is not so much that I’m willing to say anything I don’t believe. I mean I’ve proven time and time again I’m not going to do that. Whatever I say is absolutely within my beliefs or I don’t say it. But I don’t go on the air trying to make political points, per se, or try to educate the populace, per se. I go on the air trying to relate to you who are listening, probably alone, maybe at this hour at home in bed, maybe driving down one of the interstates. But as far as I’m concerned we’re having a one-on-one communication here and if I can relate to you like that and get you through the night and entertain you, then I’ve done my job as far as I’m concerned. And it’s not about, “Gee, did I change your mind? Did I give you information that you can use?” Whatever. And so every time I hear people who say, “You know, it’s controlled.” If it was going to be controlled, I’d be the first they’d control and it’s never happened. Not to say that there aren’t formats—there are—and when I fill in around the country — and, by the way, let me add that when I filled in around the country I’ve never had a station say to me or a network say to me, you know, “Well, you know, those views just won’t cut it here.” It just doesn’t come down. What does happen and should happen is I’ll be told, “This is our format.” For instance, on the Art Bell show, obviously we’re going to be dealing with the paranormal because Art has made quite a name for himself in that genre and it would be inappropriate that we deviated dramatically from it. And so we don’t. Art also — his program relies fairly heavily on guests each night and so that’s something that on my own shows I usually don’t do but, again, it makes a lot of sense because you are not here to hear me. And I don’t believe that for a minute. You’re here to hear Art and he’ll be back tomorrow night. And so it’s my job to make you as comfortable while he’s out signing his books, which he did a great job on and he’ll tell you all about it. But in terms of anybody saying a word to me about content, it doesn’t happen. And that’s the end of the lecture but I know that’s a pervasive thought. Not to say that I don’t agree that it sure looks like the newspapers are controlled, it sure looks like the evening news is controlled — I mean I’m with you. I don’t understand it either. But I guarantee you from the bottom of my heart, talk radio is not controlled. At least, not that way. Now, is it controlled by virtue of ‘if they don’t agree with your viewpoint, they don’t hire you’? Very possibly. I can’t speak to that. I mean that may be a real big reason why I haven’t got certain jobs. I do know I’ve turned down certain contracts because of what’s in them in terms of their right to control or their desire to control. I’ve ended certain interviews because I—with perspective employers—because I saw that it was going in that direction. But I’ve worked in thirty-two cities and if the only time I encountered it was KLBJ, Mark and the rest of you, put your fears to rest. It’s about entertainment. And we’ll come back and, hopefully, entertain you. On the Art Bell show with Rollye James from the Premiere Radio Network.
( . . . )
R: This is the Art Bell show. I’m Rollye James, in for Art Bell. Our guest is Bob Frissell and your questions — Sherry in Orange County, California, welcome to the Art Bell show.
H: Thank you very much. Good evening.
R: Thanks for calling.
H: Whatever your opinion is on this topic, it certainly has been interesting and very thought-provoking.
R: Talk up a little for me though Sherry.
B: Sherry, I can barely hear you.
R: Yeah.
B: In fact, I can’t hear you.
R: Okay so yell at us.
H: I’m sorry about that. I’m just curious, Bob, are you familiar with Paramahansa Yogananda?
B: Yes, I am.
R: Me too. I’m a member.
H: Oh me too.
R: Oh yeah. SRF member.
H: Oh excellent. Well I’m now an even bigger fan of yours.
R: Oh well thank you. (“I”)
H: I wonder is he considered an ascended master?
B: Yogananda, I don’t — well, interestingly enough, when he quote/unquote died, his body didn’t decay, right?
H: That’s right.
R: In 1952. That’s right.
B: Yeah.
R: March 15th, I think.
B: Yeah. A real, real special person, to say the least. In the category of ascended masters, good question. (I’m) not sure about that . . .
Q: Well this is ridiculous. I mean if I’d had a chance to speak and, obviously, Rollye did not give me a chance to speak, I might have talked about the point that what does all of what Bob have to say deal with useful information? I mean what point or use does this information have, this New Age gobbledygook based upon beliefs of Drunvalo and Bob, who have absolutely no hard, verifiable evidence to support their claims that have nothing to do with any kind of Christian—or any religion—morality, which of course I’ve already defined in my other conversations in terms of ‘we always know.’ (“IF”) Information is from a good source if it’s positive and beneficial. And if it isn’t, well then we know something else.
( . . . )
Q: Listen to what music’s playing again after this half hour.
R: . . . coming up in moments. I’m Rollye James in for Art Bell who will be back tomorrow night on the Premiere Radio Network.
I want to live.
M: To purchase cassette copies of this program, dial (gives number).
I want to give. I’ve been a miner for a heart of gold. It’s these expressions I never give That keep me . . .
(“Heart of Gold” performed by Neil Young)
Q: I hope Rollye listens to her broadcasts or maybe I’ll send her a transcript of what she said. But it’s so funny when people talk about how radio shows aren’t controlled via their content when they’re designed to be “entertainment.” I mean that is my biggest fear. I mean how direct do you have to be? She talked about how the show is a paranormal show and, of course, if I’m not a paranormal guest then who is? I offer firsthand evidence with proof. What more needs to be said?
( . . . )
Q: Thursday. On my way to the gym I saw words on license plate holders with the word ‘evil’ in them like “Valencia.” So I guess last night I was a little bit too judgmental. But I don’t really know what to say, after all. Anyway, it just shows that I’m human and not Angel. Now I have to listen to it (check to see when exactly the line was disconnected).
( . . . )
Q: So last night I thought it was laughable that comment about “rating-driven.” I mean there’s just no way a small proportion of people can accurately reflect the entire nation I think. There should be a class action suit here, if you know what I mean. I think it’s unconstitutional, as I’ve said so many times before. I mean the best for the government to control entertainment is by infiltrating the ratings system and, of course, today Matt Drudge in his ‘Sludge Report’—that’s what I call it—is reporting that last night “Hillary Rodham Clinton gave the late night talker his second-highest rating in the program’s history, according to network sources.”
( . . . )
Q: I just realized that I was on, on the 13th again. That number thirteen keeps coming up.
( . . . )
Q: (after listening to archive version of the broadcast) (“OH IT”) Oh, it was painful listening to that again. I mean you can tell that I really was struggling with this whole call. I mean I knew it was (near) the end of the half hour so I had to get it all out very quickly. Well I cringed as I heard that. I don’t have anything personal against David Icke. It’s just that he and so many like him don’t place what they share in any kind of spiritual or moral, humanity-loving perspective. They don’t have as good a source as my book, perhaps.
( . . . )
Q: So, obviously, in terms of the “secret government,” they are not hoarding any esoteric information because if they were they would all be socialists. I mean that’s pretty apparent from my experience that I’m attempting to share with the world. . . .
( . . . )
Q: So it’s Friday the 14th. Is that right? It seems like an eternity ago that I was on “Coast to Coast” and it’s only the next day. Anyway, I did get more hits than usual on my website — more than double what I’ve usually been getting. At my P.O. box I keep getting mail for a previous occupant including pamphlets from The Bradford Exchange. To give you an example on something called “The Footprints in the Sand” collection, it says: “One of the most inspiring poems ever written comes to life in this panoramic collection.” Etc. On it (plates), it says:
Footprints in the Sand
One night a man had a dream. He dreamed he was walking along the beach with the Lord. Across the sky flashed scenes from his life. For each scene, he noticed two sets of footprints in the sand, one belonging to him and the other belonging to the Lord.
One night a man had a dream. He dreamed he was walking along the beach with the Lord. Across the sky flashed scenes from his life. For each scene, he noticed two sets of footprints in the sand, one belonging to him and the other belonging to the Lord.
Q: This reminds me of something that I read in the Bell Witch case.
When the last scene in his life flashed before him, he looked back at the footprints in the sand. He noticed that many times along the path of his life there were only one set of footprints. He also noticed that it happened at the very lowest and saddest times in his life.
This really bothered him and he questioned the Lord about it. “Lord, you said that once I decided to follow you, you would walk with me all the way. But I have noticed that during the most troublesome times in my life there is only one set of footprints. I do not understand why when I needed you most you would leave me?”
This really bothered him and he questioned the Lord about it. “Lord, you said that once I decided to follow you, you would walk with me all the way. But I have noticed that during the most troublesome times in my life there is only one set of footprints. I do not understand why when I needed you most you would leave me?”
Q: Isn’t that sound like something that Art Bell would say?
The Lord replied, “My precious child, I love you and I would never leave you. During your times of trial and suffering when you saw only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you.”
Q: So there’s no attribution to this poem. It’s probably something that most people know about but I don’t know. If this was the kind of thing that filled my book, I’d probably be selling millions and millions of copies and I wouldn’t even need to be on the Art Bell show. And, of course, this is the kind of thing that would still keep me from being a guest, if you know what I mean, on the Art Bell show. However, I’ve never been very big on anything categorically heart-warming or sentimental in a society plagued with as many injustices as our own. As always, my book remains a chronicle of my own failures and unfortunate choices along with my successes and good choices (although sometimes I change my mind and have had to change categories for some of these). I still would love to be on Hilly’s show some Saturday. . . . I definitely am willing to discuss any poor choices I might have made in the past. I went through that whole period where I was seeing a lot of stickers and license plate holders saying such things as “Psycho Bitch From Hell” and “Super Bitch.” Currently, I am at a calm and more gentle place in my life as better illustrated, perhaps, by my calls to Phillip and Barbara, rather than my three brief calls to Hilly and Rollye. I am grateful for any kindness extended to me, especially by members of the media as I am quite aware of the gamut of difficulties under which they operate. If Art and his associates allowed me to be a guest on the show, they will be accomplishing something that few members of the media have accomplished to date and I have contacted hundreds if not thousands; and this would always be a substantial triumph and breakthrough that no one could ever deny. One of my most important messages for people—and that includes talkshow hosts—is that every day, we each are faced with the decision to operate from love or from fear. My case is convincing proof that the greatest Power is God’s Love and our own trust in Them; while the greatest obstacles are always based on fear.